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CO The Wedding Dance

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Welcome to our exciting lesson for today!
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are
about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the
world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus.

Say “present” when I call your name!
Expressing One’s
Own Values and
Beliefs (Part 1)
Quarter 3 – Week 5
by Amador Daguio

1.Read and analyze the story, The

Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio.
2.Discuss the beliefs presented in
the story/video.
3.Perform various tasks to show
understanding of the story/video.
All about Love On weddings, some
Filipinos are inclined to
Catholic conventions
brought by the Spanish
colonization, but are also
mixed with pre-colonial
customs. Identify them
by matching the
custom with the
A. In the wedding day, chosen
godparents or sponsors put the
veil and cord to the bride and
groom, with the veil symbolizing
the bride and groom ‘being
clothed as one’ and the cord
wrapped around the couple in a
figure eight which symbolizes
eternal bond of fidelity.
B. This is the first step in a Filipino
wedding, where the groom’s
family meet the bride’s family and
serve as the groom’s official
C. Usually done after
the wedding ceremony,
the now newlyweds are
showered with grains of
rice as a sign of bounty
and rain, or blessings.
D. This dance is usually the first
dance of the newlyweds,
whereas sponsors, family
relatives, and guests pin bills to
the bride and groom’s clothes. It
is considered a way to help the
couple get started in their
married life financially.
E. The groom gives
the bride the 13
coins which
symbolizes the
promise of
prosperity to their
are ideas that we accept and claim as truth. We
consider them important that we adopt these into our
everyday lives, as well as in our decision making. Our
values, attitudes and behaviors are influenced by these
ideas that we strongly believe in.
Basic Signal Phrases in Expressing Beliefs or
• I feel... Convictions
• I think...
• I believe that...
• In my opinion...
• From my point of view...

• In my view...
• I really feel that...
• Personally, I think...
•  Personally speaking...
•  My point of view is that...
Let us read.
Watch the film version of the
short story titled, “The
Wedding Dance” by Amador
Daguio, a Filipino writer from
Lubuagan, Kalinga before the
—Someone Famous
World War II. Discuss the
story by answering the given
comprehension questions.
After reading the excerpt, answer the following questions:

1. What is the situation of Awiyao and

Lumnay’s marriage?
2. How did Lumnay respond to Awiyao
when he invited him to come to the
wedding dance?
3. What was expected of them during their
time of marriage? Were they able to fulfill
After reading the excerpt, answer the following questions:

4. Do you think Awiyao and Lumnay love

each other? Explain your answer.

5. If you were in the situation of Awiyao

and Lumnay, would you defy your tribe’s
tradition? Why or why not?
—Someone Famous
After reading the excerpt, answer the following questions:

1. What is the situation of Awiyao and

Lumnay’s marriage?
2. How did Lumnay respond to Awiyao
when he invited him to come to the
wedding dance?
3. What was expected of them during their
time of marriage? Were they able to fulfill
Let us discuss the story!

4. Do you think Awiyao and Lumnay love

each other? Explain your answer.

5. If you were in the situation of Awiyao

and Lumnay, would you defy your tribe’s
tradition? Why or why not?
Retell the story
answering the
questions on
story map.

Group 1: Wedding Art –
Draw one scene from the
story illustrating the
wedding dance as one of
the tribe’s customs.
  2 3 4 5 Score
  Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Advanced
The student 's work The student's work The student's work The student's work  
demonstrates no demonstrates little demonstrates an demonstrates a deep
Content/ understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
Concepts concept(s) taught. There concept(s) taught. Evidence concept(s) taught. There concept(s) taught. There is
is no apparent of learning and affective is evidence of learning strong evidence ofHOTEL
relationship between the application of the lesson's and satisfactory and effective application of
student's artwork and the content are somewhat application of the the lesson's content.
lesson's content. lacking. lesson's content.

The student's artwork The student's artwork The student's artwork The student's artwork reflects
Creativity shows no evidence of demonstrates minimal demonstrates some an exceptional level of
creative risk taking. The creativity and risk taking. The creativity and risk taking. creativity and risk taking. The
final product does not final product shows little The student's personal student's personal
reflect a unique and evidence of personal point of interpretation of the interpretation of the lesson
original point of view. view and originality. lesson demonstrates a demonstrates a unique,
  unique point of view and original and expressive point
some originality. of view.

Art materials and While some care has been The student's use of art, The student's use of the art
Craftsmanship resources are taken to ensure a quality materials and resources materials and resources is
inappropriately used. product, the materials are not is generally appropriate consistently appropriate and
Completion of product is always used appropriately. and demonstrates a demonstrates, from the
hurried with little Lack of follow through results reasonable amount of beginning of the lesson to the
attention to detail or in a compromised quality of care and attention to end, care and attention to
structural integrity. product. detail. detail.
Group 2:
Wedding Tune –
Choose an
appropriate song
for a wedding.
Present it to the
  2 3 4 5 Score
  Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Advanced
Concepts The song The song demonstrates The song The song demonstrates
demonstrates no little understanding of demonstrates an a deep understanding of
understanding of the the concept(s) taught. understanding of the HOTEL
the concept(s) taught.
concept(s) taught. concept(s) taught.

Memorization Less than 50% of 50-74% of the piece was 75-89% of the piece 90-100% of the piece  
the piece was memorized and sang was memorized and was memorized and
memorized and accurately. sang accurately. sang accurately.
sang accurately.      

Dynamics Attention to dynamic Dynamic levels fluctuate Dynamic levels are Dynamic levels are  
levels is not obvious. but can be discerned. typically accurate obvious, consistent, and
  and consistent. an accurate
  interpretation of the style
of music being played.
Group 3: Wedding
Performance –
Present a Short Skit
showing one of their
beliefs regarding the
needs to have a child
in a marriage.
  2 3 4 5 Score
  Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Advanced
Content/ Does not seem to Shows a good Shows a good Shows a full  
Concepts understand the topic understanding of parts understanding of the understanding of the
very well. of the topic. topic. topic.

Volume Volume often too Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud  
  soft to be heard enough to be heard enough to be enough to be heard
  by all audience by all audience heard by all by all audience
  members. members at least audience members throughout
  80% of the time. members at least the presentation.
  90% of the time.

Preparedness Student does not The student is Student seems Student is completely  
  seem at all prepared somewhat prepared, but pretty prepared but prepared and has
  to present. it is clear that rehearsal might have needed obviously rehearsed.
was lacking. more rehearsal.
Group 4: Wedding
Dance – Show a
presentation of
the wedding
dance mentioned
in the story.
Task 3
Task 4

CRITERIA 10 8 6 4 2
Creativity (design, color
and layout)

Originality (uniqueness)

Presentation (neat and


Mechanics (spelling and


Total /40
List down the customs and beliefs
mentioned or implied in the story
you have read. Next, put a check (✔)
whether you agree or disagree with
them. Then, write down your
explanations regarding your
Custom/Beliefs Agree Disagree n
I understand that

I realize that

I need to learn more about

Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
Please keep this slide for attribution

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