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Organizational Planning

Prepared by

Dr/Rehab abou shaheen

Lecturer of Nursing Administration Department
1. Essentioal organizational planning concepts.
2. Purpose of planning and goals
3. Characteristics of good objective
4. Type of planning.
5. Time frame of planning
6. Characteristic of good plan

Planning is the first function of management. All other

management functions – organizing, staffing, directing, and

controlling- depend on planning.

 The nurse manager needs to be familiar with the decision

making process and tools so that he/she can identify the purpose
of the institution, state the philosophy, define goals and
objectives, prepare budget to implement her plans, and
effectively manage her time and that of the organization
Planning defined as deciding in advance what to be

done in future. It is the process of thinking before doing.

It involves determination of goals as well as the
activities required to be undertaken to achieve the goals.
Planning is the first primary function of management,

followed by other functions, Planning is the process of

deciding the objectives to be achieved and selecting the
ways and means of achieving the pre-decided objectives.
Objectives refer to the specific steps
an organization will take to achieve a
desired result. The result is the goal.
Goals are outcome statements that
define what an organization is trying
to accomplish. Goals are usually a
collection of related programs, a
reflection of major actions of the
organization, and provide rallying
points for managers
Purpose of Planning

It gives direction to the organization.

It improves efficiency.
It eliminates duplication of efforts.
It concentrates resources on important
It reduces guess work.
It improves communication and
coordination of activities
Purposes of goals
1. They provide guidance and a unified
direction for people in the organization.
2. Goal can serve as a source of motivation to
employees of the organization.
3. Goals provide an effective mechanism for
evaluation and control.
Characteristics of good objective should
be( SMART)
• Specific – this means it must be clear what the

firm is trying to achieve.

• Measurable – this means that all objectives

should include a quantifiable element.

• Agreed – targets need to be agreed by the

different people who are involved in the process.

• Realistic – a target should always be
achievable. If you set an objective which cannot
be achieved people will not be motivated by it.
• Time specific – all objectives should state
quite clearly when they should be achieved.
Managers need to know exactly how long they
have so that they can plan accordingly.
Types of plans
The three types of planning
Strategic planning
Tactical planning
Operational planning
Strategic planning
Top-level managers formulate long-term
strategic planning to reinforce the
organization's mission and reach strategic
goals. These plans are set by the board of
directors and top management. Strategic plans
are specified for five years period or more;
but circumstances dictate the planning
Tactical planning

Middle management is responsible for

translating strategies into shorter-term
tactics. Tactical plans are often specified in
one-year increments. Ex. Annual budget.
Translating strategic plans into measurable
tactical objectives is important because most
strategic objective is rather vague
Operational planning .
Operational planning is
accomplished by fist-line managers.
Operational planning is most
concerned with budgets, allocations
and schedules.
Time frames for planning

Long-Range Plans: A plan that covers many years,

perhaps even decades, common long-range plans are
for five years or more.
Intermediate Plans: A plan that generally covers
from one to five years. Thus they generally parallel
tactical plans.
Short-Range Plans: A plan that generally covers a
span of one year or less. It affects the manager’s day-
to-day activities.
Benefits of planning:
1. It helps the planner for making decisions regarding to
staffing, building, and equipment and financing
2. It helps on determining the responsibility.
3. It increases the organization stability and ability to
4. It reduces mistake and save time.
5. It reduces unnecessary pressure of employee and
increase the effectiveness of manager.
Barriers of planning
1. Inappropriate goals.
2. Improper reward system.
3. Dynamic and complex environment.
4. Reluctance to establish Goals.
5. Resistance to change.
6. Constraints as lack of resources and
governmental restrictions
Characteristic of good plan
1. The plan should be clear, specific and simple not only
to the planner but also to all using it.
2. It should have stability while providing for flexibility;
it must be capable of adaptation to meet emergencies
or changing situation.
3. It should be economical and realistic in term of its
demands for resources and provides for the utilization
of existing equipment, supplies and personnel.
4. It should provide for analysis, classification of
action and outlines standards of operation.
5. The plan should anticipate and forecast the futures,
planning deals with the future.
6. It should be purposeful in term of organizational
goal and objectives and individual objectives.
7. It should allow for the unique social and political
environment of the organization

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