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RH - G2B - U6 - L6 - Mi - Barrio - Sherry - 200122185254

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Objectives: build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading
10% Writing skills in this lesson.

Write about how people work

together. 10%
Listening and Speaking
Summarize what you learned from people’s

Language and Vocabulary
64% 1. Analyze how to use context clues.
2. Learn and apply possessive
1. Read and analyze the article, Mi Barrio. pronouns: ours, yours and theirs.
2. Compare two texts, Saving an Island
and Mi Barrio.

Objectives: review key words and summarize what you
learned from people’s teamwork.
Talk and Lead In
1. Have students give information about the picture.
2. Ask students to read the words. Then invite them to
1. Look at the picture. What do
use the language frame to show their opinions.
they do? Do they work alone or
Encourage students to answer with key words.

work together?
2. How can teamwork help
people? What did you learn from
people’s teamwork?
Language Frame
I learned that people
to get
work together _______
a project done
(Click the red dot to show the model.)

Key Words
project dream
organize education
plan opportunity
join result
skills success
Objectives: introduce context clues and explain how
to use context clues to understand an unfamiliar word
or the phrase.
1. Have students read the text and give unfamiliar
words or the phrase.
My friends and I wanted to start a 2. Explain context clues and guide students to use
context clues.

neighborhood Context
garden. Clues
Our neighbors
helped us buy the seeds. Everyone joined
• Context
together to make
words or Use Context Clues
we that help you 1. Read the sentences. What is
the topic of the text?
got the
understand the meaning of an 4.(Click
Read the sentences.
the red dot to show the answer.)

results we
unfamiliar word. •2. What
What words does successhelp you mean?
wanted: •understand
What words the help
meaning you of
understand problems?
environmental the meaning?
vegetables. (Click the red dot to show the answer.)
The island, however, has many
Our project 3. What are context clues?
environmental problems . . . As a result, more (Clickthe
(Click thered
and a bigtrees were cut down for firewood
and to clear land for farming. context
Objectives: talk about the genre and the title.
1. Have students talk about concepts of print.
Making Connections Find out how 2. Circle and introduce photo-essay.
3. Explain the meaning of the title to students and
friends work together to make their have students make predictions.

neighborhood a better place.

Genre A photo-essay is nonfiction. It Concepts of Print
uses photos and words to tell about a 1. What’s the title?
topic. 2. What’s the genre
of the text?
3. How does a photo-
essay tell about a

Preview and Predict

4. Mi Barrio means
our neighborhood in
by George Ancona Spanish. What do you
think we will learn?

Objectives: build comprehension.
1. Review the text features and have students pay attention to
( Click the cross to hide the map.)
the map of Earth then answer questions.
2. Introduce that the Brooklyn is an urban place.
3. Explain the abbreviation to students.

Use Text Features

1. Look at the map of
Hi, I’m Marc Anthony. I live in Earth. Where did
Brooklyn, in a neighborhood Marc’s parents come
called Bushwick. My parents came from? Where does the
boy live now?
from Puerto Rico, but I was born
here. Most of the people who live (Click the red dot to show the
map of Earth clearly.)
speak Spanish. I go to P.S.116. Details
2. P.S.116 means public
school 116. Where is
this school located?

Objectives: build comprehension and analyze the
1. Have students guess the meaning of murals by using
context clues.
There are many murals 2. Have students understand the text with captions.
3. Guide students to give information about Marc and
painted on the walls of the his friends.

neighborhood. This one

was painted by some of the
kids in my school.
Use Text Features
Use Context Clues
2. Look at thehis friend
1.3. Marcwords
What help
Some of Marc’s classmates likeunderstand
you to draw and the
How do about
you the
painted this mural on cement meaning
mural? of
that ? Who
“murals" ?
walls. this mural?
(Click the red dot to show
red dot to show
We like to get together after school. Some the next question.)

days we go to the community center to

draw pictures.
Marc and his friend draw
at the community center.
Objectives: build comprehension and analyze the caption.
1. Have students use visuals to explain murals.
2. Have students pay attention to the details and build
3. Have students make connections to talk more about the

Use Visuals
1. How does the photo
help you know what a
mural is?

2. What do Marc and
his friend do in the
3. Why do they paint
Marc helped to make murals?
the mural in this park. Character
In the summer we help artists paint murals. One of the 4. How do people work
projects we did is a little park with a mural. Our murals help to build their
make our neighborhood beautiful. They make people think
about their culture. ❖
Objectives: build comprehension and review the text
1. Use text features to answer the question and express
2. Have students draw attention to the text and build
Use Text Features
1. Look at the caption.
Where is the mural?
2. Read the heading.
What information do
you want to learn in this

A colorful mural in the city of San Diego, USA. Details

More About Murals 3. How do artists
• Artists create murals in communities all around the world. share ideas and tell
They use murals to help them share ideas and tell stories. stories?
4. How can people
• Many murals show characters and places that remind people
know their heritage?
of their heritage.

Objectives: build comprehension and analyze the caption.
1. Have students pay attention to the text and answer the
first question.
2. Have students make connections to talk about murals.

1. Why are outdoor
murals different from
indoor murals?
A colorful mural in the city of San Diego, USA.
Make Connections
• Painting murals is nothing new. Artists have painted on walls
2. How do you feel
for centuries. about murals?
• Murals can be on the inside of buildings or on the outside.
When murals are on outside walls, artists must use special
paints. Then even if it rains or snows, or if the sun is very hot,
the mural will last a long time.
Objectives: compare Saving an Island and Mi Barrio.
Comparison Chart 1. Have students review the setting of the two texts.
Explain the urban community and rural community to
Saving an Mi 2. Have students answer the questions.

Island Barrio
It is in an urban community. Compare Texts

It is in a rural community. 1. Is Saving an Island about

an urban community or a
rural community?
2. Is Mi Barrio about an
urban community or a rural

(Click the red dot to show the answer.)

Objectives: compare Saving an Island and Mi Barrio.
Comparison Chart 1. Have students pay attention to the pictures of the two
texts. Review the important plot of the two texts
2. Guide students to think about how people work to help

Saving an Mi their community in the two texts.

Island Barrio
The community members help
each other.
The children help their Compare Texts
community, too. 1. Do community members
3. Do children in Saving an
help each other in Saving
Island also help their
an Island?
community ?
2. Do community members
4. Do children in Mi Barrio
help each other in Mi
also help their
community ?
(Click the red dot to show the answer.)
(Click the red dot to show the answer.)

Saving an Island Mi Barrio 3

Objectives: compare Saving an Island and Mi Barrio.
Comparison Chart 1. Have students draw attention to the photos fo the two
2. Have students think about the text features and show

Saving an Mi that the two texts are illustrated with photographs.

3. Guide Ss to think back the genre of the two texts. Then
find the key words to show that the two texts both tell a
Island Barrio true story.

The selection is illustrated

with photographs.
It is a true story. Compare Texts
1. Is Saving an Island
3. Does Saving an Island tell a
illustrated with
true story?
4. Does Mi Barrio tell a true
2. Is Mi Barrio illustrated
Saving an Island Mi Barrio story?
with photographs?
(Click the red dot to show the answer.)
Genre Genre (Click the red dot to show the answer.)
A human interest feature A photo-essay is
is nonfiction. nonfiction. It uses photos
It gives facts about people and words to tell about a
and events of today. topic.

Objectives: compare Saving an Island and Mi Barrio.
1. Have students think back each elements that are
Saving Mi compared.
2. Encourage students to compare the two texts with
an Island Barrio language frame.
It is in an urban community.
It is in a rural community.
The community members help Compare Texts
each other.
The children help their Saving an Island is a
community, too. human-interest feature. Mi
Barrio is a photo-essay.
The selection is illustrated with • How are the two
photographs. selections alike?
It is a true story.

Compare Texts
Saving an Island and Mi Barrio are alike because they both
__________, ___________, __________ and ___________.
Objectives: learn and apply possessive pronouns.
Possessive Pronouns 1. Have students read example sentences and guess the
These paintings meaning of the words ours, yours, theirs.
2. Explain the possessive pronouns and the grammar rules.
A possessive
belongpronoun tells who owns something.
to us. They 3. Practice to apply possessive pronouns.

are ours.

• For yourself and one or more people, use

ours. Possessive Pronouns
My painting uses 4/5. The word ours, yours and
1. This phototheissame
2. Your
colorsteam 3. We make a 5/5. Can you use correct
2/5. Lookare at
Look possessive
at thesentences.
the sentence.
Our better
class’s than
our members are plan that is 1/5.
possessive the
pronouns to replace
as yours. pronouns.
What does They
doesthe theword
the tell
word who
yours owns
are more
photo.unusual tallerpeople,
than her different from
Let’s know more
• When you speak to more use yours. refer
to? to?
any street lamp to show question
than theirs. team members. their plan. grammar rules.
and click again to hide.)

• For two or more people, places, or things, use


Objectives: talk about how people work together.
1. Have students talk about the caption and think about
2. Model how to use writing frames.
Write About How People
3. Have Ss answer with writing frames. Encourage Ss to use
words learned in this unit. Possible responses: I read that
Farmers are working Work Together
farmers are working on Pemba Island. I learned that
people grow crops and seedlings to solve environmental
on Pemba Island. 1. What can you read from the caption?

2. What do people do for their

3. What did you learn from people
working together?

Writing Frame
that Marc and his
I read ________________________
friend draw pictures
I learned that people __________
to build a community
Marc helped to
Marc and his friend draw
(Click to show
(Click twothe
to show more captions.)

make the mural in

at the community center.
this park.
Objectives: explain the online exercise.
Explain the online exercise to students. Remind
students to shoot and post their writing.

• Online exercise

• My Writing Journal P21-24

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