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Week 6 - Muscular System

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The Muscular System

Goal: To describe the structure and function of

the muscular system.
What is the
Muscular System? • made up of over 600
different muscles
• Muscles- body
structure made up of
bundles of specialized
cells called muscle
What are the 1. To create movement by
Functions of the working with bones,
Muscular System? ligaments, and tendons.
2. To move food through the
digestive system.
3. To move blood through the
body by pumping the heart.
4. To produce heat. (It helps
maintain our body
5. To provide protection to
inner organs.
What are the 2 Different Types of
• Voluntary: • Involuntary
• Muscle action that is • Muscle action that is NOT
under your control. under your control.
• Most skeletal movement • Cardiac and smooth muscle
is voluntary. are involuntary.
• Examples: • Examples:
• Walking, talking, • Heart beating, food moving
running, writing, through the digestive tract,
jumping, stretching reflexes (skeletal)

Skeletal muscle can be both voluntary and involuntary (reflexes).

Types of Muscle
What are the
Types of Muscle? 1. Skeletal Muscle:
• These are muscles attached to
the bones through tendons. 
• Their movement voluntary-it
means, they move under our
conscious control
• They help us move and they
give shape to our body.
•  Helps protect your inner
• Tendons attach muscles to bones.
What are • Tendons are made up of strands
Tendons? of flexible connective tissue.
• When a muscle contracts (gets
shorter) the tendon pulls on the
What are the
Types of Muscle? 2. Cardiac Muscle:
• Special type of muscle found
only in your heart.  
• They move rhythmically
contacting and relaxing
alternately to generate force to
pump blood throughout the
• These are involuntary
muscles, meaning, we cannot
consciously control its
What are the
Types of Muscle? 3. Smooth Muscle:
• These are muscles attached to
the different organs including
in the walls of blood vessels
helping the blood flow, in the
walls of the stomach and
esophagus (for digestion)
•  Smooth muscle moves food
and blood through your body.  
• Their movement is
involuntary- it means, we
cannot consciously control its
How do • Muscles work in pairs to cause smooth,
controlled movements.

Muscles • Many of our basic movements are the result of

pairs of muscles bending and straightening.
Work in
• Flexor - a muscle that contracts to bend a
Pairs? part of the body.
• Extensor – a muscle that contracts to
straighten a part of the body.
Flexors and extensor always work opposite of one another.

The largest muscle in the body is the gluteus


The smallest muscles in the body are in your inner

ear (tensor tympani and the stapedius). 

The strongest muscle, based on its size, is the

masseter. It is a muscle in your jaw. 
On your notebook
Answer the following questions: 
1. What is the muscular system?
2. What are the 5 functions of the muscular system?
3. What are voluntary and involuntary muscles?
4. What are the three types of muscles and their
5. How do muscles work in pairs?
6. How do muscles and skeleton work together?
NOTE: Have your answers checked during face-to-
face class. 
Face-to-face class

Kahoot game and graded recitation

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