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Sample Battle Drills

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Battle Drill Number Battle Drill Number
Troops in Contact 1 UXO / IED / MINE Discovered 17
React to an Explosion 2 Weapons Cache Discovered 18
Suicide Bomber Attack 3 Fratricide 19
Non Governmental Organizationis Attacked / Killed 4 Missing / Isolated Personnel 20
WIA of a Coalition Soldier / Coalition Civilian 5 Demonstration, Pilgrimage, or Riot 21
KIA of Coaltion Soldier / Coalition Civilian 6 Human Remains or Mass Gravesite Discovered 22
Host Nation Forces Killed / Wounded 7 Power Outage in Town 23
MEDEVAC of Coalition Soldier / Coalition Civilian 8 FOB Security Breach 24
MASS Casualty (MASCAL) 9 Detainee 25
Counter Fire 10 Detainee Death 26
Clearance of Fires 11 Killing of Civilian 27
Immediate Close Air Support 12 US Soldier Potential Crime 28
Downed Aircraft 13 US Soldier Felony Crime 29
Lost or Down UAV 14 ROE Violation Reported 30
Death of Coalition Soldier / Coalition Civilian (Non- Stolen / Missing Sensitive Item 31
Hostile Action) 15 Negligent Discharge of Weapon 32
Vehicle Accident 16 Weather Watch 33
BATTLE DRILL 01: Troops in Contact

Attack Occurs

2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: 1. Unit conducts FLASH TRAFFIC!

S: Size of element firing at TF? actions on contact
A: Activity IAW unit SOP
(1) Is the unit still in contact with unfriendly
3a. Notification Tree:
2. CO CP reports to (1) S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
(2) Is the unfriendly element firing directly at TF?
TF TOC (2) S2
(3) What kind of attack was it? Physical assault,
(3) Alert all CO CPs if FPCON
direct or indirect fire? IED?
change is necessary
(4) What weapon system(s)? 3. Battle
(5) Is the element on foot or in vehicle? Captain/NCO begins
(5) THT investigates motives
(6) Activity of the element firing at TF? notification
for attack
(7) Injuries to TF or civilians? procedures. Submits
L: Location (8 digit grid)? SALUTE report report
T: Time? to BDE within 30min
A: Actions:
(1) Actions taken by unit.
(2) Assets/support needed from TF? 4. If unit requests
(3) Do actions include entering a mosque? MEDEVAC, see
(4) Did the unit contact IPS HN forces to assist in CARD 8
3b. Casualties see CARDs 5,6 or 8
capturing the suspect?
(5) Determine assets available to assist/exploit
UAV, CAS, QRF, HN forces 5. If unit requests
BDE Reserve, Notify

6. Unit submits follow-up

report Story Board to TF,
TF submits Story Board
to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 02: React to an Explosion


1. Unit responds to explosive

1a. Immediate actions by unit:
incident. If news of
1) Secure the area:
explosion comes from BDE,
-Cordon off site
then TF contacts unit
-Control all individuals entering and exiting
the site
-Establish ICP (incident control point) 2. CO CP sends report to TF
2) Report to TF TOC TOC – 100% Acct. 3a. Notification Tree:
3) Notify HN security forces and local fire- (1) S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
fighters (2) S2 / S4 / BAE
4) Establish a LUP for TF Assets (EOD Tm) (3) Alert all CO CPs if FPCON change
5) Take Digital Photos of effected area 3. Battle Captain/NCO
is necessary
begins notification
(4) BSB (Send EOD team to unit LUP)
procedures. Submits
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: (5) BDE TOC (Submit request for CID
SALUTE report report to BDE
S: Size team and route closure permission if
within 30min.
(1) How large was the explosion? necessary)
(2) What caused the explosion (grenade, mine, etc)? (6) S5
(3) Are there injuries?
A: Activity 4. If unit requests MEDEVAC,
(1) What activity is occurring at the site? see BD 28
(2) Are there any casualties, and who are they? 3b. Casualties see CARDs 5,6 & 8
(3) Are US forces in danger?
L: Location (8 digit grid)?
(1) Where did the explosion occur? 5. If unit requests TF Reserve,
(2) What area/buildings/routes are affected? Notify CDR
T: Time
(1) What time did the detonation occur?
A: Actions:
(1) Actions taken by unit. 6. Unit submits follow-up 6a. EOD TM / CEXC
(2) Assets/support needed from TF? report Story Board to TF, TF (1) conducts incident investigation
(3) If explosion occurred along a route, does the submits Story Board to BDE (2) once complete with mission,
unit need to close the route? conducts debrief with TF S2
BATTLE DRILL 03: Suicide Bomber Attack


1a. Immediate actions by unit:

1. Unit responds to
1) Secure the area:
explosive incident.
-Cordon off site within a 200m radius 3a. Staff Action Checklist
If news of explosion
-Control all individuals entering and exiting  S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
comes from BDE,
the site  S2-motive assessment based on location
then TF contacts
-Establish FCP  Alert all CO CPs if FPCON change is
2) Report to TF TOC necessary
3) Notify NHP (Host Nation Police ) and local fire-  Request EOD to go to site
fighters  BDE TOC (Submit request for CID team and
4) Establish a LUP for TF Assets (EOD Tm) 2. CO CP sends route closure permission if necessary)
5) Take Digital Photos of effected area report to TF TOC  S5
5) Detain anyone w/ video camera on scene.  If instructed by CMD, S6 shuts NIPR locally,
3. Battle Captain/NCO instructs COs to do same
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: begins notification  CPOF operator zooms in on incident,
S: Size procedures. Submits displays only the applicable overlays, and
(1) How large was the explosion? SALUTE report report to checks Blue Force Tracker Text messages
(2) What caused the explosion (grenade, mine, BDE within 30min. from COs and/or BDE; sends out road
vbied, etc)? closures over BFT and CPOF
(3) Are there injuries/deaths? Names/Units?  CA Death gratuity to HN soldier’s families
A: Activity  PAO Issue press release if necessary
(1) What activity is occurring at the site? 4. If unit requests  S1 awards; soldiers
(2) Are there any casualties, and who are they? MEDEVAC, see  Safety Officer moves to site if secure
(3) Are US forces in danger? CARD 8.  Notify ENG assets for site reconstruction
(4) Suspicious personnel, i.e.; news crews there  Notify MEDO to track casualties, if any
5. If unit requests
BDE Reserve, notify
immediately before or after the incident? 3b. Casualties see CARDS 5, 6, 8
L: Location (8 digit grid)?
(1) Where did the explosion occur?
(2) What area/buildings/routes are affected?
6. Unit submits follow-up
T: Time 6a. WIT or EOD TM
report Story Board to TF,
(1) What time did the detonation occur? (1) conducts incident investigation
TF submits Story Board
A: Actions: (2) once complete with mission,
to BDE
(1) Actions taken by unit. conducts debrief with TF S2
(2) Assets/support needed from TF?
BATTLE DRILL 04: Non Governmental Organization is Attacked / Killed

One or more of the following are attacked/killed

1. NGO employee Notify HN Police
2. DOD Civilian / coalition civilian

1. Unit conducts
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC:
immediate first aid and 3a. Staff Action Checklist
S: Size
react to contact drills  S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM notified
(1) Name, rank, SSN, unit, and nationality
of victim?  CPOF operator zooms in on incident, displays
A: Activity 2. Unit notifies TF TOC only the applicable overlays, and checks Blue
(1) What activity was the individual(s) Force Tracker Text messages from COs and/or
involved in? What happened? BDE
(2) What was the cause of the incident?  Surgeon Cell – Stands by to assist subordinate
(3) What conditions surrounded the units and TF Staff as needed.
3. Battle Captain/NCO begins
incident? Is the unit in pursuit of suspects?  Chaplain (positions as close to deceased as
notification procedures.
L: Location (8-digit grid) possible)
Submits SALUTE report within
(1) Where did the incident occur?  S1
30 minutes.
(2) Where is the victim now? S4 (conducts mortuary affairs SOP, alerts BSB
T: Time. When did the incident occur? mortuary affairs team)
A: Actions:  SJA prepared to settle claims
(1) Actions taken by unit/agency. 4. Unit evacuates wounded  TF Safety Officer conducts interviews
(2) Assets/support needed from TF? and/or deceased IAW unit  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
SOP. Continues actions on  Alert all CO CPs if upgrade FPCON is necessary
contact until threat is  Use TF LNO to notify BDE TOC and PAO – LNO
eliminated also requests DIV Combat Stress Teams
 TF PAO prepares statements
 LNO collects information/details of incident
 THT investigates motives for attack
5. Unit conducts intelligence
debrief with unit S2. Unit S2
submits results to TF S2
3b. If unit requests MEDEVAC, see CARD 8
6. Unit submits all casualty feeder and witness cards
to TF. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to 3c. If unit requests TF Reserve, Notify TF CDR
TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 05: WIA of a Coalition Soldier/Coalition Civilian

One or more of the following are wounded

1. US / Coalition Soldier
2. DOD Civilian

1. Unit conducts
immediate first aid. 3a. Staff Action Checklist
2a. SALTA report to TF TOC:  S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM notified
S: Size  CPOF operator zooms in on incident, displays
(1) Name, rank, SSN, unit, and nationality 2. Unit notifies TF TOC
only the applicable overlays, and checks Blue
of injured/deceased? Force Tracker Text messages from COs and/or
A: Activity 3. Battle Captain/NCO begins BDE
(1) What activity was the individual(s) notification procedures.  Surgeon Cell - Alerts CSH / DIV SURG office for
involved in? What happened? Submits SALUTE report within possibility of US, Non-US casualties; determines /
(2) Was it attempted suicide? 30 minutes. If victim is a verifies extent of injuries from unit reports; tracks
(3) What was the cause of injury/death? soldier, issues verbal order to casualties thru evac chain; provides status
(4) What conditions surrounded the all commanders to control all updates to BTL CPT, TF CDR and subordinate
injury/death? communications to the rear units as required
L: Location (8-digit grid) (rear detachment officially  Chaplain (positions as close to WIAs as
(1) Where did the incident occur? notifies family) possible)
(2) Where is the injured/deceased  S1 (executes CARD 58 if necessary and
individual? personnel actions SOP)
T: Time. When did the injury/death occur? 4. If victim is a  S4 (conducts mortuary affairs SOP, alerts BSB
A: Actions: US/coalition soldier, mortuary affairs team)
(1) Actions taken by unit/agency. a US/coalition  SJA prepared to settle claims
(2) Assets/support needed from TF? civilian, then the  TF Safety Officer conducts interviews
unit evacuates  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
casualties and/or  Alert all CO CPs if upgrade FPCON is necessary
remains IAW unit  Use TF LNO to notify BDE TOC and PAO – LNO
SOP. also requests DIV Combat Stress Teams
 TF PAO prepares statements
 LNO collects information/details of incident
 THT deployed to investigate motives for attack

5. Unit submits all casualty feeder and witness cards

to TF. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to
3b. If unit requests MEDEVAC, see CARD 8
TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 06: KIA of a Coalition Soldier / Coalition
One or more of the following are killed
1. US / Coalition Soldier
2. DOD Civilian / coalition civilian
3. Any civilian Iraqi wounded by US forces
1. Unit conducts 3a. Staff Action Checklist
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: immediate first aid and  S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM notified
S: Size react to contact drills  CPOF operator zooms in on incident, displays
(1) Name, rank, SSN, unit, and nationality only the applicable overlays, and checks Blue
of deceased? Force Tracker Text messages from TFs and/or
A: Activity 2. Unit notifies TFTOC BDE
(1) What activity was the individual(s)  Surgeon Cell – Stands by to assist subordinate
involved in? What happened? units and BDE / BN Staff as needed.
3. Battle Captain/NCO begins
(2) What was the cause of death?  Chaplain (positions a Chaplain as close to
notification procedures.
(3) What conditions surrounded the Submits SALUTE report within deceased as possible)
death? Is the unit in pursuit of suspects?  S1 (executes CARD 58 and personnel actions
30 minutes. If victim is a
L: Location (8-digit grid) soldier, issues verbal order to SOP)
(1) Where did the incident occur?  S4 (conducts mortuary affairs SOP, alerts BSB
all commanders to control all
(2) Where is the deceased individual? communications to the rear mortuary affairs team)
T: Time. When did the death occur?  S6 cuts NIPR locally, instructs COs to do same
(rear detachment officially
A: Actions:  CJA prepared to settle claims, investigation
notifies family)
(1) Actions taken by unit/agency. support as required.
(2) Assets/support needed from TF?  TF Safety Officer conducts interviews
4. Unit evacuates deceased  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
(3) Did the unit return fire? If so, are there
enemy WIA/KIA? What is the BDA? IAW unit SOP. Continues  Alert all Co CPs if upgrade FPCON is necessary
actions on contact until threat  Use TFLNO to notify BDE TOC and PAO – LNO
is eliminated also requests DIV Combat Stress Teams
 TF PAO prepares press release if necessary
 LNO collects information/details of incident
5. Unit conducts intelligence
 THT deployed to investigate motives for attack
debrief with unit S2. Unit S2
submits results to TF S2
3b. If unit requests MEDEVAC, see CARD 8
6. Unit submits all casualty feeder and witness cards
to TF. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to
TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 07: Host Nation Forces Wounded/Killed

One or more of the following are killed

1. HN Military or Police

1. Unit conducts
2a. MITT sends SPOT report to TF TOC: immediate first aid. Treat
S: Size victims using HN medical
(1) Name, rank, SSN, unit, and nationality assets, not coalition
medical assets. Unit 3a. Staff Action Checklist
of deceased?  S3 / BCT CDR / XO / CSM notified
A: Activity should only request TF
medical assets when all  Mitt zooms in on incident, displays only the
(1) What activity was the individual(s) applicable overlays, and checks Blue Force
involved in? What happened? civilian assets have been
exhausted. Tracker Text messages from TFs and/or DIV
(2) What was the cause of death?  Surgeon Cell - Stands by to assist subordinate
(3) What conditions surrounded the units and BDE / BN Staff as needed.
death?  CJA prepared to settle claims, assist in
(4) Is the unit in pursuit of suspects? 2. Unit notifies TF TOC
investigation initiation, as necessary
(5) Were the deceased on a fixed-site  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
security mission or other security mission? 3. Battle Captain/NCO begins  Alert all BN TOCs if upgrade FPCON is
L: Location (8-digit grid) notification procedures. necessary
(1) Where did the incident occur? Submits SALUTE report within  Use TF LNO to notify DIV DMAIN and PAO
(2) Where is the deceased individual? 30 minutes.  TF PAO prepares press release if necessary
T: Time. When did the death occur?  BN LNO collects information/details of incident
A: Actions:  THT deployed to investigate motives for attack
(1) Actions taken by unit/agency.
(2) Assets/support needed from TF?
(3) If the deceased were on a security
mission, are TF assets now required to
assume the security mission? 4. Unit conducts intelligence
debrief with unit S2. Unit S2
3b. If unit requests MEDEVAC, see CARD 8
submits results to TF S2

5. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to TF, TF

submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 08: MEDEVAC of a Coalition Soldier/Coalition Civilian

 TF TOC receives request for MEDEVAC.  BAE: Establish ACMs for airspace users, if
Battle CPT: required
 Read 9-Line request to TOC, notify S3 / TF CDR / Surgeon Cell: Provide immediate assistance to
XO / CSM. subordinate unit request; alert CSH / DIV SURG
 CPOF operator zooms in on incident, displays only office for possibility of casualties; determines /
the applicable overlays, and checks Blue Force verifies extent of injuries from unit reports; track
Tracker Text for text messages from unit or BDE casualties through evac chain; provide status
 Determine if TF assets can execute MEDEVAC updates to BTL CPT, TF CDR and subordinate units
internally, or request support from BDE. as required
 DP: Mission approval authority for TF assets is TF  Request DIV Combat Stress Teams
CDR.  Chaplain: positions as close to deceased as
 If unable to execute MEDEVAC with TF assets, possible
request MEDEVAC from BDE using 9-line.  S1: execute BD 57 if needed and personnel
 Submit follow-up reports and Story Board to BDE actions SOP
 Recommend FPCON upgrade, if necessary  S4: execute mortuary affairs SOP, alerts mortuary
affairs team
 SJA: prepare to settle claims
 Safety Officer: conducts interviews
NOTE:  S2: submits GREEN 5A (flight weather report).
If victim is a local national, the unit must contact HNF to use Also collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
local national transportation and facilities to evacuate and treat  PAO: prepares statements
civilian. Unit should only request MEDEVAC for local national
if HN facilities can not perform their mission, or the injuries are
determined to be an urgent threat to life, limb or eyesight.
BATTLE DRILL 09: Mass Casualty (MASCAL)

Occurs when the number of casualties exceeds the available medical

capability to rapidly treat and evacuate them.

Casualties Sustained FLASH TRAFFIC!

3a. Staff Action Checklist
 S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM notified
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC 1. Unit conducts actions  CPOF operator zooms in on incident, displays
Size: IAW unit SOP
only the applicable overlays, and checks Blue
(1) Victims names, ranks, SSN, Force Tracker Text messages from COs and/or
(2) How many local nationals are injured? BDE
Activity: 2. CO CP reports to TF TOC
 Surgeon Cell - Alerts CSH / DIV SURG office of
(1) What was the time of the incident. MASCAL / requests immediate assistance of all
(2) What caused the injuries. available assets; determines / verifies extent of
(3) Do local national hospitals have enough 3. Battle Captain/NCO injuries from unit reports; tracks casualties thru
resources to treat all civilian wounded? begins notification evac chain; provides status updates to BTL CPT,
(4) Are the HN forces notified? Are they procedures. Submits TF CDR and subordinate units as required
capable of controlling the site and SALUTE report within 30  Chaplain (positions as close to deceased as
coordinating with local hospitals? minutes. Issues verbal possible)
(5) What equipment was involved. order to all commanders to  S1 (executes CARD 58 and personnel actions
(6) What are the results of the units initial control all communications SOP)
triage to the rear (rear detachment  S4 (conducts mortuary affairs SOP, alerts BSB
Location: officially notifies family) mortuary affairs team)
(1) 8 digit grid of the incident  SJA prepared to settle claims
(2) of the injured personnel 4. All units on FOB conduct  TF Safety Officer conducts interviews
Time incident occurred 100% accountability check of  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
Actions: equipment and personnel,  Alert all CO CPs if upgrade FPCON is necessary
(1) Is triage complete request TF reserve if  Use LNO to notify BDE TOC and PAO – LNO
(2) Is area secure? (search for additional necessary. Unit evacuates
also requests DIV Combat Stress Teams
IEDs). casualties and/or remains  TF PAO prepares statements
(3) Does unit need support from TF to assist IAW unit SOP.  LNO collects information/details of incident
with military casualties? If so, what  THT deployed to investigate motives for attack
personnel/equipment specifically?
(4) Does unit need support from TF to assist 5. Unit submits all casualty
with civilian casualties? feeder and witness cards to 3b. If unit requests MEDEVAC, see
(5) If necessary, is the link-up point TF. Unit Submits follow-up CARD 8
established? report Story Board to TF, TF
(6) If necessary, is LZ established for submits Story Board to BDE 4a. If BDE reserve requested, Notify CDR.
MEDEVAC? (search LZ for IED) Reserve CDR will collocate with TF TAC
BATTLE DRILL 10: Counter Fire


Continue to monitor Does it make sense? Continue to monitor,

Clears Conducts CDE ALO clears BAE
Sends mission BTL CPT
airspace thru 500m on CAS GETS clears
to Bulldog (Do Clears POO for
ATC (242- Falcon View, MAX ORD Shadow
NOT load) ground units
1811). GETS starts FROM FSE /AWT
MAX ORD stopwatch


BTL CPT verifies Counterfire checklist IS COLLATERAL CLEAR? NO BTL CPT considers:
Air / Rotary / QRF

TF FSE directs guns: cancel do not load, fire when ready

Stop stopwatch on 1st shot, on rounds complete give EOM

BATTLE DRILL 11: Clearance of Fires


1. Fire support NCOIC in TOC REPORTING

All personnel in TOC respond with FIRES

2. Fire support NCOIC in TOC

announces grid twice, and 1. S-2
disseminates digitally on CPOF Chat.
3. ALO
3. Battle Captain/NCO repeats grid
while every section in the TOC
checks the grid and verifies their 5. FORCE PRO
units are clear of the area digital or 6. S-4
voice. 7. S-1
4. After 10-20 seconds, fire 9. CA
support NCOIC conducts a roll 10. PO
call, with each TOC section 11. EWO
responding “CLEAR!” or “NOT
13. S3 or XO
5. Once all sections are clear, fire
support NCO receives permission
from XO/S3 to grant clearance to
requesting unit.

6. When permission is granted, fire

support NCO informs firing unit
that area is clear for fires.
BATTLE DRILL 12: Immediate Close Air Support

Tgt detected by unit

5a. Staff Action Checklist

1. ALO recommends/advises 30 Min prior to aircraft check-in w/JTAC

on suitability, Ground Unit  ALO: Initiates drill, verifies deconfliction plan, alert JTACs in field
Commander decides to  XO/S3: Tactical risk assessment, verify friendly locations
request CAS  S2: Verify enemy SALUTE
2a. ALO’s ASR to ASOC:
 FSO: Alert SEAD/marking battery, alert observers
Priority  ADO: Inform AD assets of inbound friendly air
2. ALO passes Air Strike 15 Min prior to aircraft check-in w/JTAC
(1) Type/Number
Request to Air Support  ALO: Brief aircraft/ordnance and deconfliction plan
(2) Location Operations Center  XO/S3: Approve/Disapprove mission based on risk assessment
(3) Time  S2: Brief SALUTE
 FSO: Report loc of SEAD/marking battery and status of
(4) Desired Result/Ordnance
Controller Info 3. ASOC gets approval from  ADO: Report ADA status
Contact Point senior ground commander
(Army makes approval decision) Aircraft checking in w/JTAC
 ALO: Verify aircraft/ordnance, timing, deconfliction plan
 XO/S3: Monitor mission
 S2: Continue to monitor enemy
4. FSO/ALO/RAVN make
 FSO: Activate ACA plan, coordinate TOT/TTT
airspace deconfliction plan
 ADO: Disseminate “White Hold”

5. Aircraft sent by
CRC to contact point,
Aircraft contact
JTAC/FAC(A) 6a. Staff Action Checklist

 ALO: Collect/disseminate BDA

Source for this information is:  XO/S3: Asses mission effectiveness/next course of action
JOINT PUB 3-09.3 (3Sep03)  S2: Collect/process BDA/PIREPS
Joint Tactics, Techniques, and 6. JTAC/FAC(A) controls CAS,  FSO: Deactivate ACAs, terminate SEAD/marking missions
procedures for close air support staff runs post-attack analysis  ADO: Inform AD friendly air off-station, adjust ADA status
BATTLE DRILL 13: Downed Aircraft

FSC / ALO: Request CAS, if required

 BAE: Inform CAB and establish ACMs for
 TF TOC receives report of downed aircraft airspace users, if required
Battle CPT/NCO:  PAO: Prepare statements
 Make announcement to TOC (include
location of personnel AND aircraft, if different),
notify S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM. Critical Tasks:
 CPOF operator zooms in on incident,
displays only the applicable overlays, and 1. Locate personnel (if unable to locate, notify
checks Blue Force Tracker Text for text BDE RCC; BPT support BDECSAR)
messages from unit or BDE 2. Secure personnel until relieved by BDE.
 Decide how to deploy security force.
(Factors to consider: Threat, Weather, 3. Secure aircraft until relieved by BDE.
Proximity of ground forces, availability /
suitability of HLZ)
- COA 1: Task a subordinate unit to move
to and secure personnel then aircraft; request
BDE Attack Air QRF to support
- COA 2: Launch TF QRF with BDE Attack
Air QRF to support
- COA 3: Request BDE air and ground
 Submit follow-up reports and Story Board to Once personnel and aircraft are secure, battle drill is over.
BPT support follow-up operations as a deliberate action as
BDE directed by BDE.
BATTLE DRILL 14: Lost or Downed UAV

Shadow or RAVEN UAV is confirmed lost or FLASH TRAFFIC!

2a. Staff Action Checklist
1a. SPOT report to TF TOC:  S3 notified
S: Size 1. Unit notifies TF TOC  RTO broadcast information to all airspace users
(1) Type of UAV (RAVEN / SHADOW) every 5 minutes until control is regained or until 30
SHADOW minutes past battery life / fuel remaining time
L: Location (if lost)
(1) Last known position (8 digit grid)  BAE transmits flash traffic to G3 AVN and AVN
(2) Last known heading 2. Determine if FULL or
BDE informing all info in SPOT report
(3) Last known Airspeed HASTY recovery is to be
used.  ALO notifies CAOC of all info in SPOT report
(4) Last known Altitude
(5) Last known Battery Life / fuel  BTL CPT notifies QRF to assume REDCON 1
remaining (minutes) 3. BTL CPT alerts TF  BAE begins MDMP for UAV recovery
RAVEN staff to begin
L: Location (if downed): 8 Digit Grid abbreviated MDMP and  S2 begins MDMP for UAV recovery
T: Time (if lost): When did loss of control occur? COA analysis for  FSO begins MDMP for UAV recovery
T: Time (if downed): Time downed. Shadow recovery if not  ALO begins MDMP for UAV recovery
already initiated.
A: Actions:  TF Safety Officer prepares to initiate accident
(1) Actions taken by unit. 4. TF staff briefs CDR on investigation
(2) Assets / support needed from TF? COA.  TUAV rep continues to provide updates on
5B. HASTY Recovery
5A. FULL Recovery a. Alert Nearest available unit
a. Link TUAV b. Issue FRAGO and initiate movement
3. Reporting CO:
Recovery Team to crash site
a. Initiate internal UAV with QRF c. Secure and photograph crash site
recovery SOP. b. Issue FRAGO and
CAUTION: TOXIC SMOKE – Do not attempt to BAE continues to make
b. Inform TF of any required initiate movement situational reports to G3
c. Recover Air put out Air Vehicle if on fire; maintain at least
products to assist in AVN and AVN BDE until
Vehicle and Return 100m from smoke/fire and allow to burn out
recovery opns. control is regained
d. Recover as much of the Air Vehicle as
c. Continue to make SPOT
reports to TF until
e. Return Air Vehicle all pieces, site
recovery is affected.
photos, and any other information to
BATTLE DRILL 15: Death of Coalition Soldier / Coalition Civilian (Non-Hostile
One or more of the following are killed
1. US / Coalition Soldier
2. DOD Civilian / coalition civilian
3. Any HN civilian wounded by US forces FLASH TRAFFIC!
1. Unit conducts 3a. Staff Action Checklist
immediate first aid  S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM notified
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC:
 CPOF/ BFT operator zooms in on incident,
S: Size
displays only the applicable overlays, and checks
(1) Name, rank, SSN, unit, and nationality 2. Unit notifies TF TOC
Blue Force Tracker Text messages from COs
of deceased?
and/or BDE
A: Activity
 BAE gives G3 AVN HERO mission WARNO
(1) What activity was the individual(s)
 Surgeon Cell - Stands by to assist subordinate
involved in? What happened? 3. Battle Captain/NCO begins units and TF Staff as needed.
(2) What was the cause of death? notification procedures.  Chaplain (positions a Chaplain as close to
(3) What conditions surrounded the Submits SALUTE report within deceased as possible)
death? Is the unit in pursuit of suspects? 30 minutes. If victim is a  S1 (executes CARD 58 and personnel actions
(4) Was it suicide? soldier, issues verbal order to SOP)
L: Location (8-digit grid) all commanders to control all  S4 (conducts mortuary affairs SOP, alerts BSB
(1) Where did the incident occur? communications to the rear mortuary affairs team)
(2) Where is the deceased individual? (rear detachment officially CJA prepared to settle claims assist in
T: Time. When did the death occur? notifies family) appointing investigating officer, as necessary
A: Actions:
 TF Safety Officer conducts interviews, initiates
(1) Actions taken by unit/agency.
accident investigation
(2) Assets/support needed from TF?
4. MEDEVAC by ground or air  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
to FOB.  Alert all CO CPs if upgrade FPCON is necessary
If death is cause by self  Use TF LNO to notify BDE TOC and PAO – LNO
also requests DIV Combat Stress Teams
inflected gunshot wound an  TF PAO prepares press release if necessary
SIR needs to be reported to 5. Unit conducts intelligence  S6 shuts off NIPR until notification of NOK
 XO conducts rear detachment notification
BDE. debrief with unit S2. Unit S2
 Receive TF CDR approval for remains to leave
submits results to TF S2
 BAE contacts G3 AVN for execution of HERO
6. Unit submits all casualty feeder and witness cards
to TF. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to
TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE. TF CDR or XO
notified when Rear-D and NOK notification is
BATTLE DRILL 16: Vehicle Accident

Vehicle Accident
(1) Establish FP measures
-Secure local area
-Assess the situation
(2) If injuries involved, begin first aid, submit 9- 1. Unit involved secures site
line MEDEVAC request (see ‘MEDEVAC Drill’)
(3) Gather information on personnel and vehicles
involved and draw sketch of accident (digital
photos) 2. CO CP reports to TF
(4) Establish TCPs to control traffic in the area 3a. Notification Tree:
(5) Conduct recovery of vehicles and equipment (1) S3
(6) Monitor which hospitals injured personnel are (2) Surgeon Cell (if injury)
sent and patient status (5) S4
(7) Notify Higher HQs 3. Battle Captain/NCO (6) S5
(8) Take digital photos of accident begins notification of (7) SJA
appropriate personnel: (8) BCT Safety Officer
2a. SALUTE REPORT to TF TOC: (10) TF Rear D (if injured)
S: Size
(1) Size of the accident, # of vehicles by type 4. Safety Officer move to
involved scene of accident to
(2) How many injured? What are the injuries? conduct investigations 3a. If unit requests
(3) Obtain name, rank, SSN, DOB, nationality, MEDEVAC, see
address, and position in vehicle of all personnel CARD 8
(4) Obtain vehicle information on all involved 5. Unit and Safety
A: Activity Officer submit closure
(1) What was the cause of the accident reports and Story Board
(2) Damage to vehicles
L: Location
(1) Location of the accident (8 Digit Grid) 6. Battle Captain/NCO or
T: Time Battle NCOIC closes out the
(1) Time the accident occurred? incident once all casualties
A: Actions: are returned from hospital
(1) Actions taken by unit. and vehicles are recovered.
(2) Assets/support needed from TF or BDE Submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 17: UXO/IED/Mine(s) Discovered

Soldier identifies a
UXO, IED, or mine

1a. Immediate actions by unit (5 Cs):

(1) Confirm 1. Unit secures site
(2) Call
(3) Clear
(4) Cordon
(5) Control
2. Unit reports to TF

2a. UXO/IED/Mine 9-Line Report to TF TOC:

(1) DTG Discovered. 3. Battle 3a. Notification Tree:
(2) Reporting unit and location (8-digit grid). Captain/NCO begins (1) S3 / XO / S4 / EOD
(3) Contact method. Unit’s FM freq, C/S, and telephone notification (2) ABE
number. POC name. procedures, submits (3) S2 Ops
(4) Type of munition. SALUTE report (4) S5
(a) Dropped, Projected, Placed or Thrown within 30 minutes
(b) What type of munition?
(c) Color 3b. Products & Considerations:
(d) Size (1) FRAGO to EOD
(e) Markings (2) Alert to unit
(5) NBC contamination? (3) Security for EOD movement
(6) Resources threatened?
(7) Impact on mission. Will the location of the mine/UXO
affect the unit’s mission within the next 72 hours.
(8) Actions taken by unit.
(9) Recommend priority (Immediate, Indirect, Minor, None)
5. Unit Submits follow-up
report Story Board to TF, TF
submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 18: Weapons Cache Discovered

Discovery of
1a. Immediate actions by unit:
(1) 5 Cs(FM5-25): Confirm, Call, Clear, Cordon, Control . THIS IS A PRIME
(2) Deploy engineers to conduct assessment on cache -- obtain as much
information as possible:
(a) inventory of number of weapons / amount of ammo
(b) description of items found (digital photos)
(c) number of civilians / vehicular traffic in the area 1. Unit secures site
(3) Unit conduct an assessment:
(a) Are there weapons / ammo that can be confiscated for ISF/IPS use?
(b) Is the cache exploitable if left in place?
(c) If not, then destroy in place (if safe to do so)
(d) If not safe, or if cache is too large, coordinate transportation assets
to move munitions to a ASP1 or 2. Unit must secure site until completely 2. Unit reports to TFTOC
destroyed or moved. Unit can use ICDC/IPS to secure site, but must
3a. Notification Tree:
inventory munitions before and after hand over.
(1) S3 / XO / S4
(2) S2 / IO / PAO
begins notification
(3) S5
(4) ABE
(5) Civil Affairs
necessary, the unit must secure the site until EOD
can respond.

4. Close-out reports from unit

1) Story Board
2) Detailed inventory of items seized
3) Number of detainees (if any)
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: 4) Local civilian reactions and level
S: How many weapons / ammo by type is located at the cache? of HN forces support
A: Activity
(1) Movement in AO connected to the cache site
(2) Description of items in cache
L: Location of cache (8 digit grid)
T: Time found, estimated time the cache has existed 5. TF submits Story Board to BDE
A: Actions taken by unit?
BATTLE DRILL 19: Fratricide

One or more of the following are killed or injured by

friendly fire
1. US / Coalition Soldier
2. DOD Civilian / coalition civilian FLASH TRAFFIC!
3a. Staff Action Checklist
1. Unit conducts  S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM notified
immediate first aid  CPOF/ BFT operator zooms in on incident,
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC:
displays only the applicable overlays, and checks
S: Size
CPOF Text messages TREE:
from COs and/or BDE
(1) Name, rank, SSN, unit, and nationality 2. Unit notifies TF TOC

1. S3
/ BDE Cell
CDR- /Alerts
CSH / DIV SURG office for
of deceased?
possibility of US, Non-US casualties;
2. BDE Surgeon--responsible determines
for tracking civilian /
A: Activity
3. Battle Captain/NCO begins verifies
deceased extent of injuries from unit reports; tracks
(1) What activity was the individual(s)
notification procedures. casualties
3. Chaplainthru evac chain;
(positions provides
as close status as
to deceased
involved in? What happened?
Submits SALUTE report and possible)to BTL CPT, TF CDR and subordinate
(2) What was the cause of death?
“Suspected Friendly Fire” 4. S1 (conducts
units as requiredSOP CARD 58 and personnel
(3) What conditions surrounded the
report within 30 minutes. 
SOP) (positions as close to deceased as
death? Is the unit in pursuit of suspects?
If victim is a Soldier, issues 5. S4 (conducts mortuary affairs SOP, alerts
(4) Was it suicide?
verbal order to all commanders 
S1 (executes
mortuary personnel
affairs team)
actions SOP)
L: Location (8-digit grid)
to control all communications 
6. SJA
S4 (conducts
prepared mortuary
to settle claims
affairs SOP, alerts BSB
(1) Where did the incident occur?
to the rear (rear detachment 7. TF Safety
mortuary affairs
conducts interviews
(2) Where is the deceased individual?
officially notifies family)  S6 collects
8. S2 cuts NIPR locally,
facts instructs COs
and conducts to do
pattern same
T: Time. When did the death occur?
 CJA: all
9. Alert DIV
TOCs if 15-6.
upgradeAssist investigating
A: Actions:
necessary as necessary.
(1) Actions taken by unit/agency.
4. Unit MEDEVACs Injured 
DMAIN conducts
and PAOinterviews, initiates
(2) Assets/support needed from TF?
personnel as required. Unit 11. TF investigation
safety PAO prepares statements
evacuates deceased IAW unit  S2 collects facts and conducts pattern analysis
SOP.  Alert all CO CPs if upgrade FPCON is necessary
 Use TF LNO to notify BDE TOC and PAO – LNO
also requests DIV Combat Stress Teams
5. SJA coordinates 15-6  TF PAO prepares press release if necessary
investigation.  BN LNO collects information/details of incident
 JCC/ IA notified if required

unit requests MEDEVAC,
/ XO notifies see CARD 52
Rear-D CDR

6. Unit submits all casualty feeder and witness cards

to TF. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to
TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 20: Missing / Isolated Personnel

Receive report of RELATED BATTLE DRILLS:

missing / Isolated 6: KIA of coalition soldier/civilian
Personnel Task all subordinate
(1) S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
(2) DMAIN battalions to obtain
(3) Subordinate COs: Accountability
No immediate
(personnel and sensitive items) accountability of all
(4) Aircraft in TF AO
Is unit of assignment
(5) ID and Task recovery force / TF Reserve known? military and civilian
(5) S2: Check Security Clearance Type personnel
(6) Surgeon Cell Yes
(7) PAO: Prepare press release
(8) S1: Obtain ISOPREP to aid in ID/Recovery Is Exact Location No
(9) BAE Known? If approximate
a. Transmit SARIR if not already location known
submitted by reporting unit Yes does METT-TC
b. Notify Division RCC if assistance
needed. Does METT-TC allow a search?
c. Coordinate for air assets if allow BCT
needed Yes assets to No
recover IP?
Attempt to establish Task search force and task /
SALUTE REPORT to BCT TOC: No request other assets (UAV /
communications with
S: Size: How many soldiers missing
IP and coordinate / Aviation / CAS)
and from what unit?
Notify BDE RCC, provide support as
A: Activity Unit in AO establish cordon
(1) Who is first line supervisor request assistance, required
of AO
and where/when was soldier last and monitor / develop
(2) What were other individuals the situation
in area doing before, during, and
after unit discovered the soldier was
Does search force
missing? Recovery force recovers IP, find IP?
(3) Was any threat activity in the Yes
provides immediate medical
area that may be responsible for the
disappearance? support and coordinates aerial or No
L: Location soldier was last seen ground MEDEVAC as required Continue search /
T: Time soldier was discovered request
missing assistance
A: Actions taken by unit
TF coordinates / conducts
initial re-integration tasks IP recovered to Submit SARSIT
and coordinates evacuation unit / medical to RCC (format
to other re-integration facility in BDE PR SOP)
locations as required
BATTLE DRILL 21: Demonstration, Pilgrimage, or Riot

Demonstration or

1. Unit encounters a crowd that

threatens the safe and secure
1a. Immediate actions by unit: 3a. Notification Tree:
1) Secure area, prevent further people from joining (1) S3
crowd 2. CO CP reports to (2) S2
2) Determine size and intent of the crowd. TF TOC (3) Alert all CO CPs if upgrade
3) Determine if crowd was authorized by HN forces FPCON is necessary
4) Notify TF TOC of situation (4) S5
5) Identify leader(s) of crowd 3. Battle Captain/NCO
6) Photograph leaders begins notification
5. Battle Captain/NCO actions:
7) Have HN forces instruct leaders to disperse crowd procedures, submits
(1) Notify BDE
peacefully SALUTE report within 30
(2) Request UAV support to monitor
8) Identify if there is a need for route closures minutes
(3)HN forces notified and involved with
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: route security, if required
S: Size (4) Identify which unit will cordon the
(1) Size of the crowd 4. If crowd is pilgrimage's final destination, if required
(2) Make up of the crowd along MSR/ASR, (5) Deploy PSYOPS team
A: Activity does the TF (6) Unit Submits follow-up report Story
(1) Why are they demonstrating recommend Board to TF, TF submits Story Board to
(2) Are they peaceful or violent closing the RTE? BDE
(3) What are they shouting YES
(4) Any Weapons visible
L: Location (8 digit grid)?
T: Time 6. Battle Captain/NCO actions:
A: Actions: (1) Request route closure from BDE (if not approved, move to STEP 5
(1) Actions taken by unit. (2) Request UAV support to monitor pilgrimage
(2) Assets/support needed from Higher? (3) Coordinate with BDE to establish TCPs and close route
(3) Do actions include entering a mosque? (4) HNF notified and involved with route security
(5) Identify which unit will cordon the pilgrimage's final destination, if necessary
(6) Coordinates with BDE to close TCPs and reopen route
(7) Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 22: Human Remains or Mass Gravesite Discovered

1a. Immediate actions by unit: Discovery of

(1) Unit secures site – use HN forces to assist and notify local hospital Human
(2) Unit does not touch, allow anyone to touch the bodies or any evidence on site. Remains
(3) Obtain as much information as possible about the victim:
(a) age
(b) gender 1. Unit secures site
(c) names
(d) ethnic background of victims
(e) possible cause of death
(f) possible time of death
2. Unit reports to TF
(g) description of the site
TOC (within 30 min
(h) source of the initial report
of discovery)
(4) Unit reports to higher.
(5) Unit notifies CID if it is an accident or US/Coalition soldier or civilian employee.
(6) Take digital photos of the site if it is an atrocity site or mass grave. DO NOT 3. Battle Captain/NCO begins
take photos of human remains if US/Coalition soldier or civilian employee. notification procedures, submits
SALUTE report within 30 minutes.

2a. SPOT report to TF TOC:

S: How many bodies?
A: Activity 3a. Immediately Notify:
(1) Atrocity site or mass grave? (1) S3 / TF CDR / XO
(2) Murder victim? (2) S5 (notify RED CROSS)
(3) Operationally related (due to military action)? (3) DIV CID
(4) Accidental (car accident, mine related)? (4) PSYOP / IO
(5) American? (5) S4
(6) Coalition? (6) BSB Mortuary affairs
(7) Unknown circumstances? (7) CJA
(8) What else was found at the scene? (8) PAO
(9) Is media present at the site?
L: Location of human remains (8 digit grid)
T: Time 5. Unit Submits follow-up
(1) Time the human remains were discovered? report Story Board to TF, TF
(2) Approximate time of death (if known)? submits Story Board to BDE
A: Actions taken by unit.
BATTLE DRILL 23: Power Outage in Town

Power outage

1. Unit conducts
1a. Immediate actions by unit: immediate actions
(1) Contact local power facility supervisor and sends report to
(2) Determine source of power failure TF
(3) Report to TF TOC
(4) If power can not be restored
immediately, request assistance from TF 2. Notify BSB Minister of public works and
CA to determine the best method to restore
power if the power facility can not repair

2a. SPOT report to TF TOC:

S: Size
(1) How large is the physical area effected by the
power loss 3. Battle Captain/NCO
(2) Size of population effected begins notification 3a. Immediately Notify:
A: Activity procedures, submits (1) S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
(1) What was the cause of the power outage? SALUTE report within 30 (2) BDE TOC
L: Location minutes (3) PSYOP / IO
(1) What areas are effected—rural and urban. (4) CA
T: Time. (5) ABE submits PURPLE 3 report
4. BSB requests assets
(1) What time did the power go out? to DIVENG
from local nationals
(2) How many times has this happened in the (6) S2
and/or DIVENG to fix
last 30-60 days?
power loss and
(3) Once the power is restored, determine the
coordinates link up with
total time the power was out.
unit in sector
A: Actions taken by unit.
(1) Assist local power plant supervisor to repair
(2) Determine cause of failure
5. Once power is restored, unit submits follow-up report
Story Board to TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 24: FOB Security Breach

Breach of FOB

1a. Immediate actions by unit: 1. Guard or individual

1) Secure immediate area. witnesses observes
2) Notify SOG or Unit HQ signs of a breach in
3) Unit attempts to repair breach site security at a base
camp (engage and FLASH TRAFFIC!
alarm is first priority)
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC:
3a. Notification Tree:
S: Size
(1) S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
(1) Size of suspected element inside the camp?
2. FOB increases (2) S2
(2) Have you apprehended any individual(s)?
FPCON; tenant units go (3) Alert all CO CPs if FPCON
A: Activity
to 100% manning on change is necessary
(1) How did the individual(s) breach?
perimeter. (4) BDE TOC
- Forced entry through base camp gate or
- Infiltrated by hiding on a vehicle? 3. Battle
- Use of a fake ID card? Captain/NCO begins
- Assistance of a FOB? 3b. If unit requests
(2) What MEDEVAC are in immediate vicinity? MEDEVAC, see
L: Location (8-digit grid) CARD 8
Submits SALUTE
(1) Location of breach? report within 30
(2) Location of apprehension of individual(s)? minutes.
T: Time
A: Actions: 4. All units on FOB conduct
(1) Actions taken by unit. 100% accountability check of
(2) Digital pictures of breach site taken by equipment and personnel,
unit. request TF reserve if
(3) Assets/support needed from TF? necessary. 4a. If TF reserve
requested, Notify
5. Unit submits follow-up
report Story Board to TF,
TF submits Story Board
to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 25: Detainee

Unit detains

1. Unit conducts
1a. Immediate actions by unit:: immediate actions
(1) Secure (Flex-cuff; cover eyes (no and sends report to
hoods); ear muffs TF
(2) Silence (Gag only as necessary)
(3) Segregate
(4) Safeguard
(5) Speed (to TF D-Cell)
2. Place detainee in unit Detainment Facility (D-Cell) holding
(6) Tag
area until assets are available to transport detainee to
Internment Facility

3a. Immediately Notify:

2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: 3. Battle Captain/NCO
(1) S3
S: Size begins notification
(2) PMO
(1) How many Detainees? procedures, submits
(2) CJA
A: Activity SALUTE report within 30
(4) S2X
(1) What were the circumstances surrounding the minutes
L: Location 4. Unit delivers soldier
(1) Where was the detainee captured? to Detainee Facility; MPs
T: Time. processes detainee and
- Time detainee was captured? prepare to pass the
A: Actions taken by unit. detainee to S2X
Internment Facility
Interrogation Team

5. Once Unit Submits follow-up report Story

Board to TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
BATTLE DRILL 26: Detainee Death

Unit informs TF of
detainee’s death FLASH TRAFFIC!
1. Battle Captain/NCO alerts
notification tree and requests CID
team through BDE TOC to deploy
to location of death and conduct

by T

l ed

1. Battle CPT notifies:


2a. Unit HQs establishes a guard for (2) S2

(3) JAG

Unit 15-6 Investigation

the deceased and also guards

soldier suspected of wrongfully (4) BDE TOC
2b. Unit conducts a 15-6 (5) PAO
killing the detainee
Investigation (6) IO
(7) PMO

3a. CID conducts investigation and

3b. Unit coordinates with
reports findings to TF CDR—CDR
deceased’s family on where the
determines outcome for suspect
remains will be sent

4. Unit coordinates with

deceased’s family on where the
remains will be sent
BATTLE DRILL 27: Killing of Civilian

Unit informs TF of
civilian’s death

1. Battle Captain/NCO alerts

notification tree and requests CID
team through BDE to deploy to
location of death and conduct
o f RO
n IA
latio e)
Vio ar Crim W
1. Battle CPT notifies:
(2) S2
2a. Battle Captain/NCO reports (3) JAG
Unit 15-6 Investigation

LOW VIOLATION. 2b. Unit conducts a 15-6 (4) BDE

Investigation (5) PAO
(6) IO

3a. Unit HQs establishes a guard for

the deceased and also guards
soldier suspected of wrongfully
killing the civilian

3b. Unit coordinates with

4.CID conducts investigation and deceased’s family on where the
reports findings to TF CDR—CDR remains will be sent
determines outcome for suspect

5. Unit coordinates with

deceased’s family on where the 6. TF staff conducts analysis of
remains will be sent the war crime’s effects and
determines what action TF must
take to mitigate the effects.
BATTLE DRILL 28: US Soldier Potential Crime

Unit informs TF of crime


1. Battle Captain/NCO alerts

notification tree and requests CID
team through BDE to deploy to
location of the crime.

2. Unit HQs guards the physical 1. Battle CPT notifies:

area where the war crime occurred (1) TF CDR/S3/XO/CSM
and also guards the suspect (2) S2
(3) JAG
(4) BDE
e (5) PAO
ri m Fe
r C l
on (6) IO
Wa y (7) PMO

3a. Battle Captain/NCO reports 3b. CID conducts investigation

LOW VIOLATION. CID conducts and reports findings to TF CDR—
investigation and reports findings CDR determines outcome for
to TF CDR—CDR determines suspect. SEE CARD 29.
outcome for suspect (maybe)

4. TF staff conducts analysis of

the war crime’s effects and
determines what action TF must
take to mitigate the effects.
BATTLE DRILL 29: US Soldier Felony Crime

Unit informs TF of felony

1. Battle Captain/NCO alerts
notification tree and requests CID
team through BDE to deploy to
location of crime

2. Unit HQs guards the physical 1. Battle CPT notifies:

area where the crime occurred and (1) TF CDR/S3/XO/CSM
also guards the suspect (2) S2
(3) JAG
(4) BDE
(5) PAO
(6) IO

CID conducts investigation and

reports findings to TF CDR—CDR
determines outcome for suspect
BATTLE DRILL 30: ROE Violation Reported

Unit informs TF of ROE

violation FLASH TRAFFIC!
1. Battle Captain/NCO alerts
notification tree and requests CID
team through BDE to deploy to
location of violation. Reports LOW

2. Unit HQs guards the physical 1. Battle CPT notifies:

area where the violation occurred, (1) TF CDR/S3/XO/CSM
any personnel involved with the (2) S2
incident, and also guards the (3) JAG
suspect (4) BDE
(5) PAO
(6) IO

3. CID conducts investigation and

reports findings to TF CDR—CDR
determines outcome for suspect
BATTLE DRILL 31: Stolen/Missing Sensitive Item

Unit missing
sensitive item

1. Unit identifies
1a. Immediate actions by unit::
(1) Unit conducts local search to find missing
item(s) are missing FLASH TRAFFIC!
(2) Notify higher HQs.
(3) If on Base Camp 2. Unit reports to TF (NLT
(a) Stop all non-mission-essential 1Hr after identifying
outgoing traffic missing item)
(b) Conduct Base Camp wide search
(c) Inspect all outgoing personnel
(4) If outside Base Camp: 3. Battle Captain/NCO 3a. Immediately Notify:
(a) Secure area begins notification (1) S3 / TF CDR / XO / CSM
(b) Conduct thorough search of area procedures, submits
SALUTE report and
GREEN 2 within 30
2a. SPOT report to TF TOC: minutes
S: Size
(1) How many (by type and serial #) sensitive 4. Battle NCO initiates
items are missing? separate 1594 Log to
A: Activity track missing sensitive
(1) Who (name, rank) lost the item items actions
(2) What were the individuals doing before,
during, and after items were discovered
missing? 5. Unit Submits follow-up report Story Board to
L: Location items were last seen TF, TF submits Story Board to BDE
T: Time.
- Time item was discovered missing
A: Actions taken by unit.
-Conducting shake down, lock down,
inventories, etc.
BATTLE DRILL 32: Negligent Discharge (ND) of Weapon

Soldier commits ND
(1) Unit determines if ND resulted in any injuries
1. Unit reports to TF
(2) Begins initial investigation
(3) Unit notifies TF TOC

2a. Notification Tree

(1) Battle Captain/NCO
2. Battle Captain/NCO
2a. SALUTE REPORT to TF TOC: notifies appropriate If injury resulted, then notify:
S: Size personnel (1) S3 / BCT CDR
(1) Weapon fired? (2) Surgeon Cell
(2) # of rounds fired? (3) S5 if civilian injury results
A: Activity (4) SJA if civilian injury
3. Battle NCO logs results
(1) Cause of the ND?
incident in SIGACTs log
(2) What was the soldier doing prior to ND
L: Location (8-digit grid)
- Location of ND
T: Time 4. Unit submits Closure
- Time of the ND Report (SIR)
A: Actions taken by unit
BATTLE DRILL 33: Weather watch/warning

Receive Weather
Warning from TF


(1) Units ensure message is disseminated to sends weather warning
squad/section level within one hour. message to subordinate
(2) Units take appropriate actions to units.
mitigate risk.

2a. Immediately Notify:

(1) S3
(2) all unit LNOs
2. Battle Captain/NCO
(3) all staff agencies
notifies appropriate
(4) S2 confirms weather
watch/warning with DIV
GREEN 5 report

3. Battle Captain/NCO/NCO
annotates on SIGACTS;
follows-up weather status.

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