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Database Systems-Lecture-03

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Database System

Sadiq Shah

(Lecture 03)
Modeling Data in the Organization

 The E-R model is expressed in terms of entities in the

business environment, the relationships (or associations)
among those entities, and the attributes (or properties) of
both the entities and their relationships.
 A graphical representation of an entity-relationship
Sample E-R Diagram
 E-R diagram for a small furniture manufacturing company, Pine
Valley Furniture Company.
 A number of suppliers supply and ship different items to Pine
Valley Furniture.
 The items are assembled into products that are sold to
customers who order the products. Each customer order may
include one or more lines corresponding to the products
appearing on that order.
E-R Model
The entities in Figure include the following:
CUSTOMER A person or an organization that has ordered or might order products.

PRODUCT A type of furniture made by Pine Valley Furniture that may be ordered by
ORDER The transaction associated with the sale of one or more products to a
customer and identified by a transaction number from sales or
ITEM A type of component that goes into making one or more products and
can be supplied by one or more suppliers.

SUPPLIER Another company that may provide items to Pine Valley Furniture.

SHIPMENT The transaction associated with items received in the same package by
Pine Valley Furniture from a supplier. All items in a shipment appear on
one bill document. Example: The receipt
 The symbols at the end of each line on an ERD specify
relationship cardinalities, which represent how many entities of
one kind relate to how many entities of another kind.
Business rules:

1. A SUPPLIER may supply many ITEMs (by “may supply,” we mean the supplier
may not supply any items). Each ITEM is supplied by any number of SUPPLIERs
(by “is supplied,” we mean that the item must be supplied by at least one supplier).
2. Each ITEM must be used in the assembly of at least one PRODUCT and may be
used in many products. Conversely, each PRODUCT must use one or more ITEMs
3. A SUPPLIER may send many SHIPMENTs. However, each shipment must be sent
by exactly one SUPPLIER. Notice that sends and supplies are separate concepts.
4. A SUPPLIER may be able to supply an item but may not yet have sent any
shipments of that item.
Business rules:

6. A SHIPMENT must include one (or more) ITEMs. An ITEM may be included
on several SHIPMENTs.
7. A CUSTOMER may submit any number of ORDERs. However, each ORDER
must be submitted by exactly one CUSTOMER. Given that a CUSTOMER may
not have submitted any ORDERs, some CUSTOMERs must be potential,
inactive, or some other customer possibly without any related ORDERs.
8. An ORDER must request one (or more) PRODUCTs. A given PRODUCT
may not be requested on any ORDER or may be requested on one or more
E-R Model Notation

 The notation we use for E-R diagrams is shown in Figure. As indicated

in the previous section, there is no industry-standard notation.
 The notation in Figure combines most of the desirable features of the
different notations that are commonly used in E-R drawing tools today
Entity Type
Relationship Degrees
Relationship cardinality
Business Rules
 A business rule is “a statement that defines or constrains some aspect
of the business.
 It is intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the
behavior of the business . . . rules prevent, cause, or suggest things to
 For example, the following two statements are common expressions of
business rules
 “A student may register for a section of a course only if he or
she has successfully completed the prerequisites for that
 “A preferred customer qualifies for a 10 percent discount,
unless he has an overdue account balance.”
 Declarative: A business rule is a statement of policy, not how policy is
enforced or conducted; the rule does not describe a process or
implementation, but rather describes what a process validates.
 Precise: With the related organization, the rule must have only one
interpretation among all interested people, and its meaning must be
 Atomic: A business rule marks one statement, not several; no part of
the rule can stand on its own as a rule (that is, the rule is indivisible, yet
 Consistent: A business rule must be internally consistent (that is, not
contain conflicting statements) and must be consistent with (and not
contradict) other rules.

 Expressible: A business rule must be able to be stated in natural

language, but it will be stated in a structured natural language so that
there is no misinterpretation.
 Distinct: Business rules are not redundant, but a business rule may
refer to other rules (especially to definitions).
 Business-oriented: A business rule is stated in terms businesspeople
can understand, and because it is a statement of business policy, only
businesspeople can modify or invalidate a rule; thus, a business rule is
owned by the business.

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