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GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio M. Planning (Urban/Infrastructure) 2 Semester

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Master Plan-Indore

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio
M. Planning (Urban/Infrastructure) 2 Semester

“Building Compact Cities”

Studio Incharge Submitted By

(Prof.) Dr. Ashwani Luthra Rishavjot Kaur (2018SPB1810)
Mrs. Pankhuri Bhatia Surabhi Sharma (2018SPB1811)
Mr. Puneet Mehra Vishal Kumar (2018SPB1813)
Manveer Singh (2018SPB1817)
Konica Sharma (2018SPB1819)
Minal Pareek (2018SPB2804)

Guru Ramdas School of Planning

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Scope Introduction
• In the earlier exercise of Town Study for different towns, it was observed that there were many
Theoretical framework Objectives Components
potentials, problems and constraints. The major problems faced by any city arise with the developments Methodology
of the towns, which are due to the rapid urbanization, about 50% of the worlds population lives in
urban areas and India being a less urbanized country still about 30% of the total population resides in
urban areas according to the census 2011.
SWOT analysis Social: Physical:
• To find a concrete solution to the problems of urbanization a proper planning is required which would • Demography • Regional settings
• Social • Planning area
help in planned development of the city, in this context this exercise of MASTER PLAN which is being
• Housing • Physical
pursued by the students of MUP/MIP 2nd semester, in which a Master Plan would be prepared to solve • Land owner ship • Land use
• Heritage & • Urban design
the problems of the concerned town and provide proposals for next 20yrs. conservation • Social infrastructure
• The proposals in each Master Plan should be given under certain city concepts, we would give Economic: • Transportation and traffic
• Industry Environment:
proposals under the lite of principles of COMPACT CITY, for the town “Close Knit Smart-Indore”. • Trade and commerce • Environment
• Informal sector • Disaster
Need for exercise • Tourism
• Land ownership
Harmonized growth Removal of Planning illness

Need for General welfare of the

Healthy environment
Projection and Projections: Requirements:
Exercise • Population • Housing
• Workforce • Social Infra.
• Physical Infra.
Better Accessibility Sustainable development • Commercial
• Transport
• Tourism
Objective of exercise: • Industry

Prepare SWOT and Cross Tabular

Use existing potentials for future developments

Proposals Housing And Slums Physical Infrastructure
Enhance the quality of life Social Infrastructure Transportation

Proposals for Future developments

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Theoretical Framework
Parameters Types of plans
Time scale Vision Plan Perspective Plan Master Plan Development Plan
Long range Long range Long range Medium term plan
(more than 20-25 years) (20-25 years) (15-20 years) (5-7 years)
Legal status Official document but not covered under Official document but not covered under any Statutory document prepared under Official document prepared by competent
any law/act law/act act and approved by state legislature authority under act.

Responsibility Government/ Government/ Development authority/ Development authority/Local planning

Development authority Development authority Local planning authority (M.C.) authority (M.C.)
Nature ` Flexible by nature Flexible by nature (policies are broad based Flexibility in rigidity Rigid document
(policies are broad based and can be and can be changed due to longer horizon (some changes can be made with the (changes not possible as the period is very
changed due to longer horizon period) period) approval of the competent authority) small)

Coverage Broad policies and programmers based Broad policies and programmers based on Specific proposals based on in-depth More towards implementation of projects
on broad studies broad studies studies of each and every aspect of for certain aspects justifying the
human life proposals as laid in master plan.

Scale of thought Broad Broad Comprehensive (all aspects of habitat Focused (concentrates on some or few
(imagination/dream) (imagination/dream) considered) aspects)
Spatial scale Macro level Macro level Macro level Micro level
(regional by nature) (regional by nature) (local planning area) (zone or phase)
Spatial plans prepared to reflect the Spatial plans prepared based on broad estimates Specific plans prepared at spatial level Detailed layout prepared for different
idea/dream done for different aspects to reflect the (RF: 1: 25.000 to 50,000) parcels of land in a zone or phase
(RF: 1: 100,000 to 250,000) perception (RF: 1: 10.000 to 25,000)
(RF: 1: 50,000 to 100,000)
Presentation Text document Text document Text document illustrated by Maps, Text document illustrated by Maps,
(report without illustrations most of the (report without illustrations most of the time) Drawings, Sketches, Illustrations and Drawings, Sketches, Illustrations and
time) Report Report
Public Hardly any public participation Hardly any public participation Public participation through Public participation
participation representatives of the public at Beneficiaries involved at every stage of
limited occasions. planning
Monitoring Periodic appraisal Periodic appraisal Periodic evaluation Annual evaluation
(after 5-7 years) (after 5-7 years) (after 5-7 years)

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Introduction Introduction to Indore
Indore is the largest city of the Central-Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is the commercial capital of Madhya
Pradesh and is also the administrative headquarters of the Indore District and the Indore Division. As a result, the
city has become a hub of industrial, technological and educational activity. The city is distributed over a land area of just 530
Location square kilometres (200 sq mi), making Indore the most
• The geographical location of Indore is 22.2 - 23.05o North densely populated major city in the central province..
Latitude and 75.25 - 76.16o East Longitude.
• Located on the southern edge of Malwa Plateau. Transport Facts
• On average altitude of 550 meters (1,800 ft) above sea level
• It has the highest elevation among major cities of Central Indore is served by  Devi Ahilyabai
India. Holkar Airport, about 8 km from It ranks 1st in with 14 billion GDP in state
• The city is 190 km west of the state capital of Bhopal. the city and 14th in country.
Navlakha Inter State Bus Terminal
Indore Existing Land Gangwal Inter State Bus Terminal Selected as one of the 100 Indian cities to
use Map be developed as a mart city under the
Indore Junction is one of the Smart Cities Mission.
Municipal Area
railway junctions in Madhya
26842 Hectares
Pradesh and serves Indore, the The cleanest city in India under the Swachh
commercial capital of Central India. Survekshan 2017 with the state capital
It consists of 4 main railway Bhopal at 2nd rank
Developed Area Un-Developed Area
16795 Hectares 10047 Hectares

Developed Area is 62.6%of Demography

Municipal area till date
Total population is 21.70 Lakh
out of which urban pop. is 19.64 Literacy rate with 86.73%
Map not to scale

Sex ratio of Indore is 924 females Total Indore is district headquarter

History Yeshwant Club per 1000 males with 5 tehsils

The strong historical background has given the city rich culture
and heritage and it is therefore a popular tourist spot today. The
Population density of 9,718 Number of wards in the municipal
strategic location of Indore has also contributed to its manifold
person sq. km council limit is 85.
development. Rajwada Kanch Mandir
MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Origin of Compact City Concept Introduction to Concept
The term Compact City was first coined in 1973 by George Dantzig and Thomas L. Saaty, two mathematicians
whose utopian vision was largely driven by a desire to see more efficient use of resources .Compact cities were Applicability to Indore
created by the idea of sustainable urban planning in european countries in the late 1990’s.
• Indore is one of the fast developing city of Madhya
What Compact City Fastest Growing city
A compact city is an currently emerged urban planning concept promotes • Indore is highestly populated city of Madhya Pradesh.
• Vast growth of existing metropolitan cities results
• Relatively High density. scattered developments(e.g.)Bangalore, Chennai, Supportive Climatic Conditions
• Mixing of various land use activities. Mumbai etc.,
• Resulted in lack of matching infrastructure, large share
• It provide required infrastructure facilities w in walkable distance . of slums in cities, traffic congestion, and disparities in Supportive Soil Bearing Capacity
• It is otherwise called as “City of Short distance”.  access to urban services, lack of land availability,
pollution and degraded natural environment in cities
Definition • So Compact urban development is the best solution to
meet growing housing demand and for better planned Having highest Population
The Concept of Compact City revolves around the High Density Development without Compromising the quality development.
of life of People. Cities Based on Compact approach may or may not incorporate all dimensions of green city.
Applicability to Indore
This approach solves the problem of externalities such as friction on space(congestion), travel time delays and
losses in economic productivity, air and water pollution, solid waste collection and disposal. The optimum density Proximity Intensive Use of Land
reduces the capital and operating costs of providing public infrastructure and services and improves overall • Multifunctional Landuse
accessibility. Overlapping • Multifunctional Land

Compact City
use in time.

~Why we Guidelines
URDPFI need compact city? Indicators of Compact City Model
Sustainability Transit Oriented
Unplanned development
• Proper distribution of Population Development
• Regional employment growth
(Urban sprawl) Rich Urban 
• Regional productivity by sectors • It provides easy access to
• Controlled Density in built-up areas Landscaping high- quality public
GHG emission by private mode of • Reduce GHG emissions transportation.
transportation  • Public transportation use • Encourages use of non-

• Reduce Vehicle ownership motorised transportation

• Improve Air Quality
Increasing rate of private mode of
transportation • Concentration of urban facilities
• Diversity in land use in urban Area Compact Compact Compact
• Reduce average trip distance and time city model city model city model
Reduction of per capita availability of • Proximity to public transport District Town City
land • Reduce Urban Sprawl

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Guidelines for Compact City Theoretical Framework
Understanding of Compact City related to all principles of Compact Urban planning. Again, these principles are
(Compact City-Process and Guidelines
aimed at providing a framework to guide those involved in the design and development of cities. Although they
Characteristics of Compact city
are intended as general guidelines, these principles are crucial to the process of creating and sustaining cities.
Decision to prepare a Understanding
Centrality Intensity  plan to develop a Compact City
• Base for differentiation in • Revitalization of urban center Compact City Concepts

Starting the
master plan
compact urban patterns • Making the area more
• Creates various approaches  attractive and accessible  Development of aims
and objectives

Contiguity Fine grain Data Collection City Detail Study

• Unity of urban functions in a • Relation between similar and

continual form Guidelines dissimilar activities
Compilation of
• Contiguity between Open • Leads to clustered Data and Analysis
spaces and buildings development   

Getting systematize
Mobility & Requirements
• Relatively high in nature Views received from
• Easily accessibility results Preparing the Compact
Project Approval
• Both population and City Proposal expert and public
highest mobility rate  
dwelling units
Decision to prepare a
Characteristics of Compact city Benefit of Compact city revised plan

• Efficient usage of scarce land • Efficient Use of Land and Urban Containment.
• Reduces travel time between work and • Increase in Number of Ridership for economically Viable Plan approval
home MRTS.
• Low wastage of precious sub-urban • Environment Protection by lowering the climate change
agricultural land emissions.

Taking Action
Plan Implementation Projects
• Saving in per-capita infrastructure • Protection of ecological Diversity, countryside and land for
spending agriculture.
• Lower per capita pollution • Less travelling distances that saves time, Money and fuel Monitoring &
• Integrated approach to solve social consumption per capita. Review
problems. • Improved public health by better water and air quality and by
walking and jogging. Securing Compact City
• Increased Social Interaction leading to safety against crime. Public Policy

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Best Practices
Introduction Introduction
(Ahemadabad , Hunan)
•Location- Hunan in south-central China.
•Location- Ahmadabad
•Land area – 9000msq
•Naturally Ahmadabad has compact structure
•Building area – 1050000msq
•Due to land use transformations after the execution of
•Land area vs. building area is 1%
BRTS network
•Incorporate Residence , office , school , mall , hospital
•The AUDA decided to intensify in and around the
, recreation & sports centers.
•Sky city building has drastically reduced the land
Issues identified Outcomes demand for road and parking lots.

•More traffic congestion •Multifunctional development Benefits

•Increasing rate of private mode of transportation •Accessibility to public transportation by
Conserved 200- hectare green lands
•Lack of availability of land including development along transit corridors
•Introducing the growth •Specific mix of uses along the transit Cut 2000 vehicles
Source-URDPFI Guidelines, 2014.
•Creating employment opportunities corridor Ministry of Urban Development..
Cut 120000 tons of CO2 emissions
•High density development
Sky Tower
The recommendations of the Expert Advisory Hotel
Through urban densification and selective expansion process they achieved high density living in that area
Committee (EAC) for high‐rise buildings
Integration of housing with various activities. Luxury Apartment
•The high intensity of development reduces geographical spread / urban sprawl Top Class
•The height of the building should be linked with Apartment
•Reduces land consumption
the width of the road on which the proposed Medium Class Apartment
•Higher residential densities accommodating more people within the same area and also contribute to more
building is to be located;
social interaction Small Apartment
• Also the distance of Fire Station from the
•Average journey trips become shorter , leading to lower fuel consumption and lower harmful emissions
building so that in case of emergency ,the Mixed Land use
•Urban compaction is needed as a way of combating sprawl and related issues of shortage of land for housing
Fire Tender may reach in the shortest
and loss of agricultural land. Basement
possible time.
MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
COMPACT CITY- City of Short distance Parameters Vision and Objectives
• Periods of decentralization and deconcentration change the patterns
of the suburban areas.
• Placing the different buildings with different activities nearby for better accessibility and function
• The availability of land became an ever-growing issue owing to claims
  mixing the various building heights in order to achieve requirements for proposed density.
made by the rapidly increasing levels of mobility.
• Sustainability is the process of maintaining change in a balanced environment.
• Intensifying the urban form and rendering it compact.
• Effectiveness of mixing of activities to achieve the high • RICH URBAN LANDSCAPE

density. • A future of smart cities will not only affect our working practices, but it will probably change the

• To access the applicability of Compact city concept in Indian way we think. Here, we look at some of the ways in which cities are changing today, and how

context. standard scan help create tomorrow's urban landscape.

• The rejuvenation of existing urban areas through Less car

dependency, low emissions, reduced energy consumption
Increased Social Interaction • More convenient land use pattern reduces the car journeys. Reduces the energy for transportation.
E Lesser congestion. Encouragement of cycling and walking rather than driving.
Efficient Use of Land
Improved public health
F • Easy approach to all the facilities

I Less travelling distances

Close Knit Smart Indore
Environment Protection

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
1.REGIONAL SETTING • Unplanned commercial development along Theoretical Framework
• The average population growth rate of Indore is ranked as second which is 35% and is much less than the major road network including conversion (Problems)
Pithampur which has 276% population growth rate with because the industries is shifting from the of residential areas into shops for trade.
city to Dewas and Pithampur due to which people are migrating from the city. 5.DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS:
• Indore as a district headquarter provides more public services in the town hence the influence leads to • More the Population of town more the vehicular traffic on road, more congestion.
expansion of LPA over time. • Due to increase in Population shortage of Infrastructure, more slum area.
• The most crowds area of the area with no abandoned land or with no land vacancy. • Due to the increase in Population if any festival the whole town is affected.
• Supports trade and commerce with lesser concerns about slums • Increase of Population directly effect on roads, leading to trafic, congestion, fatal accidents etc.
• Demotivating informal sector by regularisation of laws.
• Land Value is comparatively high in the Indore city with respect to other towns. 6.HOUSING :
• With the increase in population of the city, the housing shortage has increased from 20000 housing
units in 1971 to 163569 housing units in 2011. 99% of housing shortage belongs to LIG & EWS
• Accessibility to the villages which is not along the major roads is very poor.
sections of the society.
• Poor infrastructure is there in Planning Area. As the infrastructure is concentrated in the same zone
• Under- utilization of existing Housing Stock as 8.72% of the total housing stock is vacant. Also, only
activities are not well distributed so it is not serving Planning efficiently.
71.55% houses are under residential use. Rest of the houses are being used for purposes other than
• Due to the presence of biggest industrial area in 77 hectares on the Ujjain road North West side of
residential. This adds to housing shortage.
Indore, city is growing in opposite direction; chemical and vegetables oil refineries are high polluting
• Increased pressure on the resources of the Indore city is due to steep increase in number of
industry people are moving away from that area.
households as a result of migration from rural and sub-urban areas.
3.HISTORICAL EVOLUTION AND PHYSICAL GROWTH • Flatted development is negligible as compared to the plotted development in the city. Vertical
• Rajwada being the major node got a sudden growth and today it's the most crowds area of the area expansion of the cities can help in catering the future population because of lack of vacant land within
with no abandoned land or with no land vacancy. the municipal limits for further developing the housing.
• Malwa mills are now the abandoned sites are of no use. • Approximately 60% of the city area has unplanned and haphazard development.


4.EXISTING LAND USE CHARACTERISTICS: • 81% of industries lies in mc limits so they face the restriction for access during day time and which
• In the core area of the city there is commercial area and residential area, congestion problems are
create lots of problems regarding pollution, traffic and health problems for the surrounding land use.
there in that area. Along nalah there is orange type industry which is polluting the surrounding region
• The width of the roads of the industries is inappropriate and that’s why loading/unloading activity is
and water of nalah.
kind of impossible.
• Indore city is developed for promoting the trade and commerce along the Agra-Bombay highway.
• Truck terminals are not adequate for all the industries.
But due to the migration the creation of slums have taken places in last decades.
• The major part of industries is being flourishing on outskirts but these regions are also lacking the
• In the core area of the city there is commercial area and residential area, congestion problems are
facilities like dedicated freight corridors, and other global connectivity.
there in that area.
• Nallah crosses between the residential area which also creates the foul smell. No buffer provided in 8.TRADE AND COMMERCE
between the residential area and nallah. • 81% of industries lies in mc limits so they face the restriction for access during day time and which
• Petrol Pump is situated in the residential area which is not compatible, because there is no buffer create lots of problems regarding pollution, traffic and health problems for the surrounding land use.
provided between them. • The width of the roads of the industries is inappropriate and that’s why loading/unloading activity is
• Electric Sub Station is also present near residential area which can be cause of fire accident, because kind of impossible.
there is no space to evacuate from there as the roads are also narrow in that area. • Truck terminals are not adequate for all the industries.
• Sewerage treatment plant is located near agriculture area which is private and is contaminating the • The major part of industries is being flourishing on outskirts but these regions are also lacking the
agricultural area. facilities like dedicated freight corridors, and other global connectivity.
MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
9.INFORMAL SECTOR Potentials: Theoretical Framework
• All of the street vendors have illegally encroached the space on the road. Vendors use rehire as a mode (Problems & Potentials)
of selling of goods which are accommodated on road causing restriction in vehicular traffic flow.
• The employment opportunities offered by this city has determined the future distribution of
• Buyers use various modes like by walk, public, two wheelers and four wheelers to travel to this
population and will continue in shaping the human settlement pattern in the region.
market but as no market have a designated parking hence out of various modes two wheelers and four
• Indore city is linked by three modes of transportation viz. Road, Rail and Air. Its regional road pattern
wheeler get directly parked on road leads to leads to reduction of functional width of carriage way and
fans out in all directions which makes it the most accessible city of the region.
creates bottle necks results in congestion at major spots.
• Indore is the economic as well as the educational hub of the state and has emerged as the no.1 city not
• Street vendors use a number sources to fulfil the daily water needs as majority of them work whole
only in its region but in the state as well.
day which adds to water needs for drinking as well as cleaning of goods.
• It has been observed that there is a large dependency on MC taps. 2 .PLANNING AREA CHARACTERISTICS
• Dumping of waste in an improper way acts as a breeding place for insects and flies and leads to the • Area within LPA is well connected by Buses.
creation of Eye sours. • High production of vegetables and grains. which increases the economy and also provide
• Major constituent of slow moving traffic hence creates various traffic related problems, such as employment to the local people.
obstruction in free flow traffic, creation of bottlenecks and increased journey time. • To conclude, it can be observed that 45% settlements in local Planning area are well connected. The
10.LAND VALUE: connectivity of the villages increases the scope of development of the villages.
• Land value is higher in the centre which leads to establishment of more commercial areas. As a result 3.HISTORICAL EVOLUTION AND PHYSICAL GROWTH
problems like traffic congestion, on street parking, loading/unloading of goods are more. • The city is blessed with beautiful and massive Maratha and Mughal architecture and thus is important
• As land value is increasing people are moving towards periphery and Increase in land value creates for future tourism development.
slump. • Indore is the economic as well as the educational hub of the state and has emerged as the no.1 city not
11.PASSENGER TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION: only in its region but in the state as well.
• The increase in Population the demand for vehicle will increase. Though The city Indore is still
facing the problem of congestion and more traffic issues.
• The city is very adequately located in between the Agra – Bombay highway to encourage the trade
• Traffic volume on road and noise pollution will increase with the increase in Population.
and commerce in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This has increased the inflow of various potentials like
• .Due to encroachment, effective carriage way decreases and traffic volume increases.
industries, commercials areas etc.
Some of the roads have been encroached by fruit sellers, shopkeepers etc, leading to a one way
• Its location in the center of one of the major hindu shrines i.e Mahakareshwar, Ujjain and
system in places and general chaos all round. The junctions and crossings are poorly designed and
Omkareshwar makes the city a favorable staying spot for the tourists due to which there are a lot of
regulated. In core area, there is no provision for extension of road width.
hotels and dharamshalas in the city.
12.PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE: • Industrial area is present as per the wind direction, because direction of wind in Indore is towards
• Due to increase in population and increase in residential areas there is a difficulty to provide water west, so it does not harm residents with air pollution.
supply to high terrain areas. • The open area in 2011 was 10% which has increased to 15% because, the government land i.e the
• Sewerage network provided in town is not serving he whole town. some of the zones are not linked. land under the municipal government has been acquired for providing the regional parks in southern
• Low housing density having large proportopn of septic tanks and less sewerage network. side of city.
• The city is also the educational hub of the city due to the presence of IIT, IIM, Devi Ahilya
13.SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Vishwavidyalaya, Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC), International Institute of
• Presence of temples on roads leads to traffic congestion and problem of encroachment Professional Studies and college of Agriculture etc.
• Lack of Higher Secondary Schools. • All the major government offices are present within the city on which makes it the administrative
• Lack of Health Facilities. head over all the cities in the region.
MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
• Indore city is linked by three modes of transportation viz. Road, Rail and Air. Its regional road pattern
(a)Potentials of Trade (Potentials)
fans out in all directions which makes it the most accessible city of the region.
• Presence of nearby agriculture areas and locally available wood becomes a Potential for trade as
• The employment opportunities offered by this city has determined the future distribution of
maximum benefit can be earned from these areas.
• Trade and commerce can be enhanced with the availability of grains which constitute major portion
• Area within LPA is well connected by Buses. High production of vegetables and grains. which
or import/export.
increases the economy and also provide employment to the local people.
• Town is having majority of population engaged in trade which acts as a potential for employment
• The city is blessed with beautiful and massive Maratha and Mughal architecture and thus is important
for future tourism development.
• Industries can play an important role for enhancement of trade as it act as backbone of any economy.
• Indore is the economic as well as the educational hub of the state and has emerged as the no.1 city not
• promotion of transportation of goods through railway can be subjected for development as it is a
only in its region but in the state as well.
potential for trade.
• Indore is a city of potentials due to availability of various employment opportunities because of
(b)Potentials of Commerce
industries, I.T and trade and commerce.
• Town is having majority of population engaged in commercial which acts as a potential for
• 87% of the existing housing stock is permanent i.e. walls & floors are made of pucca material. The
employment generation.
remaining 13% of the housing requires up gradation and maintenance.
• Land value i.e. 20,000-1lakh in major commercial areas is more so maximum benefits can be earned
• Industries do trade at national and international level being major production of leather products and
from these areas.
handicrafts. Green industries are dominating in the city which does not cause pollution to the nearby
• Modern mechanisms in the commercial areas such as showrooms can be enhanced.
residential areas. Industries form the economic base.
• 87% of the existing housing stock is permanent i.e. walls & floors are made of pucca material. The • It gives the employment and helps in increasing the household income. The necessary products Or
remaining 13% of the housing requires up gradation and maintenance. Commodities are made available at the door step. Goods are available at very cheap Rate then the
• The walled city area covered under redevelopment schemes is merely 5.3% of the total walled city formal sectors
area and 4% of the total area developed under schemes of Indore Improvement Trust.
• The share of unauthorized housing sector in city housing is 27.98% as compared to approved private 10.LAND VALUE:
sector housing share of 12.53%. • Presence of commercial area along the roads is an activity for source of revenue. Areas having high
• Only 27.33% of the city’s residential area is unplanned, unauthorized and lacking in basic land value have a better scope of development.
infrastructural facilities. • Land value is higher in the centre so there is a chance of concentration of activities which will put
• New colonies along the major radials of the city are coming in a planned way. less pressure on the centre.


• Industries do trade at national and international level being major production of leather products and • Public transport facility is more likely used in th town
handicrafts. Green industries are dominating in the city which does not cause pollution to the nearby • With the respect to Compact city walkable distance city is planned that will encourage walking
residential areas. Industries form the economic base of Indore. rather than using vehicles.
• It has accelerated the economy of Indore. 60% of the working population is employed in industries.
Small scale industries are basically labor intensive industries 86% of the industrial work force gets • In the town the whole Solid waste is collected through garbage collection van, which is privately
employment in small scale industries 6.76% employees working in industry get employment in large owned and are working under Swatch Bharat mission.
industries. • Wet and dry waste are collected from homes and people are educated and aware enough of
• Small scale industry category is dominated by plywood industry.4.52% and 1.83% of industrial work
collecting and storing the waste.
force is getting jobs in micro and medium scale industries respectively.
MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Theoretical Framework
(Norms and Standards)
Town Density Norms Front Setbacks With Respect To Abutting Road Width
Settlement Type Persons Per Hectare Front Setback(m) Width Of Streets Frontaing The Plots Remarks

1.5 Upto 7.5 For building up to maximum height of 7m

Small towns 75-125
3 7.5 to 18 For building up to maximum height of 7m
Medium towns 100-150
4.5 18 to 30 For building up to maximum height of 7m
Large cities 100-150
Metro cities 125-175 6 Above 30 For building up to maximum height of 7m

Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015

Informal Units Commercial Center Commercial Center Hierarchy of Commercial Areas
Category No. of Informal Units Category Population Area Category Area\ No of Hierarchy Population Land
Required 1000perso Shops Served Requirement
Retail trade 3-4 units/10 formal Convenience 5000 1500sqm n (Sqm) Local shopping 15,000 4,600 sqm
shops shopping centre
Local shopping 15000 4500sqm Convenience 220 1 for 110 Community 1,00,000 5 ha
Residential 1 units/1000 pop shopping persons centre
Community centre 1 lakh 5ha
Industrial 5-6 units /employees Weekly market 1-2 location for 0.4 ha Local shopping 300 1 for 200 District centre 5,00,000 40 ha
every 1 lakh persons
Weekly market 1,00,000 0.4 ha
Wholesale trade 3-4 units/10 formal
Organized informal 1 lakh 2000sqm Community centre 600 1 for 200 Informal eating 1,00,000 2000 sqm
eating space persons space
Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015

Categorization Reasoning(pollution
Type Of Industries Based) Type Of Industries Categorization Reasoning(no. Of Type Of Industries Categorization Reasoning(plot Sizes Based)
RED High level of Pollution Workers Based)
Small Scale Industries 159 workers or less
Medium or comparatively(to red) lower level Small Scale Industries 450-1000 sq mts
ORANGE of pollution Medium Scale Industries 160-289 workers
Medium Scale Industries 1000 - 10,000 sq mts
Much lower level or minimum level of Large Scale Industries More than 290 workers
GREEN pollution
Large Scale Industries above 10,000 mts

Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 SOURCE: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015
MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
NORMS AND STANDARDS Theoretical Framework
Development Area Average Densities (Norms and Standards)
The norms and standards are required for analysis and comparison of land use and various facilities
Settlement Type Person Per Heactare
and infrastructure that whether it is sufficient for existing and would be sufficient for future population Plain Area Hilly Area Land use in Specific Zones
of 20-25 years for which master plan is to be prepared. Small Towns 75-125 45-75 Land use Percentage of Plot Area
Medium Town 100-150 60-90 Retail Commercials
Classification of Towns
Large Town 100-150 60-90 Shops 60-70
Sr. No. Classification Sub-Category Population Range Governing Local Authority Parking 5-10
Metro Cities 125-175 -
1. Small Town Small Town-1 5,000-20,000 Nagar Panchayat Circulation 15-25
Source: URDPFI Guidelines Open spaces 10
Small Town-2 20,000-50,000 Nagar Panchayat/ Municipal
Council Wholesale commercial
2. Medium Town Medium Town -1 50,000-1 Lakh Municipal Council Water Supply (Domestic) Shops 56-60
Medium Town -2 1-Lakh-5 Lakh Municipal Council Aspect Medium Town Parking 10-15
Circulation 20-25
3. Large Town ----- 5 Lakh-10 Lakh Municipal Council Domestic use 100 lpcd Open spaces 10
4. Metropolitan Metropolitan City -1 10 Lakh- 50 Lakh Municipal Corporation/ Non Domestic 1% of the total demand
City Metropolitan Planning Committee Industrial Estate
• Fire Fighting 20-25 lpcd
• Public Purpose Industrial plots 60-70
Metropolitan City -2 50- Lakh- 1 Crore Municipal Corporation/
Parking 10-15
Metropolitan Planning Committee
Source: URDPFI Guidelines Circulation 10-15
5. Mega polis ----- More than 1 Crore Municipal Corporation/ Open spaces 5
Metropolitan Planning Committee Area under Components Facilities 5
Source: URDPFI Guidelines Components Area (Acre)
Source: Spatio Economic Development Record
Classification of land use as per size of Town Hotel 2
Sr. Land use Category Percentage of Development Area Library 0.5
Per Capita Demand Of Various City
No. Small Medium Large Cities Metropolitan Cities Museum 0.25
and Mega polis Auditorium 1 Population Per Capita Demand
1. Residential 45-50 43-48 36-39 36-38 Theatre 0.5 Upto 20,000 110lts/day/capita
2. Commercial 2-3 4-6 5-6 5-6 Club 0.5 20,000-50,000 110-150lts/day/capit
3. Industrial 8-10 7-9 7-8 7-8 Petrol Pump 0.3 50,000-2,00,000 150-180lts/day/capit
4. Public/Semi-Public 6-8 6-8 10-12 10-12 2,00,000-5,00,000 180-29lts/day/capita
Bank 2.5
5. Recreational 12-14 12-14 14-16 14-16 5,00,000-9,00,000 29-240lts/day/capita
Police Post 0.5
6. Transport and Communication 10-12 10-12 12-14 12-14 Over9,00,000 240-270lts/day/capita
Post Office 0.5
7. Agriculture, Water Bodies and Balance Balance Balance Balance
Special areas Community Hall 0.5 Source: water supply and sanitary engineering –
8. Total developed Area 100 100 100 100 Electric Sub-Station 0.75 G.S Birdie
Source: URDPFI Guidelines Source: DMP and URDPFI Guidelines

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Theoretical Framework
Social (Norms and Standards)
As Per Urdpfi (%) Domestic (in lpcd)
Infrastructure Category Population Area
Absolute min 70 lpcd Served Requirement
Population Area
Health: Category Desirable 100 lpcd
(Lakh) (Hectare)
General hospital Non domestic Police post 40,000-50,000 0.16 ha
2.5 6
(500 beds) Police station 90,000 1.5 ha
Hospital 450(per bed)
Hospital a(200 No. Of beds exceeding 100
Hospital 1 3.70 340(per bed) Fire station 2 lakh 1 ha
beds) No. Of beds not exceeding 100
Hospital b(80 Fire post 3.4km 0.6 ha
1 1
beds) Hotels 180(per bed) RADIUS
Nursing Disaster management Each city 1 ha
1 20-30 Colleges 135
home/policlinic centre
Dispensary 0.15 0.08-0.12 Restaurants 70(per seat)
Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015
Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015
Categories As Per Urdpfi (%)
Educational facilities Population Area (Hectare.)
Primary schools 500 students 0.4
Educational Ser. Sec. Schools 1000-7500 students 1.60
facilities School With hostel Facility 1 for 90000-100000 population 3.90 Classification Population Local Authority
1 for 1.25 lakh population. 1000-1500
College 4.00 Range
Technical Technical education (a) 500 student, 10 lakh 4 Small Town 1 5000-20000 Municipal Council /
education Technical education (b) 10 lakh, 4 Nagar Panchayat
Professional New engineering college 1500-1700 student 60.00 Small Town 2
20000-50000 Municipal Council /
education New medical college 10 lakh -
Nagar Panchayat
Vocational training centers - -
Social-cultural facilities Population (Lakh) Area (Hectare) Medium Town 1 50000-1lakh Municipal Council
Community room 50000 0.06 Medium Town 2 1lakh-5lakhs Municipal Council
Socio cultural
Community hall/library 15000 0.2 Large City 5lakhs and more MunicipalCorporation
Recreational club 1 lakh 1
Music dance drama centre 1 lakh 0.1

Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015 Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh
Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Standards for Highway Capacity Theoretical Framework
Water Supply for Institutional Buildings
(Norms and Standards)
Domestic In lpcd No. of traffic lanes Traffic Capacity in PCUs per hour for various traffic conditions
Absolute 70 and width flow Roads with no Roads with frontage Roads with free
Desirable 100
frontage access, access but no frontage access,
Non Domestic Per Bead
Hospital 450 no standing standing vehicles and parked vehicles and
No. of beds exceeding 100 340 vehicles, very little high capacity heavy cross traffic Carriage Way Width
No. of Beds no. exceeding 100 Sr. No. Description Width
cross traffic intersections
Hotels 180 (M)
Colleges 135 (per students) 2-lane One way 2400 1500 1200 1. Single lane without Kerbs 3.5
Restaurants 70 (per seat) 2. 2- lane without Kerbs 7.0
(7-7.5m) Two way 1500 1200 750
3. 2- lane with Kerbs 7.5
Source:- URDPFI Guidelines 3-lane One way 3600 2500 2000
4. 3- lane with/ without 10.5
(10.5 m) Kerbs
Water Supply Standards for Parks and Open Spaces
4- lane One way 4800 3000 2400 5. 4- lane with/ without 14
Type of Activity Norms and Standards Kerbs
For Community Facilities @ 45,000 lit/ha./day (14m) Two way 4000 2500 2000
6. 5- lane with/ without 21
For Parks/ Gardens @ 67,000 lit/ha./day 6- lane One way* 2600 2500 2200 Kerbs
For Sports/ Mela Ground @ 35,000 lit/ha./day (21 m) Two way 6000 4200 3600 Source:- URDPFI Guidelines
For the Fire Protection 1% of total demand Source:- URDPFI Guidelines
Source:- Bride, G.S., Water Supply and Sanitation Standards for PCU
Sr. No. Description Width (M)
Hierarchy of Roads 1. Passenger car, tempo, auto , 1.0 1. Minimum free walking width 1.8
ROAD TYPES DESIGN SPEED SPACE jeep, vans, &residential/mixed land use
2. Truck-Bus , Agricultural 3.0 2. Commercial 2.5
1. Urban 80 50-60 trailer
Expressways 3. Shopping Frontages 3.5 to 4.5
3. Motor-cycle , Scooter , Cycle 0.5
2. Arterial Roads 50 50-80 4. Bus Stops 3
3. Sub-Arterial Roads 50 30-50 4. Cycle-Rickshaw 1.5
5. High Intensity Commercial Areas 4
4. Collector Roads 30 12-20 5. Horse drawn vehicle 4.0
5. Local Street 10-20 12-20 6. Bullock Cart 5.0 Source:- URDPFI Guidelines
6. Access Street 15 6-15 7. Hand-Cart 6.0
Source:- URDPFI Guidelines Source:- URDPFI Guidelines

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Population Projections
Urbanized Area Population Projections Projections
According to census of 2011 total population of Indore city is 1994397 and In 2018 it is population of city is
2195274 According to ( MC) for the Preparation of master plan we projected the population of Indore in 2038
with the help of these three methods. Geomatric Increase ,Arithmetic Increase, Incremental Increase.

Geometric Increase Method Arithmetic Increase Method Arithmetic Increase Method

Po= P+nC
p=P{1+(R/100)}T Po= P+nC
P= previous year population
P = previous year population Po= projected population P= previous year population
R=growth rate n= decadal of time
Po= projected population
T= decadal time C= constant rate
For 2023, n= decadal of time •Total population 2018=255045
p= Projected Population P = 2195274 •Total Population 2038=462638
C= constant rate
For 2023 n= 0.5 Work Force Projections ( MC)
C= (1994397-2034285)/5 For 2020,
P= 2195274 Therefore, P2023 = 2211373 P = 346450
R= 36% n= ½
T= 5 C= (289550+346450)/2
Therefore, P2023 = 2560107 Therefore, p = 352120
Similarly, population from
2028 to 2038 is done and shown
in table.

Population Projections of Indore (MC)

Urbanized Area Work Force Projections

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Geometrical Increase Method Arithmetical Increase Method
• Present growth rate is 36%, as per past trends
• It is versioned to increase Population in the town and prevent outflow of the population by increasing the
industrial base & creating employment opportunities.
• With the increase in industrialization & commercialization of Industrial Products, there will be rise in
Employment opportunities which will attract the Population to the town
• Intermediate Public transport system such as Auto etc. will also increase Employment.
Years MC POP Growth Rate Year Projection ( Pn= P(1+ GR/100)^C ) Years MC POP Growth Rate Year Projection ( Pn=P+N(C) )
1971 537000 - 2023 2195274*(1+36/100 )^0.5 = 2560107 1971 537000 - 2023 2195274+ (1*331655 ) =2211373
1981 829327 54.44% 2028 2560107*(1+39/100 )^0.5= 3018322 1981 829327 292327 2028 2211373+ (1*331655 ) = 2211373
1991 1109000 33.72% 2033 3018322 *(1+41/100)^0.5= 3584059 1991 1109000 279673 2033 2211373 + (1*331655 ) = 2213144
2001 1626297 46.65% 2038 3584059 *(1+43/100)^0.5= 4060379
2001 1626297 517297 2038 2213144+ (1*331655 ) = 2213160
2011 1994397 22.63%   The M.C. population for year 2038
according to Geometric Method = 2011 1994397 368100  
2018 2195274 10.07%   4060379 2018 2195274 200877 C=  331655
Year Population Growth Rate Year Population Projection Year Population Growth Rate Year Population Projection (43318)
1991 80797 45.72% 2023 255045*(1+42/100 )^0.5 = 307115 1991 80797 16991 2023 255045+ (1*43318 ) =289427
2001 133235 64.90% 2028 307115*(1+43/100 )^0.5 = 369815
2011 225769 69.45% 2033 369815*(1+44/100 )^0.5 = 445317 2001 133235 25349 2028 289427+ (1*43318 ) =289866
2018 255045 12.97% 2038 445317*(1+45/100 )^0.5 = 535232 2011 225769 52438 2033 289866+ (1*43318 ) =289909
2018 255045 92534 2038 289909+ (1*43318 ) =289914
P = Existing Population P = Existing Population
C= Constant value C= Constant value
N= Time N= Time

Urban Population Urban Population

2018 Population = 2195274 2018 Population = 2195274
2038 Population = 4060379 2038 Population = 2213160
Increased Pop = 1865105 Increased Pop = 17886
Rural Population
2018 Population = 255045 Rural Population
2038 Population = 307115 2018 Population = 255045
Increased Pop = 536232 2038 Population = 289914
Increased Pop = 34869

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Incremental Increase Method

Years MC POP La (422699 ) Lb(184050) Year Projection Pn=P+T(La+Lb)
1971 537000 - - 2023 2195274+1*((422699+184050)=2590674
1981 829327 292327 - 2028 2590674+1*((422699+184050)=2986073
1991 1109000 279673 -12654 2033 2986073+1*((422699+184050)=3381473
2001 1626297 517297 237624 2038 3381473+1*((422699+184050)=3684847
2011 1994397 368100 -149197 422699  The M.C. population for year 2038
according to Incremental Method =
2018 2195274 200877 -167223 184050  3684847


Year Population La(72395) Lb(46267) Year Population Projection
1991 80797 - - 2023 255045+1*(72395+46267)=337510
2001 133235 52438 - 2028 337510+1*(72395+46267)=419974
2011 225769 92534 40096 2033 419974+1*(72395+46267)=502439
2018 255045 29276 -63258 2038

P = Existing Population
T= Time
La = Incremental Increase
Lb = Geometric Increase

Urban Population
2018 Population = 2195274
2038 Population = 3684847
Increased Pop = 1489573
Rural Population
2018 Population = 255045
2038 Population = 561770
Increased Pop = 306725

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Tourist Inflow Projections & Requirements
No. of International Housing
Year No. of Local Tourist Total Avg
Tourist Total Housing shortage 2011= 164000
2012 79,794 4145 83,939   Total Housing shortage 2018= 156000
Existing Population = 2195274
2013 94,666 4236 98,902 17.8% Projected Population = 3389635
2014 95,086 4743 99,829 0.9% Increased Population = 1194361
Avg HH = 6.5
2015 95,422 6312 101,734 1.9%
2016 116,964 8521 125,485 23.3%
2017 147,986 11045 159,031 26.7% No of
Assumed Flat Total
2018 225,388 14072 Income Assumed Plot No of Plotted Flatted
239,460 50.6% HH size % Plotted % Flatted Area(in Sq. Area(ha
Group Area(in Sq. mts) Families Familie
mts) )
Avg 26.0% s
Source:- Indore Town Study Report, 2018
HIG 5 100 0 350 0 12242 0 428.47
The tourist industry of Indore is rapidly increased from last 5-7 years the main reason of this there are many
Tourist spots in Indore. From last 10 years Indore developed very rapidly this is the result it become economical MIG 6 100 0 250 0 19837 520 495.92
hub of central India. It also a commercial hub and famous for street food and night markets it also attract the
the tourists. The growth rate of Indore is increased very fast that’s why we are purposed tourists projections with LIG 6.5 45 55 75 80 6356 7769 60.1
the help of Geometric increase method.
EWS 7 0 100 0 30 0 9716 14.57

Total housing area 999.06

Projected Tourism

Standards(URDPFI Number of
Hierarchy Exsisting Requirement Area in ha
Guidelines) Shops

District Center 1 for 500000 3 7 1 for 300


Community Centre 1 for 100000 14 34 1 for 200

Total Area 120

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Social Infrastructure
Projections & Requirements
Existing Require Total Area
Facility Number Standard (URDPFI) d Gap Area Required
Senior Secondary School 170 1 for 7500 514 344 1.8 619 Facility Existing Standard Gap Assumed Standards Water
School for Physically Challenged 0 1 for 45000 86 86 0.7 60 Number (URDPFI) Strength Requirem
39 ents
College 1 for 1.25 Lakh 31 0 5 0
ITI 11 1 for 10 Lakh 4 0 4 0 Senior Secondary School 170 1 for 1 Lakh 514 1800 45 41634000
Engineering College 18 1 for 10 Lakh 4 0 6 0 School for Physically
Nursing Home 25 1 for 70000 55 30 0.2 6 Challenged 0 1 for 45000 16 400 45 288000
Multi Speciality Hospital 14 1 for 1 Lakh 39 25 9 221 ITI 11 1 for 10 Lakh 0 400 135 0
Veterinary Hospital 0 1 for 5 Lakh 8 8 0.2 2 Engineering College 18 1 for 10 Lakh 1 1500 135 202500
Old Age Home 0 1 for 5 Lakh 8 8 0.1 1 Nursing Home 25 1 for 70000 55 50 135 371250
Community Park 0 1 for 1 Lakh 39 39 5 193 Multi Speciality Hospital 14 1 for 1 Lakh 39 200 450 3510000
District Park 0 1 for 5 Lakh 8 8 25 193 Veterinary Hospital 0 1 for 5 Lakh 1 35 135 4725
Stadium 3 1 for 5 Lakh 8 5 5 25 Police Station 27 1 for 90000 43 25 45 48375
District Level Multi Purpose Post Office 22 1 for 2.5 Lakh 0 20 45 0
Ground 0 1 for 5 Lakh 8 8 4 32 Fire Station 4 1 for 2 Lakh 15 10 45 6750
Police Station 27 1 for 90000 43 16 1.5 24 1 in each
Post Office 22 1 for 2.5 Lakh 15 0 0.5 0 Administrativ
Fire Station 4 1 for 2 Lakh 19 15 1 15 Disaster Management Centre 0 e Zone 1 10 45 450
Bank 40 1 for 15000 217 25 45 244125
1 in each
Disaster Management Centre 0 Administrative Zone 1 1 1 1 Library 0 1 for 5 Lakh 1 15 45 675
Bank 40 1 for 15000 257 217 0.2 43             46310850
Cremation Ground 1 1 for 2.5 Lakh 15 14 1.4 20 Solid waste Management
Library 0 1 for 4 Lakh 10 10 0.7 7 Projected Population 2038 = 3389635
Standards for solid waste generation 0.5 kg/person/day (URDPFI Guidelines)
Total waste generation = 3389635*0.5 = 1694817.5kg , 1694.8 tonne
Physical Infrastructure
Total waste generate in 2038 = 1694.8 tonne
Existing Population = 2195274 Composition % Total ammount
Projected Population = 3389635
Increased Population = 1194361 Kitchen waste 50-55 898.24
Existing backlog = 82012028
Water requirement for increased population = 1194361*135 = 161238735 LPCD
Paper 5 84.74
Total requirement in 2038 = 82012028+161238735= 243250763 LPCD
Plastic 1 16.94

Metal not significant -

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Projections & Requirements
Landuse 2018 Proposed 2038
Assume Assumed
Assummed Increased No. Of Total worker/per Total area
Type Existing % d no of area per
no in 2038 Industry workers unit in hec Name Area(ha) percentage Area(Ha) percentage Total Area percentage
workers unit hec
Residential 15031.5 56 1998.12 46 17029.62 36-38%

Large 100 8 116 16 29000 200-250 250 2.5 40 Commercial 1610.5 6 120.12 3 1730.62 5-6%

Circulation 2684.2 10 385.68 9 3069.88 12-14%

Medium 271 21 306 35 36720 90-120 120 0.5 17.5
3757.9 14 1018 23 4775.9 10-12%
Small 923 71 1036 113 51800 20-50 50 2.75 310.75
Industry 2684.2 10 368.25 9 3052.45 7-8%
Existing Population = 2195274 Recreation 1073.7 4 442 10 1515.7 14-16%
Projected Population = 3389635
Increased Population = 1194361
Total 26842 100 4332.17 100 31174.17 100
Assumed growth rate = 6 %

Parposed Landuse
Housing for Industrial population

Income Faimly Income Assumed No of Total area 9%

Population D.U.R No. of HH
Group Size groups flat Size Blocks (Ha)
46% Circulation
Public/Semi Public
MIG 5.5 20 66660 01:01.2 55550 100 13888 34.72 Recreation

LIG 6 45 149986 01:01.2 124988 80 20831 33.32

9% 3%
EWS 6.5 35 116656 1:01 116656 30 19443 9.72

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-560:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Introduction to Indore

Aspect Proposals Objectives Policies and Programmes Funding Area Agency involved
• Creating pull factors which will create opportunities for tourists • To increase the pull • M.P Tourism
• Rajwada area is main tourist places in the town which has factors that can attract Department
various tourists pots at a walkable distance so tourist circuit are tourists like museums and
created between them in such a way so that it will create interest galleries etc
in visiting places. • Provide all the tourism
• A museum with history of the Holkars and the town is proposed related infrastructure in
which can attract more tourists the town
• Accommodation for tourists must be taken care so we have • To promote eco tourism.
Tourism proposed hotels which will cater the demand of accommodation • To create employment
for HIG or MIG tourist. There is a low budget accommodation for local public.
inside the gurdwara which will cater the need of lower class
tourist There are small dhabas in the town which are not
sufficient for the tourist in flow, also there dhabas are low class
which is a very negative point so we have proposed restaurants
in the town which will cater the demands of tourists.

• High density Land use to provide greater area for parks and open • Reduction of ecological •Work Environment Policy • MPPCB(MP pollution
spaces. footprint. •National water quality monitoring control board)
• Reduction in use of motorized transport to reduce air pollution. • Reduction of carbon programme • Indore development
• Shift of electricity production, from non renewable to renewable footprint. •National ambient air quality authority(IDA)
sources of energy such as solar power. • Improvement of Soil monitoring programme • Central pollution
• Plantation along all roads with trees such as Neem, Tamarind. fertility control board
• Introduction of public transportation system to reduce the • Reduction of pollutants in • Ministry of
requirement of individual vehicles for travel. the air. environment
• Creation of a pedestrian friendly environment to reduce use of • Provision of parks and
fuels, vehicular exhaust, promotion of public transportation for open spaces to act as
Environment longer travel, thus reducing green house emissions. “lungs” for the town.
• Plantation of trees on all vacant lands which are not put to any • To provide a green and
purpose to create a microclimate in the area, reducing the need healthy living
for artificial cooling. environment for the town.
• Recycling, reduction, reuse of waste.
• Reduction in the use of water thus promoting water conservation,
• Awareness about Organic farming techniques thus reducing the
amount of artificial fertilizer in the soil, preventing soil
pollution; providing locally composted manure at cheaper rates.

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
Introduction to Indore

Aspect Proposals Objectives Policies and Programmes Funding Area Agency involved
• Layout for water supply, electricity, sewerage and waste collection is • Clean environment. • JNNURUM 80%Centre Area under
required. • Providing basic • Indore sewerage 20%State is the STP and
• The facilities are to be improved for existing structures. services to residents. project(AMRUT) basic division WTP is • Indore MC
Physical • Planned and end to end services are to be provided to for purposed • Improve existing • National Urban Water Supply of funds in the 12hectares.
Infrastructure structures. facilities and Sanitation Policy state.
• Provision for Water and Sewerage Treatment. • Power for All
• Clean energy Initiative

• Provision for the fulfilment of existing gaps of educational, health and • Services for all • Education for All 50:50 by centre 1460 hacters • Education
recreational infrastructure. • Services within walk and state Department
Social • New infrastructure with growth of population. able distances. • Health Department
Infrastructure • Multi-purpose stadiums. • MC
• Safety infrastructure. • PPP
• Community and regional Parks • Private owners

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University

Aspect Proposals Objectives Policies and Programmes Funding Area Agency involved
• Vacant land in the city need to be occupied & the spread of layouts need to be • Producing small and • Rajiv Gandhi Awas Yojana(RAY)
minimized based on the concept of developing a “compact city”. inexpensive housing for • Pradhan Mantri Awas
• Mixed use need to be regulated in order to manage & mitigate the adverse impact MIG and LIG Yojana(PMAY)
like congestion, increased traffic through efficient circulation & parking provisions • Health and quality of life • Deendayal Antyoday Yojana- • Indore
• Low density of population is to be proposed in periphery areas in open • Economic and social 100% by central 999.06
National Urban Livelihood Development
environment & accordingly the high density in between them. vitality government hectares
Housing Mission  (DAY-NULM) Authority
• Suitable buffer will be provided between industry and industrial housing. • Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban
• Implementation of RAY projects Renewal Mission(JNNURM)
• Provision of housing for LIG and EWS, near their work places.
• Urban design & healthy environment is to be maintained through converging
skyline towards the outskirts for the conical shape of the city structure.
• Medium scale industry will be located in the periphery of the town as land • To improve the • Prime minister's employment • 60% by • Indore
requirements can be easily fulfilled there. economic base of the generation programme (PMEGP) central Development
• Industrial area will include Loading/Unloading and parking area. town. government 381.8 Authority(IDA).
• Warehouses have been proposed to store the finished products from the industry. • To reduce cost in • 40% by state hectares
Industry • Treatment plant has been proposed for the existing and proposed industry to transportation of raw government • Audyogik kendra
reduce its hazardous impact on the soil and water area where it is disposed. material. Vikas Nigam
• To generate Indore(AKVN)

• To make the city pedestrian friendly by providing footpaths along the roads with • Create a livable • Indore
the landscaping and adequate street furniture. environment Development
• Availability of public amenities such as public toilets, garbage bins, bus stops, etc. • Provide landscaping • 50% by Authority(IDA).
at a regular interval. along the roads to reduce central
pollution government
Urban • 50% by state
• Provide related road
Design infrastructure. government
• To maintain skyline

• To prevent
• 50% by State
• We are providing 4 district centers in all directions for make accessible to all the encroachments. • Shop and Establishment Act, government 199 • Indore
Commercial citizens of city. • Up gradation if
• 50 % by hectare Development
• We also provide 20 community centers in city by 2038 infrastructure in the 1954
Activity private Authority(IDA).
existing linear market.

MUP & MIP Rishavjot Kaur Manveer Singh

Master Plan For Indore 2nd Semester
Session 2018-
Surabhi Sharma
Vishal Kumar
Konica Sharma
Minal Pareek

GUU/GIU-561:Planning Studio

Guru Ram Das School of Planning Sheet no.-

Guru Nanak Dev University
1.Equal distribution of development
in order to achieve overall
development of city
2. Homogeneous distribution of density
of Population in order to have a
controlled development.
3. Self sustained sectors are proposed in
order to have less dependency
4. Mixed land use

Compact city model


Compact city model

Development of Super
corridor shall be

Tranport Nagar are

provided at all the routes
towards major cities`

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