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Hyper-Poetry and Textula

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Hyper-poetry and Textula

21 century literature

A presentation by Group 1
What is the definition of

Hyper-poetry refers to the genre

of poetry that is always
produced and presented with
the computer. It involves lines
of verse that appear with links to
footnotes, poetry generators,
sub-poems, or poetry with
images or movement. Hyper-
poetry highly includes visuals.

What makes them considered as 21st century Characteristics What is the difference between poetry and
literature hyper poetry
According to Francois Claude, Tue Nov According to Anur January 6, 2022
08 2011 ,
“Hyperpoetry involves lines of verse that
appear with links to footnotes, poetry
“Hypertext poetry and hypertext fiction
generators, sub-poems, or poetry with
are new genres of literature that use the
images or movement, while traditional
computer screen as medium, rather than
poets handle their language in such a way
the printed page”
that it evokes readers' imagination,
creating visual and other imagery in the
readers' mind”
What is Textula ?
Textula. also known as mobile
phone poetry, text tula is a blend
of the english word text in the
filipino word tula meaning text
poem. It is a poem written in the
form of a text message usually
consisting of one to two stanzas
it consists of four lines with 7-9
syllables each with a same
rhyme at the end of each line.

Origin Characteristics What makes Textula a 21st century

It all started in the year 2005. Every day, Text tula is a mobile phone poetry, short Textula is a poetry genre mastered by
Frank G. Rivera sends poems about his traditional formal verses are used in this Frank Rivera.
opinions, criticisms, economy, politics and form of genre. it is composed of 7 Entire poems are written and read on
happenings in the society to his close syllable count with rhyme scheme aabb, mobile phones. 
friends via text. He inspired some of the abab, abba. The rhyme scheme for textula
Filipino poet writers to do the same thing is very subjective and vague. Traces its origins to traditional tagalog
and it was later on called as Mobile phone form of poetry called Tanaga.
Textula. Text tula or Textula employs
communication technology in the sharing
of tanaga. A short poetry in a form
of tanaga, dalit, and diona that is sent
through SMS on mobile phone with your
friends, families, loved ones, and through
It consists of  4 lines with 7 syllables each.
Thank you for listening!


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