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Phylum Mollusca

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Phylum : Molusca

K. O. K. Popoola
• The name ”Mollusc” is from Latin word
meaning soft body
• They are the largest phylum with 80,000
sps living and 15 fossil sps
• Highly diverse with wide varieties like ;
snails, calms. Squids and octopus
• Biologically successful; found in fresh
water, sea and land
• They of high economic values; food,
defoliators vectors, jewellery and currency
Characteristics features of Mollusca
• Triploblastic,

• bilaterally symetrical,

. non-metamerically symetrical
Characteristics features cntd’
• Body consist of Head, foot, visceral mass and
Characteristics features cntd’
• The mantle cavity consists of : 2 gills or
ctenidia, the hypobranchial gland,
anus, the kidney opening and oesphradium

(is an olfactory organ in certain molluscs, it

is a chemoreceptor)
• Buccal cavity with unique radula, a toothed
belt used for feeding
• Coelom reduced to cavity of gonad, kidney
and perivisceral
Biology of Mollusca
• Circulatory system: Made up of heart and blood vessels
with 2 auricles and 1 ventricles
• Excretory system: molluscs, have slightly-more-evolved
excretory structures called nephridia. They are tubular or
branched structures in contact with the internal body .
• Nervous system: Circum-pharyngeal ring
Buccal ganglia
Cerebral ganglia
Pleural ganglia
Pedal ganglia
Parietal ganglia
Visceral ganglia
Biology of Mollusca contd’
• Lococmotion; it is highly diverse and it is by;
Gliding, jumping using foot muscles wave

Gliding Jumping

Swimming in
Sea angel
• Swimming in cephalopod through jet proportions
• Use of lateral fins by cuttlefish
• Reproduction : They undergo sexual
reproduction (simple or complex)
- Fertilized egg gave Trochophore larva and
developed to give veliger lavar
- The two larvae forms are typical of Mollusca

Apical tuft (cilia

Prototroch (cilia)

Metatroch (cilia)
Veliger larva
Trochophore larva
• Feeding: Use radula to scrape
rocks at sea to collect microscopic
algae and diatoms
• Scrapped particles are molded
together using mucus and
send to stomach
• In stomach partial digestion
occurs, which is extracellular
• Intracellular digestion occurs in
Digestive Diverticular
Tubules (DDT) Radula in Snail
• The phylum Mollusca consists of 6 classes:
(i) Class Aplacophora (“bearing no plates”) worm-like
(ii) Class Monoplacophora (“bearing one plate”)
primarily, benthic marine habitats.
(iii) Class Polyplacophora (“bearing many plates”) are
commonly known as “chitons”
(iv) Class Bivalvia is a class of marine and freshwater
(v) Class Gastropoda (“stomach foot”) E,g snails, slugs,
nudibranchi and pteropod
(vi) Class Cephalopoda (“head foot” animals) E.g
octopus, squids, cuttlefish, and nautilus.
Economic Importance of Mollusca
• As food to both man and animals
• For pearls and native currencies
• Index of aquatic pollution
• Toxic and can cause food
• Sting is fatal and some are
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