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Aerogel: Properties

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A block of aerogel in a person's hand

Aerogel is a synthetic porous ultralight material derived from a gel, in

which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced with agas.
 The result is a solid with extremely low density[2] and low thermal
conductivity. Nicknames include frozen smoke,[3] solid smoke, solid air,
or blue smoke owing to its translucent nature and the
way light scatters in the material. It feels like fragile expanded
polystyrene to the touch. Aerogels can be made from a variety of
chemical compounds.[4]
Aerogel was first created by Samuel Stephens Kistler in 1931, as a result of a bet[citation needed] with Charles
Learned over who could replace the liquid in "jellies" with gas without causing shrinkage. [5][6]
Aerogels are produced by extracting the liquid component of a gel through supercritical drying. This
allows the liquid to be slowly dried off without causing the solid matrix in the gel to collapse from capillary
action, as would happen with conventional evaporation. The first aerogels were produced from silica
gels. Kistler's later work involved aerogels based on alumina, chromia and tin dioxide. Carbon aerogels
were first developed in the late 1980s.[citation needed]
Aerogel does not have a designated material with set chemical formula but the term is used to group all
the material with a certain geometric structure.[7]

A flower is on a piece of aerogel which is suspended over a flame from
a Bunsen burner. Aerogel has excellent insulating properties, and the flower is
protected from the flame.

Despite their name, aerogels are solid, rigid, and dry materials that do
not resemble a gel in their physical properties: The name comes from
the fact that they are made from gels. Pressing softly on an aerogel
typically does not leave even a minor mark; pressing more firmly will
leave a permanent depression. Pressing extremely firmly will cause a
catastrophic breakdown in the sparse structure, causing it to shatter like
glass – a property known as friability; although more modern variations do not suffer from this. Despite
the fact that it is prone to shattering, it is very strong structurally. Its impressive load bearing abilities are
due to the dendritic microstructure, in which sphericalparticles of average size (2–5 nm) are fused
together into clusters. These clusters form a three-dimensional highly porous structure of
almost fractal chains, with pores just under 100 nm. The average size and density of the pores can be
controlled during the manufacturing process.

Aerogel is a material that is 98.2% air. The lack of solid material allows aerogel to be almost weightless.
The reason for the difference in the composition is the structure of the aerogel. Aerogel has a porous
solid network that contains air pockets, with the air pockets taking up majority of space within the

Aerogels are good thermal insulators because they almost nullify two of the three methods of heat
transfer (convection, conduction, and radiation). They are good conductive insulators because they are
composed almost entirely of gas, and gases are very poor heat conductors. (Silica aerogel is especially
good because silica is also a poor conductor of heat; a metallic aerogel, on the other hand, would be less
effective.) They are good convective inhibitors because air cannot circulate through the lattice. Aerogels
are poor radiativeinsulators because infrared radiation (which transfers heat) passes through them.
Owing to its hygroscopic nature, aerogel feels dry and acts as a strong desiccant. People handling
aerogel for extended periods should wear gloves to prevent the appearance of dry brittle spots on their

The slight color it does have is due to Rayleigh scattering of the shorter wavelengths of visible light by
the nano-sized dendritic structure. This causes it to appear smoky blue against dark backgrounds and
yellowish against bright backgrounds.

Aerogel is an open porous network. The difference between an open porous network and a closed
porous network is that an open porous network allows gases to enter and leave the substance without
any limitation, while a closed porous network traps the gases within the material. [9]

Aerogels by themselves are hydrophilic, but chemical treatment can make them hydrophobic. If they
absorb moisture they usually suffer a structural change, such as contraction, and deteriorate, but
degradation can be prevented by making them hydrophobic. Aerogels with hydrophobic interiors are less
susceptible to degradation than aerogels with only an outer hydrophobic layer, even if a crack penetrates
the surface. Hydrophobic treatment facilitates processing because it allows the use of a water jet cutter.

A 2.5 kg brick is supported by a piece of aerogel with a mass of only 2 g.

Silica aerogel is the most common type of aerogel, and the most
extensively studied and used. It is silica-based, derived from silica gel. The
lowest-density silica nanofoam weighs 1,000 g/m3,[14] which is the evacuated
version of the record-aerogel of 1,900 g/m3.[15] The density of air is
1,200 g/m3 (at 20 °C and 1 atm).[16] As of 2013, aerographene had a lower
density at 160 g/m3, or 13%  the density of air at room temperature.[17]

The silica solidifies into three-dimensional, intertwined clusters that comprise only 3% of the volume.
Conduction through the solid is therefore very low. The remaining 97% of the volume is composed of air
in extremely small nanopores. The air has little room to move, inhibiting both convection and gas-phase

It has remarkable thermal insulative properties, having an extremely low thermal conductivity: from
0.03 W/m·K[19] in atmospheric pressure down to 0.004 W/m·K[14] in modest vacuum, which correspond
to R-values of 14 to 105 (US customary) or 3.0 to 22.2 (metric) for 3.5 in (89 mm) thickness. For
comparison, typical wall insulation is 13 (US customary) or 2.7 (metric) for the same thickness.
Its melting point is 1,473 K (1,200 °C; 2,192 °F).

Until 2011, silica aerogel held 15 entries in Guinness World Records for material properties, including
best insulator and lowest-density solid, though it was ousted from the latter title by the even lighter
materials aerographite in 2012[20] and then aerographene in 2013.[21][22]

Carbon aerogels are composed of particles with sizes in the nanometer range, covalently
bonded together. They have very high porosity (over 50%, with pore diameter under 100 nm) and surface
areas ranging between 400–1,000 m2/g. They are often manufactured as composite paper: non-woven
paper made of carbon fibers, impregnated withresorcinol–formaldehyde aerogel, and pyrolyzed.
Depending on the density, carbon aerogels may be electrically conductive, making composite aerogel
paper useful for electrodes in capacitors or deionization electrodes. Due to their extremely high surface
area, carbon aerogels are used to create supercapacitors, with values ranging up to thousands
offarads based on a capacitance density of 104 F/g and 77 F/cm3. Carbon aerogels are also extremely
"black" in the infrared spectrum, reflecting only 0.3% of radiation between 250 nm and 14.3 µm, making
them efficient for solar energy collectors.

The term "aerogel" to describe airy masses of carbon nanotubes produced through certain chemical
vapor deposition techniques is incorrect. Such materials can be spun into fibers with strength greater
than Kevlar, and unique electrical properties. These materials are not aerogels, however, since they do
not have a monolithic internal structure and do not have the regular pore structure characteristic of

Metal oxide[edit]
Metal oxide aerogels are used as catalysts in various chemical reactions/transformations or as
precursors for other materials.

Aerogels made with aluminium oxide are known as alumina aerogels. These aerogels are used as
catalysts, especially when "doped" with a metal other than aluminium. Nickel–alumina aerogel is the most
common combination. Alumina aerogels are also being considered by NASA for capturing hypervelocity
particles; a formulation doped with gadoliniumand terbium could fluoresce at the particle impact site, with
the amount of fluorescence dependent on impact energy.

One of the most notable difference between silica aerogels and metal oxide aerogel is that metal oxide
aerogels are often variedly colored.

Aerogel Color

Silica, Alumina, Titania, Clear with Rayleigh scattering blue or

Iron Oxide Rust red or yellow, opaque

Chromia Deep green or deep blue, opaque

Vanadia Olive green, opaque

Neodymium Oxide Purple, transparent

Samarium Oxide Yellow, transparent

Holmium Oxide, Erbium Oxide Pink, transparent

Organic polymers can be used to create aerogels. SEAgel is made of agar. Cellulose from plants can be
used to create a flexible aerogel.[24]

Chalcogel is an aerogel made of chalcogens (the column of elements on the periodic table beginning
with oxygen) such as sulfur, selenium and other elements. [25] Metals less expensive than platinum have
been used in its creation.
Aerogels made of cadmium selenide quantum dots in a porous 3-D network have been developed for
use in the semiconductor industry.[26]

Aerogel performance may be augmented for a specific application by the addition of dopants, reinforcing
structures and hybridizing compounds. Aspen Aerogels makes products such as Spaceloft [27] which are
composites of aerogel with some kind of fibrous batting. [28]


Silica-based aerogels are not known to be carcinogenic or toxic. However, they are a
mechanical irritant to the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, and digestive system. Small silica particles can
potentially cause silicosis when inhaled. They can also induce dryness of the skin, eyes, and mucous
membranes. Therefore, it is recommended that protective gear including respiratory protection, gloves
and eye goggles be worn whenever handling aerogels. [46]

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