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Fire Fighting Robot

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fire Fighting Robot

Sheetal A. Phatangare, Snehal S. Suryawanshi, Sahil S. Surve, Supriya S. Surve, Aditya
U. Suryawanshi, Surya P. Chauhan.
Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, 411037, Maharashtra,

Abstract:- In this growing advanced world the importance no. 8-10 then there is a motor driver connected to Pin no.2-5.
of security of home, laboratory, office, factory and building Servo motor is connected to pin no.11 of the Arduino and the
in human life remains the same. We have developed a whole circuit is driven by the Lithium-ion battery (3.7V*2). This
securitysystem that contains a firefighting robot in our daily contains the input from flame sensors. There are three flame
life. There is a risk of life in extinguishing the fire. Users may sensors connected to the digital input pins (Pin no.8-10). After
take a late time to extinguish fire like finding the water processing the signal of the flame sensor Arduino checks for
source to extinguish fire when they want to extinguish the the conditionin programming and if there is fire, executes a block
fire. The fire has difficulties to detect the small burnt area of the code which will drive the motor driver to desired place
and location that is hard to be reached by the user and extinguish fire. In this way, on giving power supply the
Sometimes tough fire to the fire. Fire accidents are one of wholesystem works.
the biggest problems. Use robots instead of humans which
perform better functions as compared to humans. In this 1. Arduino UNO
projectwe are making a robot using Arduino which willself-
detect and extinguish fire. Fire disasters canoccur any time
and result in high losses, such disasters cannot be controlled
by firefighters. as well so we are able to use robots for that
purpose. This project focuses on the safety ofthe person
extinguishing fire through the Automation system.

Keywords:- Arduino UNO, Breadboard, L293DMotor Driver,

Sensors, Water pump.

Fig 1 Arduino UNO
Nowadays, machinery and robotic design have become
important in helping humans. The Fire Fighting Robot is Arduino UNO board. It is basically a microcontroller kit
designed to help people in any burnt out situation using an that is used to get data from peripheral devices (sensors, motors,
autonomous system. People don’t want their homes, etc.). The Arduino UNO Microcontroller board is basedon the
laboratories, offices, factories, buildings to be compromised ATmega328P IC. The ATmega328P is a good platform for
in any way. We develop a securitysystem that contains a fire robotics applications which makes a robot to extinguish fire in
protection robot using sensors. The security system can detect real time. Arduino UNO boards consist of sets of digital and
abnormal and dangerous situations and notify us. First, we analog pins that may act as an interface to various expansion
develop a fire protection robot witha fire extinguisher for the boards and other circuits. It contains everything needed to
smart building.Besides, humans had difficulties detecting small support the microcontroller
burns caused by electrical appliances. The late time the user
takes to extinguish the fire. Users may take a late time to 2. Flame Sensor
extinguish fire like finding the water source to extinguish fire
when they want to extinguish the fire. The fire has difficulties
detecting the small burnt area and location that is hard to be
reached by the user. For this we are making a firefighting robot
that will help people in the above situation.


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform, which is a

combination of bothhardware and software, which is easy to use
andhandle, where the Arduino intakes the inputsand gives out Fig 2 Flame Sensor
the output. Flame sensors are connected to Arduino at the pin

IJISRT22NOV1100 1035

Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The module is based on the IR receiver and basically Table.1. Component of Project
detects the presence of flammable and harmful gasses like Equipment Quantity
nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide. The signal detection Sensor 3
capacity is adjustable. The robot contains three flamesensors. Breadboard 1
Chassi 1
3. Motor driver
Arduino Uno 1
L293D Motor Driver 1
Bo Motor 4
Wheel 4
Servo Motor 1
Water Pump 1
Battery 1

Fig 3 Motor driver

L293D Motor Driver. L293D is a Motor Driver or Motor

Driver IC which is responsible for the movement of a DC motor
in either direction. We can run two DC motors simultaneously
by using L293D which is a 16-pin IC.

4. Servo Motor

Fig.6. Block Diagram

Fig 4 Servo Motor

We used electronic devices servo motors which mainly

provide specific velocity and acceleration.

5. Water Pump

Fig. 7. Circuit Diagram


Fire Fighting Robot has been developed toreduce human

life lost and to develop such a device that automatically senses
fire and extinguishes it without human intervention. IR flame
Fig 5 Water Pump sensor detects the fire and it is connected to the arduino UNO
that helps to control the movement of motor drive, because of
Submersible Water Pump. The Submersible Water Pump this robot can find the fire and go near fire to extinguish it with
is ideal for making an automatic watering system using Arduino. the help of pumping mechanisms. Industry needs a person to
The waterpump plays an important role in our project, it pumps monitor and rectify fire accidents if any occurs but using fire
water and extinguishes fire. fighting robot the work of monitoring and rectifying willget easy.

IJISRT22NOV1100 1036

Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This can be done forfuture work. The conclusion summarizes the
whole report by highlighting all the chapters and their
significance and the importance of the project and about the
achievements. Also discuss the constraints of the project.


This model of Fire Extinguishing Robotreduces burden in

firefighting tasks. Our project aims to build a real-time
firefighting robot that moves at a constant rate, identifies fire and
extinguishes it. The detection and extinguishing were done with
the help of basic hardware components attached with the robot.
First, IR flame detectors are used to detect fire. Second, BO
Motors and rubber wheels are used to navigate the bot to reach
the focus. Finally, the robot extinguishes the fire with the help of
submersible water pumps and servo motors.


We cannot express enough thanks to our Capstone 1 Guide

Dr. Sheetal Phatangare Mam and Group members. Our
completion of this project could not have been accomplished
without my group member's support. We are thanking our cp1
Fig . 8 Module of Fire Fighting Robot
guide for her suggestion forour project.

[1]. Fire Extinguishing Robot Using Arduino Durgesh Sharma1,

Harshala Gaikwad2, Kartavya Verma3
[2]. Design and Manufacture of Indoor Intelligent Fire Fighting
Robot Ligang Chen Qingdao Binhai University
[4]. o-
[5]. Fire Extinguishing Robot Using Arduino Durgesh Sharma,
Harshala Gaikwad, Kartavya Verma
[6]. Design and Manufacture of Indoor Intelligent Fire Fighting
Robot Author- Ligang Chen
[7]. IOT based fire detection robot satya ranjan das, Santosh
kumar behra, Mihir Narayan Mohanty
[8]. Fire Fighting Robot Prince, Ahmed Tamim Zabir, Kabir,
Kazi Shahadat, Nabil, Md. Abdullah, Ratul, S.M. Zobaeir
Akando, Rafat, Sadman Sakib, Raisa, Tabassum Tasin ,
Tahrim, H M , Jahan, Nusrat, Raza, Kala.
Fig 9. Mathematical Module


We have created only the prototype of therobot. By using

more powerful equipment and sensors we are able to extend this
project also. Instead of the ground extinguishment of fire we can
use drones to extinguish the fire which will be a better idea than
this project. We can use the Bluetooth controller and Gem
module to contactusers and not only fire by using MQ2 gas
sensor, we can use this model in the gas detection systems also.

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