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The Biosphere and Levels of Organization

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The Biosphere

What is ecology?
Describe how an ecosystem is divided into
different levels of organization.
• Ecology – the study of interactions among
organisms and between organisms and their
• Interdependence – dependence of every
form of life on other living things and
natural resources (air, water, land) in its
Levels of Organization
• Biosphere – largest, portions of planet
where life exists (land, H2O, air)
– 8 km above to 11 km below
• Biome – group of ecosystems with same
climate (temp. and rainfall)
• Ecosystem – collection of all organisms in
a particular place together with the abiotic
(physical) environment.
Levels of Organization
• Community – groups of different
populations that live together in a defined
• Population – groups of individuals of same
species in same area.
• Species – group of organisms so similar
that they can mate and produce fertile
Levels of Organization
September 9, 2022


Biotic and Abiotic Factors
• Biotic – living
– Plants, Animals ,Mold,
Fungi, Bacteria, Protist

• Abiotic – Non living

– Sunlight, soil, wind, water,

• Habitat – the area where an

organism lives; includes both
biotic and abiotic factors.
3.2 Energy - Autotrophs (producers)
• Can trap light energy to produce food (organic
– Plants
– Some protists
– Some bacteria
• Photosynthesis – captures solar energy and
converts it to chemical energy
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
• Chemosynthesis – Chemical energy used to produce carbohydrates
3.2 Energy - Heterotrophs (consumers)
• Can’t trap energy directly;
must acquire it from other
– Herbivores – plants
– Carnivores – animals
– Omnivores – both
– Detritivores – remains of dead
plants & animals
– Decomposers – break down
organic matter
3.3 Energy Flow in
• Food Chains and Food Webs
3.3 Food Chains and Food Webs
SUN Autotrophs Heterotroph

1. Food Chain – energy trapped by producers

passed on when organisms eat and are eaten
2. Food Web – relationship more complex than a
Trophic Levels and Ecological
• Trophic Levels – each step in a food chain/web
Ex: producers, then consumers
• Ecological Pyramids – shows relative amount of energy
at each level (10% rule)
• Biomass – total amount of living tissue within a trophic
Trophic Levels and Ecological
3.4 Cycles of Matter
*Recycle Matter*
Carbon Cycle
• Photosynthesis – uses CO2 from
– Happens in the CHLOROPLAST

• Respiration – returns CO2 to atmosphere

– Happens in the MITOCHONDRIA
Carbon Cycle
The Carbon Cycle
1. Volcanoes, respiration, fossil fuels, and
decomposition add CO2 to atmosphere.
2. Plants take CO2 and make carbohydrates
3. Plants are eaten by animals and carbohydrates
are passed through the food chain.
4. As the animal breathes and eventually dies and
decomposes CO2 is return to atmosphere.

Decomposing Fox
Water Cycle
Water Cycle
1. Water enters the atmosphere by:
• Evaporation – water changes from a liquid to a
• Transpiration – Evaporation through leaves
2. As water rises it cools condenses into tiny
droplets that form clouds.
3. Droplets return to Earth as precipitation.
4. Water enters the rivers, ground water, ocean
or plant roots to restart cycle.
Making Clouds
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
1. Nitrogen gas makes up 78% of atmosphere
2. Nitrogen Fixation: bacteria take nitrogen
gases and turn it into ammonia, nitrite, and
3. Plants and animals use nitrate to make amino
4. Animal dies and decomposes returning nitrates
to the soil.
5. Denitrification: other bacteria convert nitrates
into nitrogen gas.
Nutrient Limitation
• Primary Productivity – the rate at which
organic molecules are created by producers

• If nutrients are in short supply, they are


Ex: Nitrogen is often limiting in water; if

there is suddenly as input of N (fertilizer
runoff), organisms can grow rapidly (Algal
4-2 Niches and Community
4.2 The Niche
• Niche – Where and How something lives;
its role
– Habitat is the organism’s address
– Niche is the organism’s occupation
Community Interactions
1. Competition
• Organisms compete for
Ex: Food, Mates, Shelter
• Competitive Exclusion
Principle – no 2 organisms
occupy same niche at same

2. Predation
• One organism (predator)
captures and feeds on another
Battle at Kruger Lake
4.2 Community Interactions
3. Symbiosis
• Mutualism – both benefit
Ex: Flowers & insects
Egrets & Alligators
Clown Fish & Sea Anemone

• Commensalism – one
benefits, the other is not
helped nor harmed
Ex: Barnacle & Whale

• Parasitism – one benefits,

other is harmed
Ex: tapeworms, fleas, ticks,
Keystone Species – essential to the balance of an
ecosystem, change in their population can cause a
dramatic change in the community.

Dung Beetle Otters and

4.3 Ecological Succession
• Ecological Succession - change in an ecosystem
1. Primary Succession – no soil (volcanic eruption or bare
– first to appear are “pioneer species” Ex:
2. Secondary Succession – Soil Exists (wild fires, clear
cutting, plowed for farming)
3. Succession in a Marine Ecosystem – happens when a
large whale dies and sinks to the bottom
4. Climax Community – fairly stable, mature, dominant
community established after succession.
Human Impacts
Look at each of the cycles in your notes. In each
cycle there is at least one to two ways that imbalance
can occur.
• Identify the sources of imbalance and in
particular how human activities upset the cycles.
• Explain how this imbalance impacts the cycle
and potential ecological problems that could
• You should identify at least one imbalance for
each cycle (water, nitrogen, and carbon)?
• Each table group will turn in one paper with your

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