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ICTNWK540 Presentation

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Design, build

and test
network servers

Design and document
Identify network server
configuration of network
performance and data
services and server Prototype design and
migration specifications
applications according to update documentation
according to organisational

Develop test plan and

Submit documented plan
confirm alignment
and obtain sign of from
according to organisational
required personnel.
• A server is a computer equipped with
specialised programs and hardware that
enables it to offer services to other
Server computers (clients) on its network.
• There are different types and capabilities of
servers, each with additional capacity.
File Server

Types of
Print Server
Web Server
Application Server
• A stakeholder is anyone who can influence a
company's actions or who is affected by them.
1.1 Identify • Why is consultation with stakeholders important?
network server • Consultation with stakeholders involves the
performance development of long-term constructive and
and data productive relations.
migration • It creates a mutual benefit relationship; it allows us
to identify developments and challenges that are or
specifications will have an impact on the business.
according to • Listening to interested parties' concerns and
organisational feedback is a valuable source of information to
enhance project design and results and assist a
requirements company in identifying and controlling external
Identifying and monitoring needs and
Define beliefs and attitudes and map them
Benefits of
stakeholder Provide feedback on specific plans
n Assess implementation and action 

Set the company's brand standards and

positioning as others see
• The Internet Protocol ( IP) addressing
scheme was first developed and introduced
1.2 Design and during the 1960s and 1970s.
document • It uses four sets of 8 bits to define a single
configuration of address consisting of a network address and
network services a specific host address.
and server • This was very fluid because the scheme
applications allowed millions of addresses.
according to • The original inventors of the device certainly
organisational did not see the networking environment as it
requirements is today — the Internet is linked with millions
of computers around the world, all of them
connected to a worldwide network.
The Domain Name System ( DNS)

• The Domain Name System ( DNS) is a method of establishing hierarchical

naming which can be resolved at IP addresses (which, on the other hand,
are resolved in MAC addresses).
• Windows Server 2016 Design Decisions 
• The design decisions of the critical windows
1.3 Prototype server should be documented in the design
design and
• Probably the main section of the document
update should be how to configure windows server
documentation and how it will communicate with the
network infrastructure.
Recovery plan 

You must log specifics of where the backup data is

kept, how often backups occur, which kind of data is
backed up and how backups to those who need them
are accessed and restored.

A phase beyond a recovery plan is designed to provide

you with a defect-tolerant device if one or more
network components fail.

Even if the failure is catastrophic, your workers should

stay efficient and work with the fault-tolerant system
without understanding that there has been a system
• Comprehensive testing is important for the
performance of any project implementation.
1.4 Develop • A test plan outlines the testing resources
test plan and (hardware, software, laboratory personnel),
confirm the testing or procedures to be carried out
and the purpose of the testing or procedure.
alignment • Representatives of all facets of the network
according to should be involved in the creation of the test
organisationa plan.
l • It ensures that the entire environment or
project of windows server and its effects are
requirements included in the test plan.
The phase of the Prototype:

• Plan development and testing

• The main purpose of the prototype phase is to build a laboratory environment
where the key design elements as described in the design document can be
configured and tested.
• Based on prototype results, it is possible to decide whether improvements to the
implementation and support phases are required, as stated in the migration
• The development process is also a testing phase in which the implementation
team members have an opportunity to dirty their hands with the latest
technology for hardware and software.
• The original plan must usually be revised on
the grounds of incompatibility of
Prototype test implementation, administrative
specifications or undocumented aspects of
plan  the current setting.
• A well-developed test plan allows the test
results to be documented later.
• It is important because the development
processes will possibly vary from the first
test round to the next one, and in order to
compare the outcomes the project team will
need to refer.
Summary of the tests and implementation
Scope of what is being tested

Things to
Resources required: hardware, software
include in a and staff
test plan Documentation 

Operating system
1.5 Submit • The approval process for documents is just
documented how it sounds: a workflow which defines the
required steps to approve various
plan and documents and deliverables – copies,
designs, codes, etc.
obtain a sign
• It basically depicts the direction followed by
off from a document from the first version to the final
required product.
The publisher
A writer accepts one

Methods recommends
three separate
subjects for a
topic but
demands a
new SEO-

used to blog post friendly


develop a The author

sends a
The writer
writes the
blog post headline,
which is
approved by
however, the
demands some
the SEO lead. revisions.
• Identify safety hazards and implement risk
FOR control measures according to network
NETWORK design specifications
• Determine network and user disruptions
SERVER and communicate to required personnel
INSTALLATI • Back up local data according to network
design specifications.
2.1 Identify
safety hazards • Each company has to adapt to a
constantly changing computing
and implement environment where more and more
risk control applications, including hardware,
software and other networking
measures accessories are hosted in several
according to locations.
• Applications are also spread through
network private data centres, which require
design more WAN data transfer.
• This equipment should only be permitted to be
installed, removed or serviced by skilled and
certified staff.  
Compliance • Control the final disposition of this commodity in
compliance with all national legislation and
with laws regulations.
and safety • There may be more than one power supply
connection for the given device. Remove all links to
requirements de-energise the unit. 
  • This product is based on the short circuit
(overcurrent) safety installation of the building.
Make sure that the protective system does not
exceed 15 A, 120 Vac, or 10 A, 230 Vac.
• Please ensure the wiring is not overloaded when
connecting units to the supply circuit.
Safety Recommendations 

• To ensure general protection, follow these guidelines:

• Ensure clean and dust-free of the chassis area throughout and after
• Keep chassis and tools away from walking areas.
• Do not wear loose clothes captured in the chassis. Tighten your tie or scarf
and roll your sleeves up.
• Wear protective glasses in situations that could be dangerous to your eyes.
• No action that puts people at risk or makes the equipment dangerous.
• Follow these guidelines when operating on
electricity-driven equipment:
• In the room where you work, find the
emergency power-off switch. If an electric
Electricity accident occurs, electricity can be turned off
protection • Detach all control before doing:
• Chassis installation or removal
• Employed close electricity supplies
• Disruptive network technologies are
useful, at least until they threaten to
2.2 Determine interrupt critical services and activities
of the daily network services.
network and user
• This is when the time comes to
disruptions and understand how technologies such as
communicate to SDN, SD-WAN, IBN and Network
required personnel Virtualization (NFV) can be applied
without missing a beat.
Duplicate IP Addresses 

Exhaustion of IP Address

DNS problems

Types of user Unable to connect to the network using a single


Can not link to local or printer shares

Local network can not be linked to the internet

Slow Internet Performance 

2.3 Back up
local data • Data backup is a duplicate process that
allows a duplicate set to be retrieved after
according to server installation.
network • There are several types of backup services
today, which allow companies and
design governments to ensure safe data and that
specifications sensitive information is not lost when a new
server is set up or an old server is updated.
Steps to take when data is backed up from Windows Server 2016

• Phase 1: Backup boot from: Service Manager – > Tools – > Backup Windows Server.
• Phase 2: Actions under – > Once press Backup.
• Phase 3: Our only choice on the backup options page is Different options. Next Click
• Phase 4: Pick the left side panel backup setup.
• Phase 5: Press Add Items: When choosing backup items, a list of volumes relevant to this computer will
be shown, such as the C and the D drives.
• Phase 6: Click on Advanced configurations
• Phase 7: Define the type of destination page
• Phase 8: Choose the drive and then select Next
• Phase 9: Click Backup on the confirmation page to start back up.
• Install network operating system according to design specifications
• Install additional tools and required third-party software applications
according to network server requirements
CHAPTER • Implement security design and patch operating system and
application according to network design specifications
3: BUILD • Configure network services, restore local data and provide automatic

updates according to network design specifications
• Implement security design to prevent unauthorised access to system

according to network design specifications
• Reconnect and reconfigure connectivity devices according to network

RE server requirements
• Configure update services to provide automatic updates for operating

SERVERS system and applications

• Restore local data to new server
• Implement backup and recovery methods and enable restoration
capability in the event of a disaster.
3.1Install network operating
system according to design
• A new installation directly from the DVD installation
media is the easiest way to install windows server.
• Though updates can be made, your server will
become more reliable if you install the new version.
• (Most network administrators also do not migrate to
windows server until the server hardware is
• To start the installation, insert the DVD media into
the DVD drive of the server and restart the server.
• This causes the server to boot from the distribution
media which begins the setup program directly.
Phase 1 choosing the correct details from the drop-down list and click Next.

Phase 2 Now select Install.

Phase 3 Enter your windows server copy by clicking Next.

Windows Phase 4

Accept the requirements of the license and press Next.

Phase 5 Select Custom installation as this is going to be a new installation.

Phase 6 Pick the Drive partition to install Windows and press Next.

You'll be asked by Windows to update your Administrator password.

Phase 7 Choose the new password administrator and click login.

Phase 8 Enter the administrator account password.

• Third-party applications are programs that
are written for operating systems but are
3.2 Install written by companies or individuals other
additional tools than the operating system vendor.
and required • Microsoft ® systems, for example, come with
third-party several software applications.
software • Of these, a first-party application is a
applications program written by Microsoft.
according to • Any software written by another corporation
network server or person is an application by a third party.
The second party is the client in this
requirements equation.
Click Applications on the Dashboard server and then click on
the Microsoft Pinpoint page. There is a list of available add-
Select the add-in you would like to install. The details page
How to for the add-in is shown.

install a To download and install an add-in, select Download and

Microsoft follow the onscreen instructions.

pinpoint Follow the wizard instructions for downloading the add-in.

When the installation finishes, restart the Dashboard, open
the Dashboard Server Applications tab and check that the
add-in is displayed in the list view.
3.3 Implement
security design • Every server connected to the public internet is
and patch vulnerable to intrusion.
operating • It is essential to implement necessary security
procedures when you first set up a Windows
system and Server to ensure it is secure from attack.
application • Most servers are installed with an image of
Windows Server that may not have all of the
according to latest security and performance updates
network design installed as soon as you receive the credentials
for your Windows Server, make sure to log in
specifications and install all available updates.
• Windows Server 2016 is installed with Windows
Firewall with Advanced Security already installed
Windows and configured.
• The default configuration allows all traffic out and
Firewall limits inbound traffic.
with • A firewall is one part of a security policy required for
the operation of a server or network.
Advanced • Windows Firewall with Advanced Security reduces
Security the risk of security threats and safeguards data.
• Third-party security software may be deployed on a
server, and the server firewall may be disabled or
have some of its function disabled.
Server Roles 

• A server may be assigned for one or more device functions depending on

the size of an organization.
• The preparation of roles is a significant and complex activity to take into
consideration available hardware, compatibility of roles, expected
workloads, a set of best-practice guidelines, and safety issues.
• One technique to make the design process versatile and scalable in HyperV.
• The virtualization platform, which now forms part of both the 2016
Windows 10 and Windows clients, offers organisations of any scale the
ability to supply multiple guests on a limited number of physical hosts.
• The newly renovated Server Manager is the
perfect utility for installing these positions
Server and protecting them with the list of roles a
Usage server can play in hand.
• If the server is a DNS server but does not
Manager deliver print and file services, the server
Security management will, by default, not only open
the ports needed for DNS but will also block
all file and print server access.
3.4 Configure
network services, • In the computer networking concept, a
restore local data network service is explained as an
and provide application running at the network
application layer and above.
• The network service provides data storage,
updates manipulation, presentation, communication
according to or other capabilities which are implemented
using a client-server or peer-to-peer
network design architecture based on an application layer
specifications network.
• Step 1: Open the server manager
• Step 2: Click on Add roles and features.
• Step 3: Read the pre-requirements and
Install click Next.
• Step 4: Choose Role-based or feature-
Windows based installation and click Next.

DNS Server • Step 5: Choose destination server for DNS

role and click Next.
• Step 6: Choose DNS server from server
• As soon as you choose the role, a new
window will pop up.
• Click Add features.
• Each public internet-connected server is
3.5 Implement vulnerable to intrusion.
security design • When you first set up a Windows Server to
to prevent make sure it is safe from attack, necessary
security procedures are important.
access to the • Most servers have a Windows Server picture
installed that does not install all the latest
system security and performance updates once you
according to receive your Windows Server credentials,
network design make sure to log in and install all available
specifications updates.
• A firewall is part of a security policy required
for a server or network to be run.
Windows • Advanced Security Windows Firewall
Firewall reduces the risk of security attacks and
safeguards data.
• Security applications from third parties may
be installed on a server and the server
firewall may be disabled or some of its
function may be disabled.
Server Functions Description

• A server may be assigned for one or more device

functions depending on the size of an organization.
• The preparation of roles is an significant and
complex activity to take into consideration available
hardware, compatibility of roles, expected work
loads, a set of best-practice guidelines, and safety
• One technique to make the design process versatile
and scalable is HyperV.
3.6 Reconnect and reconfigure connectivity devices
according to network server requirements

Connectivity devices
It often refers to
are units that mediate
network links that
data in a computer
involve bridges, routers
network and often
, switches, gates and
refer to as network
backbone networks.
Network Interface (NIC) card

The hub 
n Network The bridge 

Devices: Transceivers

Wireless points of access


The gateway
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Configuring Open the Click Next and For the rest of

LAN Routing Server

console. Click
accept the
selections until
the pages,
accept the
on Windows the Add roles
and features.
the Select
roles services
selections, and
complete the

Server 2016 page displays.

On this page,
select the

Routing role
3.7 Configure
update services
to provide
automatic • This service allows Windows updates to be
downloaded and installed.
updates for • The computer can not use the Automatic
operating Updates feature or the Windows Update
Web site when the service is disabled.
system and
• Next, the connection next to the Windows
Update label can be used to customize how
your device manages safety and health by
downloading and installing software updates
Enabling automatically.
Automatic • While by clicking Switch On Automatic
Updates, server managers may select the
Updating  default configuration, which is to install
updates automatically, they can use the Let
Me Choose My Settings connection to open
the advanced configuration dialogue and
select the necessary options.
Notify for download and notify for

Options to Automated download and

configure notification for installation
automatic Auto download and installation
updates schedule
Allow Local Admin to select
3.8 Restore
local data to a
new server
• Open Server Manager and from the Tools menu open the Windows
Server Backup.
• At the Windows Server Backup screen, select Local Backup on the left
Steps to and then click Recover on the right.
• Select the backup location and click Next.
restoring • Then select the date of the backup that you want to use for recovery
and click Next.
data on • At 'Select Recovery Type' options select the option you want (e.g.
"Files or Folders") and click Next.
Windows • At 'Select Location for System State Recovery' leave checked the
Original Location and click Next.
Server  • Select the files or folders that you want to restore and click Next.
• Carefully specify the recovery options and click Next.
• Finally click Recover to restore the selected folders/files.
• Server data successfully restored!
3.9 Implement
backup and
recovery • Windows server disaster recovery Hyper-
converged infrastructure (HCI) can be
methods and configured from disaster recovery.
enable • The hyper-converged disaster recovery
restoration solutions today include:
capability in the • 1. Storage devices replica clusters
event of a • 2. Hyper-V Cluster Replica
disaster • 3. Backup and Restore 
• Hyper-V Replica provides virtual level
machine replication on hyper-converged
infrastructures for disaster recovery.
• Hyper-V Replica will do so by taking a virtual
Hyper-V computer to a secondary location and
replicating it.
Cluster • Hyper-V Replica takes control of the
Replica duplication by Hyper-V.
• When you first launch a replication virtual
machine, there are three options to choose
how you want to send an initial copy to the
appropriate replication cluster(s).
A non-authoritative restoration can be
achieved with Windows NT Backup and is a
complete restoration of the cluster node itself.

Non- You can restore using a non-authoritative if

authoritati you only have to restore a cluster nodes (and
the cluster registry database) and all current
ve cluster information.
restoration The Windows NT Backup gui or the
WBADMIN.EXE command line will provide
non-authoritative restorations.
A responsible This kind of
restore of the restoration can
configuration of only be performed
the cluster instead when the
brings the knowledge on a
configuration of cluster itself is lost
Authoritative  the cluster back in
and needs to be

For instance, To complete an

someone authoritative
accidentally restoration of a
deleted and cluster, the backup
required a File from the command
Server with over line must be
1000 shares. performed.
CHAPTER • Test server and benchmark against network
design specifications and document
4: TEST outcomes
AND • Identify and remediate identified server
RECONFIG operating issues according to network design
URE • Test and validate changes and additions
NETWORK against organisational requirements
The application test process is designed to verify
4.1 Test server and the compatibility and functionality of the
proposed update end state efficiently.

benchmark against
network design
This configuration must be tested to ensure that
the hardware and software are compatible, that
the output meets customer standards and that
specifications and the employees share their expertise and
cooperate in their conventional features.

document The outcomes of the applicability testing phase

will validate the objectives of the project or show
objectives which must be adjusted due to
incompatibility or instability in their
Before Configuration related to the hard drive
performing Other

the Operating system network and service packs:

evaluation, Version of tape backup program and agents:

Additional apps available by third parties:
the following Virtualization? Yeah / No.
requirement Includes additional hardware:

s must be SAN device

Tape drive 
revised: UPS
Compatibility Test Documentation

• In order to ensure that teams work for the same objectives, the information shared and
collected during previous activities must be gathered and circulated to stakeholders.
• These elements are the scope and objectives of the application testing process and
should include the timetable, the budget, training requirements and requirements for
• In taking the time to record these restrictions, the testing process is more systematic and
less likely to miss or get lost in one application.
• The individuals who test are often given an accurate checklist and are less likely to spend
an unnecessary amount of time on an application or "get adventurous" and try out items
not within the scope of their job.
• The error report is compiled
based on the discrepancies
4.2 Identify and between the expected and the
actual outcomes in the
remediate identified installation checklist.
server operating • These differences will enable
issues according to the testing team to analyse
their installation process, find
network design errors, and then evaluate ways
specifications to mitigate them.
Occasionally you could get
messages like:

Access denied
Installation Access
Denied Insufficient rights

Administrator privileges are

required to to install this product

Error message- unable to contact

• Errors such as those mentioned above and
any other errors found during the testing
process should be documented.
Error • Where the predicted and actual results for a
report specific test are different, they are reported
and evaluated and a report must be
analysis prepared.
• During the compatibility testing process,
many documents are produced.
Common Computer OS Issues

DLL File
Screen of

Unable to
s are
4.3 Test and
validate changes After diagnosing

and additions and fixing the

server problem,
reconnect it back
The fixed problem
must be recorded
and accurate
against to the device to
verify if it works
records should be
organisational properly.

Problems • Applications Software
• Operating system 
• Antivirus
• Policy on passwords
may be • Compatibility of hardware • File migration 

connected • Installation of the domain

• Print migration 
• Distributed system of files
to one or • Role-based setup • Testing of applications
more of the • DNS  
• Backup and restore
server • IIS .
• Administrative rights

elements • New design configuration


Document server Complete required Clean up and restore

configuration, server documentation report worksite according to
status and operational and notification of organisational
changes server status requirements.
• Though network records are always a great
5.1 Document idea, they are particularly important for
server service providers and value-added resellers.
configuration, • When issues arise, recording the customer
networks will make troubleshooting far more
server status effective.
and • These same network documents will help
operational you identify areas within your customer
changes networks that may need to be changed and
that can contribute to incremental revenue.
Steps to develop accurate accurate network
• Step 1: Build a Document server configuration, server status and operational changes policy on network documentation
• Step 2: Build a network topology diagram  
• Step 3: Names, roles and IP addresses of the document server
• Step 4: Building a changelog per server
• Step 5: Software document versions and license evidence
• Step 6: Document hardware components 
• Step 7: Working Directory Document
• Step 8: Log your backup operations
• Step 9: Label everything 
• Step 10: Review your records
Client report may be an informal checklist or more
structured document providing specific details on the

5.2 Complete
items completed and future activities or milestones.

Customer monitoring is the best way to develop and

required strengthen your relationship with your customer

documentation This is how you convey your results to your customer

report and
so that they can see how hard you work with them.

notification of This is how you turn one-time customers into

repeated customers.

server status Customer reporting is what helps the organization

Reasons why • Customer reporting helps you to communicate frequently with your

it is important • Customer reviews help you tell your customer of what you do
• Daily reporting holds you and your customer accountable
to write an • Accountability is much better for the customer reports

excellent • Consumer reporting credits where the credit is due

• Your job focuses on outcomes and reports are the way you show them.

customer • It summarises project history, priorities, benchmarks and achievements

at the beginning of the client commitment.

report • Progress on a project can be shared regularly, monthly or quarterly.

• It resumes the project, completed activities, final measurements,
remaining problems and suggestions following a project.
• Resumes information on research, survey or report.
• It is essential to make sure that the work area is
thoroughly cleaned up after the project.
5.3 Clean up • The points that must be taken into consideration
and restore • Work areas are free from rubbish & obstructions
worksite • Areas are free from slip/trip hazards / Aisles
according to unobstructed/Floors around shelves and racks clear
• Items have been stored correctly in storage areas.
organisation • You have provided safe means of accessing high
al shelves

requirements • All electrical items are tested and tagged

• There are no frayed or defective leads
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