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Proof that the Bible is the

Word of God!
Part 1 -- Faith is more than just a feeling
Proof that the Bible
is the Word of God!
• “And without faith it is impossible to
please Him [God], for he who comes
to God must believe that He is, and
that He is a rewarder of those who
seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
• What is faith?
• Is it a blind leap or is it based on
something solid?

• Remember Indiana Jones and the Last

Crusade – he was in search of the Holy
Proof that the Bible is Grail
• Shouldn’t he have tested first before he
the Word of God! leapt?
• God’s definition of faith is not a blind leap,
but is based on solid proof
Proof that the Bible is
the Word of God!
• Example of World War II bomber “Lady
Be Good”
• Took off in North Africa to drop payload
of bombs over Naples, Italy
• Never returned home, but flew past
base and perished in Sahara Desert
• There was a strong tail wind that caused
pilots to question validity of instrument
Proof that the Bible
is the Word of God!
• You cannot fly a plane by “feel” or
“instinct,” but must have a visual
override (instrument panel) that is
always accurate
• In the same way, our faith must be more
than a feeling, it must be based on logic
which doesn’t change
• As we approach this Bible study, our goal
is to establish a faith that is logical,
tested, and proven to be true
• Jesus’ example of the wise
man and the foolish man
found in Matthew 7:24-27
• The storms of life will always
• Are you able to stand?
• It depends upon your
• Foundations aren’t flashy,
but they are the most
important part of the house

Proof that the Bible

is the Word of God!
Proof that the Bible
is the Word of God!
• In the same way, the only way that
we can withstand the trials of our
life is if the foundation is rock solid
• The goal of our Bible study is to lay
a solid foundation based on truth,
so that the framework of our lives
will stand not only for this life, but
for eternity
• “Come to Me, all who are weary and
heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”
Proof that the Bible is • “Take My yoke upon you, and learn from
Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart;
the Word of God! and you shall find rest for your souls.”
• “For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30)
• This life is a long journey, like an
endurance-testing mountain trek
Proof that the Bible is • Jesus knows that we get tired and need His
the Word of God! • His statement seems like a paradox when
He says that we must take His yoke in order
to get rest
• Example of a mountain hike
• Satan offers an empty
• Christ offers a 90-lb pack
• If you choose Satan’s, he
throws in rocks with
every step you take;
thus making the “easy”
load heavier each day
• Christ’s pack is filled
with essentials for
completion of the
journey – tent, food,
• As you travel, you use

Proof that the Bible many of the provisions,

and the load gets lighter
each day
is the Word of God!
Proof that the Bible
is the Word of God!
• Another example is that of cash vs. credit
• Christ tells you of the upfront cost
associated with eternal life, but He
delivers promised rest
• Satan offers a credit card to buy all the
fun things you desire, but neglects to
speak of the fine print of accruing
• The goal of our Bible study is to prove
that God’s Word is true, so that we can
have complete confidence that Jesus
delivers promised rest when we follow
Proof that the Bible is
the Word of God!
• If something is true, it must meet the demands
of the mind as well as answer the questions of
the heart
• “ ‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ says
the LORD…” (Isaiah 1:18)
• “In the beginning was the Word…” (John 1:1)
• The Greek for word is “logos,” from which we
derive the word “logic”
• The Bible is God’s logical communication to
Proof that the Bible is
the Word of God!
• Example of building a fire
• Use lots of paper and gas without
much kindling – high flames, but dies
quickly – emotional “faith”
• Use properly positioned kindling with
a little paper and spark – starts
slowly, but can then be built
however big you want it – reasoned
• Let’s have a day in court; bring everything
to the table
• Truth doesn’t fear examination!
• Read Isaiah 41:21-23
• Anyone or any book claiming to have
revelation from God had better be able to
do two things
1. Recount past history and get it right
2. Proclaim the future and make it

Proof that the Bible

is the Word of God!
Proof that the
Bible is the Word
of God!

• There are four major books which claim to be God’s inspired word
• Can you name them?
1. Bible (Christians)
2. Book of Mormon (LDS)
3. Vedas (Hindus)
4. Koran (Muslims)
Proof that the Bible is the
Word of God!
• Let’s apply “the test” to each of these books to determine if
any of them are from God
• The Vedas (Hindus)
• Claim that the world rides on the back of a giant
tortoise called Akupara
• This is obvious mythology that fails the test of getting past
history right
Proof that the Bible is the
Word of God!
• The Book of Mormon
• Claims that there was another testament of
Jesus Christ for the peoples of the Americas
• Have the American continents been relatively
heavily populated or lightly populated
throughout the centuries? lightly
• There is not one piece of archeological
evidence to support the places or people
spoken of in the Book of Mormon
• This fails the test of getting past history right
Proof that the Bible is the
Word of God!
• The Koran
• This book is largely a book of doctrine,
with some contradictions in it
• There is no historical base to it, so it fails
the first part of the test
• There are no prophecies to be able to test
• It completely fails the second part of “the
test” (Proclaim the future and make it
Proof that the Bible is the
Word of God!
• The Bible
• Written by 40 writers over a period of about
1500 years
• Claims that it is inspired by God and that it
reveals His plan for man
• Our next series of studies is dedicated to
putting the Bible to the test under the
conditions of Isaiah 41
Proof that the Bible is
the Word of God!
• The Bible
• Is it accurate when tested from
external means? How does it fare
in the arenas of archaeology,
science, and history?
• Even more importantly, as we
examine it internally, does it prove
a Master Designer who has
foretold the future and brought it
about before the eyes of mankind?
Proof that the Bible is the Word of God!

• Read Isaiah 66:1-2

• “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and
who trembles at My word.”
• The goal of “Proof that the Bible is the Word of God” is to establish the
absolute authority of the Scriptures
• We may turn to them as the final answer to all of life’s questions
Part 2 – External Considerations

Proof that the Bible is

the Word of God!

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