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Text To Speech Conversion in MATLAB. Access Speech Properties of Windows From MATLAB. - Programmerworld

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Speech Properties of windows from MATLAB. Search … Search


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This video shows how to convert Text into speech in MATLAB using .NET library. It uses
Data Encryption: What It Is – And Why
System.Speech .NET libraries of windows operating system to do the conversion.
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How to build a simple calculator App for

iOS in Xcode (swift)?
In this video it also shows how to access and modify the various Speech properties from MATLAB
commands. Speech Properties dialog can be open by going to Control Panel\Ease of How to check a Palindrome word in your
Access\Speech Recognition-Text to Speech. iOS App? – swift code using Xcode

How to create a simple text le in your

iOS App? – Xcode tutorial using swift

How to create your rst iOS App using


How to edit UITextView by enabling

AllowsEditingTextAttributes (create a Text
Editor) in your iOS App to make selected
text bold, italics, underline? – Xcode

How to get current date and time in your

iOS App? -Xcode tutorial

How to get current location of the phone

in your iOS App? – Xcode tutorial

We will be glad to hear from you regarding any query, suggestions or appreciations at:
Android Chat Message App – Part 2 –
How to create custom unique ID and
Source code:
parse it for rebase db ?

Bubble Sort Algorithm solved in Android

function Text_to_Speech(myText, rate)
App using recursion.

NET.addAssembly(‘System.Speech’); Build a chat message App in Android

Studio using Firebase database

mySpeaker = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; Create a simple Alarm Clock App in

mySpeaker.Rate = rate; Android Studio

mySpeaker.Volume = 100; Create a simple business App using SQL

% Speak(mySpeaker, ‘Hello World! This is Programmer”s World YouTube Lite Database in Android Studio – for

Channel. Connect here to know everything about MATLAB, Simulink and beginners.

Android’) Create a stop watch or counter using

Speak(mySpeaker, myText); broadcast and noti cation in foreground
service in Android

Share this: Create Android chat message App with

End to End AES(Advanced Encryption
 Twitter  Facebook  More
Standard) method in Firebase

Like this: Create location tracking Android App by

exchanging location information over
Firebase database.

Design a location tracking App using GPS

in Android Studio

Design custom browser Android App to

access application like YouTube, Radio,
News Channel

How to access le system using explorer

or browser in your Android App? –
complete source code.

How to access SMS or read last SMS in

your phone using your App – Android
Studio Java code?

2 comments How to access the battery level and ring

an alarm automatically in your Android
App? – complete code
July 6, 2020 at 4:51 am Reply How to adjust the volume of your
Android Phone programmatically from
i want to store this voice computer? how? your App? – Source code

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your own custom Android App? –
Complete Source code

ProgrammerWorld Reply How to check internet connection from

July 6, 2020 at 8:06 am your Android App?

How to check palindrome word in your

Check my below page, it may help.
Android App? – complete source code
How to compute GCD (Greatest
Common Divisor) or HCF (Highest
Good Luck Common Factor) in your Android App?
Programmer World Android Studio complete source code

How to connect to MS SQL Server

database from your Android App? –
complete steps

How to control audio or ringtone settings

of your Android phone remotely without
Leave a Reply
Internet using SMS?

How to control screen brightness level

through your custom Android App? –
Complete source code

How to convert JPG image le into PDF

le in your Android App? – complete
source code.

How to convert Latitude and Longitude

location to an actual address and show
on map in Android App?

How to convert Text to Speech in your

Android App? – Complete source code

How to convert the Java code to Kotlin

for your App in Android Studio?

How to Create a Custom Calendar App to

store reminders and events using SQLite
Database in Android Studio?

How to create a personal voice assistant

Android App to create a text le? –
complete source code

How to create a simple Android Camera

App or Mirror App to preview the images
using Android Studio?

How to create an Excel le from your

Android App?

How to create and delete a le

programmatically from your Android

How to create and read a PDF le in your

Android 11 App?

How to create background process in

your Android App?

How to create custom camera App to

take pictures in Android phone?

How to create foreground services and

noti cation in your Android App?

How to create Microsoft Word Document

(.docx) File from your Android App?

How to create multiple layouts and menu

items in your Android App? – Switch
layout and exit menu options

How to create or generate QR (Quick

Response) Code in your Android App? –
complete source code

How to create PDF le in your Android

App? Complete source code using
Android Studio

How to create Service class to run a

custom alarm clock in your Android? –
Complete source code

How to create stored procedure in MS

SQL database server and run (call) it
from your Android App?

How to create walking step counter App

using Accelerometer sensor and Shared
Preference in Android?

How to create your custom video player

App in Android?

How to create your Optical Character

Recognition (OCR) Android App and
convert the text into speech?

How to create your own Compass

Android App using Magnetic Field and
Accelerometer Sensors in Android
Studio? – Complete Source code

How to create your own QR Code and

Barcode scanner reader Android App? –
complete source code

How to create your own Text Editor

Android App for making text bold, italics,
underline, alignment?

How to create your PDF reader Android

App? – complete source code

How to design a simple Audio Recorder

App in Android Studio?

How to detect Ambient Light (Bright/Dark

or Day/Night) and set the layout
background accordingly in your Android

How to detect the Mobile Network Type

(2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) from your Android App?
– Android Studio Complete source code

How to detect whether a user is typing or

using the keyboard in your Android App?

How to develop a Quick Sort recursive

Algorithm App in Android Studio?

How to develop an Android App for your

retail business (B2C) using Firebase
Database?-source code

How to enable vibration or make your

phone vibrate from your Android App?

How to fetch data from SQLite database

and put that in a PDF File in your Android
App? – source code

How to generate bar code for any text in

your Android App? – Android Studio
Source code

How to generate pure random number

in your Android App using sensor data of
Temperature, Gravity, Gyroscope,
pressure, proximity, etc.?

How to get current Date and Time in

your Android App?

How to get IMEI (International Mobile

Equipment Identity) number of your
phone programmatically in your Android

How to get the device last location (using

GPS/ Network) without using Map Layout
in your Android App?

How to get the installation date of any

App from your Android App?

How to get the list of Apps installed on

the phone from your Android App? –
complete source code

How to get the Mac Address (Physical

Hardware Address) of your phone’s (wi )
network from your Android App?

How to give voice command to your

phone from your custom Android App to
perform certain operations?

How to host your Android App on Google

Play Store? – Step by step guide with
Calculator App example

How to implement Biometric

authentication in your Android App? –
complete source code

How to implement ngerprint biometric

authentication in your Android App? –
complete source code

How to implement picture-in-picture

mode for your Android App?

How to implement search view

functionality in the App using Firebase
Database in Android Studio?

How to insert oating pop-up window

layout on top of the main layout in your
Android App?

How to insert splash screen at the start

of your Android App?

How to log call data such as number,

name, duration, type(incoming or
outgoing) in your Android App?

How to open and send email using the

native client directly from your Android
App? – Source Code

How to Open/Start another App such as

gmail, whatsapp, SMS, Facebook from
your custom Android App?

How to read and forward certain SMSes

programmatically in your Android App? –
complete source code

How to read or access the contacts

saved in the phone from your Android

How to select colors with the Palette API

in your Android App?

How to send Push Noti cation (cloud

messaging) from Firebase console to
your Android App? – Complete source

How to send SMS automatically from

your phone by programming in Android
Studio java code?

How to share le or text on gmail,

whatsapp, sms, Bluetooth from your
Android App (share button)?

How to sort a string array using Insertion

method in your Android App?

How to store image in MS SQL Server

database and retrieve it from your
Android App?

How to store images in SQLite database

(insert, update, delete and fetch) in your
Android App?

How to switch Night Mode/ Dark Mode

ON and OFF programmatically in your
Android App?

How to switch Torch or Flash Light on

and o from your Android App? –
complete source code

How to switch Wi On and O

automatically or remotely in your
Android App? – Complete Source Code

How to take screenshot from your

Android App and open the image le

How to track your location using GPS and

send it over sms in your Android App? –
Complete Source Code

How to trigger a noti cation from your

Android App? – Complete source code

How to use Facebook Conceal Method to

Encrypt your data like password before
storing in SQLite Database in Android? –
Complete source code

Record and Play the sound

simultaneously (live stream over
Bluetooth speaker) in your Android App?


3-D plot, Surface Plot and Color Map

using MATLAB Live Editor

Bubble Sort algorithm Solved using

recursive MATLAB function

Design a GUI in MATLAB using

AppDesigner – create a Simple Calculator

Design a simple Casino type Game in

MATLAB using App Designer with Gauge
and Spinner

Design a simple Game in MATLAB using

App Designer

Design Advance and Basic Calculator, set

buttons visible and invisible in MATLAB

Fibonacci series programming in MATLAB

and Simulink Model for beginners

How to access web sites or internet

using matlab and make a custom
browser using app designer?

How to compute Factorial n using simple

State ow Chart and recursive MATLAB

How to compute the sum of Factorial in

MATLAB and State ow?

How to create Alarm Clock using GUIDE


How to create an Alarm Clock in MATLAB

App Designer in Simple Steps?

How to create your video editor App in

MATLAB using App Designer?

How to design a simple counter using

App Designer private functions and

How to design a simple email client using

App Designer in MATLAB?

How to design a sound recorder and

modulator in MATLAB using App

How to design counter in App Designer

using MATLAB function and global
variables in Simulink Model?

How to design Radio button, check boxes

and drop down menu in MATLAB App

How to send an email using MATLAB?

How to check internet connection in

How to sort a String Array in MATLAB


Insertion Sort Algorithm solved using

MATLAB function.

Interpolation using interp function in


Machine Learning Algorithm – Polynomial

Regression in MATLAB App Designer

MATLAB App designer command line

tutorial – design calculator in Easy steps

MATLAB App Designer toggle using Radio

Button among multiple options in an
Advance Calculator design

MATLAB Tutorial Calculator using GUIDE

Merge Sort algorithm solved using

recursive MATLAB Function

Plot and subplot command using

MATLAB Live Editor

Plot in UIAxes and demo of slider, knob

and Gauge in App Designer in MATLAB

Quick Sort algorithm using recursive

MATLAB function

Selection Sort algorithm solved using

MATLAB Function

Simulate a model through App Designer,

set parameters and plot outputs in App

Text to Speech Conversion in MATLAB.

Access Speech Properties of windows
from MATLAB.

Webcam video Live Streaming in MATLAB

App Designer


All about Buses – Bus Creator, Bus

Selector and Bus Assignment block in

Basic model testing using Signal Builder

block in Simulink

Create a Square Wave Generator using

Level-2 S-Function and MATLAB Function
block in Simulink.

Dependency Analysis and Reference

Project in Simulink Project explained – SL
Project Tutorial 2

Design a simple counter and reset

counter in Simulink

Design a simple High Pass RC Filter using

basic blocks of Simulink in MATLAB

Design simple Low Pass RC Filter using


Design two Mass Damper Spring System

in Simulink

Draw Concentric Circles Plot in Simulink


How to convert a pulse wave into square

wave in Simulink and detect the edge of
the pulse signal?

How to create a subsystem and library

block from any model in Simulink?

How to design a Decreasing Counter and

reset counter in Simulink?

How to design a Pulse width modulation

PWM signal using a clock timer block in

How to design a simple Simulink Model

to compute the Factorial of a number?

How to Design a Variant Subsystem in

Simulink – explained using a simple

How to design an increasing and

decreasing toggle counter in Simulink –
MATLAB R2019a?

How to design Di erential Equation (2nd

Order) in Simulink – MATLAB?

How to design variable step increasing

and decreasing counter in Simulink?

How to export Simulink scope data to

Excel sheet le using writetable
command in MATLAB?

How to implement Mask and de ne

parameters on a subsystem Block in
Simulink – MATLAB?

Model Callback and Block callback

Functions Simulink – MATLAB R2018a

Model Referencing in Simulink – MATLAB


PID Controller (Proportional Integral

Derivative) and plant model (Spring Mass
Damper) in Simulink.

Simulink Project Tutorial 1: How to set it

using GIT or SVN in MATLAB?

Simulink Width Block – nd the number

of signals in a bus or elements in a vector

Spring Mass Damping System with added

noise disturbance in Simulink – Part 2

Trace-ability between Simulink Model

and Excel, Word or DOORs using SL
Requirement (VnV) toolbox

Your Own Toolbox in Matlab – learn how

to design, install and use a Custom
Toolbox in MATLAB?

Design Spring Mass Damping System in



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