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ICTSAS527 Project Portfolio

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Student Version

Manage client problems
Section 1: Client contact............................................................................................................................. 5
Section 2: Client support provision............................................................................................................. 8
Section 3: Feedback................................................................................................................................. 10

Student name: Birendra Thapa

Assessor: Subrata Saha

Date: 28/04/2024

Business this assessment is The assessment is based on IT Biz Solutions, a company providing IT
based on: support services to clients.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ January 2021 Page 2 of 19

ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Section 1: Client contact
Client 1 and their problem: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean is concerned about loss of data, wants
onsite consultation

Client 1 Contact: Phone: 0455 555 555


Client 2 and their problem: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants is concerned about
computers taking a long time to start and running slowly once started.

Client 2 Contact: Phone: 0455 666 666


Information Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean

Assess the information about Specific Problem: Concerned about loss of data. Would like an
the problem that you have onsite consultation.
been provided in the support
Supporting Documentation:
log along with the client
documentation.  Client Documentation: Windows Operating System
Document the specific
problem and the supporting  Relevant Information: All data is stored on local computer.
documentation that you have
to assist.
Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants
Make sure you include
information for both clients. Specific Problem: Computers taking a long time to start and running
Clearly distinguish the slowly once started.
information into Client 1 and Supporting Documentation:
 Client Documentation: Windows Operating System

 Relevant Information: Run 7 computers, all Windows

Operating System. Connected via a WLAN.

Troubleshooting Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean

Identify the troubleshooting Troubleshooting Methods:
methods that you can use to
1. Data Backup Assessment:
diagnose each client’s
problem.  Verify the current backup status of the local computer to
ensure data safety.
Document each method you
determine that is appropriate.  Check if any backup solutions are in place and if they are
Give at least two examples. functioning properly.

Distinguish whether you will 2. Data Recovery Options:

use the same or different
 Investigate potential data recovery tools or services in case of
methods for each client.
data loss.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
 Assess the feasibility of recovering data from local storage

Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants

Troubleshooting Methods:
1. Performance Analysis:

 Perform a system performance analysis to identify resource-

intensive processes causing slow startup and operation.

 Utilize built-in Windows performance monitoring tools to track

system resource usage over time.
2. Network Assessment:

 Evaluate the WLAN network infrastructure to ensure optimal

connectivity and speed.

 Check for any network congestion or interference that may be

affecting computer performance.

Cause Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean

Diagnose and analyse the Diagnosis and Analysis:
cause of the problem for
 Loss of Data Concerns: The primary issue here is the
each client.
potential risk of data loss due to data being stored solely on
Conduct and document the local computer. This poses a significant risk as any
further research as required. hardware failure or system crash could result in data loss.
For example, you might look
Further Research:
up on the Internet about this
problem to find answers.  Investigate reliable backup solutions suitable for Sam
Ibrahim's business size and requirements.
Make sure you include
information for both clients.  Explore data migration options to move critical data from local
Clearly distinguish the storage to a more secure and reliable storage solution, such
information into Client 1 and as cloud storage or network-attached storage (NAS).
 Research data recovery services or software in case of any
unforeseen data loss incidents.

Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants

Diagnosis and Analysis:

 Slow Startup and Performance: The issue appears to be

related to the slow startup and sluggish performance of the
computers, which could be caused by various factors such as
software issues, hardware limitations, or network issues.
Further Research:

 Investigate common causes of slow startup and performance

issues in Windows operating systems, including software
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
conflicts, startup programs, and system resource utilization.

 Look into WLAN connectivity issues that could potentially

affect the performance of the computers, such as signal
interference, network congestion, or outdated network drivers.

 Explore optimization techniques and best practices to improve

the overall performance of Windows-based computers and
WLAN networks, such as disabling unnecessary startup
programs, optimizing network settings, and updating device

Resolution Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean

Assess and document how Resolution Plan:
the problem can be resolved,
 Implement Backup Solution: Set up a reliable backup solution
including any escalation
to ensure data safety and minimize the risk of data loss. This
may involve configuring automated backups to cloud storage
Review the ICT Support or external devices.
Procedure to assist you with
 Onsite Consultation: Schedule an onsite consultation with
Sam Ibrahim to discuss backup strategies, data migration
If the problem does not need options, and any other IT-related concerns.
to be escalated, describe
Escalation Requirements:
what would happen if it did.
 If there are challenges in implementing the backup solution or
Make sure you include
if additional expertise is required, escalate the issue to a
information for both clients.
senior IT technician or the ICT Manager for further assistance.
Clearly distinguish the
information into Client 1 and Escalation Process:
 If escalation is needed, the assigned ICT support person
should document the details of the issue and escalate it to the
appropriate authority within the organization. The escalation
should be accompanied by a clear explanation of the problem
and any steps taken so far to resolve it.

Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants

Resolution Plan:

 Performance Optimization: Conduct thorough performance

optimization measures on the computers, including cleaning
up startup programs, optimizing system settings, and updating
software and drivers as needed.

 Network Assessment: Perform a detailed assessment of the

WLAN network to identify and address any connectivity or
performance issues affecting computer operation.
Escalation Requirements:

 If the performance issues persist despite optimization efforts

or if underlying network issues are discovered, escalate the

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
problem to senior IT personnel or network specialists for
further investigation and resolution.
Escalation Process:

 In case of escalation, the assigned ICT support person should

document the troubleshooting steps taken so far and escalate
the issue along with relevant findings to the higher-level IT
staff. They should provide a clear overview of the problem and
any recommendations for further action.

Service Level Agreement Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean

Review the Service Level Review of Service Level Agreement (SLA):
Agreement for the client and
 According to the SLA, IT Biz Solutions offers a helpdesk
determine whether the
facility to provide remote support for hardware and software
support can be provided
issues. Additionally, onsite support can be provided if
under the terms of the
required, with additional fees applicable.
agreement. Explain why or
why not.  Sam Ibrahim's concern about data loss and the need for an
onsite consultation align with the services offered under the
Summarise the key
procedures that are to be
followed for the provision of  The support provided, including backup solutions and onsite
support. consultation, falls within the terms of the agreement.
Make sure you include Key Procedures for Provision of Support:
information for both clients.
 Clients can request ICT support via email or phone.
Clearly distinguish the
information into Client 1 and  Requests for support are documented in the support log,
2. along with relevant details and supporting documentation.

 ICT support personnel are allocated to each job, and priorities

are assigned for addressing issues.

 Support personnel follow specific steps to manage clients'

problems, including assessing information, diagnosing issues,
and documenting resolution processes.

 Once support services are determined, clients are contacted

to confirm services and schedule support.

 After the job is complete, it is marked off in the support log,

with notes on how it was resolved.

Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants

Review of Service Level Agreement (SLA):

 Like Client 1, the SLA provides remote support for hardware

and software issues, with onsite support available if needed,
subject to additional fees.

 Paul Burns' reported issue of slow computer startup and

performance falls within the scope of remote support and

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
potential onsite assistance as per the SLA.
Key Procedures for Provision of Support:

 Clients can request support via email or phone.

 Requests are documented in the support log with relevant


 ICT support personnel are assigned to each job, and priorities

are determined based on the urgency of the issue.

 Support personnel follow steps for problem management,

including assessment, diagnosis, and resolution

 Clients are contacted to confirm support services and

schedule assistance.

 After completion, jobs are marked off in the support log, with
notes on resolution.
In summary, the support required by both clients aligns with the
services offered under the SLA, and the key procedures outlined in
the agreement can be followed to address their issues.

Email to client (cc’ed to Email to Client 1

Document your email to the
client here.
The email should confirm the Subject: Confirmation of Support Services and Resolution Plan
support and resolution
Dear Sam Ibrahim,
services that will be provided.
I hope this email finds you well.
Make sure you include
information for both clients. I am writing to confirm the support services and resolution plan for the
Clearly distinguish the
concerns you raised regarding potential data loss and your request for
information into Client 1 and
2. an onsite consultation.

For your issue, we will be providing the following services:

 Implementation of a reliable backup solution to safeguard your

data and minimize the risk of loss.

 Scheduling an onsite consultation to discuss backup

strategies and address any other IT-related concerns you may
We assure you that our team will provide prompt and efficient
assistance to resolve your concerns effectively.

Please let us know if the proposed plan meets your expectations, and
we can proceed accordingly. Additionally, if you have any further
questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out to us.
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Looking forward to assisting you further.

Warm regards,

Birendra Thapa

IT Support
IT Biz Solutions
Tel: +61 425217587

Email to Client 2

Subject: Confirmation of Support Services and Resolution Plan

Dear Paul Burns,

I trust this email finds you well.

I am reaching out to confirm the support services and resolution plan

for the issues you reported regarding slow computer startup and

For your concern, we will be providing the following services:

 Thorough performance optimization measures to improve

startup time and overall system performance.

 A detailed assessment of your WLAN network to identify and

address any connectivity or performance issues affecting
computer operation.
Rest assured, our team is committed to resolving your issues promptly
and efficiently.

Please confirm if the proposed plan aligns with your expectations. If

you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to
contact us at any time.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Looking forward to assisting you further.

Best regards,

Birendra Thapa
IT Support
IT Biz Solutions
Tel: +61 425217587

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Section 2: Client support provision
Tools, equipment and Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean
Write down the
 Backup Software: Utilize backup software to implement a reliable
backup solution for data protection.
s you will use to
complete your work for  External Storage Devices: Use external hard drives or cloud storage
each client problem. services for data backup.

Make sure you include  Diagnostic Tools: Employ diagnostic tools to assess the current state
information for both of the local computer and identify any potential issues affecting data
clients. Clearly storage and performance.
distinguish the
 Documentation: Refer to relevant client documentation and
information into Client 1
instructions for configuring backup solutions and conducting onsite
and 2.

Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants


 Performance Monitoring Tools: Utilize built-in Windows performance

monitoring tools to analyse system performance and identify
resource-intensive processes.

 Optimization Software: Use optimization software to clean up startup

programs, optimize system settings, and improve overall system

 Network Analysis Tools: Employ network analysis tools to assess

WLAN network connectivity and performance, identify potential
issues, and optimize network settings.

 Documentation: Refer to relevant client documentation and

instructions for optimizing computer performance and
troubleshooting network issues.

Support provided. Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean

You must include Evidence of Data Backup
evidence of all of the
support and resolution
services you provide.
This could be a range of
evidence depending on
the support you provide.
For example:

 Screenshots of the
client issue

 Screenshots of the
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
steps you took to
resolve the client’s

 Photos of the client


 Photos of the steps

you took to resolve
the client’s

 Recordings of

 Emails to clients

Make sure you include

evidence of all steps.
Make sure you include
evidence that you
communicated with the
client throughout the
support process e.g.
emails, phone calls. As a
minimum this should be
advising the client that
the job is complete.
Make sure you include
information for both
clients. Clearly
distinguish the
information into Client 1
and 2.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ January 2021 Page 13 of 19

ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Email To Client 1
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems

Subject: Job Completion - Data Backup and Storage

Dear Sam,
I am pleased to inform you that we have successfully implemented the
automated data backup solution to safeguard your data. The onsite
consultation was conducted, and we have assessed and improved your data
storage setup.
We assure you that our team will provide prompt and efficient assistance to
resolve your concerns effectively.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Warm regards,
Birendra Thapa
IT Support
IT Biz Solutions
Tel: +61 425217587

Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants

Evidence of Support and Resolution Services (System Optimization and

disk cleanup).

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Email To Client 2
Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems

Subject: Job Completion - System and Network Optimization

Dear Paul,
I am pleased to inform you that we have successfully performed the system
cleanup and optimization on your 7 computers. Additionally, we have
checked and optimized the WLAN settings and connectivity to ensure optimal
network performance.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Warm regards,

Birendra Thapa
IT Support
IT Biz Solutions
Tel: +61 425217587

Attach: Evidence of support provided ☒

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
Section 3: Feedback
Feedback Feedback from Roundtable Discussion:
Write down feedback you Client 1: Sam Ibrahim - Ozhouse Clean
received from the roundtable
 Positive feedback was received for promptly addressing Sam
discussion on how you
Ibrahim's concerns regarding potential data loss.
resolved each client
problems.  The decision to implement a reliable backup solution was
commended, ensuring the safety of critical business data.
What feedback did you
receive?  The onsite consultation was seen as proactive and beneficial
for discussing backup strategies and addressing additional IT
Make sure you include
information for both clients.
Clearly distinguish the
information into Client 1 and
Client 2: Paul Burns - Grow Management Consultants
 The performance optimization measures implemented for
Paul Burns were well-received, with positive feedback on the
noticeable improvement in computer startup time and overall
system performance.

 The thorough network assessment conducted received praise

for identifying and addressing WLAN connectivity issues
affecting computer operation.

 Overall, the resolution plan and execution for both clients

were considered effective and aligned with IT Biz Solutions'
commitment to providing timely and efficient support services.

Client survey The following are the five questions that could be used to obtain
Write down five questions
you could use to obtain 1. How satisfied are you with the support services provided by IT
feedback on support and Biz Solutions in addressing your recent IT issue?
resolutions services from a c
2. Were the resolution steps communicated clearly and
effectively throughout the support process?
3. Did the support personnel demonstrate professionalism and
expertise in resolving your IT issue?
4. Did the resolution of your IT issue meet your expectations in
terms of timeliness and effectiveness?
5. How likely are you to recommend IT Biz Solutions to others
based on your recent support experience?

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ January 2021 Page 18 of 19

ICTSAS527 Manage client problems
What did you learn from the From the feedback received during the roundtable discussion, I
feedback you received from learned several valuable insights:
the roundtable discussion?
 Promptness and proactive communication are key: Clients
How would you offer support appreciate timely responses and clear communication
services differently in the throughout the support process. It's important to ensure that
future based on this clients are kept informed about the progress of their issue and
feedback? any steps being taken to resolve it.

 Tailored solutions are essential: Tailoring solutions to client

needs is crucial. Personalized support enhances satisfaction
by addressing specific concerns and meeting individual
preferences effectively.

 Professionalism and expertise matter: Clients value

professionalism and expertise in IT support personnel.
Demonstrating competence and professionalism while
addressing client issues instills confidence and trust in the
service provider.

 Continuous improvement is necessary: Client and internal

feedback guide support process improvements. Actively
seeking and integrating feedback enables continual
refinement of services to meet client needs and expectations.

Based on this feedback, I would offer support services differently

in the future by:

 Implementing a more structured communication process:

Ensuring consistent and transparent communication with
clients throughout the support process, including regular
updates on the status of their issue and any relevant
information or recommendations.

 Providing more personalized support: Tailoring support

services to meet the specific needs and preferences of each
client, whether it's through customized solutions, preferred
communication channels, or individualized assistance.

 Investing in ongoing training and development: Empower

support staff with skills and knowledge through professional
development, enhancing both technical expertise and
communication abilities for exceptional service delivery.

 Establishing a feedback loop: Promote client feedback and

engage support staff input. Utilize feedback to pinpoint areas
for improvement and enhance support service quality

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ICTSAS527 Manage client problems

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