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CMDB - Change Management Use Case

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Use Case- How CMDB will help the change management:

In change management, it is vital to know what CIs are affected by a given change.
Using the BSM map, its often useful to see this in a related list directly on your
change form as well. The Impacted Services related list in the change form,
populates this data. This UI action gathers all of the information about the CIs in
change request and adds the impacted services to the list.

The relationship model for change management plays an important role in impact
analysis of the change to the CI and determines who would be impacted, what the
risk was and hence, who would be the right person to get approvals from.

For Eg:

In the below screenshot, related items with open changes associated with a CI are
identified with a Clip icon (highlighted in orange).

Hovering the mouse over it bring up popup (highlighted in orange) that display the
CI information and the associated Change Record Number. Based on the roles and
privileges the user has, he or she can open the change record and view the
complete detailed information including the schedule, assignment groups and
description pertaining to the change number. The user will also be able to see the
affected CIs (if any) associated to the change.
i. Change Management Pain Points that can be
reduced with a CMDB
Pain Point Possible Cause How will a CMDB Help?
Changes fail: They When a change request
are backed out or Dependencies were not is received, the
require re-work to identified before change team can
resolve issues with deployment. query the CMDB to
installation. identify all
configuration items
During the change that will be impacted
impact assessment, by the change.
dependencies have to Change assessors and
be identified manually. approvers can access
Change turnaround The Change Manager information about the
time is too long. and CAB must consult impacted
with SMEs to gain an configuration items,
accurate understanding and their relationships
of potential impact and to other systems and
risk. applications, in a
central location.
This saves time by
eliminating the need
to manually
investigate the
A change causes a dependencies of every
service impacting request and helps the
incident. change team identify
more dependencies
before they cause
Users and support
issues during
staff are disrupted
by changes.
The change team can
use the CMDB to find
out which users and
Change team was not
systems will be
able to identify all the
impacted by the
impacted users or
change, ensuring that
support staff.
all affected parties are
informed of the
change in advance.

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