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Aerogel is a type of ultralight material derived from a gel. The liquid component for the gel is replaced with a gas, so the
density is extremely low and the thermal conductivity is also very low.
Properties of this material
Although there’s the word “gel” in the name, its physical properties
How was it developed and how it works
are nothing close to those of a gel. It is solid, rigid and dry. If you An aerogel was first created by Samuel Stephens
press softly on an aerogel, you won’t leave a mark on it, but if you Kistler in 1931 because of a bet with Charles
press really firmly, there will be a permanent depression on the Learned over who could replace the liquid inside a
material. If you press extremely firmly, it will shatter like glass. jam jelly jar with gas without causing shrinkage.
However, despite that, it is very strongly structured. An aerogel can He produced the first aerogel from a colloidal form
have up to 99.8% of air. It contains a lot of air pockets, taking up
majority of the space in the material. Aerogels are very good thermal
of silica gel. It earned the nickname “frozen
insulators because they are mostly composed of insulating gas and smoke” and held the Guinness World Record for
the microstructure prevents net gas movement which will prevent lowest-density solid. It is produced by extracting
heat transfer. They are good conductive insulators because they are the liquid component of gel through supercritical
almost entirely made of out gas. They also are good convective drying or freeze-drying, the liquid will be quickly
inhibitors because air cannot circulate through the lattice. However, dried off without causing the solid shape of the gel
they are bad radiative insulators because infrared radiation passes
through them. Furthermore, aerogel feels dry and acts as a strong
to collapse.

Everyday uses
At first they were marketed as thickening agents, and used in almost everything, from
makeup to paint. They were also used as insulation fro freezers. Monsanto was the first
company to market aerogel’s commercial applications, but because it was too
expensive and time consuming, it gave up on aerogel. Then scientists developed a
process to make the production of aerogels less toxic, which led to more product
possibilities. Silicon manufacturers, home building materials manufacturers and space
agencies like NASA have all put aerogel to use. Aerogel can be found in firefighter
suits, cosmetics, windows, etc. It is also widely used in the clothing industry because
of its thermal insulation and comfort performance .

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