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Lecture 09 - Social Media Marketing

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From Likes to Leads: Interact

with Customers Online
From Likes to Leads: Interact with Customers
Main Topics of this part of the course

• How to convert Likes to Leads: Interact with

customers online
• Social media strategy, planning, and publishing
• Listening and engagement on social media
• Social media analytics and reporting
• Paid social media
From Likes to Leads: Interact with Customers
Main Topics of Today’s lecture

• Social media marketing, its purpose and benefits.

• Five core pillars of social media marketing: strategy,
planning and publishing, listening and engagement,
analytics and reporting, and advertising.
• Difference between paid, owned, and earned social
media marketing.
• Describe how social media marketing fits into the
marketing funnel.
From Likes to Leads: Interact with Customers
• Over 3.5 billion people use social media worldwide. People
spend on average over two hours on social media per day.
• With so many people using social media every day, digital
markets have a great opportunity to attract and engage
potential customers.

• We are going to learn how to create marketing content and ads

on social media platforms and evaluate their effectiveness
using social media analytics data.
What is Social Media?
• Social media is any digital tool that enables users to
create and share content publicly.
• With billions of people on social media throughout the
world, your current and potential customers will likely be
some of them.
• People use social media platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram to stay in touch with
friends and family, share photos and videos, research
products to buy, stay up to date on current events, find
entertaining content to read, and more.
• Social media gives you the opportunity to reach the
maximum number of these people in a variety of different

• We are going to learn how to use social media to guide

customers through the marketing funnel: the path a
Social media marketing

• Social media marketing is a process of creating

content for different social media platforms in
order to drive engagement and promote a
business or product.
• Social media marketing enables you to connect
with your customers and help them better
understand your brand.
The benefits of social media marketing

• Increase brand awareness

• Target new customers
• Build Stronger relationship with existing customers
• Drive traffic to your website
• Generate Leads
• Gain valuable insights
• opportunity for you to learn about your competitors
• cost-effective
Five core pillars of Social Media Marketing

The five core pillars can help you guide an

effective social media marketing campaign:
1. Strategy
2. planning and publishing
3. listening and engagement
4. analytics and reporting
5. paid social media.
• To build a successful social media marketing campaign, you need to
develop an effective strategy, your strategy will define the primary
goals of your campaign.
• You may want to use your marketing efforts to boost brand
awareness, drive more website traffic and sales, provide customer
support, build a community, and beyond.
• The purpose of your social media campaign will also depend on your
broader marketing goals and the goals of your business.
• Your strategy will also include which social media platforms you'll
use. In order to decide which platforms are best for your brand. You
will need to research the platforms most visited by your target
audience and your strategy will outline which types of content you
• You need to find out what types of content your audiences value. Some
• might be interested in educational or inspiring content while others
might prefer to be entertained.
• You'll also need to decide on the formats for the content you post,
such as images, videos, or articles.
• You should be prepared to do some research and a lot of trial
Planning and Publishing
• It's important to have a consistent presence on social
media, this allows your brand to be seen and discovered
by potential customers.
• Scheduling your posts in advance helps ensure you have a
consistent presence. And that you are publishing the
content most likely to attract potential customers.
• When planning your posts, you'll also need to consider
their timing and frequency. When is your audience most
likely to engage with your content, how often should you
post in order to be in their minds but not overwhelm their
• Social media scheduling tools can help you publish your
content automatically at your preferred times.
• Later in the course we’ll see how to create a social media
calendar to help you
• plan and publish your content.
Listening and Engagement
• As you publish more on social media, and your following
grows, mentions of your brand will increase. Potential and existing
customers will comment on your posts, tag you in their own posts or
message you directly. You can learn a lot about how people feel about
your brand through social listening.
• Social listening refers to tracking and analyzing conversations
and trends related to your brand.
• Social listening can help you understand what people think about your
brand, which can inform your marketing and product development
decisions. It can also help you determine your approach to audience
• Engagement refers to how your audience interacts with your brand
on social media. It's when people respond to your social media posts
by taking actions such as liking or sharing them.
• Studying engagement helps you learn what content resonates best
with your audience engagement. Also includes how you interact with
your audience on social media.
• For example, If a customer comments that they love your product, you
can respond with your appreciation. If a customer needs help with an
Analytics and Reporting
• Social media analytics is a process of collecting data from your social
media platforms and analyzing that data to make business decisions.
• Social media analytics tells you how your campaign is
performing, they can help you find out things like:
• How many positive mentions you've got in a particular month or how
many people you're reaching on different platforms from one month
to the next.
• Your analysis of the data you collect can help drive your social media
marketing strategy moving forward.
• After you've collected and analyzed the data, you can share social
• reports with stakeholders to inform them about the results of your
• A social media report is a document that presents relevant data
and analysis about your social media activities.
• You can set up different reports to help you monitor different metrics
such as followers, comments or clicks.
• This can help you improve the performance of your campaigns over
Paid Social Media

• While many of your marketing activities on social

media will involve organic content, you may need to
develop a paid social media strategy as well.
• You'll be able to better control and target your
marketing with paid social media, than with organic
• Social media ads generally allow you to reach a wider
audience than organic posts.
• Paid social media can also help you grow your brand
and broaden your presence on social media.
• The data you gather about the success of your organic
approaches on social media will help you inform your
paid social strategy.
Earned, Owned, and Paid Media
• Implementing all three of these media types into your social media
campaign can help build brand awareness, vary the way your
audience engages with your brand, and increase sales.
• Earned media is a personal or public promotion of a brand or
product by customer.
• Whenever a customer tells a friend, posts on a social media
platform or blog or writes a review about your product, they are
producing earned media for your brand.
• Social media is one of the most powerful marketing channels for
generating earned media.
• Sources of earned social media include customer reviews and
testimonials, mentions and comments on social media platforms,
shares, retweets, and likes of your posts, content about your business
on third party sites, blog posts about your business and user-
generated content related to your business.
• User-generated content, or UGC, is any content created by people
rather than brands. It can include text, videos, images, reviews, and so
Earned Media

• For example, imagine you are running a

social media campaign for a company
that sells socks. If customers post
pictures of themselves wearing your
company's socks on social media, this is
user-generated content and an example
of earned media.
• One of the many advantages of earned
media is that it's organic. Organic social
media is any social media activity that
does not require a paid promotion.
Organic social media will form the
foundation of your social media strategy.
Earned, Owned, and Paid Media

• Owned media is all the digital content a brand fully

• Websites are one of the most common forms of owned
• Sources of the owned social media include, blog
sites, social media profiles like your brands, Facebook
or Instagram profile, and community forums.
• One of the greatest benefits of owned media is that it
allows your company to control the
conversation surrounding your brand on social media.
• When your brand owns a media property, it decides
what type of content to publish, how often to publish
it, and how users can interact with it.
• Owned media also allows you to market specific
products or services on social media.
Earned, Owned, and Paid Media

• Paid media is any form of digital promotion a brand

pays to put online.
• Remember that the fifth pillar of social media
marketing is a paid social media.
• Examples of paid social media include, image ads,
video ads, story ads, and influencer marketing.
• Paid social media allows your brand to reach
customers who are not actively searching for it.
• It can be used to target specific groups of people who
might be interested in your product and services.
• Paid social media can also help promote your content
in order to drive more earned media and direct traffic
to your owned media properties.
The social media marketing funnel
Let's discuss how the marketing funnel can help guide your
interactions with your customers and optimize your marketing
efforts through social media.

• Awareness stage: capture your audience’s attention

• The consideration stage is your opportunity to provide your
potential customer with more detailed information to set you
apart from the competition and help build their trust and
confidence in your brand.
• The conversion stage is when you capitalize on the interest
people have already shown in your brand by remarketing and
offering incentives
• The loyalty stage is a time to continue to nurture relationships
with your customers so you can remain in their minds.

• How social media marketing can benefit your campaigns, because it

can help you achieve goals like increasing brand
awareness, targeting new customers and building relationships with
existing ones, and generating leads.
• Learned about the five core pillars that help guide a successful
social media campaign: strategy, planning and publishing, listening
and engagement, analytics and reporting, and paid social media.
• Discussed the benefits of implementing earned, owned, and paid
social media into your strategy.
• Explored strategies for guiding potential customers through the
marketing funnel using social media

• Although social media is a rapidly changing marketing channel, the

principles and the tactics you'll learn in this course can help
guide your thinking even as the field progresses.

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