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CNF Module 5

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Evaluating Others

1. Purpose, audience, and tone
These elements deal with the overall effect of your essay and should guide you
throughout your writing. Ask yourself the following questions:
• If I am writing in response to an assignment, does my essay fulfill all the
required elements of the assignment?
• Is my topic too broad or too general?
• Do I state my thesis or main idea early in the paper? If 3

I don't state a thesis or main idea, is it clearly implied so

there can be no mistake about the purpose of my paper?
• Is my thesis or main idea interesting and compelling?
If this is an essay of argument, is my thesis statement
fair? Do I address opposing viewpoints?
• Is my tone appropriate to my audience and purpose?
Does my audience have any special requirements?
• Is my tone consistent throughout the essay?

Sample Footer Text Tuesday, February 2, 20XX

2. Examples, evidence, and details

These are specific details in the

writing process. When you read your
essay, you can determine whether you
have used these elements well by
considering the following questions:

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• Have I adequately developed my thesis or main idea?

Do I use specific details rather than generalities?
• Are my examples and evidence accurate, relevant,
and convincing?
• Do I use quotations appropriately? Is too much of my
paper quoted from other sources? Do I paraphrase
• Do I correctly cite sources for the words and ideas of
3. Structure 6

*use an outline to determine the structure of your paper, but

be aware that you may need to alter it as you write. Keep in
mind the following points:
• do I have a principle of organization? Do I avoid repetition
and digression?
• Is the organization of my writing appropriate to my topic
and thesis?
• Does my introduction catch the reader's attention; does my
conclusion summarize and tie up the loose ends of my paper?

• Are my paragraphs well developed,

unified, and coherent?
• Does one paragraph flow into the next?
Do I use transitions between paragraphs?
• Are my examples, evidence, and details
in the best order? Do I save the strongest
point for last?

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4. Language and style 8

Use a dictionary and thesaurus or your computer's word‐

processing tools to help with language and style. Ask
yourself the following questions:
• Have I chosen my words carefully? Am I sure of
• Is my language appropriate to my purpose, tone, and
• Have I avoided wordy expressions, slang, and clichés?
• Have I avoided jargon and pretentious language?
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• Have I used idioms correctly?

• Have I followed the guidelines of current
English usage?
• Have I avoided sexism in the use of
nouns and pronouns?
• Have I chosen the active over the passive
voice in sentence structure?
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5. Sentence construction 10

Use your editing and revision skills to make sure your sentences are
well constructed. Keep the following points in mind:
• Are my sentences correct? Have I avoided fragments and run‐ons?
• Are my modifiers in the right place? Do I have any dangling
• Do my subjects and predicates agree in number?
• Do I keep constructions parallel?
• Have I avoided short, choppy sentences?
• Do I combine sentences effectively?
• Do I avoid monotony by varying my sentences in length and
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6. Grammar
Use this book to augment your grammar skills and keep in mind the
following points:
1. Have I checked
• spelling (including correct plural forms, hyphenation)
• capitalization
• correct use and consistency of verb tenses
• agreement (nouns, verbs, pronouns)
• pronoun cases
• pronoun antecedents
• use of adjectives with linking verbs
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• comparative degrees of adjectives and adverbs
2. Does my punctuation make my meaning clear? Have I followed
punctuation rules?

• Commas with nonrestrictive elements; no commas with restrictive

• Commas with interrupting elements; with introductory phrases and clauses
when necessary; between series items; between independent clauses
• Correct use of periods and question marks
• Correct use (and not overuse) of exclamation marks
• Correct use of semicolons and colons
• Correct use (and not overuse) of dashes and parentheses
• Correct use (and not overuse) of quotation marks
• Correct use of other punctuation with quotation marks

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1) Know what you want to say. 14

The writer should know the subject, main

point and come up with an outline.
2) Know who your audience.
Knowing the audience is an important feature
of good writing. The better you know
your audience, the more clearly you can
communicate to them..
3) Define unfamiliar words. 15

One simple technique to make your writing clear is to

explain your terms. If you’re going to write an article
that focuses on a particular subject or concept, then be
sure to explain that subject or concept. That way,
readers know exactly what you’re talking about.
4) Make your sentences short.
Short sentences are easier to understand. If you try to
pack a lot of words into a sentence, you lose clarity.
5) Do not use long words. 16

Long words impact clarity. Drop big words

from your writing, and your clarity
6) Be consistent.
People want the same experience every time,
so focus on delivering a steady and consistent


When analyzing the literary elements
used by authors in various genres one
consider the following:
1. Analyze how authors develop complex 18

characters as well as their roles and

functions in a variety of texts.
2. Determine the effectiveness of setting as related
to character, plot, and other key literary elements.
3. Determine the effectiveness of the author’s use
of point of view as related to
content and specific types of genre.
4. Analyze how the author structures plot to
advance the action..
5. Identify major themes in literature, 19

comparing and contrasting how they are

developed across genres.
6. Explain how voice and choice of
speaker (narrator) affect the mood, tone,
and meaning of text.
7. Describe how an author, through the use
of diction, syntax, figurative language,
sentence variety, etc., achieves style.
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