Student Book
Student Book
Student Book
Introduction Results
Study online class is a course conducted over the Internet. Online learning has helped students to become
They are generally conducted through a learning independent learners before they make their way into the
management system, in which students can view their real world. Students got opportunities to explore new
course syllabus and academic progress, as well as learning applications and platforms during the class,
communicate between students and teachers in their course. which helped them to develop new skills and
Online learning are generally self-contained, allowing for capabilities accelerating their growth trajectory. It was
greater flexibility in learning. found that 80% of students felt online learning
The aim of this topic is study about how to provide outcomes and stronger performance of students taking
knowledge and skills during difficult situation, set online courses than traditional face-to-face courses.
Today online learning is greater than ever. Online courses. I would therefore recommend that online
programs are generally considered to be high quality, learning be implemented on all learning institutions
legitimate educational resources and currently, include and research on how to improve this learning process
everything from virtual study programs imitating the should be carried out.