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Unit 4

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Unit-IV PPT Slides

Text Books: (1) Computer Systems Architecture by M. Morris Mano
(2) Computer Organization by Carl Hamacher

Sl. No Module as per Session planner Lecture No
1. Algorithm for Addition L1
2. Algorithm for Subtraction L2
3. Algorithm for Multiplication L3
4. Algorithm for Division L4
5. Floating – point Arithmetic operations L5
6. Decimal Arithmetic unit L6
7. Decimal Arithmetic operations L7


 Arithmetic operations involve adding, subtracting,

multiplying and dividing.
 We can apply these operations to integers and
floating-point numbers.

Arithmetic operations on integers

 All arithmetic operations such as addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division can be
applied to integers.
 Although multiplication (division) of integers can be
implemented using repeated addition (subtraction),
the procedure is not efficient.
 There are more efficient procedures for
multiplication and division, such as Booth procedures,
but these are beyond the scope of this book.
 For this reason, we only discuss addition and
subtraction of integers here.

Two’s complement integers
When the subtraction operation is encountered, the
computer simply changes it to an addition operation, but
makes two’s complement of the second number. In other

A − B ↔ A + (B + 1)

Where B is the one’s complement of B and

(B + 1) means the two’s complement of B

 We should remember that we add integers
column by column.
 The following table shows the sum and
carry (C).

Sign-and-magnitude integers
 Addition and subtraction for integers in sign-and-
magnitude representation looks very complex.
 We have four different combinations of signs (two
signs, each of two values) for addition and four
different conditions for subtraction.
 This means that we need to consider eight different

Addition/subtraction of integers in sign-and-magnitude format

 Eight situations for sign-and-magnitude addition/subtraction


Magnitudes AM > BM AM < BM AM = BM

(+A) + (+B) + (AM + BM)

(+A) + (-B) + (AM – BM ) - (BM – AM ) + (AM – BM )
(-A) + (+B) - (AM – BM ) + (BM – AM ) + (AM – BM )
(-A) + (-B) - ( AM + BM)
(+A) - (+B) + (AM – BM ) - (BM – AM ) + (AM – BM )
(+A) - (-B) + (AM + BM)
(-A) - (+B) - ( AM + BM)
(-A) - (-B) - (AM – BM ) + (BM – AM ) + (AM – BM )

Addition and Subtraction

• Normal binary addition

• Monitor sign bit for overflow

• Take twos compliment of substahend and add

to minuend
– i.e. a - b = a + (-b)

• So we only need addition and complement

Hardware for Addition and Subtraction
Figure 4.6 Addition and subtraction of integers in two’s complement format
Example 4.16

Two integers A and B are stored in two’s complement format. Show how B is added to

A = (00010001)2 B = (00010110)2

 The operation is adding.
 A is added to B and the result is stored in R.
 (+17) + (+22) = (+39).

Example 4.17

Two integers A and B are stored in two’s complement format. Show how B is added to

A = (00011000)2 B = (11101111)2

 The operation is adding.
 A is added to B and the result is stored in R.
 (+24) + (17) = (+7).

Example 4.18

Two integers A and B are stored in two’s complement format. Show how B is
subtracted from A.

A = (00011000)2 B = (11101111)2

 The operation is subtracting.
 A is added to (B + 1) and the result is stored in R.
 (+24)  (17) = (+41).

Example 4.19

Two integers A and B are stored in two’s complement format. Show how B is
subtracted from A.

A = (11011101)2 B = (00010100)2

 The operation is subtracting.
 A is added to (B + 1) and the result is stored in R.
 (−35) − (+20) = (−55).

Alternative method for Addition/subtraction of integers in sign-and-magnitude format

Figure 4.7 Addition and subtraction of

integers in sign-and-magnitude format

Example 4.20

Two integers A and B are stored in two’s complement format. Show how B is added to

A = (01111111)2 B = (00000011)2

 The operation is adding.
 A is added to B and the result is stored in R.

 We expect the result to be 127 + 3 = 130, but the answer is −126.

 The error is due to overflow, because the expected answer (+130) is not in the
range −128 to +127.
Example 4.22

Two integers A and B are stored in sign-and-magnitude format. Show how B is added
to A.
A = (0 0010001)2 B = (1 0010110)2

 The operation is adding: the sign of B is not changed.
 S = AS XOR BS = 1; RM = AM + (BM +1).
 Since there is no overflow, we need to take the two’s complement of RM.
 The sign of R is the sign of B.
 (+17) + ( −22) = (−5).

Example 4.23

Two integers A and B are stored in sign-and-magnitude format. Show how B is

subtracted from A.

A = (1 1010001)2 B = (1 0010110)2

 The operation is subtracting: SB = SB.
 S = AS XOR BS = 1, RM = AM + (BM +1).
 Since there is an overflow, the value of RM is final.
 The sign of R is the sign of A.
 (−81) − (−22) = (−59).

Overflow detection in two’s complement addition
• Overflow: When the signs of the addends are the
same, and the sign of the result is different
• You will never get overflow when adding 2 numbers
of opposite signs

When we do arithmetic operations on numbers in a computer, we

should remember that each number and the result should be in
the range defined by
the bit allocation.

• Complex
• Work out partial product for each digit
• Take care with place value (column)
• Add partial products
Multiplication Example
1011 Multiplicand (11 dec)
x 1101 Multiplier (13 dec)
1011 Partial products
0000 Note: if multiplier bit is 1 copy
1011 multiplicand (place value)
1011 otherwise zero
10001111 Product (143 dec)

Note: need double length result

Unsigned Binary Multiplication
Multiplication of Unsigned Binary Integers
Flowchart for Unsigned
Binary Multiplication
Execution of Example
Multiplication of Two
Unsigned 4-Bit Integers Yielding an 8-Bit Result
Comparison of Multiplication
of Unsigned and Twos Complement Integers
Multiplying Negative Numbers

• This does not work!

• Solution 1
– Convert to positive if required
– Multiply as above
– If signs were different, negate answer
• Solution 2
– Booth’s algorithm
Booth’s Algorithm
Example of Booth’s Algorithm
Examples Using Booth's Algorithm
• More complex than multiplication
• Negative numbers are really bad!
• Based on long division
Division of Unsigned Binary Integers

00001101 Quotient

Divisor 1011 10010011 Dividend

Examples of Twos Complement Division
Real Numbers
• Numbers with fractions
• Could be done in pure binary
– 1001.1010 = 24 + 20 +2-1 + 2-3 =9.625
• Where is the binary point?
• Fixed?
– Very limited
• Moving?
– How do you show where it is?
Floating Point

• +/- .significand x 2exponent

• Misnomer
• Point is actually fixed between sign bit and body of mantissa
• Exponent indicates place value (point position)
Floating Point Examples
Signs for Floating Point
• Mantissa is stored in 2s compliment
• Exponent is in excess or biased notation
– e.g. Excess (bias) 128 means
– 8 bit exponent field
– Pure value range 0-255
– Subtract 128 to get correct value
– Range -128 to +127
• FP numbers are usually normalized
• i.e. exponent is adjusted so that leading bit
(MSB) of mantissa is 1
• Since it is always 1 there is no need to
store it
• (c.f. Scientific notation where numbers are
normalized to give a single digit before the
decimal point
• e.g. 3.123 x 103)
FP Ranges
• For a 32 bit number
– 8 bit exponent
– +/- 2256  1.5 x 1077
• Accuracy
– The effect of changing lsb of mantissa
– 23 bit mantissa 2-23  1.2 x 10-7
– About 6 decimal places
Expressible Numbers
Density of Floating Point Numbers
IEEE 754
• Standard for floating point storage
• 32 and 64 bit standards
• 8 and 11 bit exponent respectively
• Extended formats (both mantissa and
exponent) for intermediate results
IEEE 754 Formats
IEEE 754 Format Parameters
of IEEE 754 Floating-Point Numbers
Numbers and Arithmetic Operations
FP Arithmetic +/-
• Check for zeros
• Align significands (adjusting exponents)
• Add or subtract significands
• Normalize result
FP Addition & Subtraction Flowchart
FP Arithmetic x/
• Check for zero
• Add/subtract exponents
• Multiply/divide significands (watch sign)
• Normalize
• Round
• All intermediate results should be in double
length storage
Floating Point
Floating Point
Hardware for Addition and Subtraction
Arithmetic operations on reals
• All arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division can be applied to reals stored
in floating-point format.
• Multiplication of two reals involves multiplication of two
integers in sign-and-magnitude representation.
• Division of two reals involves division of two integers in
sign-and-magnitude representations.
• Since we did not discuss the multiplication or division of
integers in sign-and magnitude representation, we will
not discuss the multiplication and division of reals, and
only show addition and subtractions for reals.

Addition and subtraction of reals
• Addition and subtraction of real numbers stored in
floating-point numbers is reduced to addition and
subtraction of two integers stored in sign-and-
magnitude (combination of sign and mantissa) after
the alignment of decimal points.
• Figure 4.8 shows a simplified version of the procedure
(there are some special cases that we have ignored).

F igure 4.8 Addition and subtraction of reals in floating-point format
4.5 7
Example 4.24

Show how the computer finds the result of

(+5.75) + (+161.875) = (+167.625).

As we saw in Chapter 3, these two numbers are stored in floating-point format, as
shown below, but we need to remember that each number has a hidden 1 (which is
not stored, but assumed).

Example 4.24 (Continued)

 The first few steps in the UML diagram (Figure 4.8) are not needed.
 We de-normalize the numbers by adding the hidden 1s to the mantissa and
incrementing the exponent.
 Now both de-normalized mantissas are 24 bits and include the hidden 1s.
 They should be stored in a location that can hold all 24 bits.
 Each exponent is incremented.

Example 4.24 (Continued)

 Align the mantissa

 Increment the exponent of the first number five times
 Shift the first mantissa to the right by five positions

 Now we do sign-and-magnitude addition, treating the sign and the mantissa of

each number as one integer stored in sign-and-magnitude representation.

Example 4.24 (Continued)

 There is no overflow in the mantissa, so we normalize.

 The mantissa is only 23 bits, no rounding is needed.

 E = (10000110)2 = 134, M = 0100111101.
 In other words, the result is (1.0100111101)2 × 2134−127 = (10100111.101)2 =

Example 4.25

Show how the computer finds the result of

(+5.75) + (−7.0234375) = − 1.2734375.

 These two numbers can be stored in floating-point format, as shown below:

 De-normalization results in:

Example 4.25 (Continued)

 Alignment is not needed (both exponents are the same)

 We apply addition operation on the combinations of sign and mantissa.
 The result is shown below, in which the sign of the result is negative:

 Now we need to normalize.

 We decrement the exponent three times
 Shift the de-normalized mantissa to the left three positions:

Example 4.25 (Continued)

 The mantissa is now 24 bits, so we round it to 23 bits.

 The result is R = − 2127−127 × 1.0100011 = − 1.2734375, as expected.

Example 4.21

Two integers A and B are stored in sign-and-magnitude format (we have separated the
magnitude for clarity).Show how B is added to A.
A = (0 0010001)2 B = (0 0010110)2
 The operation is adding.
 A is added to B and the result is stored in R.

 We expect the result to be 127 + 3 = 130, but the answer is −126.

 The error is due to overflow, because the expected answer (+130) is not in the range
−128 to +127.
Addition and Subtraction with Signed-
Magnitude Data Hardware Design

Bs B register
AVF Complementer M

E Parallel Adder
Output Carry
As A register Load
 Flowchart of addition and subtraction of integers in sign-and-magnitude format

R=A ± B Start


No Yes
As = Bs

No Yes
AM > BM R M = AM + B M
No Yes RM = A M – BM
AM = B M
RS = A S
RM = BM – AM Yes
RM = 0 Overflow?
RS = BS RS = 0
Done overflow

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