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1. Namyalo Claire. 22/U/ARD/1053/GV
2. Nandege Brenda. 22/U/ARD/.
3. Kizito Jade George. 22/U/ARD/
5. Kivumbi Ernest. 22/U/ARD/
It was a post Republican period of
ancient Rome.
It wasfounded when Augustus
proclaimed himself as the first
emperor of Rome in 31BC.
Why was Rome named an empire?
Rome transiitioned from a republic
to an empire after power shifted
away from a representative
democracy to a centralised
imperial authority, with the
emperor holding the most power.
The Ancient Roman Empire is
located in western and central
It included parts of what is now
France, Germany and italy.
After Ceasar' s death war broke
The three ssupporters ofceasar,
Octavian( Ceasar's 18 year old
grand nephew and adopted
son), joiined with an
experienced general Mark
Anthony and Lepidus, a
powerful politician.
In 43 BC, the trio controlled
Rome and ruled for 10 years as
the second Triumvirate.
However, there alliance ended
in jealosy.
As a result, Octavian forced
Lepidus to retire.
Octavian and Mark Anthony
became enemies.a
While leading troops against Romes'
enemies in Anatolia, Mark Antony meet
Queen Cleopatra of Egypt and followed
her to Egypt.
Octavian accused Anthony for plotting
to rule Rome from Egypt which sparked
another civil war.
As result, Queen Cleopatra and Anthony
combined their forces to attack Octavian
in a battle they reffered to as the battle
of Actium in 31BC.
Both Queen Cleopatra and Anthony lost
the battle and committed suicide.
After the battle, Octavian became the
unchalleged ruler of Rome.
He was named Augustus
meaning "exalted one".
From 27BC to 180AD, Rome
was at the climax of it's power
which marked the beginning of
Augustus ' rule.
For about 207 years, peace
reigned through out the
empire.This period of peace is
known as "PAX ROMANA-
During this period, another
activity slowly emerged which
was the practice of a new
religion known as Christianity.
However,early followers of this
new faith would meet with
much brutality and
Empire under Augustus
Achievements of Emperor Augustus
in Rome;
Stabilised the glorified Rome with
splendid buildings.
Created a system of government that
survived for centuries.
Set up civil service. ( Paid workers to
manage the affairs of government
such as grain supply, tax collection
and postal system.
After his death in 14 A.D,the system
he established maintained the
empires' stability. h
Emperors after Augustus
Bad emperors Good emperors
• Nerva (81-96)AD
• Caligula (37-41)AD • -Began the custom of adopting heirs.
• Mentally disturbed • Trajan (98-117)ADEmpire reached its greatest
• Nero (54-68)AD • - Undertook vast building program.
• -Goodadministrator • -Enlarged social welfare.
though vicious. • Hadrian (117-138)AD
• -Consolidated earlier conquests.
• -Murdered many • -Reorganised bureaucracy.
• -Persecuted Christians • Antonius Pius (138-161)AD
• -Reigned largely during a period of peace and
• Domitian (81-96)AD prosperity.
• -Ruled dictatorially. • Marcus Aurelias (161-180)AD.
• --Brought empire to height of economic
• -Feared treason prosperiry.
everywhere and • -Defeated invaders
executed many.i • - Write
Bad emperors of Ancient Rome.
Agriculture was the most
importantindustry in the empire.
Most Romans survived on produce
from local areas.
Adittional foods and luxury items for
the rich were obtained through
During Augustus' reign, a silver coin
called Denarius was used throughout
the empire.
They carried out trade with cities
such as Corinth, CGreece, Ephesus in
Anatolia, Antioch on the Eastern
coast of the Mediterranean , China
and India.
Used a complex network of roads to
link empire to far places such as
Persia and South Russia
The Romans worshipped powerful spirits
called "numina" and were belived to reside
in everything around them.
Close to these spirits were "the lares" who
were guardian spirits for each family.
They gave names to these deities and
honiured them through various rituals
hoping to gain favour and avoid misfortune.
In Rome, governments and religion were
linked in that deities were symbols of the
Romans were expected to honour them
both in private rituals at shrines and in
public worship in temples.
Some of the most important Roman gods
and goddesses were;
Jupiter, father of the gods and his wife Juno
who watched over women.
Minerva, goddess of wisdom and of the
arts and crafts.ndi
During the empire, worship of the emperor
became part of the official religion in Rome.
They were an important part of Roman life.
Most slaves were brought back by victiorious
Roman armies.
According to the Roman law, slaves were
property of the owner and could be bought and
Wealth and social status made a huge
difference in how people lived.
Social classes had little in common.
The rich lived extravagant lives.
Most people in Rome had the necessities of life.
(During the time of the empire, most of the
city's population was umemployed As a result,
the governmensupportedthesepeople with
daily rations of grain.loedf
Rome had great temples and public
Poor people werecrowded into rickety,
sprawling tenements that were in
constant danger of fire.
In order to control Roman masses, the
government provided free games, races,
battles and gladiator contests.
By 250AD, thete were 150holidays a
year which where celebrated in a
colloseum, a huge arena that could hold
50,000people bith rich and poor alike.
The spectacles they watched combined
bravery, honour, cruelty and violence.
In the animal shows, wild creatures
brought from distant lands eglions,
tigers, bears etcfought to death.
In other contests,gladiators engaged in
combat with animals or with eachother
often until one of tbem was killed.
Reasons for the collapse of the
Roman Empire.
Economic Political
• Gap between therich and poor
• No purchasing power ( few members of
• Decline in patriotism
the liwer classes could afford to buy goods
thus manufacfuring and trade declined.
• Patriotism became
• Larger Gap between therich and poor based on loyalty to
• No purchasing power ( few members of
the liwer classes could afford to buy goods
emperor not Rome.
thus manufacfuring and trade declined.
• Larger estates became self sufficient,
• Most emoerirs did not
further hurting manufacturing and trade.e inspkre respect or
• became self sufficient, further hurting
manufacturing and trade.e
• Democracy did not exist
in reality.y
Military Social
• Armies made and • Population decline
unmade emperors. • Hunger, plagues, wars etc.
• Reliance on barbarkan • Most peoplespent their fime
troops.Not ultimagely watchkng gladiator contests
and chariot races.
loyal to Rome.
• Religious divisions ( New
• Interested in loot not faiths like Christiankty
defending Rome and its directed questions and
interests.N challenged concepts such as
imperial divinity.e
1. Gibbon, E. The History of the Decline and Fall of theRoman
Empkre. Penguin, 2000.
2.Grant, M. The Climax of Rome. Weidenfeld, London, 1993.
3. Harvey, B. K. Daily Life in the Ancient Rome. Focus, 2016.
4. Kelly, C. The Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, 2006.
5. Polybius. The Rise of the Roman Empire. Penguin Classics,

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