Ensemble Based Reservoir Modeling
Ensemble Based Reservoir Modeling
Ensemble Based Reservoir Modeling
Solution Highlights
• 100 equally probable reservoir models were created that consistently honor the current measurements of both
static and dynamic data, while capturing and propagating the uncertainty in the modeling and data assimilation
• ResX was integrated into five workflows covering the entire reservoir modeling process including:
1) reservoir modeling; 2) ensemble generation; 3) data assimilation; 4) validation; 5) forecast (see figure above).
• The reservoir modeling workflow consists of three main processes: structural modeling and gridding,
facies modeling, and petrophysical modeling.
• The chosen parameterization includes both scalar variables and 3D grid properties, for a total of almost
10 million parameters.
• The approach ensured geological consistency and workflow repeatability in the reservoir modeling and data
assimilation process.
• The repeatability makes it possible to easily integrate new static and dynamic data and to re-parametrize the
model when the match quality is unsatisfactory.
• Through the analysis of the updated model properties, new reservoir insights were identified including flow
barriers in certain areas and in-place volume constraints.