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Upper Limb Skeleton

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‫انقر فوق الرمز إلضافة صورة‬

Joints of upper limb Muratova Zhanara Kochkorovna

Joints of clavicle (collarbone)
1) Sternocalvicular joint ( medially)
2) Acromioclavicular joiny ( laterally)
Sternoclavicualr joint )1

 The sternoclavicular
articulation is a synovial double-
plane joint composed of two
portions separated by an articular
disc which is made from
 The sternoclavicular joint is a
saddle-type joint that allows
movement of the clavicle,
predominantly in
anteroposterior and vertical planes,
although some rotation also occurs.
Cont.. Sternoclavicualr joint

Ligaments of sternoclavicular joint :

 The anterior and posterior sternocla

vicular ligaments are found
anterior and posterior to the joint.
 The interclavicular ligament links
the ends of the two clavicles to each
other and to the superior surface of the
manubrium of the sternum.
 The costoclavicular ligament is
positioned laterally to the joint and
links the proximal end of the clavicle
to the first rib and related costal
Acromioclavicular joint )2
 The AC joint is located at the tip of
the shoulder where the acromion
portion of scapula and clavicle join
 The AC joint is not as mobile as the
large main shoulder joint and only
moves when the shoulder is
overhead or across the chest
 The joint is partly filled with a thick
pad of cartilage, known as the
meniscus, wich allows the joint to Synovial plane joint
Cont.. Acromioclavicualr joint

Ligaments of acromioclavicular joint :

 The acromioclavicular ligament,

which attaches the clavicle to
the acromion of the scapula.

 The coracoclavicular ligament,

which consists of two ligaments,
the conoid and the trapezoid
Glenohumeral joint (a.k.a. Shoulder joint )
 The glenoid fossa of the scapula is a
depression on the head of the
scapula, between the acromion and
coracoid processes. It joins with the
head of the humerus.
 The glenoid fossa is shallow and
contains the glenoid labrum which
deepens it and aids in stability.
 The glenohumeral joint is a
multiaxial synovial ball and socket
 Due to the very limited interface of
the humerus and scapula, it is the
most mobile joint of the human
Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

 The glenoid labrum is a

fibrocartilaginous rim attached around
the margin of the glenoid cavity in
the scapula.
 It deepens the articular cavity, and
protects the edges of the bone.
 It is continuous above with the tendon
of the long head of the Biceps brachii.
Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

Capsule of acromioclavicular joint :

 Capsule surrounds the joint and is

attached medially to the margin of the
glenoid cavity outside the labrum;
laterally it is attached to the anatomic
neck of the humerus.
 The capsule is thin and lax, allowing a
wide range of movement.
 It is strengthened by fibrous slips from
the tendons of the subscapularis,
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres
minor muscles (the rotator cuff
Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

Synovial membrane of acromioclavicular joint :

This lines the capsule and is attached to the margins of the cartilage covering the articular
surfaces. It forms a tubular sheath around the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii. It
extends through the anterior wall of the capsule to form the subscapularis bursa beneath the
subscapularis muscle.
Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

Bursae of acromioclavicular joint :

 The bursa are formed by the
synovial membrane of the joint
 A number of bursae in the
capsule aid mobility:
 Subacromial bursa (between
joint capsule and acromion of
 Subscapular bursa (between
joint capsule and tendon
of subscapularis muscle, also
known as subtendinous bursa of
subscapularis muscle).
Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

Bursae of acromioclavicular joint :

Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

Ligaments of glenohumeral joint :

 Three glenohumeral ligaments exist:
(1) The superior glenohumeral ligament
(SGHL). This ligament resists inferior
translation of the humeral head in the
adducted shoulder.
(2) The middle glenohumeral ligament
(MGHL). This ligament resists inferior
translation in the adducted and
externally rotated shoulder.
(3) The inferior glenohumeral ligament
(IGHL). This resists humeral head
anterior and posterior translation. The glenohumeral ligaments are three
weak bands of fibrous tissue that
strengthen the front of the capsule
Cont.. Glenohumeral joint

Ligaments of glenohumeral joint :

 The transverse humeral ligament
strengthens the capsule and bridges the
gap between the two tuberosities.
 The coracohumeral ligament
strengthens the capsule above and
stretches from the root of the coracoid
process to the greater tuberosity of the
The Elbow Joint
 The human elbow is the summation
of 3 articulations:
1) Humeroulnar joint: the synovial
hinge joint with articulation between
the trochlea of the humeral condyle
and the trochlear notch of the ulna.
2) Humeroradial joint: the
articulation between the capitulum of
the humeral condyle and the
concavity on the superior aspect of
the head of the radius
3) Radioulnar joint: it is a pivot-type
synovial joint with articulation
These 3 articulations, forming 2 different aspects,
between the head of the radius and allow flexion and extension of the elbow, as well
the radial notch of the ulna. as supination and pronation of the forearm and
wrist at the elbow.
Cont.. Elbow joint

Capsule of elbow joint :

 Anteriorly it is attached above to the humerus along the upper margins of the
coronoid and radial fossae to the margin of the coronoid process of the ulna.
 Posteriorly it is attached above to the margins of the olecranon fossa of the
humerus and below to the upper margin and sides of the olecranon process of
the ulna.
Cont.. Elbow joint

Synovial membrane and bursae of elbow joint :

 The elbow joint has a synovial membrane-lined

joint capsule that is contiguous between the
hinge and radioulnar aspects of the joint. The
synovial lining covers the internal surface of
the fibrous joint capsule and the nonarticular
surfaces of the joint that are located
 The major bursa in the elbow joint is the
subcutaneous olecranon bursa, found in the
connective tissue over the olecranon.
Cont.. Elbow joint

Ligaments of elbow joint :

 Medially, the joint capsule thickens to

form the medial or ulnar collateral
ligament, which extends from the
medial epicondyle of the humerus to the
coronoid and olecranon of the ulna.
 The ulnar collateral ligament is a
triangular thickening with 3 main P
bands: the anterior or cordlike band, the O
posterior fanlike band, and the oblique
Cont.. Elbow joint

Ligaments of elbow joint :

 Laterally, the lateral or radial collateral
ligament extends from the lateral humeral
epicondyle and distally blends into the
anular ligament of the radius.
 The anular ligament of the radius wraps
around the head of the radius and attaches
to the ulna anteriorly and posteriorly. The
surface of the anular ligament is lined with
synovial membrane and allows the head of
the radius to rotate inward during
supination and pronation, while
maintaining stability of the radial ulnar
The Radiocarbal joint (a.k.a. Wrist joint )

 The wrist is a complex joint that

bridges the hand to the forearm. It is
actually a collection of multiple
bones and joints. The bones
comprising the wrist include the
distal ends of the radius, 8 carpal
bones, and the proximal portions of
the 5 metacarpal bones.
 All of these bones participate in
complex articulations that allow
variable mobility of the hand. The
hand is capable of 2 degrees of
freedom: (1) flexing and extending,
and (2) deviating ulnarly or radially.
Cont.. Wrist joint

 Ulna is prevented from articulating

with the carpal bones by a
fibrocartilginous ligament, called the
articular disk.
 Together, the carpal bones form
a convex surface, which articulates
with the concave surface of the
radius and articular disk.
 The wrist is an ellipsoid type
synovial joint, allowing for
movement along two axes. This
means that flexion, extension,
adduction and abduction can all The ulna is not part of the wrist joint,
occur at the wrist joint. it articulates with the radius, just proximal to the
wrist joint, at the distal radioulnar joint.
Cont.. Wrist joint

Capsule of wrist joint :

 The fibrous outer layer attaches to

the radius, ulna and the proximal
row of the carpal bones. The internal
layer is comprised of a synovial
membrane, secreting synovial fluid
which lubricates the joint.
 Synovial membrane lines the capsule
and is attached to the margins of the
articular surfaces. The joint cavity
does not communicate with that of
the distal radioulnar joint or with the
joint cavities of the intercarpal joints.
Cont.. Wrist joint

Ligaments of wrist joint :

 There are four ligaments in the wrist joint, one for each side of the joint:
 Palmar radiocarpal - It passes from the radius to both rows of carpal bones.
Its function, apart from increasing stability, is to ensure that the hand follows
the forearm during supination.
 Dorsal radiocarpal - It passes from the radius to both rows of carpal bones. It
contributes to the stability of the wrist, but also ensures that the hand follows
the forearm during pronation.
 Ulnar collateral - Runs from the ulnar styloid process to the triquetrum and
pisiform. Works in union with the other collateral ligament to prevent
excessive lateral joint displacement.
 Radial collateral - Runs from the radial styloid process to the scaphoid and
trapezium. Works in union with the other collateral ligament to prevent
excessive lateral joint displacement.
Cont.. Wrist joint

Ligaments of wrist joint :

Distal Radioulnar joint

 This is a pivot-joint formed between

the head of the ulna and the ulnar
notch on the lower end of the radius.
 The synovial membrane of this
articulation is extremely loose, and
extends upward as a recess between
the radius and the ulna.
 The movements of pronation and
supination of the forearm involve a
rotary movement around a vertical
axis at the proximal and distal
radioulnar joints.
Cont.. Distal Radioulnar joint

Ligaments of distal radioulnar joint :

 Anterior radioulnar ligament: This ligament is a narrow band of fibers

extending from the anterior margin of the ulnar notch of the radius to the front
of the head of the ulna.
 Posterior radioulnar ligament: This ligament extends between corresponding
surfaces on the dorsal aspect of the articulation.
Cont.. Distal Radioulnar joint
‫انقر فوق الرمز إلضافة صورة‬

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