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EAPP Week 4 (Plagiarism and Citation)

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Citation and the APA Format
01 Determine the different forms of Plagiarism.

02 Deduce the importance of citation.

Use the APA format in citing and

03 referencing sources.
How confident
are you that

What is

YES or NO to Plagiarism

Did you make a mistake Did you misinterpret Did you cite many Did you cite a non-
in your citation (wrong or cite a source out of sources correctly but existing source or did
words, wrong author…)? context? not cite others at all? you make up what the
source actually said?

Did you reuse your Did you only change a few Did you copy or
Did you paraphrase
own work for another terms and phrases but purchase another’s
different works and
purpose or keep the rest of the text entire document and
stitched them
publication and not and ideas unchanged take full credit for it
cite yourself? without giving proper credit being your own?
to the author?

It is defined as the copying Verbatim

verbatim of language and ideas in exactly the same words as
of other writers and taking credit were used originally
for them.

search copy paste submit

Presenting someone else’s

Information theft
work or ideas as your own, with
Stealing information or using
or without their consent, by
other people’s ideas and using
incorporating it into your work it as your own.
without full acknowledgement.
7 types of Plagiarism

Paraphrasing Direct

Self plagiarism
Mosaic Citing a non-
existent source

Citation Global

Paraphrasing the most common form of plagiarism;
Plagiarism rephrasing a text without properly
citing the original author.

also known as patchwork or

incremental plagiarism;
Mosaic copying and pasting pieces of
Plagiarism different texts together to create a
new text

Directly copies text A citation is not
from a source and enough when done
pastes it in a incorrectly or
document without Incorrect Citation incompletely.
properly citing the
information Using someone
else’s work while
Direct Plagiarism
passing it off as your
Majority of the own; includes having
structure and words a friend or family
are the same, even member write your
if a couple words essay or paying for
are removed or an essay
Global Plagiarism
Self Making up a
Plagiarism non-existent source
or including
information about a
Turning in a paper source
you already used for
another purpose
which means that it
is no longer a new Citing a non-
and original work existent source

Republic Act No. 10175
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

• “An act defining cybercrime,

providing for the prevention,
investigation, suppression and
the imposition of penalties there
for and for other purposes.”
• Penalties range from imprison-
ment or a fine of PhP50,000 to
imprisonment and a fine of
• Plagiarism can be a cybercrime
especially that nowadays,
people rely too much to the
internet for information.
How is it to

APA Format
Main Source: Barrot, J.S. & Sipacio, P.J. (2016). Communication today: English for academic & professional purposes for senior high school. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
American Psychological

APA style

A writing style and format for academic

documents such as scholarly journal
articles and books. It is commonly
used for citing sources within the field
of behavioral and social sciences.
What is Plagiarism? In minor cases, it
Plagiarism can be defined as using
ideas, data, or any relevant information
In-text can be quotation of a sentence or two,
without quotation marks and without
of another without giving proper credit
or acknowledgment (Standler, 2012).
Citation citation (e.g., footnote) to the true
author. In the most serious cases, a
significant fraction of the entire work
was written by someone else but the
plagiarist removed the author(s),
According to Standler (2012), name(s) and substituted his/her name,
plagiarism occur in small cases, which perhaps did some re-formatting of the
happens when small parts of a text, then submitted the work for credit
passage are used without enclosing 2 FORMS OF in a class (e.g., term paper or essay),
them in quotation marks and citing the
CITATION as part of the requirements for a
degree (e.g., thesis or dissertation), or
a part of a published article or book.

Standler (2012) states that plagiarism Reference:

can be “the quotation of a sentence or Standler, R.B. (2012). Plagiarism in c
two, without quotation marks and
without a citation (e.g., footnote) to the
Reference olleges in USA: Legal aspects of pla
giarism, academic policy. Retrieved
true author” (p. 5). Citation from,
In-text Citation
Guidelines in In-text Citation using
APA Format
Plagiarism can be defined as using According to Sipacio and Barrot
ideas, data, or any relevant information (2014), APA style is required for
of another without giving proper credit business student majors.
or acknowledgment (Standler, 2012).

APA style is required for business

student majors (Sipacio & Barrot,
According to Standler (2012), 2014).
plagiarism occur in small cases, which
happens when small parts of a
passage are used without enclosing
Sipacio, Barrot, and Sanchez (2014)
them in quotation marks and citing the
author... Citation states that the APA style is appropriate
for the fields of nursing and education.
First Citation

Standler (2012) states that plagiarism

can be “the quotation of a sentence or In general, the social sciences employ
two, without quotation marks and this citation style (Sipacio et al., 2014).
without a citation (e.g., footnote) to the
true author” (p. 5). Succeeding Citation
What if the author and/or date of publication
is unknown?

According to
(2017), plagiarism is an act of For unknown date of publication, use
stealing and lying. “n.d.” to stand for “no date”.

For unknown authors, use the NAME The APA style is mostly used
of the website for online sources and
the TITLE for books or articles. in the field of social sciences
(Pudue Owl, n.d.).
Reference Citation
Guidelines in Reference Citations
using APA Format
Referencing BOOKS (with single author)

Romeo, J. (2001). Love language. Quezon City: GIA Publication.

(Year of Place of
Author. Title. Publisher.
publication). Publication:

Versola, S. (1997). Truthful nations. New York City: Bronx Publishers.

Referencing BOOKS (with 2-6 authors)

Dryzek, J.S., & Dunleavy, P. (2009). Theories of the democratic state.

NH: Palgrave Macmillan.

(Year of Place of
Authors. Title. Publisher.
publication). Publication:
Referencing BOOKS (with 7 or more authors)

Plata, S.M., et al. (2006). Research, process and product workbook.

Laguna: Trailblazers Publication.

(Year of Place of
Authors. Title. Publisher.
publication). Publication:
with known authors

Cain, K. (2012). The Negative effects of Facebook on communication.

Social Media Today RSS. Retrieved from

(Year of Name of
Author. Title. URL
publication). Website.
with unknown authors

OWL Purdue University Online Writing Lab. (n.d.) APA style.

Retrieved from

Name of (Year of Title. URL

Website publication).

Volume Issue Pages URL

Gurthrie, K., & McCraken, H. (2010). Reflective pedagogy: Making meaning in

experiential based online courses. Journal of Educators Online, 7 (2),
1-21. Retrieved from

Year of Title of
Author Title
publication Periodical
Reference Citation
MORE Guidelines in Reference
Citations using APA Format
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