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Quality Control in Blood Bank

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• Definition
• Types
• Need
• Inclusions
• How to do that?
Quality Assurance

• It is the sum total of the organized arrangements with the objective

of ensuring that products will be of the quality required for their
intended use.

• It includes retrospective review and analysis of operational

performance data to determine that the overall process is in a state of
control and to detect shift or trends that require attention.
Quality Control

• Testing routinely performed tests/activities on materials and

equipments to check their proper function

• The monitoring system that checks the effectiveness of existing

process/steps by testing the quality of final products
Quality System Essentials (QSEs)
1. Organization and leadership
2. Facilities work environment and safety
3. Human resources
4. Customer focus
5. Suppliers and material management
6. Equipment management
7. Process management
8. Documents and records
9. Information management
10. Management of non conforming events
11. Monitoring and assessment
12. Process improvement

• Internal Quality control

• External Quality Control

Internal Control

• The internal quality control can be maintained by

going through a complete checklist of items or test
daily to make sure that all systems are being
monitored and in control.

• Immediate decisions can be taken to accept or reject

results / products.
External Quality Control

• External quality control is a way to compare the

performance of a laboratory with reference to other

• External Quality Assurance also know as ‘proficiency

testing’ or External Quality control
Quality in Blood Transfusion Services

In blood transfusion service, the primary goal of quality

is 'transfusion of safe unit of blood.'

The quality system deals with all aspects to ensure that

the product or 'safe unit of blood' is as safe as possible.
Objectives of Quality in Blood Bank

• To ensure availability of a sufficient supply of blood,

blood components of high quality with maximum
efficacy and minimum risk to both donors and patients.

• To determine problems in the whole transfusion chain

and solve it to achieve the goal .
Quality Management System in Blood Bank

In a blood transfusion center, it means that a management system should

exist to look into provision of a safe unit of blood and if any errors are
identified, these should be corrected.
Steps involving Quality Control in
Blood Bank
• Donor selection and Blood collection

• Serology Laboratory

• Transfusion transmitted Infection

• Component preparation

• Cross-match & Antibody screening

• Storage , issue and transportation

Need for Quality

A failure in the quality of blood collected or screening of donated

blood unit can be very serious and may result in fatal

1. Failure to identify the patient correctly

2. Wrong sample labeling
3. Mix-up of results amongst different patients
4. Failure to detect presence of an abnormality in the patient's sample
5. Issue of unscreened blood due to clerical or technical errors
Quality Control for Reagents

The primary objective of a reagent quality control is to ensure that reagent

is functioning as expected.
Quality Control for Reagents
Reagent requirements

• All reagents should be clearly labeled with batch

number, expiry date and storage temp;

• Instructions for use should be in-form of SOP’s

with training.

• All reagents and kit should be used according to

the manufacturer’s instructions.

• FIFO shall be maintained

Quality Control for Reagents
• Use of positive & negative controls should be done with each
batch to show that reagents are potent and specific.

• All reagents must be carefully stored at recommended temp.

• Reagents to be kept at 4-6oC should never be frozen and are

stored according to manufacturer’s instructions only

• Supply, storage and transportation of kits and reagents should

be strictly standardized & manufacturer’s instructions should be
followed with ensured continuous power supply and periodic
temperature monitoring.
Log of Reagents
• Reagent records should include:
• The name of each reagent with
• Lot number

• Batch number

• Expiry date

• Name of manufacturer

• Date of receipt and put in use

• Grade and strength of reactions at time of receipt (Kit

Frequency of Quality Control of Reagent
Reagents Frequency of testing along
with Controls

Anti human serum Each day of use

Blood grouping serum Each day of use

Antibody screening and reverse Each day of use

grouping cells

Enzymes Each run

Normal saline (LISS and BPS) Each day of use

Bovine albumin Each day of use

Quality Control of Reagent Red Blood Cells

Parameters Quality Frequency of

Requirement Control

Appearance No haemolysis or Each day

turbidity in
supernatant by visual

Reactivity and specificity Positive reactions with Each day

known sera against
red blood cells
Quality Control of ABO Reagent
(Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-AB)
Parameters Quality Requirement Frequency of Control
Appearance No turbidity, precipitate, particles or gel Each day
formation by visual inspection
Specificity Positive reaction with red cells having Daily and of each new
corresponding antigen(s); and no reaction with lot/batch
negative control
Avidity Macroscopic agglutination with 50% red cells Daily and of each new
suspension in homologous serum/normal saline lot/batch
using the slide test;
10 seconds for anti-A, anti-B and anti-AB with A1
and/or B cells at R.T; 20 seconds with A2 and A2B

Reactivity No immune haemolysis, rouleaux formation or Each new lot/batch.

Potency Undiluted serum should give +++reactions in Each new lot/batch.
saline tube test using a 3% red cells suspensions
at R.T., titre should be 256 for anti-A, anti-B, and
anti-AB with A1 and/or B cells, 64 with A2 and A2B
Quality Acceptable of Rh Anti-sera (Anti-D)
Parameter Quality requirement Frequency of control
Appearance No turbidity, precipitation, Each day
particles or gel formation by
visual inspection
Specificity Positive reaction with R1r Each day and each new
cells / Known D Positive lot/batch. And no reaction
cells with rr cells.
Avidity Visible agglutination with Each day and each new
40% red cells suspension in lot/batch
homologous serum using the
slide test.
Reactivity No immune haemolysis, Each new lot/batch
rouleaux formation or
prozone phenomenon.
Potency Undiluted serum gives +++ Each new lot/batch
reactions in designated test
for each serum and a titre 32-
64 for anti-D.
Acceptable Titre and Avidity of ABO Reagents
Anti-sera Type of the reagent Type of red cells Titre Avidity Time Intensity
(2-3% cells

Anti-A Polyclonal A1 1:256 10-12 sec +++

Monoclonal A2 1:128 15-18 sec ++ To +++
A2B 1:64 15-18 sec ++
O - - -
B - - -
A1 1:256 3.4 sec +++
1:128 5-6 sec ++ To +++
A2 1:64 5-6 sec ++++
A2B - - -
O - - -

Anti-B Polyclonal B 1:256 10-12 sec +++

Monoclonal A1B 1:128 12-15 sec ++
O - - -
A1 - - -
B 1:256 3-4 sec ++++
A1B 1:128 5-6 sec +++
O - - -
A1 - - -

Anti-AB Polyclonal A1 1:256 10-12 sec +++

Monoclonal B 1:256 10-12 sec +++
A2 1:64 15-18 sec ++ To +++
O - - -
A1 1:256 3-4 sec ++++
B 1:256 3-4 sec ++++
A2 1:128 5-6 sec +++
- - -
Acceptable Quality of Anti-globulin (Gel / Beads) Reagent
Parameter Quality requirement Frequency of control
Appearance No precipitate, particles or Each day
gel formation by visual in
Reactivity and Specificity No prozone phenomenon Each lot

No haemolysis or Each day

agglutination of
unsensitized red cells

Agglutination of red cells Each day and each new

sensitised with anti-D lot/batch.
serum containing not more
than 0.2 mg/ml antibody
Transfusion Transmitted Infection testing Done in Blood

• HBs Ag
• HIV 1 & 2
• Syphilis
• Malaria Parasite
Frequency of Transfusion Transmitted
Reagents Frequency of testing along with
Hepatitis B Antigen Each run

HIV 1 & 2 Antibody Each run

Hepatitis C Virus Each run

Syphilis serology reagents Each run

Malaria Test Each run

Assuring quality of examination procedure

• The daily QC values shall be documented on Levey

Jennings curve and CV % from monthly QC data must be
Flow chart should be made to manage “Out of control situation”

• If a reagent produces results outside the limits set by the manufacturer

or Blood Bank, the deficiency should be reported to the Quality

• Search for recent events that could have caused changes

• Examine environmental condition

• Follow manufactures troubleshooting guide

• Refer to manufacturer of equipment, reagents or QC/Calibrator vendor.

Quality Control in Blood/ Blood Components

Frequency of Testing

1% of component shall be tested for Quality Control out of

which 75% shall match the acceptable ranges as per
National guidelines set by Govt. of India(DGHS).

QC of blood/blood component preparation
1. Whole blood:
• Frequency of control: 1% of all units with minimum of 4 units
per month
• Storage :- 2ºC to 6 ºC, for CPDA-1 the storage time is 35
days, CPD & CD2D – 22days.

Parameter Quantity Requirement Frequency of Control

Volume 350/450 ml + 10% 1% of all units
Anticoagulants 49/63 ml All units
PCV (Hct) 30 to 40% 4 units per month
HBsAg Negative by ELISA All units
Anti-HCV Negative by ELISA All units
Anti-HIV ½ Negative by ELISA All units
Syphilis Negative by Screening test All units
Sterility By culture Periodically (1% of all units)
Calculation for Total Volume of Whole Blood taken in
450 ml of Bag

Volume of Whole Blood: 450 ml ± 10% OR 472 gms. ± 10%

Calculate the volume from the formula given below:

Weight of the Bag with Blood (gms) Weight of the empty Bag
(with Anticoagulant)

Volume (ml) =
* Weight of the empty Bag (with Anticoagulant) of 450 ml = 100 gms
2. Red cell concentrates
• Perform the same assay as for Whole blood
• Storage : 2o-6º C, for 35 days if prepared from WB
collected in CPDA-1

The Quality Control of red cell concentrate (Prepared from 450 ml Blood)

Parameter Quantity Requirement Frequency of Control

Volume 280 + 40 ml 1% of all units
PCV (Hct) 70%+ 5% Periodically (1% of all units)

The Quality Control of red cell in preservative sol. (ADSOL/SAGM)

Parameter Quantity Requirement Frequency of Control

Volume 350 + 20 ml 1% of all units
PCV (Hct) 55-65% Periodically (1% of all units)
3. Platelet concentrates
• Prepared within 6 hours of blood collection
• Must evaluate at least 1% of platelets monthly for platelet
count, pH and plasma volume
• Platelets should be selected from each centrifuge in use
• Storage : 20o-24ºC

Parameter Quality Requirements Frequency of control

Volume 50-70 ml All units
Platelets count > 5.5 x 1010 4 units per month/ 1% of all
units (whichever is more)
pH >6.0 4 units per month/ 1% of all
units (whichever is more)
RBC contamination 0.5 ml 4 units per month/ 1% of all
units (whichever is more)
WBC contamination 5.5x107 –5x108 4 units per month/ 1% of all
units (whichever is more)
4. Quality of Platelet concentrate by Apheresis

Parameter Quality requirement

Volume >200 ml

Platelets count > 3.0 – 7.0 x 1011

pH > 6.0 (at the end of permissible

storage period)

Residual leucocytes < 5.0 x 106

Red cells Traces to 0.5 ml

5. Fresh Frozen Plasma
• frozen within 6 hours of blood collection using –80oC
deep freezers or blast freezers
• Stored at –30oC
• Date of expiry one year

Parameter Quality control Frequency of control

Volume 200–220 Plasma 4 units per month/ 1% of all

units (whichever is more)

Stable coagulation factors 200 units of each factor 4 units per month

Factor VIII 0.7 units/ml 4 units per month

Fibrinogen 200–400 mg 4 units per month

6. Cryoprecipitate
Parameter Quality control Frequency of control

Volume 10–20 ml 1% of all units

Factor VIII 80–120 units 1% of all units

Fibrinogen 150–250 mg 1% of all units


• Unique identification number

• ABO and Rh type
• Date of collection and expiry
• TTI screening sticker
• Volume of component

• External ambient temperature

• Range: 2 to 6°C
• Continuous monitor temperature
chart to record ‘fluctuations’ -
weekly & preserve records
•  Bacterial cultures
•  Audible and visual alarm signal
•  Digital temperature display
Deep freezers

• Temperature recording : Range: -35°C to -40°C

• Cooling down time: A full load of plasma packs at +25°C takes
a max. of 5 hrs for all the packs to reach below -5°C and 30 hrs
to below -20°C
Platelet agitator

• All PCs to be stored only in agitators:

continuous gentle flat bedded –
5 days
• Interruption compromises the
• Temperature monitoring
• “Swirling” to be checked before issue
• Regular Quality Control of RDPs and
External Quality Assurance (EQA)
• Proficiency Testing Programme is designed to evaluate
the overall performance and accuracy engaged in blood
banking testing.
• Determine the performance of Individual Blood banks
for specific tests or measurement and to monitor Blood
Banks continual performance and improvement.
• To provide additional confidence to Blood Bank /
Laboratory clients.
• It is a blind testing
External Quality Assurance

• The internal QC should be complemented by regular external quality

assurance e.g. participation in a proficiency testing programme

• Proficiency programme test, coded “normal” and “problem” blood

samples are distributed from national or regional reference laboratory
to the participants usually 2x to 4x a year.
Parameters / test covered under EQA

1. HBsAg
2. Anti- HIV 1&2
3. Anti- HCV
4. Syphilis (VDRL)
5. Malarial Parasite
6. NAT ( HBV/ HCV/ HIV-1, HIV-2, HIV-O & HIV-M)
7. Hemoglobin
8. Blood Group
9. Cross-match
10. Antibody Screening & Identification
11. Factor VIII
12. Fibrinogen
13. Sterility Testing
14. APTT

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