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A Sociotechnical Model For Understanding Organizational Technology and Knowledge Transfer

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Socialis Series in Social Science

ISSN 2583-1585

Frederick S Sexe, 2021

Volume 1, pp. 32-50
Date of Publication: 26th May 2021
This paper can be cited as: Sexe, F. S. (2021). A Sociotechnical Model for Understanding Organizational
Technology and Knowledge Transfer. Socialis Series in Social Science, 1, 32-50.
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Frederick S Sexe
Adjunct Professor of Quantitative Studies, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester,
New Hampshire, United States
Traditional technology transfer strategies tend to focus on physical organizational assets.
However, these strategies tend to ignore essential social aspects of technology transfer which are
key for organizations to harness the full benefits of these valuable yet usually underperforming
partnerships. This paper will introduce a sociotechnical model for understanding technology
transfer as an emergent result of key interactions between social and technical elements of both
organizations involved. Applying a sociotechnical framework to technology transfer will allow for
the application of sociotechnical concepts and tools with the potential of improving the learning
quality of technology transfer efforts in which both parties will be able to learn from the other
within a sociotechnical context. The paper will begin with a discussion of sociotechnical concepts
within the context of knowledge and technology transfer. Recommendations for using the
information in this paper to improve organizational technology transfer and absorption will be
offered towards the end of the paper. This paper is mainly aimed at managers and knowledge
management professionals although academics interested in technology and knowledge transfer
within a sociotechnical context would also benefit from this paper.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

Knowledge Transfer, Technology Transfer, Knowledge Absorption, Organizational Learning,
Sociotechnical System, Knowledge Sharing, Technology Sharing

1. Introduction
Technologies are an important element of an organization’s innovation capability as they
allow organizations to continuously develop innovations as a response to a changing environment
(Olsson et al., 2010). Evolving environmental conditions affect the validity of existing innovations
(of which technologies are a key driver) such that organizations in fast-paced industries or markets
must constantly innovate to survive. Technology transfer and absorption can therefore be essential
tools that organizations can utilize to remain competitive in highly complex and quickly evolving
scenarios. Many organizations find this strategy difficult to execute effectively due to the tacit
nature of technology and the inability of these organizations to harness these essential knowledge
A sociotechnical systems model can aid managers in understanding and utilizing
technology-related knowledge transfer and sharing strategies. Traditional technology transfer
strategies mainly focus on configuring technical system elements such as explicit knowledge,
processes, and tooling while ignoring social system elements (Salas et al., 2012). The social system
is the only part of the sociotechnical system capable of adapting internal sociotechnical system
elements towards required technologies to accomplish work domain requirements. Organizational
technology transfer strategies which neglect social systems reduce potential competitive advantage
gained through technology development and risks failing to develop needed or desired
technological development the organization requires to remain competitive.
Technologies can also be viewed as both a flow and a thing much like knowledge
(Snowden, 2002). This view of technology as a form of knowledge allows for knowledge transfer
strategies to be applied towards organizational technology transfer. Technologies can also be
viewed as an emergent phenomenon that allows organizational learning and adaptation strategies
to be applied towards improving and evolving existing technologies towards specific context-
driven outcomes. This view of technology counters traditional technology transfer strategies
primarily focused on exploiting technical elements of the technology. These strategies fail to
consider that technologies must be absorbed much like knowledge. Knowledge absorption takes

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

place with organizational learning and knowledge absorption capability and how technologies
apply to organizational goals. These technologies also evolve and flow to become high-level
capabilities and competencies which define the organization’s competitive niche and influence the
variety of strategies an organization can pursue (Boisot, 1999).
The sociotechnical system technology transfer model proposed in this paper provides a
framework for evolving social and technical system interactions into an emergent technological
outcome. The model utilizes key knowledge sharing and transfer strategies within the context of
the technologies through which this knowledge is a subset. The technical system will not be
addressed beyond the key interactions with the social system; this paper assumes that technical
system resources are well defined within existing technology strategies. This assumption will
allow for the paper to focus more on the key sociotechnical elements ignored in traditional
technology transfer strategies and how these interactions evolve into technologies that eventually
lead to competitive advantages and the variety of potential strategies that an organization can

2. The Sociotechnical System Model

The sociotechnical system is defined as a system containing social, technical, and
psychological elements whose interactions are aimed towards a particular set of goals (Vicente,
1999). Note that the psychological elements within simpler sociotechnical models such as the one
used in this paper are defined as behaviors within the social system. The sociotechnical system
model provides a means to understand how organizational social and technical assets are aligned
and interact to achieve team and organizational goals (Pasmore, 1988). These social and technical
systems are separate but interdependent subsystems that are jointly optimized to exploit
environmental factors towards organizational goals (Patnayakuni & Ruppel, 2010). The social
system (which represents individuals, teams, and their behaviors with specific roles aligned
towards sociotechnical goals) and technical system (physical assets such as explicit stored
knowledge and defined processes) are the main sociotechnical model components optimized by
the management function. The management function optimizes these sociotechnical actions
concerning existing sociotechnical capabilities and how they relate to local environmental needs
as defined within a goal (Beer, 1981). The work domain represents key social and technical
interactions aligned towards a defined configuration as defined by the management function.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

Sociotechnical interactions are aligned with technical system elements using social system
behaviors to exploit local environmental factors defined by the management function.
The work domain defines the particular environmental, social, and technical elements and
how they interact and align towards environmental requirements (Pasmore, 1988). These
interactions manifest themselves within the work domain to reflect sociotechnical goals as defined
by the management function. The work domain represents the particular configuration of social
and technical interactions within the context of the sociotechnical system as designed by the
management function to exploit a particular local environmental strategy. Work domain and local
environmental strategy alignment define how technology is configured and absorbed by
sociotechnical elements through organizational learning.
The management function (which resides outside of the sociotechnical system) defines the
work domain through decoding feedback signals from the local environmental (i.e., customer
demands, competitor behaviors, regulatory changes) and sociotechnical subsystem elements
(social system, technical system, and work domain) performance and aligning sociotechnical
resources as required to address any environmental or sociotechnical system changes. It is in this
way that the management system encourages sociotechnical system adaptation and which allows
the management function to exploit environmental factors. The management function influences
social system behaviors through such strategies as goal alignment (in which certain behaviors are
encouraged over others to align internal organizational goals) and artificial scarcity (in which
resources are provided or withdrawn in response to certain desired sociotechnical system
behaviors) while technical system outputs are influenced through making various technical system
resources available to the social system as required (Sexe, 2018).
The local environment represents the higher-level system the sociotechnical system
interacts with (i.e. local system, legal system) outside the direct control of the sociotechnical
system and which influences its behavior (Skyttner, 2010). The environment can be located both
internally (i.e. other teams or divisions vying for resources or customers) and externally (i.e.
governmental regulatory bodies, customer segments, competitors) from the sociotechnical system.
Environmental elements are defined by the management function by identifying desired
sociotechnical system demands concerning environmental demand (which is typically a part of an
overall organizational strategy) and monitoring these external and internal environmental system
factors through feedback mechanisms (Sexe, 2018). These feedback mechanisms provide

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

information used to define its core strategy (which is subsequently used to define the work domain
which is used to align sociotechnical system resources). Feedback from local and external
environmental factors is used by the management function to adjust or define the type and quantity
of product or service (as defined by the work domain) to accomplish defined sociotechnical or
higher organizational goals.

(Sexe, 2018)

Figure 1: Sociotechnical Model

The social system is the only subsystem within the sociotechnical system capable of
adaptation and absorbing systemic variation and variety. The social system does this by adapting
to environmental stimulus and aligning behaviors (at the team and individual level) and interacting
with technical system elements to meet work domain requirements (Sexe in Reis et al., 2018). The
social system uses technical system resources to create sociotechnical inputs as dictated by the
work domain and defined by the management function. These outputs are monitored by the
management function and compared to the desired output to meet environmental demand. The
management function influences the balance between sociotechnical system outputs and local

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

environmental demands through key feedback loops with the work domain and local environment.
It is essential to understand that the technical system is unable to adapt without social system or
management interaction and relies on the social system to achieve work domain and strategy goals
(Sexe in Reis et al, 2018).
The role of the management function is to ensure homeostasis (harmony) between the
sociotechnical system and internal and external environments. The management function
accomplishes this by defining the overall sociotechnical system goal and allocating resources
towards this desired goal. Homeostatic balance is achieved by aligning and allocating both social
and technical system resources based on defined work domain requirements to achieve a particular
goal as defined by either the local (tactical-level goal setting) or high-level management functions
(as part of an overall organizational strategy). The management function monitors organizational
operations at several different levels to ensure a balance between the organization, internal, and
external elements through feedback mechanisms which provide it with the information required to
make critical decisions related to this balance (Beer, 1981).
The design and implementation of feedback mechanisms have a significant impact on
management function ability to provide feedback and resources to sociotechnical entities based on
what is measured (i.e., is what is measured an accurate indication of system performance?), how
it is measured (is the place the feedback is gathered the best place to gather it?), and the speed at
which the feedback is provided (is the feedback still an accurate representation of what it is
supposed to measure?). These factors inadvertently create variation within the system, especially
if the feedback mechanisms are not aligned with the overall system goals that feedback
mechanisms are designed to represent (Skyttner, 2010). This feedback is used by the management
function to provide a model of current system performance and is compared to desired performance
as defined by desired work domain goals. This ‘current state’ is compared to the ‘desired’ work
domain state to allocate and align resources accordingly (Sexe in Reis et al, 2018).
The work domain represents the alignment of sociotechnical resources based on the
requirements of the overall system goal (Pasmore, 1988). The management function uses the work
domain to define desired sociotechnical system interactions and provide outputs to address
environmental demands. This goal is defined through higher-level organizational goals which are
applied to existing local environmental context to define the most desired and likely outcomes the
sociotechnical system is to achieve. This definition is also used by the management function to

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

attenuate complexity by aligning sociotechnical system elements to focus on certain elements of

the environment at the expense of others elements (reducing variety), define desired output levels
within the capacity of the existing sociotechnical system design (matching potential output to
environmental demand), improve sociotechnical system outputs to best imitate desired
environmental demand requirements (reducing variation), or improve throughput to ensure that
sociotechnical system outputs are available to the local environment. These work domain
manipulations are performed with the intent of ensuring alignment between aligned resources
representing the sociotechnical work domain and environmental demand it is designed to exploit.
The management function performs this by monitoring sociotechnical interactions between social
and technical systems and the response of outputs from the environmental system to ensure this
output best addresses environmental demand requirements.

3. Technology, Capabilities, and Competencies

Technologies, competencies, and capabilities are manifestations of knowledge assets
operating at different levels of the organization (Boisot, 1999). Technologies are developed at the
strategic level in response to environmental demands while capabilities are more strategic and are
designed to exploit larger and more complex environmental opportunities. It is important to note
that capabilities suffer from lower context (being strategically defined) concerning technologies
(which are tactically defined) as technologies are developed closer to the local environment. This
tactical focus provides the context which defines how these technologies are developed.
Capabilities are also more complex than technologies due to the increasing number of potential
capabilities a technology may be applied towards. Organizations address this complexity by
defining potential threats and opportunities and identifying technologies needed to address them
while also configuring these technologies into competencies and capabilities. Organizations
reduce this complexity in an attempt to optimize resource utilization by reducing resources
allocated towards those capabilities which do not fit the organization’s desired core competencies
or competitive advantage. These core competencies are aligned into core capabilities which allow
for the most efficient means of developing products and services for environmental entities (i.e.
the customer).
Technologies are used within the context of the management function to align resources
towards desired outputs. For example, an identified need by the local environment may require a

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

new capability to be acquired to provide organizational competence. This identified need results
in the management function seeking technologies which comprise this capability as part of overall
organizational competencies and which will assist the sociotechnical system in achieving desired
outcomes. This technology and subsequent competencies and capabilities are then made available
to other organizational functions and sociotechnical systems within the organization to address
other local environmental demands within their particular context.
Technology can be defined within the context of a sociotechnical model as an emergent
outcome of the application of explicit and tacit knowledge to a particular context or desirable
environmental outcome (Boisot, 1999). These technology outcomes are subsequently synthesized
by organizational elements and configured in either existing or future competencies. Organizations
combine technologies to create or improve organizational competencies by combining multiple
competencies to define organizational capabilities (Boisot, 1999). These three organizational
elements develop through emergent manifestations of knowledge and tangible assets operating at
different levels of the organization. These assets define upper-level elements and organizational
learning to create competitive advantage. Technologies are strategically created using
sociotechnical interactions in which social system elements use tacit knowledge (i.e., experience
and uncodified knowledge) to manipulate technical system towards a particular aim or goal. It is
important to remember that tacit knowledge can only be utilized through direct sharing between
social system entities due to its highly contextual and uncodified nature. Technology development
must therefore use and influence social system ability to exploit tacit knowledge inherent within
its members at both the individual and team level.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

Figure 2. Technology, Competencies, and Capabilities

Technologies are developed at the strategic level through configuring sociotechnical

systems to produce specific types of physical effects (Boisot, 1999). The management function
defines physical effects and aligns organizational resources to exploit perceived opportunities or
preventing perceived threats. These physical effects are defined by identifying work domain
characteristics required to exploit a particular environmental demand or threat (i.e. a restaurant
designing vegetarian dishes, an automobile company developing an electric transmission).
Capabilities are defined within the context of organizational development as strategies in
which multiple technologies are combined with latent organizational and technical skills to achieve
a certain level of performance to produce physical effects (Boisot, 1999). It is important to note
that technology development by two separate organizations can create two different results which
in turn may manifest different competencies within each organization. Competencies are by
definition the application and integration of capabilities towards a strategic goal or plan. These

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

competencies represent the core competencies and competitive advantages through which
capabilities and technologies define the overall strategic focus. Competencies are typically
political and negotiated internally to an organization based on an understanding and development
of a strategy that revolves around them (Boisot, 1999).

4. Knowledge Creation and Sharing

Learning cultures deal with environmental ambiguity and uncertainty through the self-
generation of ideas or exploring new options (Snowden, 2002). These cultures develop innate
mechanisms using strategies using embedded organizational capabilities such as team cognition
interactions to overcome or exploit uncertainty. These mechanisms require an organizational
culture that is comfortable with risk and conflict to be successful as risk-averse organizations may
discourage sociotechnical behaviors required to make effective use of such tools (Salas, et al.,
2012). Organizational cultures comfortable with risk and conflict are more willing to engage in
knowledge sharing and transfer behaviors than more risk-averse cultures since learning and
absorbing new technologies is a form of risk that challenges the status quo.
Knowledge sharing between entities such as organizations and teams also requires a
requisite level of abstraction for both implicit and explicit knowledge exchanges (Snowden, 2002).
A requisite level of abstraction combined with low social distance is required to encourage bi-
directional ‘learning’ for new meaning to emerge between parties as knowledge is shared freely
and openly (Snowden, 2002). This continuous bi-directional knowledge sharing allows for
context-specific and experiential learning to occur in which meaning-based and context-specific
technologies are developed. Knowledge transactions between entities in which an abstraction
imbalance exists results in ‘teaching’ behaviors (knowledge is communicated in one direction
only) with no learning from the side of the teacher (Snowden, 2002). Extreme situations with a
teaching abstraction level and high social distance between the ‘student’ and ‘teacher’ will result
in little or no technology transfer from either side.
Tacit (uncodified) knowledge creation is influenced predominantly by social factors such
as shared language, shared context, trust, and shared identity (Brewster et al., 2020). These social
distance factors have been shown to significantly influence the level of comfort that an individual
or group may have in openly sharing knowledge with others. Extreme instances of high social
distance (in which individuals feel socially distant from others) create scenarios in which team

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

members withholding knowledge from others (both tacit and explicit) as a means of maintaining
their competitive advantage within the team (Brewster, et al., 2020). Technology transfer suffers
from the same vulnerability as individuals from one organization may be less inclined to share
their knowledge with those from other organizations or teams whom he or she may feel threatened.
Team members from the partner organization receiving the technology may feel a similar desire
to withdraw from technology and knowledge sharing agreements if they feel that their openness
may leave them vulnerable to the other organization.
Social transfer (defined as the transfer of knowledge facilitated through social means)
directly influences the amount and quality of knowledge transfer with regards to individual work
domain requirements (and compatibility with partner needs), environmental strategies (alignment
of strategic goals between both the partner and sharing organization), and contextual factors (i.e.
the particular market or demographic being targeted by the technology). More similar or
compatible social transfer factors will allow for more relevant and accurate knowledge being
shared between parties (Salas et al., 2012). Tacit knowledge created and shared between parties is
applied to existing explicit (codified) knowledge resources to influence new technology and
knowledge sharing and creation. Note that in both cases contextual similarity and both
environmental- and work domain-defined knowledge applicable to these factors influence both the
amount and relevance of the technology and knowledge created and shared between parties.
Technology and knowledge sharing and creation are both emergent and context-specific
activities requiring both tacit and explicit knowledge to develop (Sexe, 2018). These knowledge
sources are created using both existing knowledge (i.e. prior contextual experience and previously
designed processes) and context-specific knowledge related to the new technology. A result of this
interaction between contextual and experiential knowledge is an evolved technology containing
advantages over the local environmental factors it is designed to exploit. Figure 3 represents a
technology sharing model which illustrates these factors.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

Figure 3: Technology and Knowledge Creation Model

Organizations attenuate complexity and reduce variability using standardization and
organizational strategies (Boisot, 1999). Organizations that rely heavily on standardized processes
to reduce variation may find it challenging to adopt new technologies which require high levels of
process modification behaviors to execute. Simple explicit knowledge-reliant designs are unable
to absorb complex changes which may discourage social system entities from adopting or evolving
new technologies, especially if these new technologies require high levels of output variation and
required skills and experience related to the existing technologies (Vissers & Dankbaar, 2013).
These types of organizations subsequently find it difficult to adapt to environmental demands and
requirements due to the inability of the social system to modify behavior outside of these defined
processes. Organizations reliant on process and task standardization also find it challenging to
absorb the complexity caused when new technology work domains are introduced (Vissers &
Dankbaar, 2013). An organizational focus on standardized processes and contextual experience
discourages adaptation through a 'this is not the way we do things here' mentality. Explicit

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

knowledge sources also lack the depth of tacit knowledge and are unable to be readily applied to
different contexts as it is a reflective artifact of the tacit knowledge from which it was developed
(Snowden, 2002).

5. Sociotechnical Technology Transfer Model

Viewing technologies within the context of an organization’s competencies and
capabilities aids one in understanding how knowledge-intensive they are. Technologies, due to
their high amount of contextual and tacit knowledge, require a significant amount of social
interaction to develop. This reliance on tacit knowledge means that a technology adoption strategy
focused on exploiting social system interactions would benefit greatly from knowledge transfer
and increase the level and quality of technological adoption and understanding for both parties
(Boisot, 1999).
Inter-organizational knowledge sharing relies on social interactions similar to intra-
organizational knowledge sharing due to the high levels of tacit knowledge involved (Vissers &
Dankbaar, 2013). Large organizations find it difficult to innovate due to their reliance on
standardized and codified processes as a means of reducing variability between organizational
entities. An exception to this rule would be mechanistic organizations using highly standardized
processes which do not rely on tacit knowledge to perform (Boisot, 1999). The technology which
is shared and absorbed must be similar to an organization’s existing technologies and work domain
configurations for technology adoption to be successful. These organizations are subsequently
unable to adapt and absorb new knowledge and technologies because as they rely heavily on
standardized processes as a means to improve repeatability and reduce variability. Organizations
such as this are typically found in industries in which technologies and market demands rarely
change; these organizations subsequently find it difficult to adapt to immediate threats due to an
inability to develop adaptive processes and a culture that encourages their use (Olsson et al., 2010).
Technology transfer is similar to knowledge transfer such that it benefits from double-loop
learning which allows organizations to compare the performance impact of existing technologies
to environmental variables and evolve these technologies to adapt to new environmental
requirements (Olsson et al., 2010). However, this double-loop learning requires high levels of tacit
knowledge transfer which is heavily influenced by social system factors. These social system
factors (identified in figure 4) require interactive, cumulative, and cooperative strategies which

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

may be lacking in organizational technology transfer strategies which rely on explicit knowledge
transfer to accomplish. The lack of a cohesive tacit knowledge strategy such as that provided in a
learning and adaptation 'dual loop' can impede technology and knowledge transfer for a myriad of
reasons such as mistrust, incompatible cultures, and poor communication quality (Sexe, 2018).
The utilization and development of strong social networks both within and between companies can
therefore create a learning context that fosters learning between and within organizations which is
both useful and enriching for both parties by reducing the impact of high social distance and
fostering a learning environment between the two entities (Olsson et al., 2010).
Figure 4 provides a diagram illustrating key interactions between sociotechnical elements.
Note that the smaller sociotechnical system is a recursive representation of the larger
sociotechnical system with the same key elements.

Figure 4: Sociotechnical Technology and Knowledge Transfer Model

Tacit (uncodified) knowledge plays a significant role in technology transfer as it is
responsible for absorbing the knowledge related to new technology and applying it to the particular
context represented in the work domain. Technology transfer relies heavily on tacit knowledge
transfer and its application towards a new work domain context. Organizations may find it easy to

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

absorb explicit knowledge sources (i.e. drawings, documents, processes) but difficult to absorb
high-context tacit knowledge as tacit knowledge relies heavily on contextual learning.
Highly standardized organizational systems with low interdependence between roles and
processes are typically low on tacit knowledge due to a high reliance on explicit knowledge sources
to standardize work domain outputs (Vissers & Dankbaar, 2013). These organizations find it
difficult to absorb complex technologies due to a lack of tacit knowledge-sharing strategies within
the organization to metabolize these new technologies and apply them towards the desired work
domain. Tacit knowledge is only possible through such social conventions as socializing which
allows actors to engage in shared experiences and joint activities requiring proximity to knowledge
sources and learners (Vissers & Dankbaar, 2013). These tacit knowledge activities occur on
personal (person-to-person) and collective (team-based) knowledge-based interactions. These
knowledge-based interactions are highly sensitive to relationship patterns which directly impact
the ability of organizational actors to absorb and apply tacit knowledge towards the development
of new technologies.

6. Recommendations and Future Research Suggestions

Double-loop (also called dual-loop) learning systems such as the team cognitive systems
process resilience model shown in figure 5 can be very effective in improving how organizations
adapt existing technologies based on evolving environmental requirements. Technology and
knowledge transfer between organizations may benefit from implementing a dual-feedback
mechanism as part of a learning and adaptation strategy so that each entity understands how new
knowledge and technology relates to a particular work domain and its environmental demands.
This understanding is key in helping to drive shared understanding between both social systems
(and the larger social network) and developing shared trust between both entities (Sexe, 2018).
These key factors are emergent properties in which each entity defines their particular work
domain while evolving learned knowledge and technology to maximize their work domain
requirements. A shared understanding of work domains between entities will aid each party in
optimizing knowledge creation and transfer while ensuring that it is value-added.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

Figure 5: Cognitive Process Model

Future technology transfer efforts can benefit from traditional sociotechnical system tools
designed to improve social and technical system interactions. These tools can be especially useful
in improving knowledge transfer by simplifying interactions between social and technical system
elements. Work domain and constraint-based task analyses can be used to decompose
technological requirements and ensure both parties understand the resources required and how to
most efficiently align them within and between organizations (Vicente, 1999).
Future sociotechnical system technology application research could improve the
framework presented in this paper by providing organizational decision-makers with an
understanding of how to align technical system resources to exploit social system capabilities. This
research would expand upon the benefits stated in this paper while also improving technology
absorption and transfer outcomes.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

7. Research Limitations
A major limitation of this paper is that it did not address strategies to evolve technologies
into more strategic capabilities and competencies. Organizations seeking a more holistic means of
absorbing technologies as a means to improve overall organizational strategy could benefit from
research that expands upon these other two forms of knowledge. An examination of the
relationship between individual sociotechnical variables and knowledge and technology transfer
effectiveness was also limited in this paper but could help provide an additional layer of
understanding for practitioners seeking to improve internal sociotechnical system variables
themselves. The concepts proposed in this paper shine when managers and practitioners focus
efforts towards understanding complex technology transfer challenges by applying similar and
more readily applicable knowledge assets. This lack of focus on individual sociotechnical system
variables may limit the ability of managers and practitioners to apply improvements to the
sociotechnical system holistically and recursively and may limit its effectiveness.
The sociotechnical technology transfer model ignores specific social system factors
influencing team social and technical performance such as culture and organizational citizenship
behaviors. These limitations influence sociotechnical system performance external of the
behaviors proposed in this model but which may have a significant impact nonetheless.
One of the key shortcomings of this paper is that it does not provide context-specific
applications from a diverse set of industries. Future efforts can apply key concepts from this paper
into existing technology transfer efforts to aid academics and practitioners in understanding how
these concepts apply to different types of industries. The model could benefit from the application
with either existing technology transfer efforts or analysis of previous technology transfer
initiatives. This analysis would provide researchers with effective feedback to both improve model
performance and improve how the model can be applied to different contexts.
An assumption made within the paper was that technical system elements remain static
throughout the technology transfer effort in a bid to simplify the dynamics modeled in this paper
and limit the scope to a more manageable level. However, social and technical system interactions
constantly evolve and change over time due to both social system and managerial engagement.
Future research within the context of this paper could expand understanding of sociotechnical
elements and technology transfer by including technical system influence with both social system
entities and management objectives.

Socialis Series in Social Science
ISSN 2583-1585

8. Conclusion
The dynamic nature of modern business operations requires new thinking on how to
optimize social and technical system capabilities towards organizational objectives. This paper
provides practitioners and researchers with a model which can be used to improve competitive
advantage by leveraging key sociotechnical interactions within and between organizations. This
advantage focuses on treating technology development as an emergent property of social systems
similar to organizational knowledge. The paper focuses on technologies, capabilities, and
competencies as manifestations of knowledge assets operating at different levels within an
organization based on strategic focus and levels of tacit knowledge being leveraged. By aligning
technology transfer with tacit and explicit knowledge the paper will provide a framework for
applying organizational knowledge assets towards key technology transfer initiatives to both
expand existing technologies or absorb key technologies from other companies.

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