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Introduction To IoT - Chapter1

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Internet of Things &

Abhishek Vaghela
CE Department

● Introduction to IoT, Defining IoT, Characteristics of IoT, Physical
design of IoT, Logical design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT,
Communication models & APIs, Machine to Machine, IoT versus
Machine to Machine, Challenges in IoT: Design challenges,
Development challenges, Security challenges

● Application of IoT: Home automation, Industry applications,

Surveillance applications

Unit - 2
● IoT Reference Architecture- Getting Familiar with IoT Architecture,
Various architectural views of IoT such as Functional, Information,
Operational and Deployment.
● Constraints affecting design in IoT world- Introduction, Technical
design Constraints.
● Web Infrastructure for managing IoT Resources: Introduction, Open
IoT Architecture for IoT/Cloud Convergence, Scheduling Process and
IoT Service Lifecycle, Device/Cloud Collaboration Framework
Unit - 3
● Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Governance: Introduction,
Overview of Governance, Privacy and Security Issues, Contribution
from FP7 Projects, Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT-Data-
Platforms for Smart Cities, First Steps Towards a Secure Platform,
Smartie Approach. Data Aggregation for the IoT in Smart Cities
and Security.

Unit - 4
Interoperability in IoT, Introduction to Arduino Programming,
Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino, Introduction to
Python programming, Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Implementation
of IoT with Raspberry Pi.
Text Book Reference Book
● Internet of Things Principles and 1. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the
Paradigms, Edited By Rajkumar Buyya, Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach
Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Morgan Kaufmann, to Connecting Everything”, 1 st Edition,
ELSEVIER Apress Publications, 2013
● Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine
Mulligan, Stamatis Karnouskos, Stefan 2. CunoPfister, Getting Started with the
Avesand, David Boyle, “From Machine to Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media,
Machine to Internet of Things”, Elsevier 2011, ISBN:
Publications, 2014 978-1-4493- 9357-1
● Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga,
“Internet of Things (A Hands-on-
Approach)”, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014,
ISBN-13: 978-0996025515
Evaluation Scheme
Criteria Weightage

Quiz 10%

Assignment - 1 5%

Assignement-2 5%

Mid- Semester Exam 40%

End Semester Exam 40%

What is IoT?

● “The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated

computing devices, mechanical and digital machines,
objects, animals or people that are provided with unique
identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network
without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer
How does IoT differ from other devices?
• Mobiles and computers.
• IoT Creates “smarter” applications.
• IoT provides control and information.
Internet of things

● Internet of things is a new revolution in the capabilities of end points

such as thermostats, utility meters,irrigation pumps, sensors or control
circuits for an electric cars engine that are connected to internet.
● Experts have forecasted that by the year 2020 there will be 50
billion (50000000000) devices/things connected to internet.
Inferring information and Knowledge from data

• For Example a series of raw

sensor measurements
((72,45),(84,56)) generated by
weather monitoring system.
• This data do not have any
meaning or context.

Ref . Bagha & Madisetti

Applications of IoT

Ref . Bagha & Madisetti

Characteristics of IoT

● Dynamic & Self Adapting

● Self – Configuring
● Interoperable Communication protocol
● Unique Identity
● Integrated in to information network
Dynamic & Self Adapting

● IoT devices and systems may have capability to dynamically adapt with the
changing contexts and take actions based on their operating conditions, user’s
context or sensed environment.
● Example:
○ Survallience System
■ Night Mode
■ Low Resolution to High Resolution
■ Motion Detection
Self – Configuring

● IoT devices may have self-configuring capability, allowing large number of devices

to work together to provide certain functionality. (Weather Station)

● These devices have the ability configure themselves (Inassociation with IoT

Interoperable Communication Protocols

● IoT devices may support a number of interoperable communication protocols and

communicate with other devices and with the infrastructure.

Unique Identity

● Each IoT devices has a unique identity and unique identifirer (IP Address).

● IoT devices interfaces allows users to query the devices, monitor their status ,

control them remotely in association with the control , configuration and

management infrastructure.
Integrated in to information Network

● IoT devices are usually integrated into the information network that allows them to

communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems.

● IoT devices can be dynamically discovered by other devices in the n/w and

capability to describe themselves.

● Ex. (A weather monitoring node can describe its monitoring capabilities to another

connected nodes so they can communicate and exchange data.

Physical Design of IoT
● The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique identities and
can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring capabilities.
● IoT Device can
○ Exchange data with other connected devices and applications (directly or indirectly), or
○ Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
○ Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application back-ends for
○ processing the data, or
○ Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT infrastructure, based on temporal
and space constraints
Generic block diagram of an IoT Device
● An IoT device may consist of several
interfaces for connections to other devices,
both wired and wireless.
○ I/O interfaces for sensors
○ Interfaces for Internet connectivity
○ Memory and storage interfaces
○ Audio/video interfaces.
IoT Protocols
Logical Design of IoT

● Logical design of an IoT System refers to an

abstract representation of the entities and
processes without going in to low level specifics
of the implementation.

● An IoT system comprises of a number of

functional blocks that provide the system the
capabilities for identification, sensing, actuation,
communication and management.
IoT Functional Blocks
● Device
○ Provide Sensing, actuation, monitioring and control functions
● Communication
○ Handles communication for the IoT System.
● Services
○ Services for data publishing, device discovery etc.
● Management
○ Various Function to govern the IoT system.
● Security
○ Provide functions such as authentication, authorization, data security.
● Application
○ Provides an interface that Users use to monitor or control device.
IoT Communication models
Request - Response
● Request-Response is a communication
model in which the client sends requests to
the server and the server responds to the
● When the server receives a request, it
decides how to respond, fetches the
data,retrieves resource representations,
prepares the response, and then sends the
response to the client.
IoT Communication models
● Publish-Subscribe is a communication model
that involves publishers, brokers and
● Publishers are the source of data. Publishers
send the data to the topics which are
managed by the broker. Publishers are not
aware of the consumers.
● When the broker receives data for a
● Consumers subscribe to the topics which are
topic from the publisher, it sends the
managed by the broker.
data to all the subscribed consumers.
IoT Communication models
● Push-Pull is a communication model in
which the data producers push the data to
queues and the consumers pull the data from
the queues. Producers do not need to be
● Queues also act as a buffer which
aware of the consumers.
● Queues help in decoupling the messaging helps in situations when there is a

between the producers and consumers. mismatch between the rate at which
the producers push data and the rate at
which the consumers pull data.
IoT Communication models
Exclusive Pair
● Exclusive Pair is a bidirectional, fully duplex
communication model that uses a persistent
connection between the client and server.
● Once the connection is setup it remains open
until the client sends a request to close the
● Client and server can send messages to each
other after connection setup.
IoT Communication APIs
REST-based Communication APIs
● Representational State Transfer (REST) is a
set of architectural principles by which you
can design web services and web APIs that
focus on a system’s resources and how
resource states are addressed and transferred.
● REST APIs follow the request- response
communication model.
IoT Communication APIs
WebSocket-based Communication APIs
● WebSocket APIs allow bi- directional, full
duplex communication between clients and
● WebSocket APIs follow the exclusive pair
communication model
IoT Enabling Technologies
● Here are some technologies which plays key role in IoT
○ Wireless Sensor Network
○ Cloud Computing IaaS
○ Big Data Analytics
○ Communication Protocols PaaS
○ Embedded Systems
IoT Levels & Deployment Templat
An IoT system comprises of the following components:
● Device: An IoT device allows identification, remote sensing, actuating and remote
monitoring capabilities. You learned about various examples of IoT devices in section
● Resource: Resources are software components on the IoT device for accessing, processing,
and storing sensor information, or controlling actuators connected to the device. Resources
also include the software components that enable network access for the device.
● Controller Service: Controller service is a native service that runs on the device and interacts
with the web services. Controller service sends data from the device to the web service and
receives commands from the application (via web services) for controlling the device.
IoT Levels & Deployment Templat
An IoT system comprises of the following components:
● Database: Database can be either local or in the cloud and stores the data generated by the
IoT device.
● Web Service: Web services serve as a link between the IoT device, application, database and
analysis components. Web service can be either implemented using HTTP and REST
principles (REST service) or using WebSocket protocol (WebSocket service).
● Analysis Component: The Analysis Component is responsible for analyzing the IoT data and
generate results in a form which are easy for the user to understand.
IoT Levels & Deployment Templat
An IoT system comprises of the following components:
● Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the users can use to control and
monitor various aspects of the IoT system. Applications also allow users to view the system
status and view the processed data.
IoT Level- 1
● A level-1 IoT system has a single
node/device that performs sensing and/or
actuation, stores data, performs analysis and
hosts the application
● Level-1 IoT systems are suitable for
modeling low- cost and low-complexity
solutions where the data involved is not big
and the analysis requirements are not
computationally intensive.
IoT Level- 2
● A level-2 IoT system has a single node that
performs sensing and/or actuation and local
● Data is stored in the cloud and application is
usually cloud- based.
● Level-2 IoT systems are suitable for
solutions where the data involved is big,
however, the primary analysis requirement is
not computationally intensive and can be
done locally itself.
IoT Level-3
● A level-3 IoT system has a single node. Data
is stored and analyzed in the cloud and
application is cloud- based.
● Level-3 IoT systems are suitable for
solutions where the data involved is big and
the analysis requirements are
computationally intensive.
IoT Level - 4
● A level-4 IoT system has multiple nodes that
perform local analysis. Data is stored in the
cloud and application is cloud-based.
● Level-4 contains local and cloud- based observer
nodes which can subscribe to and receive
information collected in the cloud from IoT
● Level-4 IoT systems are suitable for solutions
where multiple nodes are required, the data
involved is big and the analysis requirements are
computationally intensive.
IoT Level - 5
● A level-5 IoT system has multiple end nodes and
one coordinator node.
● The end nodes that perform sensing and/or
● Coordinator node collects data from the end
nodes and sends to the cloud.
● Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud and
application is cloud-based.
● Level-5 IoT systems are suitable for solutions
based on wireless sensor networks, in which the
data involved is big and the analysis
requirements are computationally intensive.
IoT Level - 6
● A level-6 IoT system has multiple independent
end nodes that perform sensing and/or actuation
and send data to the cloud.
● Data is stored in the cloud and application is
● The analytics component analyzes the data and
stores the results in the cloud database.
● The results are visualized with the cloud-based
application. • The centralized controller is aware
of the status of all the end nodes and sends
control commands to the nodes.

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