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Lesson 1:

Oneself during
Middle and Late
Learning Objectives:
1. explain that knowing oneself can
make a person accept his/her strengths
and limitations and dealing with other's
better (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1); and
2. share his/her unique characteristics,
habits, and experiences (EsP-
PD11/12KO Ia-1.2)
During adolescence, the child
continues to grow physically,
cognitively, and emotionally,
changing from a child into an adult.
The body grows rapidly in size, and
the sexual and reproductive organs
become fully functional. At the same
time, as adolescents develop more
advanced patterns of reasoning and
a stronger sense of self,
they seek to forge their own
identities, developing important
attachments with people other
than their parents. This period can
be stressful for many children, as it
involves new emotions, the need to
develop new social relationships,
and an increasing sense of
responsibility and independence
is the transitional stage from
childhood to adulthood that
occurs between ages 13 and 19.
The physical and psychological
changes that take place in
adolescence often start earlier,
during the preteen or "tween"
years: between ages 9 and 12.
Between 10 and 17 Between 9 and 14
years for boys years for girls
A major milestone in puberty for
girls is menarche, the first
Circumcision menstrual period, typically
experienced at around 12 or 13
years of age

Female sex hormones

Male sex hormone
estrogen and
progesterone in girls.
the sex organs concerned with
reproduction. These changes
include the enlargement of the
testicles and the penis in boys and
the development of the ovaries,
uterus, and vagina in girls
(features that distinguish the two sexes
from each other but are not involved in
reproduction) are also developing, such as an
enlarged Adam’s apple, a deeper voice, and
pubic and underarm hair in boys, and
enlargement of the breasts and hips and the
appearance of pubic and underarm hair in
girls. The enlargement of breasts is usually
the first sign of puberty in girls and, on
average, occurs between ages 10 and 12.
is the union of element
namely: Body, thoughts,
feeling or emotions, and
sensations that constitute
the individuality and
identity of a person.
is the self that you is the one that you
aspire to be. It is the actually see. It is the
one that you hope self that has
will possess characteristics that
characteristics similar you were nurtured or,
to that of a mentor or in some cases, born
some other worldly to have.
-is how we want to -The actual self is
be. who we actually are.

-It is an idealized -can be seen by

image that we have others, but because
developed over time, we have no way of
based on what truly knowing how
we have learned and others view us, the
experienced. actual self is our self-
-The ideal self could -The actual self is
include components built on self-
of what our parents knowledge.
have taught us, what
we admire in others, -Self-knowledge is
what our society derived from social
promotes, and what interactions that
we think is in our best provide insight into
interest. how others react to
refers to your
awareness of
-means making use of all
the personal resources –
talents, skills, energy and
time, to enable you to
achieve life goals.
-Your knowledge of yourself and
how you manage yourself impacts
directly on your personal
effectiveness. Being self-aware,
making the most of your strengths,
learning new skills and techniques
and behavioral flexibility are all
keys to improving your personal
knowledge and skills
that we acquire in the
of cognitive and
practical activities.
required for setting
goals, defining an
action plan to achieve
them and risk
SKILLS also determine whether
real actions are performed in
with the plan. If the same ability
is used many times in the same
situation, then
it becomes a habit that runs
automatically, subconsciously
Here are some skills
that will greatly
increase the
efficiency of any
person who owns
It allows you to focus only on
achieving a specific goal without
being distracted by less
important things or
spontaneous desires. It may be
developed with the help of self-
discipline exercise.
It appears in the process of
personal development, as a
result of getting aware of
yourself, your actions and their
consequences. Self-confidence
is manifested in speech,
appearance, dressing, gait, and
physical condition
To develop it, you need to
learn yourself and your
capabilities, gain positive
attitude and believe that by
performing right actions and
achieving right goals you
will certainly reach success.
It makes you keep moving
forward regardless of emerging
obstacles – problems, laziness,
bad emotional state, etc. It
reduces the costs of overcoming
obstacles. It can also be
developed with the help of self-
discipline exercise.
It helps combat stress that arises in
daily life from the environment
and other people. Stress arises
from the uncertainty in an
unknown situation when a lack of
information creates the risk of
negative consequences of your
actions. It increases efficiency in
the actively changing
They help cope with the
problems encountered with a
lack of experience. It
increases efficiency by
adopting new ways of
achieving goals when
obtaining a new experience.
It allows you to find
extraordinary ways to carry out
a specific action that no one has
tried to use. It can lead to a
decrease or an increase of costs,
but usually the speed of action is
greatly increased when using
creative tools.
It helps you achieve goals using
new, original, unconventional
ideas. Idea is a mental image of
an object formed by the human
mind, which can be changed
before being implemented in
the real world. For generating
ideas you can use a method of
mental maps,
which allows you to materialize,
visualize and scrutinize all your
ideas, which in turn contributes
to the emergence of new ideas.
These are just some, but the
most important personal
effectiveness skills which make
the achievement of any goal
easier and less costly.
Here are 7
Reasons Why We
Should Put Our
Talents, Gifts
or Strengths to
1. Other People Can Benefit From
Our gifts or talents are purposely
created not just for ourselves but to
help those around us. We benefit
from other people’s talents. Our
gifts or talents are ours but they are
not just there for us. They are given
to be shared with others.
There’s no sense of delight when
we only want to serve ourselves.
Sharing our talents with other
people can create more lasting
fulfillment. It is actually a win-
win situation. We get to exercise
our talent and other people on
the other end receives a benefit
from it.
2. Other Lives May Change
Because of Our Talents
We may even change
someone’s life just because
we exercise our gift. It doesn’t
need to be a huge one. Start
small and someone out there
will be inspired because of it.
3. Leads to a More Satisfying Life
a. Improved Health and Wellness
b. Experienced Less Worry, Stress,
Anger, Sadness or Physical Pain
c. Boost Their Positive Emotions
d. More Energy to Face the Day
e. Higher Engagement Level on the
4. We Can Make Money Out Of
Our talents/skills can help us earn money.
With proper development and use, they
can even offer us richness beyond
imagination — in all aspects of our lives.
People are often unconscious about the
kind of talent/skills they have. If we are
aware of something where we are really
good at, we can start small and make
money out of it.
5. Let’s Us Leave a Lasting
Impression to People
“If we want to leave a lasting imprint to people
we encounter, use whatever we have to offer.
These are our gifts and talents. “That moment
of sharing without an agenda of getting a part
wasn’t about the outcome but about the joy of
touching others and giving unconditionally
what was mine to give. And that brought with
it a tremendous sense of fulfilment.”
6. Leads to Faster Growth and
When a person positively monitors his
performance and look for ways to
improve his strengths, he will develop
faster than focusing on his weaknesses.
If we would like to improve vastly, start
on where we are good at. We have
nothing to lose because we already
have them.
7. Show Appreciation to the Giver

One thing I like about gift giving

is the feeling I get when the
receiver opens the gift and love
it. But I like it best when I see
that the person is using the gift.
It makes me wanna give him/her
more gifts next time.

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