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B.K. Sch. Mgmt. M/E

Use of Telecommunication Networks:
e.g. Internet, Intranet, Extranet etc. cut cost, Real
Time business, Shorten response time, Support e-
commerce, Develop online operational process,
Improve customer Service, Develop new products &
services, Improver collaboration of workgroup.
Internet Provides Synthesis of computing &
communication capabilities that add value to every
part of the business cycle
Internet Service Provider: [ISP]
 ISP is a co. that provide access to internet to

individuals & organizations.

 ISP gives you a software, Package, user name,

Password and access phone number.

 Then log onto the Internet. Brows the World

Wide Web & send & receive e-mail.

 Provide direct connection to large co. from co.’s

network to internet.
 Internet Applications :
 E-mail, Messaging, Browsing the sites on World

Wide Web, News groups & Chat room.

 E- mail messages arrive in few seconds/minutes

anywhere in the world.

 Take form of Data, Text, Fax & Video files.
 Internet Browser software like – Internet

Explorer, Netscape Navigator enable users to

surf the World Wide Web.
INTERNET: Application….Contd..
Strategic Business Application:
 Collaboration among business partners Provides;
 Customer – Vender supports,
 E- Commerce Business: Use of Internet

Technologies for Marketing Sales, Customer

Relationship Management [CRM] application
 Cross functional applications.
 Application in: Engineering, Manufacturing,

Human Resources , Banking, Accounting.

 The Internet is a vast network that
connects computers all over the world.
Through the Internet, people can share
information and communicate from
anywhere with an Internet connection.
INTERNET:- Contd….
 Definition:
 A worldwide system of computer
networks -- a network of networks in
which users can get information from any
other computer.
INTERNET:- Contd….
 Features of Internet:

Accessibility. An Internet is a global

service and accessible to all, Easy to Use.
Interaction with Other Media., Low Cost.,
Extension of Existing IT Technology.
Flexibility of Communication. ,Security.
INTERNET:- Contd….
 Components to the Internet:
 There are three components to the

 e-mail, Usenet newsgroups, and the

World-Wide Web.
INTERNET:- Contd….
 How it works?
 Hardware and Software Infrastructure that

provides Connectivity between Computers.

Simply, the "Internet is a network of
networks", where two or more than two
computers are connected through a wired
or wireless network for sending and receiving
data - such as text, video, songs, etc.

 LAN, MAN, and WAN
 Network allows computers to connect and

communicate with different computers via any

medium. LAN, MAN, and WAN are designed to
operate over the area they cover. There are
some similarities and dissimilarities between
them. One of the major differences is the
geographical area they cover
Other Types of Computer Networks
 PAN (Personal Area Network)
 SAN (Storage Area Network)
 EPN (Enterprise Private Network)
 VPN (Virtual Private Network, Wi-Fi,

Broadband., DSL.
 LAN covers the smallest area;

 MAN covers an area larger than LAN

 WAN comprises the largest of all.

 Data transmits at a very fast rate
[computers linked is limited]
 Inexpensive hardware (Such as hubs, network

adapters & Ethernet cables). LANs cover a

smaller geographical area (Size is limited to a
few kilometers) & privately owned. Use for an
office building, home, hospital, schools,
 Easy to design and maintain
 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) –
 Covers a larger area than that of a LAN
 Smaller area as compared to WAN.
 Connects two or more computers that are apart

but reside in the same or different cities

 May serve as an ISP (Internet Service Provider
 Devices used for transmission of data through

MAN are Modem and Wire/Cable.

 Wide Area Network (WAN) –
 A computer network that extends over a large

geographical area,
 Connecting to other LANs via telephone lines &

radio waves & limited to an enterprise (a

corporation or an organization) or accessible to
the public. The technology is high speed and
relatively expensive.
Types of WAN
 Two types of WAN:
 Switched WAN & Point-to-Point WAN.
 WAN is difficult to design and maintain.
 A Communication medium used for WAN is PSTN or
Satellite Link.
 WAN’s data rate is slow about a 10th LAN’s speed since
it involves increased distance & increased number of
servers and terminals etc. Speeds of WAN ranges from a
few kilobits/second (Kbps) to megabits/second (Mbps).
Propagation delay is problems. Devices used for the
transmission of data through WAN are Optic wires,
Microwaves, & Satellites
 Advantages of LAN over MAN and WAN
 LAN’s provide excellent reliability, high data

transmission rate, manage easily, shares

peripheral devices. Local Area Network cannot
cover cities or towns and for that Metropolitan
Area Network is needed, which can connect a
city or a group of cities together. for connecting
a Country or a group of Countries one requires a
Wide Area Network.
 Thanks

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