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Pasqually's Cosmology

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A Summary of Martinez des Pasqually's Cosmology based on his book

"A Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings"

by Brother Benedictus

1. Before the beginning of Time, God emanated Spiritual Beings

2. They were emanated from the Four-Fold Divine Essence
3. They were distinguished from each other by their virtue, power and names
4. They formed four categories that were much more powerful than the
Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels and Angels which God emanated afterwards
5. They possessed part of the power of God capable of reproducing forms
6. They were innate in the different organisms comprising the material universe
7. They were real and imperishable, having a personal existence, absolute and
eternal, within the Divinity.
8. By abusing the freedom that God had given them, some of these initial
Spiritual Beings sinned
9. This basic sinful Will of some of the First Category of Spiritual Beings
constituted the principle of spiritual evil
10. God created Materiality to become a fixed location for them to act and
exercise their malice in Deprivation; to be a boundary of their evil operations;
to become a “prison” in which they were “emancipated”
11. In order to appoint a sort of “Guardian” to this “prison”, God emanated Adam
or “the First Temporal Father” to oppose and restrain these Daemonic Powers
12. All Spiritual Beings were subject to him
13. Adam represented that Category of Spiritual Being who ranked in the celestial
hierarchy immediately after God
14. He had assumed a “form” that enabled him to act at will on the forms of living
organisms and inanimate entities
15. As the emanated “Man-God”, his power extended over the entire universe
16. Without the rebellion of some of the First Category, no Spiritual Being would
have been made subject to Materiality. No boundaries would have been
17. Henceforth, the universe was composed of four realms: The Divine Immensity,
The Supra-Heavenly Realm, The Heavenly Realm and The Earthly Realm
18. Correspondingly, God emanated four Categories of Spiritual Beings: The
Superior, The Major, The Inferior and The Minor.
19. The first two Categories functioned in a medium where everything is Spirit
and nothing is Matter but they did not have the faculty of producing Spiritual
20. The other two Categories had the faculty of producing Materiality but used it
only at the moment of their own emanation to form the physical world that
was to serve as a molestation of the original rebels
21. The Inferior Beings created the celestial or heavenly bodies
22. The Minor Beings created the Earth
23. Hence, there were two Materialities
24. Adam, residing in the Celestial realm, functioned as a “pure Divine Spiritual
25. Placed in the Celestial realm, Adam was assured of God’s direct help in coping
with the rebels
26. These realms had been thus assigned exclusively for Adam’s use and, since
they were to serve as boundaries for the rebels, they depended on Adam so
that he could exert his power on them according to his Will and the laws of
27. Such was the sublime condition of Adam.
28. Unfortunately, like the rebels, he used his free will and, like them, he abused
his privilege. His pride caused him to think that the power which God had
assigned to him over the universe was almost as great as God’s.
29. This sinful pride made itself known to the Daemonic Powers
30. One of their leaders persuaded him to operate his dominion over all inferior
Spiritual Beings
31. Adam possessed the “Word”, but he could not operate that power without
God’s active co-operation.
32. However, Adam tried to create Spiritual Beings without God’s co-operation.
33. Instead of a glorious form similar to his own, Adam produced only a sinister,
physical form. He named this “Houva”
34. As punishment for his sin, God enclosed a soul in the material form created by
35. God permitted this impure product to subsist from generation to generation
partly in order that we might learn that the miseries and hardships we have to
endure until the end of Time are not caused by God but by our own primeval
Father, the creator of impure and passive Matter which is subject to suffering.
36. In addition, Adam was banished from Heaven and thrown into the Earth
where the consequences of his sin were manifested.
37. The material form that he, in his sinful pride, had created now served to
perpetuate a race of fallen souls.
38. He found himself separated henceforth from God and exposed to the
influence of the “Daemonic Powers”
39. He was unable to resist their seductions except by God’s Grace.
40. However, the power conferred on him was so great that, in spite of his sin, he
was still superior to all other emanated and emancipated Beings and he did
not lose direct contact with God as did the rebels from the First Category
41. He managed to preserve the original faculty and power that he had received
when he had been emanated
42. Because of Adam’s repentance, he was reconciled spiritually with God and
thereby reinstated into the same virtues and powers that he had held over the
43. However, degraded and plunged into Materiality, he no longer possessed all
of the privileges that he had enjoyed in his primeval state of innocence
44. Since Adam had quitted his post, the good Spiritual Beings alone remained to
ensure the supervision of the two lower Realms and to prevent the rebels
from leaving their place of exile. At the same time, they had to function as
intermediaries between God and Man and were required to contribute to the
reconciliation and purification of humanity.
45. The story of Cain and Abel is an allegory of what happens if man does not co-
operate with God.
46. Adam’s 2nd sin: Adam committed a new sin when he and Houva emerged from
their first location
47. They procreated Cain in sensual frenzy, but co-operated with God in forming
Abel without any sensual excess
48. Furious in having to give up his birthright as the elder son, Cain asked the
Daemonic Powers to bestow on him a power that was greater than that given
to God by Abel
49. Overcame with hatred, he killed Abel. The atoning blood of an innocent one,
whom God had endowed with His own wisdom, sealed Adam’s second
reconciliation with God
50. God transferred the gifts bestowed on Abel to another soul and Adam, with
God’s approval, procreated a third son whom he named Seth
51. God Himself taught Seth through His messenger Eli (or Heli) the secret of
those powers that contained and controlled the whole of Nature, both
spiritual and material
52. From Seth onwards, however, humanity’s fate has been sealed forever. The
plot and the personalities taking part in the drama, that has been played out
here on Earth, has been determined for all Time.
53. Humanity was divided henceforth into two categories: the descendants of
Cain, and the descendants of Seth.
54. Cain’s descendants were outcasts, prisoners of Materiality, skilled in gross
material arts, with a poor moral sense. God kept them wandering about in
spiritual darkness. When the Flood destroyed them, the accursed race was
reborn as the descendants of Ham.
55. Seth’s descendants learned from their father how to worship in a manner that
was agreeable to God. But they were as weak as Adam had been and, in spite
of Divine interdiction, they united with the Children of Men and so they
deprived themselves of all the spiritual knowledge that Seth had imparted to
56. Infact, the whole history of the Jewish people is nothing but a detailed
account of such relapses followed by fleeting repentance and reconciliation.
57. Although they were enlightened at different times by Divine messengers, the
Jews soon forgot the sublime truths that had been revealed to them. Thus,
they lost all communication with God and entire generations of them fell back
into darkness until the appearance of each new prophet.
58. Properly interpreted, the Bible teaches the destiny of Seth’s descendants
59. As a Spiritual Being fallen from Heaven, Man’s decadence has never been
60. Man can be reintegrated into the same state in which God placed Adam after
his second reconciliation, there to enjoy the same privileges accorded to Adam
61. This reintegration should become the supreme goal of humanity and we
must enter the path of salvation willingly
62. God has left His creature, Man, a complete freedom of choice and He takes no
part whatsoever in Secondary Causes in the universe
63. To assist us, God has restored an equilibrium by detaching from the Divine
Immensity, a Major Spiritual Being to be Man’s guide, support and companion.
64. The Reconciler/Guide transmits to humanity the instructions received directly
from God Himself concerning the worship we ought to render to God
65. He communicates to Men of Desire, via a spiritual operation, the gifts he has
to bestow marking them with a “glyph” or seal, without which no soul can be
reconciled since, without this mysterious “ordination”, we will remain souls in
Deprivation without communication with God whatever our merits may be
66. This Messenger, the Repairer, is known to us as the Christ.

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