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English 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Date of CO: March 20, 2023
Time: 7:30-8:30, 10:00-11:00, 1:00-2:00, 2:00-3:00 PM


A. Content Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine Literature in the Period of Emergence
as a tool to asserts one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short
narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech, passive/active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and
sentence connectors.

B. Performance Standard:

The learner transfers learning by; showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending
informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing
strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching
written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple
past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

C. Learning Competency/Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minute discussion, the students will be able to:
a. Interpret the poem “Unforgettable Past” by stanza,
b. Create a two-stanza poem dedicated to students’ parents; and
c. Value and appreciate the life lessons from the poem.


Citing Textual Evidence

(Quarter 3 – Module 5 – Lesson 1)

A. Materials: Laptop, SMART TV, clicker, cartolina, and markers.

B. Learning Across Curriculum: Science and Health
C. Values Integration: Cooperation, Love, Appreciation


1. Teacher’s Module pp.
2. Self-Learning Module pp. 18


A. Preliminaries:

1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Energizer
6. Reminder of classroom rules, health safety protocols, and classroom cleanliness.

Indicator 4: Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in

meaningful exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning
Indicator 5: Managed learners’ behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure learning-focused environments.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

a. Present the topic and discuss the lesson’s objectives.
b. Motivation: ARRANGE ME!

The students will be given jumbled letters in which they have to arrange these letters to get the
right word. Students will also be given the meaning of the word to guide them.

1. DELIGHT – a cause or source of great pleasure.

2. UNFAIR - not treating people in an equal way, or not morally right.
3. MISERY – a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress
4. DISOBEY – to refuse something you are told to do.
5. DISCOMFORT – make someone feel uneasy or anxious.

Indicator 8: Selected, developed, organized, and used appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT to address learning goals.

Learning Across Curriculum:

Instructional Materials: Cartolinas, markers, scotchtapes, and laptop

C. Discussing Concepts


The students will be grouped into five. Each group of students will then be given stanzas
from the poem in which they have to read, analyze, and discuss it with their group. After
which, each group will have to interpret the stanza given to the class.

Strategy: Brainstorming -SGDA

Learning Across Curriculum: Values Education (Love)
Why is it important for us to show our love to our parents?
What did Rizal say about the youth?
“Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan”
Do you know when did Rizal died? (Dec 30, 1896)
Instructional Materials: Cartolinas and reading materials

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum areas. (Values
Education and Makabayan)

Indicator 5: Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent

discipline to ensure learning-focused environments.

Indicator 7: Planned, managed and implemented developmentally sequenced teaching and

learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.

Indicator 2: Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy
D. Discussing Concepts, Developing Mastery, and Practicing
and numeracy skills. New Skill


With the same group of students, each group will have make a 2-stanza poem showing
their love and appreciation to their parents. After which, the group will have to read and
present their poems to the class. Their presentation will be based in the rubrics below.

4 3 2 1 Total
Posture and 6: Uses
Used differentiated,
posture developmentally
Uses minimal appropriate
Slouches learningSlouches
experiences to address
learners’ genders, needs, strengths,
Eye Contact appropriate for moves for the and/or does interests, and experiences.
during the
the poem. poem and not look at or presentation
Establishes establishes try to involve and maintain
eye contact eye contact. audience no eye
with the during contact to
audience presentation. the
during the audience.
Voice and Volume is loud Volume is Volume too Audience
Articulation enough to be usually loud soft or the members
heard by all enough to be presenters’ cannot hear
audience heard by all mumbles. and
members. The audience Audience understand
presenters are members. often has the
well articulated. The trouble presenters.
presenters understanding.
are usually
Creativity The group The group The group The group
showed high showed good showed fair showed no
level of creativity. share of creativity at
creativity. creativity. all.
Presentation Presenters Presenters Presenters Presenters
were all very were were not were not
confident in occasionally consistent with confident
delivery. confident with the level of with their
their confidence. presentation
presentation. .

Indicator 5: Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent

discipline to ensure learning-focused environments.

Indicator 4: Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in

meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning

Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as
well as higher-order thinking skills.

Strategy: Cooperative Learning

E. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

“You nurtured and protected me and taught me with great care. And every time I needed you, you
were always there.”
Just like this short statement, do you also appreciate your parents’ love to you?
In what way can you show that you love your parents?

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. (Values

F. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

Complete the sentence based on the things that you have learned from our lesson today.

Today, I learned that ____________ and I need to ______________.

G. Evaluating Learning

In a 1 whole piece of paper. Answer the following questions below.

1. Why did the author of the poem feel that her parents did not love her?
The author of the poem feel that her parents did not love her because … _________

2. Did the author succeed in giving her parents discomfort? Is it alright? Why?
The author… _________________
Is it alright/not alright because… _______________

3. What did the author realize about her friends?

The author realized that…_________________________

4. Who were really there for her through good times and bad times? Do you agree with the lines
in the poem? Why?
I agree because… ____________________

5. What was the advice of the author to the youths of her generation? If you were the author of
the poem, what advice would you like to give to the youths of your generation?
My advice would be … _______________________

Indicator 9: Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative, and summative
assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.


A. No. of learners who earned 77% in the evaluation: ______

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _______
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson: _____
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _______
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did these work? ________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? _______
G. What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other
teachers? _________

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