Personal Development and Human Relations: What Is Personality?
Personal Development and Human Relations: What Is Personality?
Personal Development and Human Relations: What Is Personality?
What is personality?
PERSONALITY is the development of the organized pattern of behaviors and attitudes that makes a person
distinctive. Personality development occurs by the ongoing interaction of temperament, character, and
Strengths of Self development
Plan should not be through of as being GOOD or BAD based on learning needs that person wishes to address.
Every person has different strength and weaknesses.
The primary objectives of PDP are plan and take responsibility for their own learning and to understand what
and how they learn.
PDP is based on the skills of reflection and planning which are integral to knowing how we can learn in
different contexts and to transfer that learning throughout life.
To identify weakness and strength and willing to admit that, improve through learning and put all these things
in action is personal development plan.
Students activity (individual): To formulate your own goals and plans.
Unique characteristics habits and experiences
There are no “unique and special” habits to speak. Habits are habits. Also, you haven’t mentioned in what way
or field you want to get transformed.
Having said that, there are some habits which have been proven to help people become better version of
themselves in a more general way. These include: -
1) Exercise
Cannot stress this word enough. Exercise is one habit which I think if anyone is regular in, then they can
improve every other facet of their life. You must already be aware of numerous benefits of exercising so I will
spare that part. For those who think there is not enough time, know that exercise takes only 2% of your day
(considering 30 min of exercise per day).
2) Morning routine
One of the most important things to do after you wake is to follow a routine.
A sample morning routine can be: -
Waking up at same time each morning (even on weekends).
Writing down the 5 most important task for the day that you need to accomplish.
Getting a proper and healthy breakfast.
Cold shower.
Heading to your office/college, etc.
3) Invest in experiences
Investing your time and money in experiences will pay off in the long run. Try to indulge in
travelling,sports,adventures,meeting new people, trying things you are afraid off. By doing these things you will
get a lot of experience in lot of things and will also learn a lot about your own strengths, your limitation’s.
4) Rest and relax
This is one thing or one habit I can say which most people ignore in order to accomplish more. What they don’t
realize is that by doing so they are only burning themselves while bringing down the performance (in any field)
The truth is your body needs ample amount of rest to rejuvenate mind and heal the body so that you can feel
fresh and energetic each morning.
Maintaining Journal
can be a great way to indulge in a little self-reflection. The lost art of putting pen to paper can prove to be highly
beneficial for keeping your sanity and act as a positive reinforcement. Here are five reasons why you should
start maintaining a journal.
Venting safely
A journal can prove to be your best friend when you want to vent your frustrations out (but secretly). All those
times you want to shout at your crazy boss or bash a colleague for being too rude or simply just throw shade, a
journal is the right place to do it. The journal is like your personal shrink that you don’t have to pay for. But
make sure no one gets their hands on them, or else you will end up in a pile of trouble that can’t be averted.
Mental health benefits
In this dog-eat-dog world, there can be nothing more crucial than mental health, and the saddest part is, it’s
always overlooked. Maintaining a daily journal not only helps you to keep your creative juices flowing but also
helps in lowering stress levels considerably. A study from the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment is the
most recent and concrete research that shows exactly how maintaining a journal can act as a positive catalyst for
your mental health.
Helps harness creativity
The best way to improve on writing is to keep on doing it. The benefits flowing from maintaining a journal,
especially in terms of boosting creativity, are immense. Writing down daily experiences can help you to
understand them better and helps break down complex situations into more comprehensible and coherent
Habit building
Talking about functionality, maintaining a journal can help you to build better habits as it forces you to be
aware of their results. By writing down the positives of a day, you can identify the good patterns in your
behavior, and by writing down the negatives, you can identify the bad ones. Needless to say, the positive ones
are the behaviors that need to be maintained and repeated.
Developing Whole Person
The term whole-person development refers to the “holistic development of a person’s actions and behaviors as
compared to just acquisition of specific content knowledge.”* While this is an idea commonly used in
professional development and similar settings, Words Alive has come to embrace this concept of whole-person
development when working with our students.
When looking at different models of whole-person development, there are generally six different facets:
emotional, interpersonal, professional, physical, wealth, environmental, and mental development.
There is a strong relationship between the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of humans.
All of these areas of human development have their unique traits, but they are all dependent of each other as
well. This article will describe the traits of these areas of development and discuss their connections.
Physical Development
Human development happens physically starting from conception. Physical development consists of the growth
of the body and brain. It is also categorized by the development of motor skills and behavioral patterns.
Physical development is very rapid in childhood and teenage years. Throughout child hood physical
development starts with learning to crawl, walk, and use the hands and feet efficiently. In the teenage years
physical development is characterized through puberty.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development is represented in terms of logic and reasoning. This area of human development pertains
to thought processes and their complexity. It is also reflected by improved ability to understand theory and an
increased vocabulary level and usage.
In childhood human development of the cognitive nature is evident through learning to speak and write. It is
also reflected by the use of theories to rationalize and comprehend. As children turn into teenagers cognitive
learning is increased, and it continues increasing as a human age and develops.
Social-Emotional Development
This part of human development relates to feelings, emotions, morals, beliefs, and ethics. Social-emotional
development in humans occurs throughout age. It is reflected through thoughts on what are right and wrong and
other matters of belief and opinion.
As a human develops its thoughts include more reasoning and complexity. Through this development a human
becomes more aware of their selves and others, and a human will be able to deal with social-motional
developments better.
Human development is separated into different areas because all of these areas have specific traits. The
physical, cognitive, and social-emotional developments in humans all influence each other in different ways.
Physical development influences both cognitive development and social-emotional development. Cognitive
development is influences by physical development because the brain and motor skills naturally affect the
development of thought patterns. Behavior is also influential over cognitive development because behavioral
patterns will cause thought development to be different.
Cognitive development affects social-emotional development because the ability to think and reason will affect
a person’s ability to understand feelings and emotions. It will also impact a human’s ability to understand
themselves and others.
Social-emotional development is also impacted by physical development and vice versa. A human’s
development of confidence may be affected by the physical development. Puberty is another reason why
physical development affects social-emotional development.
Role Playing: Show the connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors in actual life situations.
Developmental Stages in middle and late adolescence
Adolescence is divided into 3 stages: early (12 to 14 years), middle (15 to 17 years), and late (18 to 20 years).
While certain attitudes, behaviors, and physical milestones tend to occur at certain ages, a wide range of growth
and behavior for each age is normal. These guidelines show general progress through the developmental stages
rather than fixed requirements. It is perfectly natural for a teen to reach some milestones earlier and other
milestones later than the general trend.
Physical Development
Most girls have completed the physical changes related to puberty by age 15.
Boys are still maturing and gaining strength, muscle mass, and height and are completing the development of
sexual traits.
Emotional Development
May stress over school and test scores.
Is self-involved (may have high expectations and low self-concept).
Seeks privacy and time alone.
Is concerned about physical and sexual attractiveness.
May complain that parents prevent him or her from doing things independently.
Starts to want both physical and emotional intimacy in relationships.
Social Development
Is more and more aware of social behaviors of friends.
Seeks friends that share the same beliefs, values, and interests.
Friends become more important.
Starts to have more intellectual interests.
Explores romantic and sexual behaviors with others.
May be influenced by peers to try risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, sex).
Mental Development
Becomes better able to set goals and think in terms of the future.
Has a better understanding of complex problems and issues.
Starts to develop moral ideals and to select role models.
Developmental Tasks of Adolescence
A developmental task is a task that arises at or about a certain period in life, unsuccessful achievement of which
leads to inability to perform tasks associated with the next period or stage in life.
Group activity: Evaluate one’s development in comparison with person of the same age group.
Becoming responsible and being able to make good choices are very important traits no matter what
developmental stage you are in. It holds true for adolescents especially that they are just beginning to internalize
and imbibe virtues, values, and other essential qualities.
It may not be easy to be a teenager. There may be lots of things going on in various facets of their lives. The
demands and expectations of their parents and other people around them can also be stressful. But the good
news is, they can treat these ‘difficulties’ as ‘challenges’ which can make their life exciting. Having that
mindset is also an indication of becoming a responsible and mentally mature adolescent.
The following are eight (8) simple rules which could help you, teenagers, to become a responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life:
1. Focus on your studies and do well in all of your endeavors. There is time for everything.
2. Take care of your health and hygiene. Healthy body and mind are important as you journey through
3. Establish good communication and relation with your parents or guardian. Listen to them. This may be easier
said than done at this stage but creating good relationship with them will do you good as they are the ones you
can lean on especially in times of trouble.
4. Think a lot before doing something. Evaluate probable consequences before acting. Practice self-control and
5. Choose to do the right thing. There are plenty of situations in which it is better to use your mind rather than
your heart.
6. Do your best to resist temptations, bad acts, and earthly pleasures and commit to be a responsible adolescent.
7. Respect yourself. You are an adult in the making. Do not let your teenage hormones get into you. If you
respect yourself, others will respect you too.
8. Be prepared to be answerable or accountable for your actions and behavior. It is a part of growing up and
becoming an adult.