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Grade 11 Ucsp Week 1

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Culture, Society and


S. Y. 2022-2023
Understanding Culture, Society and
Politics- Some Key Observation

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

▪ Articulate observation on human cultural variations, social
differences, and social change and political identities
▪ Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and
dynamics of culture and society and political identities.
▪ Trace the link between behavior and culture through observation and
Activity 1
Directions: 4. Write the following
information of yourself
1. Get one whole sheet a. gender
of paper
b. socio-economic
2. Write your name class
inside the circle.
c. ethnicity
3. Draw a figure on the
sheet of paper d. religion
Discuss your observations:

1.What are the similarities and differences of

every individual?
2.Do these similarities and differences affect
the life of the whole community? Why?
3.5-minute time to process and present your
Culture, Society and Politics as Conceptual Tools
Culture, society and politics are concepts.
They exist in the realm of ideas and thoughts. As such, they cannot be seen or touched and
yet the influence the way we see and experience our individual and collective social beings.

What is CONCEPT/S?
Concepts are created and have been used to have firm grasp of a
phenomenon. Just like any other words, concepts are initially invented
as icons to capture phenomena and in the process assist the
users/inventors to describe facets of social experience in relation to
the phenomena concerned.

What is interesting about concepts is that as conceptual tools, they allow us

to form other concepts, or relate concepts to each other or even
deconstruct old ones and replace them with something new.
Students as Social
Beings: Explain
Identity: Explain
Our sociality is defined by the very categories that we possess, the
categories assigned to us by the society at large. These labels so to
speak, function, as tags with which our society read our worth and
value. These categories that we posses are not natural; rather they are
socially constructed.

Identity is the distinctive characteristic that defines an

individual or is shared by those belonging to a particular
group. People may have multiple identities depending on the
groups to which they belong.
What are the issues on identity that
you observed /notice in the society
Write at least 2, and give your
recommendations or solutions to
the issue/s
Arrange Me!!

Arrange the following

scrabbled words
Arrange Me!!

Starting point on understanding Culture,
Society and politics

In your own understanding,

define the following:
▪ Culture
▪ A complex whole which
encompasses belief, practices,
values, attitudes, laws, norms,
artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and
everything that a person learns
and shares as a member of
▪ A term used by
Anthropologists to refer
to a group of people who
share a culture.
▪ A branch of social
science that deals with
the study of society,
groups, norms and
▪ is derived from two Greek words
“anthropos” and “logos”, which intensively
studies human and the respective cultures
where they were born and actively belong
▪ Deals with systems of government
and the analysis of political activity
and political behavior. It deals with
the theory and practice of politics
which is commonly thought of as
the determining of the distribution
of power and resources.
Give the
importance/significance of
studying Culture, Society and
Quiz#1 ( True or False)

1. Culture is defined as how people relate to

nature and their physical environment.
2. The term “Politics” means scientific study of
man or human beings.
3. Anthropology always describes human,
human behaviour and human societies
around the world.
4. Beliefs
refer to the state or habit of mind in
which trust or confidence is placed in some
person or thing.
5. Political Science, social science that deals
with humans and their interactions.
1. Deals with the theory and practice of politics.
2. A branch of social science that deals with the study of society, groups,
norms and organizations
3. A group of people who share a culture
4. Categorises groups of people into hierarchy on the basis of wealth, status or
5. Intensively studies human and the respective cultures where they were born
and actively belong to

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