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Pakistan S Role in Global Affairs 28042022 091720am

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FP of Pakistan in Post 9/11

Pakistan's Foreign Policy

A state translates its broadly conceived

objectives, programs and ideas into action
through a policy, domestic or foreign.
Factors In Formulation of Foreign Policy

Geo-Politically .1

Historically and Ideologically .2

3. Economically


The emergence of Pakistan as a sovereign and •
independent state in 1947, was a unique event of the
Pakistan , therefore, was born in chaos and crisis. It •
.had to face the security problems since beginning
In early 50’s the US had defined a program known as ‘ •
Marshal Plan’ which aimed at the recovery of Europe
.and extending assistance to various Asian countries

PM Of Pakistan got invitations from both •
superpowers, but Liaquat Ali Khan preferred
to visit which confirmed Pakistan’s tilt towards
.the west
Korean Crisis further paved the way for the •
.close relationship b/w Pakistan and the US
Period Of Alliances (1950s And 60s)

As a first step US brought about the "Turkish-Pakistani Mutual Aid Agreement" in February 1954. •
.Iran and Iraq were also sounded to join

A bilateral agreement called "U.S.A - Pakistan Mutual Defense Agreement" was signed on May 19, •
1954. One immediate step that Pakistan Government took in July 1954 was the banning of
.Communist Party in Pakistan

A multilateral agreement named Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was signed on 8th •
September 1954. !t included besides Pakistan and U.S.A, Philippines, Thailand, UK, France, Australia
.and New Zealand

Another multilateral agreement called Baghdad Pact, which developed out of the Turkish-Pakistan •
bilateral agreement of Feb 1954, was signed on 4 April 1955. Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Pakistan pledged
.to assist each other to meet aggression from any quarter. Baghdad Pact was renamed as CENTO

A comprehensive agreement, at bilateral level, was signed between USA and Pakistan, in March •
.1959 during General Ayub khan regime
Distressed Relationship Period
Due to the American role in the 1965 war and its •
pro-India policy, a great deal of resentment
.developed in Pakistan
The US role during the 1965 war and its open •
supply of arms to India seriously weakened
Pakistan’s defense potential and was meant to
.encourage Indian aggression against Pakistan
During the 1971 crisis, America did not support •
.Pakistan and never condemn India on its aggression
Pak-US relations became stressed once again in •
1976-77 when Pakistan desired to acquire nuclear
technology. America strongly opposed and
.suspended aid to Pakistan
America always exploited Pakistan’s weak economic •
condition and exerted tremendous pressure on her
.to drop nuclear program and to sign NPT
In 1979, Soviet Afghan war gave a chance to •
.America to develop bilateral relations with Pakistan
In 1980, Ronald Reagon won the US •
Presidential election. With the change of
administration in Washington, also changed
American perception towards Asia. Reagon
administration made an ambitious aid to
Pakistan. Pakistan decided to respond to the
US offer positively. As Pakistan was not able to
.face Soviet Union alone
)Episode Onwards 9/11(
Following the 9/11 attacks on USA, Pakistan's foreign Policy
took a U-turn after the American President George W. Bush
told President Musharraf that "either you are with us or
against us" on war against terrorism. Pakistan abandoned the
Taliban's in Afghanistan and cooperated fully with the US and
its allies by making air bases available, sharing intelligence
and providing logistics to USA.
The terrorist attacks of September 11 on the United •
States have qualitatively transformed Pakistan- U.S.
relations. Pakistan has moved from the margins of
U.S. foreign policy to center stage and has become a
key player in the war on terrorism
This is a reflection both of Pakistan's pivotal •
geostrategic position in the region and the Islamic
world, and of the key decision made by Pakistani
president Pervez Musharraf to join the international
.coalition against terrorism
The War on Terrorism
There is a widely held but erroneous belief in •
the United States that after September 11
Pakistan had to be coerced to join the war on
terrorism. In fact, counterterrorism
cooperation between the two countries had
already been underway for more than a
Afghanistan and Central Asia
The United States needs to signal its commitment •
to sustained engagement in Afghanistan. With a
hostile India to the east, Pakistan has consistently
sought a stable and friendly Afghanistan to the
.west to avoid having enemies on two fronts
Pakistan's Afghan policy has also been guided by •
the need to ensure the safe return of 3 million
Afghan refugees and end the inflow of terrorists
.and arms into Pakistan
Conclusion: The Way Forward
The September II tragedy has acted as a catalyst to •
revitalize Pakistani -U.S. relations. Thus far, their
counterterrorism cooperation has achieved major
The critical decision made by President Musharraf to •
join the international coalition against terrorism and
the pursuit of his vision for Pakistan have added to
Pakistan's significance as a pivotal country, both at
the crossroads of South and Central Asia and within
.the Muslim world
Six months into the Biden administration, amid the U.S. withdrawal from •
Afghanistan and increasing violence on the ground there, the U.S.-Pakistan
relationship stands in uneasy limbo. Pakistan has indicated repeatedly that it
wants the relationship to be defined more broadly than about Afghanistan —
especially based on “geo-economics,” its favored current catch-all for trade,
investment, and connectivity — and has insisted that it doesn’t want failures in
.Afghanistan to be blamed on Pakistan
At the same time the U.S. has made it clear that it expects Pakistan to “do •
more” on Afghanistan in terms of pushing the Taliban toward a peace
agreement with the Afghan government. Pakistan responds that it has
exhausted its leverage over the Taliban. The result is a relationship with the
Biden administration that has been defined by Pakistan’s western neighbor, as
has been the case for U.S.-Pakistan relations for much of the last 40 years. And
.the situation in Afghanistan may define the future of the relationship as well
Pakistan-India Relations
Pakistan and India share a critical relationship. •
In addition to several limited border clashes,
,they have fought three major wars since 1947
However, they have also a history of joint •
efforts for resolving difference through
.peaceful means
The relations between Pakistan and India started on •
a bitter note because of the partition of the Indian
The immediate cause of tension was the bloodshed •
of millions of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, moving
across the new borders to settle either in India or
Pakistan. The communal violence, at the time of
independence, set the
stage for a permanent future rivalry between •
.Pakistan and India
Overview of Past Confrontations: A Zero-sum
Unmitigated confrontation ─ a kind of zero-sum game. •
Till date, the relations have not fully recovered from
the first conflict over the Himalayan region of Kashmir
First War on Kashmir •
Soon after partition, Pakistan and India clashed over •
Kashmir. It was a Muslim majority state ruled by a
Hindu king called the Maharaja Hari Singh. Ignoring
the sentiments of most people and guidelines for the
accession of states decided on October 26, 1947, the
announced to join India. It resulted in an uprising. •
The local Kashmiris were joined by the Pakistani
tribesmen who launched an armed struggle to
liberate Kashmir from India. India sent its regular •
army to control the situation. As the unrest
increased, Pakistan’s government came under
pressure to intervene and finally sent its troops in •
May 1948. It resulted in the first war between
.Pakistan and India over Kashmir
The war-like situation was stopped after the •
UN intervened. Meanwhile the UN passed a
resolution to decide the final status of Kashmir
through a plebiscite and both countries
agreed to it. However, India refused to hold
.the plebiscite till yet
Second War on Kashmir

The second war over Kashmir was fought in September •

1965. Compared with the first war, it had a slightly
different context. India was defeated by China in 1962.
Pakistan, after receiving western military hardware, had
improved its defense and gained the upper hand over
India in the Rannof Kutch9 clash in 1965. Meanwhile,
the unrest in Kashmir was increasing
due to various factors. India’s founding leader Jawaharlal •
Nehru’s death in1964, had left a power vacuum in the
.political arena of the country
These factors prompted the Pakistani policymakers to play a final round •
.in Kashmir
Code-named as Operation Gibraltar, a plan was prepared to provide aid •
.to initiate a rebellion against India in Kashmir
It was based on the assessment that the situation in Kashmir was ripe for •
change and India will not be able to launch any major offensive against
The plan did not achieve success and soon, the two countries were •
engaged in a major conflict after the Indian forces crossed the
.international border on September 6, 1965
For Pakistan, the situation was saved by its brave troops and timely •
intervention of the international community to arrange a
.ceasefire •
War 1971

The immediate trigger of the 1971 war was the elections of •

1970.The Awami League Party won majority votes after
.sweeping the polls in East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh)
Since power was not transferred to the Awami League by •
March 1971, as was initially announced, its supporters resorted
.to violence and created a rebellion like situation in the country
The central government retaliated by launching a military •
.crackdown to quell the disturbance
The situation steadily slipped out of control until India •
intervened, resulting in the third Pak-India war. Pakistan
.suffered a defeat and lost its eastern wing permanently
Kargil War

The Kargil conflict lasted from May to July1999. •

Though it was confined to a small geographical
location, it got a great deal of attention at the global
level as it could have easily spread and even result in
.a nuclear exchange
As usual, the US played a key role in de-escalation •
after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited
Washington and met President Bill Clinton. The crisis
came to an end but not the tensions that it
Kashmir on Fire

Kashmir is a longstanding dispute between India and Pakistan. •

The area was once a Princely State called Jammu and Kashmir,
.but in 1947, it emerged as a boiling point of South Asia
Pakistan and India have fought several wars on this burning •
.issue since the partition of the Subcontinent
Most recently, in August 2019, India annulled the special status •
of Jammu and Kashmir granted under Article 370 of the Indian
constitution and put illegally occupied areas under vicious
Pakistan has raised the issue at all possible international forums •
.to resolve the issue within the ambit of UN resolutions
However, India is consistently denying the Right of Self- •
determination to the Kashmiri people and Indian security forces
are continuously killing innocent Kashmiris while violating
.ceasefire at LOC
India’s action to abolish Articles 370 and 35A clearly indicates a •
lack of vision and shows that Indian leadership is totally unaware
of the after-effects of such an unconstitutional and undemocratic
.move, which is having serious implications for the region
IOJK has now become the most hazardous place in the world •
where the common man faces unjust and a cruel
atmosphere to live every single day at the hands of Indian forces, •
.thus, jeopardizing the peace of the region

South Asia is the region, where consequences of enmity among the •

.existing geopolitical fault lines are gradually becoming evident
According to Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution, the region is •
moving towards a bipolar alliance system between the US and India on the
.one hand, and Pakistan and China on the other
While the Chinese are building an economic corridor in Pakistan that will •
attach its landlocked Xinjiang region to the Arabian Sea and allow it to
.bypass the strategic chokepoint at the Strait of Malacca
.In response, the US is heavily investing in India as a counterbalance •
In short, the love and hate relationship has increased economic •
competition as well as security threats for the region in one way or the

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