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I can’t find ________ calculator; may I use

_________, Prince?
A. My, yours
B. His, yours
C. My, his
D. Yours, mine
2. Let us campaign for the total ban
____________ of harmful insecticides.
A. With the use
B. On the use
C. On using
D. With using
3. If I _____________ known you before, we could
have arranged a joint project.
A. Have
B. Could
C. Had
D. Will
4. Neither the teacher nor the students
________________ present in the affairs.
A. Am
B. Was
C. Is
D. Were
5. On your trip to Tagaytay, if you chance upon
Arsenio, please give __________ my warm
A. Himself
B. Him
C. Myself
D. Me
6. Is this spot _______ you had the accident?
A. Why
B. Wherein
C. Where
D. Which
7. Wise people can _______ with frustrations.
A. Cope u
B. Cope in
C. Cope on
D. Cope
8. When helping in the kitchen, I am always
careful not to hurt _________________.
A. Ourselves
B. Himself
C. Myself
D. Herself
9. We admire ___________ when Cynthia speaks
English fluently with _______________.
A. Him, them
B. Her, us
C. Him, we
D. Him, me
10. The student’s request to re-set the test
_____________ reasonable.
A. Were
B. Are
C. Very
D. Is
11. “We listened to a LOQUACIOUS speaker.” The
capitalized word means___________.
A. Quiet
B. Simple
C. Verbose
D. Lousy
12. Because of PROFANITY the program was
suspended from television.” The capitalized word
A. Obscenity
B. Decency
C. History
D. Falsehood
13. Clara would ready any book or magazine she
could lay her hands on and read from cover to
cover in one sitting. She is such a _________
A. Tedious
B. Leisurely
C. Serious
D. Voracious
14. Even when her friends betray her. Iah bears no
rancor in her heart because she is not_________
A. Embarrassed
B. Bitter
C. Consoled
D. Insulted
15. The _____________ lesson of the story is that
honesty is the best policy.
A. Morality
B. Moralism
C. Morale
D. Moral
16. “The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to
understand the grade.” The capitalized word
A. Estimated
B. Surpassed
C. Changed
D. Summed
17. Some preachers suggest the _____________
that the end of the world is near.
A. Proposal
B. Prophecy
C. Prophetic
D. Prophet
18. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a
sound ___________________.
A. Query
B. Change
C. Decision
D. Problem
19. “If you want the moon I will get it for you” is
an example of ______________
A. Hyperbole
B. Irony
C. Synecdoche
D. Personification
20. What figure of speech is: “O wild west wind!”
A. Irony
B. Apostrophe
C. Metaphor
D. Hyperbole
21. “Sturdy and strong, the Filipinos are like the
molave” is _____________________.
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Irony
D. Hyperbole
22. What figure of speech is present in this line of
the poem “The Brook”:
“The second time it was a tiny snake.”
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Apostrophe
23. “He is the black sheep of the family.” This is an
example of:
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
24. Haiku is a Japanese poem that consists of:
A. 17 lines
B. 17 syllables
C. 3 syllables
D. 3 paragraphs
25. “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was
branded as a terror in school. The pupils dreaded the day they
would enter my class. Little did they know that behind my
unpopular facade was a heart full of compassion. But how did I
earn this moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I
wanted them to know that cleanliness of body was good for
their health. I inspected their teeth, nails, footwear,
handkerchief, clothes, ears, noses and hair.”
The public school teacher gives much importance to her
A. Cleanliness
B. Absence
C. Study
D. Posture
26. Select the most appropriate heading for the
paragraph: “Stephen Crane was born in 1971 in
New Jersey, but his family settled in New York. His
father, a Methodist minister, died when Stephen
was nine years old. He came to know New York
through its slum and street life, particularly in
A. Stephen’s family and boyhood
B. Stephen as an Orphan
C. Stephen’s genealogy
D. The New York Slums
27. What emotion or feeling is expressed in the
following line?
To be or not to be, that is the question
Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer the
slings and arrows of outrageous
Fortune, or to take arms against a Sea of Troubles,
and by opposing end them?
A. Sadness
B. Joy
C. Anger
D. Indecision
28. Manolo approached the platform with his
speech. His palms were sweaty and his hands
were shaking. He felt the palpitations of his chest
and perspiration began to appear at his forehead.
Manolo is experiencing ___________.
A. Heart attack
B. Stage fright
C. Nausea
D. Epilepsy
“My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s
daily activities which I now recall with fondness and
awe. She was full-time housewife, wholly dependent
on my father’s monthly salary. How she made both
ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small acts
of charity on the side was beyond me.”
The mother’s financial resources
A. More than enough
B. Miserable
C. Abundant
D. Limited
30. Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much in his life-
family, friends and a big chunk of his life for thing
he believed in democratic south Africa, with equal
rights and beacon of hope for the rest of the
world. Nelson Mandela’s dream for South Africa,
which was realized was______________.
A. Cooperation
B. Democracy
C. Unity
D. Supremacy
31. Though nothing can bring back
The hour of splendor in the glass,
Of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not,
Rather find strength in what remains behind.
This stanza expresses _________________________.
A. Grief
B. Loss
C. Hope
D. Despair
32. Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict
Filipino-Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions.
A. Edilberto Tiempo
B. N.V.M. Gonzales
C. Bienvenido Santos
D. Nick Joaquin
33. This Filipino writer in English who used
Hispanic Filipino culture and traditions in his
fiction works.
A. Edilberto Tiempo
B. Sionil Jose
C. Nick Joaquin
D. Jose Garcia Villa
34. She is known for the love sonnets she wrote.
A. Paz Marquez Benitez
B. Gilda Cordero Fernando
C. Edith Tiempo
D. Ophelia Dimalanta
35. The celebrated play of William Shakespeare
about two ill-starred lovers who come from
warring families.
A. Romeo and Juliet
B. Anthony and Cleopatra
C. Hamlet and Ophelia
D. Ana and the King
36. He wrote Annabel Lee.
A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Samuel Clemens
37. He is known as the father of English literature.
A. William Shakespeare
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Homer
D. Dante
38. Who is the first mythical geographer who was
recognized due to his vivid descriptions of lands
and people encountered by his hero Ulysses?
A. Virgil
B. Homer
C. Plato
D. Cicero
39. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns?
A. Rig Veda
B. Upanishad
C. Mahabharata
D. Ramayana
40. The “Rubaiyat” a loosely joined series of 280
stanzas, has this general theme. Which one?
A. Always look forward to a new day.
B. Grasp pleasure while you can.
C. Never give in to death easily.
D. Create your own world and beautify it.
41. What was the term given by Marcelo H. De
Pilar to hidden control and domination by Spanish
religious priests over the colonial government?
A. Pase region
B. Complace
C. Las suerte partidas
D. Frailocracia
42. During the 17th-18th century Hispanic era, what
was the highest post a native or Chinese mestizo
can attain at the municipal level, equivalent to
local bureaucrats namely the mayors today?
A. Governadorcillo
B. Cabeza de barangay
C. Tanientes de justicia
D. Directorcillo
43. During the Hispanic era, native and Chinese
male mestizos 16-60 years old are obligated to do
forced labor for forty days. How can exemption be
A. Getting a cedula personal
B. Paying the bandala
C. Give santorum tax to the church
D. Paying the falla (exemption fee)
44. Who was the last Spanish Governor-General of
the Philippines?
A. Ramon Blanco
B. Basilio Agustin
C. Diego de los Rios
D. Fermin Jaudenes
45. The Philippine president who was known as
the “Man of the Masses” was
A. Fidel Ramos
B. Manuel Quezon
C. Ramon Magsaysay
D. Manuel Roxas
46. One of the pledges of the President of the
Philippines is to defend its:
A. Constitution
B. Citizens
C. Land
D. Islands
47. What contained the concrete promise of the
Americans to Filipinos independence “as soon as
stable government can be established”?
A. Preamble of the Jones Law
B. Preamble of the Commonwealth Government
C. Fairfield Bill of 1924
D. First 1919 Parliamentary Mission to the U.S.
48. What law passed on August 1909 by the U.S.
Congress established a full free trade in the
A. Bell Trace
B. Treaty on General Relations
C. Payne-Aldrich Act
D. Underwood-Simmons Act
49. Participation in governance, including the right
to vote and seek public office is secured within the
citizenry’s ________________.
A. Political rights
B. Socio-civic rights
C. Right of suffrage
D. Right to due process
50. The right invoked in the “writ of habeas data”
is ________________________.
A. The right to information privacy.
B. Right to gather information data.
C. The right to search for information.
D. Right to transmit data.
51. Which is a check on the executive department
by the judiciary in the principle check and balance
among branches of the government?
A. Impeachment of the Chief of Justice of the
Supreme Court.
B. Determining the salary of the President and Vice-
C. Declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional.
D. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional.
52. Which is the fundamental law of the
A. Bill of Rights
B. Civil Criminal Code
C. Constitution
D. Ten Commandments
53. When one controls the supply/production of
goods, this implies
A. Inflation
B. Monopoly
C. Economic stability
D. Economic equilibrium
54. What economic policy in 16th century in
Europe influenced Spain’s expansionist policy to
discover new lands?
A. Spice-trading
B. Mercantilism
C. Capitalism
D. Colonialism
55. What problem can result owing to bias among
parents and the youth towards manual or
technical occupations, eg. Masons, mechanics,
plumbers, etc?
A. Boss mentality
B. Blue collar mania
C. White collar mania
D. Technocrat mind
56. Which demonstrates interconnectedness
between social and environmental injustice?
A. Industrialized countries’ toxic disposed to poorer
B. Temperature warming and rise of sea level.
C. Desertification of verdant regions.
D. Extinction of rare animal species.
57. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing
A. Income tax
B. Community tax
C. Real estate tax
D. Inheritance tax
58. What is the possible consequence of
meritocracy in a social system?
A. Rule by the wealthy and powerful.
B. Leadership by people of talent.
C. Culture of elitism.
D. Rule by those with noble birth.
59. Whose philosophy advocated the use of
reason in understanding the existence of God?
A. St. Benedict
B. St. John
C. St. Peter
D. St. Thomas Aquinas
60. Which was the first labor union in the country
founded by Isabelo delos Reyes on July 1901?
A. Association of the Philippine Labor
B. Union Obrera Democratica
C. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos
D. Association de Compania Tabacalera
61. In a matriarchal family which family member
plays the leading role?
A. Grandmother
B. Oldest sister
C. Mother
D. Aunt
62. Who is known as the “Father of the Local
Government Code”?
A. Joey Lina
B. Jovito Salonga
C. Joseph Estrada
D. Aquilino Pimentel
63. What happens to a good action when it is
performed on account of an evil motive?
A. It becomes good
B. It becomes morally good
C. It becomes evil
D. It becomes an amoral act
64. Governor General Narciso Claveria was
responsible for the ________________.
A. Abolition of the Galleon Trade
B. Establishment of the Tobacco Monopoly
C. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos
D. Establishment of the Galleon Trade
65. What was the power to set aside certain laws
by the Kingdom of Spain to the Governor-General
of the Philippines?
A. Veto Power
B. Conditioned Power
C. Condign Power
D. Compensatory Power
66. Who was the revolutionary leader who
refused to surrender to the Americans, even after
General Malvar’s surrender, and declared himself
President and Commander-in-Chief of the
Supreme Government of the Tagalog Archipelago?
A. Julian Montalan
B. Licerio Geronimo
C. Macario Sakay
D. Artemio Ricarte
67. What religious institution is the only living
remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896
A. Philippines Independent Church
B. Roman Catholic Church
C. Unitarian Church of the Philippines
D. United Church of the Philippines
68. What does “presumption of innocence” mean
in so far as human right is concerned? A suspect
A. Has the right to remain silent
B. Remains innocent until proven guilty
C. Is considered guilty unless proven otherwise
D. Has the right to a legal counsel
69. With the Batasang Pambansa performing
legislative and executive powers in the Marcos
regime, which form of government was
A. Monarchial
B. Presidential
C. Parliamentary
D. Dictatorial
70. When parents decide to send their children to
a private school and pay their tuition fee instead
of sending them to the public school, they don’t
get their share in the benefit derived from the
taxes they pay. This is a case of _____.
A. Social inequity
B. Social injustice
C. Double taxation
D. Double jeopardy
71. Which does one display when he thinks that
what is foreign is best and that what is local
A. Relativism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Favoritism
D. Xenocentrism
72. Which of the following was the first to
A. Aguinaldo declared Philippine Independence.
B. Guerilla warfare against the US was initiated.
C. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the Treaty
of Paris.
D. Aguinaldo was captured.
73. Analects which are short and witty sayings that
treat of moral values and good human relation,
are attributed to:
A. Mao Tze Tung
B. Mencius
C. Confucius
D. Lao-Tzu
74. Maternity leaves are extended to women.
What legal provision extends this?
A. Article XIV Education
B. Article XIII Sec 14 women
C. Article XIII Role and Rights of People's
D. Article XII Bill of Rights
75. You have to take extra care when you critique
the work of a Filipino. Your negative comment
may be mistaken to be an attack against his/her
person. Upon which Filipino trait is this advice
A. “Bayanihan” spirit
B. “Sakop” mentality
C. Extreme personalism
D. Adaptability
76. Rizal focused on La Liga Filipina to ________.
I. unite the whole country
II. fight violence and injustice
III. revolt against Spaniards
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. II only
77. Which is the largest country in Asia?
A. China
B. Japan
C. Philippines
D. Thailand
78. What is one of the man-made wonders of the
A. Rice terraces
B. Mount Makiling
C. Manila Bay
D. Taal Volcano
79. Who was the Spanish mestizo priest who first
led the native secular clergy in the Secularization
Movement in 1861?
A. Father Jacinto Zamora
B. Father Pedro Pelaez
C. Father Gregorio Aglipay
D. Father Jose Burgos
80. One instance of taking away the life of another
person without due process is ____________.
A. Euthanasia
B. Capital punishment
C. Salvaging
D. Suicide
81. Science provides knowledge through
disciplined observation. Which of the following is
NOT characteristic of scientific assertion?
A. Logic and validity
B. Conformity with actual observation
C. Empirical support
D. Hearsay
82. Which of the following is an organism that
feeds on necrotic and decaying matter?
A. Vulture
B. Algae
C. Parakeet
D. Yeast
83. Kingdom Plantae includes which organisms?
A. Prokaryotes
B. Magnolidae
C. Fungi
D. Protozoa
84. Which of the following is a heterotroph?
A. Algae
B. Grasshopper
C. Fern
D. Moss
85. What organism would most likely be in an
arctic environment?
A. Crocodile
B. Turtle
C. Walrus
D. Maya Bird
86. This demonstrated the feeding connections
between all life forms.
A. Nutrition cycles
B. Fossil cycle
C. Biochemical pathways
D. Food web
87. How are bats able to navigate in the dark
without bumping into anything?
A. They emit sound waves whose returning
vibrations can detect the presence of objects
B. They are able to fluoresce in the dark
C. They have supersonic eyesight
D. They can disappear
88. An ant colony stores food in the summer
defends itself by stinging enemies and invades a
competing ant colony and steals larvae and uses
them as new workers. What is the term to best
describe how this species copes with everyday
A. Ecological defeat
B. Ecological success
C. Environmental habitation
D. Ecological niche
89. Ecosystem is the relationship between the
physical and biological environments in a certain
plain. Among desert ecosystems, the world’s
largest ecosystem is ______________.
A. Sahara
B. Tianshan
C. Sonoran
D. Antarctica
90. What is the molecule that allows plants to
capture energy from sunlight?
A. Oxygen
C. Carbohydrates
D. Chlorophyll
91. Leaves are green in the sunlight because
A. They absorb the green light
B. Their tints bounce off
C. They absorb the blue and yellow object and yellow
D. They reflect green light
92. The asexual reproduction which occurs when a
new organism develops from an outgrowth is
called ________________.
A. Fission
B. Budding
C. Fertilization
D. Grafting
93. Who was the father of modern taxonomy and
responsible for coining the term Homo sapiens for
A. Chatton
B. H. Copland
C. Aristotle
D. Linnaeus
94. The molecules that contain an organism’s
genetic make-up is called _______________.
A. Genetic membrane
B. Nucleolus
C. Nucleic acid
D. Cytosol
95. What are the small hair-like structures that
serve a sensory function in eukaryotic cells?
A. Cilia
B. Actin filaments
C. Centromere
D. Plasma membrane
96. What are the thin structure essential for
cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in
cell shape?
A. Myosin filaments
B. Monofilaments
C. Pseudo filaments
D. Microfilaments
97. Damage to DNA that is not repaired and then
replicated that can result in genetic disorders.
A. Mutation
B. Embryology
C. Pathology
D. Speciation
98. What is the pressure exerting on the plasma
membrane against the cell wall of bacteria, fungi
and plant cells?
A. Osmotic pressure
B. Turgor pressure
C. Wall pressure
D. Plasma pressure
99. The protein shell of a virus is
A. Capsid
B. Virions
C. Lambda bacteriophage
D. Capsomeres
100. Which is an example of a non-pathogenic
A. Plasmodium falciparum
B. Probiotics such as Bifidobacterium
C. Influenza sp.
D. Yersinia pestis
101. Which organism is an example of a fungus?
A. Algae
B. Euglenoids
C. Yeast
D. Entamoeba
102. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides
and nucleic acids are classified as _______.
A. Carbohydrates
B. Phospholipids
C. Acids and bases
D. Macromolecular
103. Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and
polysaccharides are types of
A. Proteins
B. Nucleotides
C. Lipids
D. Carbohydrates
104. Because it will adversely affect the
populations’ food supplies, the most
disadvantageous source of energy is
A. Wind
B. Geo-thermal
C. Sun
D. Plants
105. What will happen to a plant cell in a
hypotonic solution?
A. The plant cell will develop a thickened cell wall.
B. The plant cell will shrivel.
C. No effect on the plant cell.
D. The plant cell will swell.
106. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28
and an atomic number of 14. How many protons
are in this atom?
A. 28
B. 12
C. 7
D. 14
107. Air like food and water is an essential
element in human existence. Carried by the wind,
polluted air called ______ falls to earth poisoning
fish and destroying vegetation.
A. El Niño
B. La Niña
C. Greenhouse rain
D. Acid rain
108. The Kyoto Protocol, which requires countries
to reduce greenhouse emission, is a practice that
advocates _________.
A. Environmental protection
B. Ecological destruction
C. Sustainable potential
D. Forest demolition
109. Which of the following activities help REDUCE
water pollution?
A. Throwing only liquid wastes
B. Cleaning with soap instead of detergents
C. Treating wastewater before its discharged
D. Using organic fertilizers in farms
110. During periods of increased global
temperatures, which of the following is most likely
to occur?
A. A decrease in earthquake
B. An increase in earthquakes
C. A decrease in atmospheric CO2
D. An increase in atmospheric CO2
111. Which of the following human activities
reduces the level of ozone in the atmosphere?
A. Using large banks of solar cells for energy
B. Using artificial lighting in scientific polar stations
C. Releasing of fluorocarbons from aerosol cans
D. Destroying large areas of the equatorial rain
112. What is the most significant cost of dwindling
A. Large plant consumption
B. Destruction of habitat
C. Global warming
D. Depletion of ozone layer
113. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water
due to _________________.
A. Surface tension
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Buoyancy
D. Viscosity
114. In a flame test, the presence of boron in a
solution is evident by what color of flame?
A. Bright green
B. Brick red
C. Gold
D. Lilac
115. Which is true of metalloids?
A. Conduct heat and electricity less effectively than
B. Conduct heat and electricity better than metals.
C. Conduct heat better than metals.
D. Have properties of both metals and non-metals.
116. Which of the following is a measure of
pressure, defines as one newton per square
A. Pascal
B. Milliliter
C. Atomic Units
D. Poise
117. A metric carat ia a unit of mass for measuring
gemstones. It is equivalent to ________.
A. 1, 000 mg
B. 2 kg
C. 200 mg
D. 100 mg
118. When the North Pole is tilted towards the
sun, it is summer and when the sun shines all the
time both day and night, what is this called?
A. Twilight Sun
B. Summer Light
C. Northern Light
D. Midnight Sun
119. Which of the following has the smallest mass
when measured in an equal arm balance?
A. ½ sheet of pad paper
B. ¼ sheet of pad paper
C. 1/8 sheet of pad paper
D. 1/3 sheet of pad paper
120. Which of the following is the CORRECT name
for the compound MnF3?
A. Manganese fluoride (III)
B. Manganese (III) fluoride
C. Manganese (I) fluoride (III)
D. Manganese (III) fluoride (III)
121. Activities connected by a computer system
are described as ____________________.
A. Virtual
B. Network
C. Distance
D. Online
122. Which symbol is used to open a document?
A. Ctrl + V
B. Ctrl + D
C. Ctrl + S
D. Ctrl + O
123. Messages are easily transported anywhere in
the world through the _____________.
A. E-shopping
B. E-mail
C. E-registry
D. E-learning
124. Which of the following is not an input
A. Keyboard
B. Monitor
C. Mouse
D. Gaming Application
125. A secret word that must be entered into the
computer before a person is allowed to get or
change information is called ______________.
A. Program
B. Statement
C. Password
D. Input
126. This means the graphics will be displayed
more than once
A. Texting
B. Tagging
C. Timing
D. Tiling
127. It is the process of storing, recovering and
disseminating recorded data through the
A. Information technology
B. Information utilization
C. Information retrieval
D. Information science
128. The acronym HTML means Hyper Text Mark-
up _____________.
A. Line
B. Language
C. Letter
D. Label
129. In writing a letter, which productivity tool is
A. Page maker
B. Spreadsheet
C. Word processing
D. Publisher
130. Like the typewriter, the computer has a
A. Screen
B. Keyboard
C. Cursor
D. Disk drive
131. Clara Ramos works as sales clerk. She is paid
a salary of P3, 000.00 a week plus 2% commission
on sales over P4,000.00 Find her gross pay for a
week in which her sales are P9,500.00.
A. P3,500.00
B. P3,110.00
C. P3,250.00
D. P3,210.00
132. Regala Company manufactures beds; in its
catalogue, a double-deck bed is at P5, 000.00 less
a discount of 20%. What will Rizza have to pay for
the bed she ordered?
A. P4,150.00
B. P4,200.00
C. P4,100.00
D. P4,000.00
133. What is the total amount after adding
interest of 8% on P10, 000.00 for 3 years?
A. P12,400.00
B. P13, 400. 00
C. P11, 000. 00
D. D. P15, 000. 00
134. The readings on a water meter in April and
May are 417.8kl and 430.4kl. If there is a basic
charge of 23 pesos and the cost per kl is 20 pesos,
how much is the billing for water consumption
between the two months?
A. P2520
B. P2543
C. P272
D. P275
135. How many glasses of Cola each to be filled
with 150 cu cm of the liquid can be made from 5
family size bottles of cola each containing 1.5
A. 60
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50
136. The greatest common factor (GCF) of 22, 15,
and 7 is _______________.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
137. Find the least common multiple of 5, 2, 7
A. 35
B. 15
C. 140
D. 70
138. What is the least common multiple of 12 and
A. 340
B. 120
C. 140
D. 360
139. The least common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3 and
4 is ______.
A. 13
B. 24
C. 14
D. 12
140. What are the prime factors of 120?
A. 2x2x2x6x5
B. 2x3x4x5
C. 2x4x3x5
D. 2x2x2x3x5
141. Simplify: 6 – [3 – (-4) + 11 + 8]
A. -26
B. 26
C. 20
D. -20
142. Simplify: [(3x – 12) / (3x)] divided by (x – 4)
A. 3x
B. X
C. X–4
D. 1/x
143. Simplify (3x – 9) / (x2 – 9)
A. 3 / (x – 3)
B. 3 / (x + 1)
C. 3 / (x + 3)
D. 3 / (x – 1)
144. Simplify (8x – 24) / (2x2 – x – 15)
A. (x – 4) / (x + 4)
B. 8 / (2x + 5)
C. 4 / (x – 13)
D. 5 / (2x – 5)
145. Factorize: 2x2 + 7x – 15
A. (x – 5) (2x + 3)
B. (2x + 5) (x – 3)
C. (x + 5) (2x – 3)
D. (2x – 5) (x + 3)
146. In the example of 10 to the 5th power + 6x
the exponent is ____________________.
A. y
B. 6
C. 5
D. 10
147. If the average or arithmetic mean of x and -5
is 10, then what must be the value of x?
A. 15
B. 30
C. 25
D. 20
148. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is
A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. ¼
D. 1/8
149. Which of these statements is always TRUE?
A. The sum of 3 consecutive pages of a book is
always odd.
B. The sum of the two square numbers CANNOT
be odd.
C. The sum of the page number of the two
consecutive pages of a book is even.
D. The sum of 5 consecutive numbers is always
divisible by 5.
150. On a certain day, three computer technicians
took turns in manning a 24-hour Internet shop.
The number of hours Cesar, Bert and Danny were
on duty was in the ratio of 1:2:3, respectively. The
shop owner pays them Php 40 per hour. How
much would Danny receive for that day?
A. Php 230
B. Php 160
C. Php 960
D. Php 480
151. How much greater is the sum of the 20 first
counting numbers than the sum of the first 10
counting numbers?
A. 110
B. 100
C. 55
D. 155
152. How many seconds are there in a 24-hour
A. 86, 400
B. 1, 779
C. 1, 590
D. 84, 600
153. Which among measures of central tendency
is not influenced by outliers?
A. Mode
B. Weighted mean
C. Mean
D. Median
154. If a student has an average of 76 % on his first
two tests and has an average of 85 % on the next
four tests, what is the final average on all six tests?
A. 82.0 %
B. 80.5 %
C. 82. 5 %
D. 81. 3 %
155. Ruben’s f=grade in 6 subjects are 88, 89, 84,
90, 91 and 86? What is the least grade that he
should aim for in the 7th subject if he has to have
an average of 88?
A. 91
B. 93
C. 90
D. 92
156. In an English test, eight students obtained the
following scores: 10, 15, 12, 18, 16, 24, 12, and 14.
What is the median score?
A. 14
B. 15. 5
C. 14. 5
D. 15
157. In an English test, eight students obtained the
following scores: 12, 10, 13, 11, 15, 20, 19, and 17.
What is the median score?
A. 14
B. 17
C. 16.5
D. 15.5
158. It can be used to show the progress in
academic grades over four quarters.
A. Circle graph
B. Pie graph
C. Line graph
D. Bar graph
159. Supplementary angles have a total sum of
A. 180 degrees
B. 90 degrees
C. 360 degrees
D. 100 degrees
160. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the
base is 20 meters. What is the area of the
A. 50 square meters
B. 20 square meters
C. 60 square meters
D. 24 square meters
161. A rectangular block of steel has dimensions
of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters and weights
1000 N. How should this block be placed on a
surface to exert the least pressure on the surface?
A. On the 5 meters by 10 meters side.
B. On the 5 meters by 15 meters side.
C. All sides have equal pressure.
D. On the 10 meters by 15 meters side.
162. The edges of a cubical framer are made of
plastic straws. How much longer is the total length
of the plastic edges of a cube whose edge is 10 cm
compared to a cube whose edge is 8 cm?
A. 32 cm
B. 24 cm
C. 8 cm
D. 16 cm
163. The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12,
while those another right triangle are 12 and 16.
How much longer is the perimeter of the larger
triangle than the perimeter of the smaller
A. 84
B. 12
C. 7
D. 14
164. One angle of a parallelogram is 35? What are
the measures of the three other angles?
A. 145 °, 35°, 145°
B. 85°,135°,140°
C. 45°,65°, 170°
D. 35°, 65°, 65°
165. A map is drawn to scale such that 1.5 cm on
the map corresponds to 75km in actual distance.
How many cm on the map would represent the
distance between the two towns which are 270
km apart?
A. 2.7 cm
B. 1.8 cm
C. 3.6 cm
D. 5.4 cm
166. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of
getting a number divisible by 2?
A. ½
B. 1/3
C. ¼
D. 1/6
167. How long will it take A and B together, to
finish a job which can be done by A alone in 6 days
and B alone in 3 days?
A. 2 1/2 days
B. 3 days
C. 2 days
D. 3 ½ days
168. If July 12, 2003 fell on Tuesday, on what day
will July 12, 2005 fall?
A. Thursday
B. Sunday
C. Friday
D. Monday
169. A time deposit in a bank will mature after 91
days. If the deposit was made on April 28, on what
date will it mature?
A. June 28
B. July 28
C. July 27
D. July 29
170. How many square inches are in 1 square
A. 900
B. 1296
C. 144
D. 648
171. “Heto na, heto na, heto na, /wahh! / Doo
bidoo, bidoo, bidoo.” Alin ang nabuong salita o
tunog sa linya na nabuo ayon sa Teoryang Pooh-
A. Heto
B. Na
C. Doo bidoo
D. Wahh
172. Bahagi ng pananaliksik kung saan
matatagpuan ang panimula, kaligiran ng pag-aaral
at konseptuwal framework.
A. Kabanata II
B. Kabanata IV
C. Kabanata I
D. Kabanata III
173. Ang pariralang nalaglag-nahulog ay nag
nagkakahulugan ng
A. Magkahawig
B. Magkapares
C. Magkasalungat
D. Idyoma
174. Isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat ng
mga tunay na pangyayari batay sa pag-aaral,
pananaliksik, o pakikipanayam at isinusulat sa
paraang kawili-wili
A. Editorial
B. Lathalain
C. Pangulong Tudling
D. Kumento
175. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang
imahinasyon ng manunulat; pukawin ang
A. Malikhain
B. Teknikal
C. Jornalistik
D. Akademiko
176. Isang uri ng pamamatnubay kung saan ang
mga reporter ay lumilihis sa pamatnubay;
lumilikha sila ng sariling paraan sa mga gawaing
A. Kombensyunal
B. Masining
C. Masaklaw
D. Di-kombensyunal
177. Ang proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin,
opinion, karunungan sa pamamagitan ng
makabuluhang tunog ay tinatawag na
A. Pagtatala
B. Pagsasalita
C. Pakikinig
D. Pagbabasa
178. Pahayag na pasaklaw na nabubuo sa
pamamagitan ng personal na panlasa o pagpili.
A. Probable generalization
B. Analytical generalization
C. Subjective generalization
D. Categorical generalization
179. Dulog pampanitikan na nagbibigay ng diin sa
sariling panlasa ng bumabasa. Kilala rin ito bilang
reader-response theory.
A. Antropolohiya
B. Patalambuhay
C. Impresyonista
D. Pansikolohiya
180. Ito ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng
A. Konteksto
B. Participant
C. Tsanel
D. Pidbak
181. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, at
salaysay sa pamamagitan ng mga sagisag ay
tinatawag na ________________.
A. Pagtuklas
B. Talastasan
C. Paglalahad
D. Pakikinig
182. Ang wastong kahulugan ng: The present
problem is only a storm in a teacup.
A. Bale-wala
B. May galit
C. Buong puso
D. Matagumpay
183. Pillin and angkop na pagpapakahulugan:
Bilang at sukat kung mangusap ang dalaga.
A. Mahirap unawain
B. Madaldal
C. Mahina and boses
D. Maingat
184. “You can count on me”. Ang pinakamalapit na
salin nito ay ________.
A. “Maasahan mo siya”
B. “Maasahan mo ako”
C. “Bilangan mo kami
D. “Ibilang mo ako”
185. Si Lolo Jose ay malakas pa, kahit alog na ang
baba. Ang kahulugan ng may salungguhit ay
A. Masakit ang baba
B. Matanda na
C. Bata pa
D. Malabo ang mata
186. Alin sa mga sumusunod na malalim na
salitang ginamit sa talata ang may kasalungat na
A. Tambuli-trumpeta
B. Maigupo-matal
C. Mapaniil-mapagkandili
D. Tagapukaw-tagagising
187. Orihinal: Mother cooked adobo for Kuya
Manuel. Salin: Si nanay ay nagluto ng adobo para
kay Kuya Manuel. Ito ay pagsasaling?
A. Adaptasyon
B. Idyomatiko
C. Malaya
D. Literal
188. Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo,”
ang salitang malakas ay isang ________.
A. Pangatnig
B. Pang-uri
C. Panghalip
D. Pandiwa
189. Saan kabilang na uri ng tayutay ang pahayag
na. “Kapalaran, huwag ka sanang mailap.”
A. Pagtawag
B. Palit-saklaw
C. Pagmamalabis
D. Palit-tawag
190. Kapapasok pa lang nya sa silid. Ang pandiwa
sa pangungusap ay nasa aspetong
A. Imperpektibo
B. Pangnagdaan
C. Kontemplatibo
D. Perpektibo
191. Ang katumbas na bigkas ng titik Q sa
kasalukuyan ay ____________.
A. Ku
B. Kuyu
C. Kuya
D. Kyu
192. Piliin and salitang walang diptonggo.
A. Musika
B. Kasuy
C. Bahay
D. Sisiw
193. Pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring
pangkalikasan o pangkapaligiran.
A. Temporal
B. Penomenal
C. Eksistensyal
D. Modal
194. Tumutukoy ito sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat
taludtod ng tula.
A. Talinghaga
B. Tugma
C. Kariktan
D. Sukat
195. Uri ng panghalip na ginagamit na panturo sa
mga bagay.
A. Palagyo
B. Pamaklaw
C. Pamatlig
D. Palayon
196. Uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na
gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng ponema
sa salita.
A. Asimilasyon
B. Pagkaltas
C. Paglapi
D. Metatesis
197. Tumutukoy ito sa mga salitang nakapag-iisa at
may kahulugan. Kilala rin itong salitang-ugat.
A. Paglalapi
B. Di – malayang ponema
C. Malayang ponema
D. Morpemang leksikal
198. Paraan ng pagbuo ng salita na ginagamitan
ng tatlong uri ng panlapi.
A. Kabilaan
B. Inunlapian
C. Laguhan
D. Hinulapian
199. Ano ang salitang ugat ng PINAGLABANAN?
A. Laban
B. Labanan
C. Ilaban
D. Paglaban
200. Ano ang salitang ugat ng PATIRAHIN?
A. Tira na
B. Tira
C. Tirahin
D. Patira

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