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Speech Writing Process Description Application: High School Students Filipino, Middle Class, and Open in Religion

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Age range: 15-18 years old
Gender: 2(Male):1(Female)
High School Students
AUDIENCE Entails looking into the Filipino, Middle class, and Open
profile of your target in religion.
ANALYSIS audience. Time: 2:00 PM
Venue: School stadium
Occasion: Orientation
Size: Large
The purpose for writing and To inform and persuade
delivering the speech. students to be brave and follow
PURPOSE their passion if they are in to
Online gaming and how can you
It is your focal point of your
TOPIC speech.
start your career on an early age.

Online gaming passion and

NARROWING It means making your main learning how to enter the
idea more specific and professional scene or streaming
DOWN A TOPIC focused. scene.
The stage where you collect /www/us/en/gaming/resources
ideas, information, sources, /want-pro-gamer.html
and references relevant or 2.
DATA to-be-a-twitch-streamer-with-valkia
related to your specific topic.

These are structures that

will help you organize the
SPEECH PATTERN ideas related to your topic. Categorical/Topical

Many people don’t acknowledge
online gaming as a real
profession but did you know that
an average online streamer
income is 250$ every 100
subscribers and the largest prize
pool for professional competition
is $1.3B.

The body will consist these

Finding your motivation, Picking
a game base on your skills,
practice and honing your skills,
climbing the ladder, setting up
the gear needed, agencies that
funds and supports online
gaming, balancing life and
gaming, finding a team and a
good agency, and lastly a having
confidence and the attitude of a
It is a hierarchical list that Video games and online gaming
OUTLINE shows the relationship of as a profession may seem a joke
your ideas. to some people but it will stay as
one of the strongest and
prominent in terms of income
and the enjoyment it gives to
many people regardless of age, It
may seem scary to invest in this
profession but don’t be afraid
because with right preparation
and great understanding of the
community it will lead you to
success and recognition.

 I doubled check my
outline and find some
grammatical errors and
Written speech involves punctuations.
correcting errors in  I fixed the capitalizations
of some of the sentences
EDITING/REVISIN mechanics, such as
in my speech
G grammar, punctuation,
 I read my speech until I
capitalization, unity, feel satisfied.
coherence, and others.

It gives you an opportunity  I tried practicing in

to identify what works and front of the mirror
what does not work for you loudly.
REHEARSING  I tried to record myself
and for your target
audience. in the camera and I did
see some errors.

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