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BI-CPL 01 Introduction To Business Intelligence

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Introduction to Business Intelligence

CPL-XMIT PDO Contract Spend Report

BI Team / UIIS:
Abdulmunim Al-Balushi UIIS24
Bernard Lubbers UIIS22

BI-CPL01 1
Classroom Rules

Switch off mobile phones

Time keeping

Fire exits & toilets

BI-CPL01 2

BI-CPL01 3
Course Agenda

 Course Objectives
 What is Business Intelligence (BI)?
 Logging on to BI
 Reports Execution – (PDO Contract Spend)
 Main Screen
 Selection (Variable) Screen and functions
 Entering Selections
 Report Display
 Using displayed report menus
 Changing the report’s layout
 Swapping columns
 Delete report’s column
 Using report’s Properties
 Creating Bookmarks & Views
 Questions & Answers

BI-CPL01 4
Course Objectives

At the end of this course you should be able to:

Explain what BI is
Logging to BI web reports
Execute and Navigate PDO Contract Spend
report and its ready-made views
Relate the reports to your requirements and
make your own views

BI-CPL01 5
What is Business Intelligence (BI)?
Web Application

SAP BI InfoProvider

Master Data Transaction Data

Source Financial
System Investment Project Plant Quality Material
Accounting /
Management System Maintenance Management Management
(IM) (PS) (PM) (QM) (MM)

BI-CPL01 6
Logging to BI web reports
From PDO homepage:

BI-CPL01 7
Web Template Main Screen

Collapsed View Expanded View

How do I get a BI account?

All SAP users should have an access to BI.

For any access request and roles assignment,

please e-mail your SAP sustainer.

BI-CPL01 8
Report Execution
Report Display:
The report is divided into 3 areas.


Views Block

Results of

Characteristic Key Figures

BI-CPL01 9
Business Intelligence Report’s Structure

Key Figures:
These provides the values to be evaluated. Examples; PR value; PO value;
commitment value; Invoice value; service entry value etc. Attached to Key
Figures there is always a UNIT e.g. PO value in US dollars or Omani Riyals

These are business reference objects which are used to analyse Key Figures.
Examples; Purchase Document; PO Item; Service Entry Number; Material;
Material Group; Vendor; Posting Period; Document Date; Posting Date; Year;
Month etc

BI-CPL01 10
Hands on Exercise (1)

• You Should now be able to:

– Login to BI using MS-Explorer

– Execute a report

– Use the variables screen

• Practice the following:

1) Log In to BI
2) Go to “OMAN User Published Reports CPL Contract Procurement” role
3) Execute “PDO Contract Spend” report
4) Type in the following; Currency: 2, Contract: 4600001241
5) Execute the report

BI-CPL01 11
PDO Contract Spend Report

PDO Contract Spend report

– Description & Purpose of the Report.

– Reports Replaced by this Report.
– Users of the Report.
– Data extracted by this report
– Report Views
• Main Query/View
• ACV Warning
• Remaining PO Commitment
• Outstanding SE Approval
• Material/Service/Month
• Analyst View

BI-CPL01 12
PDO Contract Spend Report

Description & Purpose:

It is contract management report that enables users to analyse
contract on header and item level. It provides data on POs,
outstanding commitments, spends, status of SE approvals, invoice
details, paid value and remaining ACV. This report is to assist
Management, SCAs & CHs to improve reporting of spends against
the ACV and managing outstanding commitments.

It is mainly for SCAs and CH

BI-CPL01 13
PDO Contract Spend Report
Main layout key figures:
Key Figure name Description

Contract Target Value Total value of all materials/services to be released against the contract. Comes from the header data of SAP contract

PO Value The total value of the purchase order for materials / services items as per the PO line item.

SE + GR Total Value The total value of the financially approved service entries and goods received

Outstanding PO item value for which material & services can still be received
Remark1: if activities are completed for a service PO then Final Service Entry Flag (or a dummy ZERO value
service entry with final entry flag) has to be set in R/3. This will reduce the commitment and increase your
Remaining PO Commitment Value
remaining ACV
Remark2: For materials POs, you can set the "Delivery Complete" indicator on the PO item level. This will reduce
the commitment and increase your remaining ACV

Invoice Value Value of the quantity already invoiced for this item to date.

Paid Value The total paid value to the vendor (payment cleared).

FI Credit Memo Value Discounted/Penalties volume that will increase the remaining ACV

Additional POs can be still created up to the outstanding ACV value.

Outstanding ACV Value Outstanding ACV Value = Contract target value - (SE + GR Total value) - Remaining PO commitment value.
Remark1: This is only applicable on Contract Header level.

BI-CPL01 14
Report Execution
Selection (variables) Screen:
By clicking on a report from the expanded view, a selection (variables) screen will appear.

‘Check’ button can be used for making sure a selected criteria matches with your expectations.

Variables with the comments below are BI gives great flexibility in setting
mandatory to be filled, else the report up selection criteria ranges.
cannot be executed

Press this button to select a value from a list

BI-CPL01 15
Report Execution
Entering Selection:
Currency variable is a mandatory (*) which only accepts 1, 2 or 3 values
1=TC (Transaction Currency) Report’s values are displayed as entered in R/3 system
2=LC (Local Currency) Report’s values are displayed in US Dollar
3=GC (Group Currency) Report’s values are displayed in US Dollar

You can type in the value, e.g.

Type in the Contract number “4600001583”

You can type in a range, e.g.

Type in the values of “FPW11” & “FPW14”

In case you need to run a report for a number of single selection criteria (i.e. material)
you can use ‘Insert Row’ button:

BI-CPL01 16
Using displayed report menus

This is the report heading

Print button

Excel button - which downloads the report to MS-Excel

Bookmark - can be shared with others to save time in the

customization process
Refresh Button - which returns you to the original parameter selection
screen (previous screen)

Export to Comma Separated Values (CSV)

BI-CPL01 17
Using displayed report menus

Bookmark (1):
When you want to retrieve the report and don’t want to bother with navigating,
filtering, sorting, etc. over and over, you can bookmark your report. In other
words, BI will save your reports layout and you can re-run it anytime from the
Internet Explorer.
If you re-run your report on the daily basis, the report will keep updating with
fresh data over night.
At PDO, data refresh from R/3 happens every night.
You can save your bookmark under your favorites in Internet Explorer and
launch your report from there instead of Blueprint website.
Also, you can send the bookmark via email and if the e-mail's recipient has
proper access to BI he/she can run your bookmarked report from that email.

This is how typically

your bookmark will
look like.

BI-CPL01 18
Hands on Exercise (2)

• You Should now be able to:

– Re-enter or enter new variables

– Add bookmarks

– Export reports result into MS-Excel

• Practice the following:

1) Execute “PDO Contract Spend” report

2) Change the Currency variable value to 1
3) Bookmark the result
4) Transfer report’s result to MS-Excel

BI-CPL01 19
Report Navigation

Navigation Blocks:

The other navigation boxes contain all report’s characteristics grouped

together according to functional classification (i.e. Plants, Company Code,
Contract, PR, PO etc…)

BI-CPL01 20
Report Navigation

Drill Down/Cross:

This is drill-down icon. If your report does not include a characteristic you are after
you can simply hit this button thus enabling your characteristic to be viewed in
reports table.

Notice that your new characteristic will be displayed at the end of the report.

User can also drill-cross, where the table is viewed horizontally. This is not a
common way of viewing reports as results go off the screen.

BI-CPL01 21
Report Navigation

This is a filter icon. It is responsible for filtering the characteristic you require. For
instance, if you need to narrow down your report display for Contract Engineer
into only FPW and FPC/1, you can use filter to do so.

Remove Filter:

You can always remove your filter.

To find it just find this icon which is located next to characteristic
you introduced the filter against

Hit the icon and BI report will automatically

remove the filter (Plant OM04) for you

BI-CPL01 22
Report Navigation
Find function:

You can also use different filter engine to find the characteristic’s ‘parameter’ such as Contract
Engineer FPW.
You can simply enter it into the filed given.
Notice, sometimes the characteristic you are after has more than just a few parameter. BI by
default enters a maximum number of hits to 200. It can be overwritten by you.
When search is finished, again you have to hit ‘Transfer’ button

Another possibility to filter works exactly the same as in selection screen. You can enter [ ], <,
etc of characteristic’s parameter’s you are after, enter a new row.
Don’t forget to tick the box in the front and further to hit Transfer button

BI-CPL01 23
Report Navigation

Key Figures:

If you open Key Figures navigation block, you will notice that you can narrow
down number of key figure columns according to reporting purposes.
Some of BI reports might have dozens of key figures and in case you would like
to have only two of them being displayed, just open this navigation block, tick
the boxes belonging to key figures of your choice and hit Filters button.

BI-CPL01 24
Hands on Exercise (3)

• You Should now be able to:

– Navigation through report’s blocks

– Drill-Down and Drill-Cross

– Add and Remove ‘Filter’

– Use ‘Find’ function for filtration

– Scrolling on the report

• Practice the following:

1) Execute “PDO Contract Spend” report

2) Type in the following; Currency: 2, Contract: 4600001560
3) Drill-Down by ‘Purchase Document’
4) Filter ‘Purchase Document’, make it equal to 4500353577
5) Drill-down by ‘PO Item’

BI-CPL01 25
PDO Contract Spend Report

Few views are developed to assist business user to have various

insight of extracted data with less effort.

These are:
- Main Query/View (Standard view when user make a fresh new run for the report)
- ACV Warning
- Remaining PO Commitment
- Outstanding SE Approval
- Material/Service/Month
- Analyst View (Intended for the user to change the view the user sees fit)

BI-CPL01 26
PDO Contract Spend Report
ACV Warning - View

A summary report that states the consumed target value of a contract. If

spend is more than or equal to 75% then the field is coloured into red.

There is no drill-down facility in this report.

Spend Value Spend Value = (SE + GR Total Value) + Remaining PO Commitment Value

% Spend % Spend = (Spend Value / Contract Target Value) * 100

BI-CPL01 27
PDO Contract Spend Report
Remaining PO Commitments - View

It is intended to show the ‘remaining commitment’ on each PO of

a contract .i.e. the remaining money that has not yet been spent.
This view is useful when it is necessary to clean-up a contract and
free ACV that may be committed against a PO.

BI-CPL01 28
PDO Contract Spend Report
Outstanding SE Approval - View

This view is to provide data on SEs that pending for approval.

Users can utilise this view to obtain SE values that have been
created, but yet not been approved due to the absence of
technical or financial approvals.

BI-CPL01 29
PDO Contract Spend Report
Material/Service/Month - View
This view allows users to plot the trend in commitments, spend and
receipts of services/goods per month. This can be useful in the Major
Tender Board Committee (MTBC) annual reviews, particularly when put
into graphical presentation (using MS-Excel).

BI-CPL01 30
Report Navigation
Menu types:
You will find two types of report menu. Basic menu on the
left…and enhanced menu below. You can switch between
them by clicking Basic/Enhanced option respectively.

Please notice report’s menu is

interactive depending where you
right-click on the report’s layout
(report’s body, column headers
and key figures).
Right mouse click is main means
of working with BI reports

BI-CPL01 31
Report Navigation
Explanation of ‘Enhanced Menu’:
Back – To undo a navigational step.
Back to Start – Undo all navigational steps
Keep Filter Value – To see only the selected data. The characteristic value
itself is removed from the drilldown.
Fix Filter Value to Axis – To see the data for a characteristic value and, at
the same time, you still want to see the characteristic value itself in the
Select Filter Value - In case you want to apply the filter against a number
of values of one characteristic.
Filter and drilldown according to <characteristics> – To filter the report
according to values selected.
Drilldown - Bring up the list of all characteristics available for drilldown
(meaning they are still not displayed on the report but can be added to the
report’s table).
Expand –To expand a hierarchy node. (You get this option only when you
select a hierarchy characteristic)
Swap <Characteristic> with – To swap a characteristic / structure with
another characteristic / structure
Remove Drilldown – To remove a characteristic from the drilldown
Swap Axes – If characteristics are in rows and key figures are in columns,
using this function will swap it to display key figures as rows and
characteristics as column.
BI-CPL01 32
Report Navigation
Explanation of ‘Enhanced Menu’ (contd.):

Sort <Characteristic> – to sort values or attributes for a drilldown

characteristic in descending or ascending order. Can also sort by the key or
the name.
Goto – To access documentation and jump targets using the Report-Report
interface. This is report dependant. Not all reports have this functionality.
Export as… – To export the existing report into Excel/CSV format.
Bookmark – To show a saved report layout and access it later. Data will be
refreshed and also selection screen can be selected to refresh the data.
Bookmark with Displayed Data – To show a saved report layout together
with the data. Data cannot be refreshed to show the latest data.
Personalize Web Page – Same as Bookmark functionality but this allows
drilldown to show more characteristics.
Properties – To change different settings for the characteristic or key figure.
Query Properties – To change different settings for the query at run time.
Variable Entry – Back to the selection screen.
Show Repeated Texts – This option is copy the grouped characteristic into
all blank single line in report.
Save as View – You can save different view/status of the same report.
Basic Menu – Back to the basic menu.

BI-CPL01 33
Report Navigation

Swap …(your characteristic)… with:

In situation when you need to swap one of

characteristics from report’s table with
another one available for drilldown, choose
this menu option.
It will save time for drilling down for a new
characteristic and removing an old one from
the report.
Additionally, it is possible to swap two
characteristics which are already in the
report’s table

BI-CPL01 34
Report Navigation

Sort <Characteristic>:

You can sort your characteristics

according to their key and name.
An example of Key and Name:
•Key means Plant (OM01)
•Name means (PDO Work Management Plant)

Further in this slide show, it will be

explained how to retrieve keys and names
belonging to characteristics if they are
missing in the report (section Properties).

BI-CPL01 35
Report Navigation


The ‘Goto’ function in the context

menu enables you to jump to
documents and targets using the
report-report interface (RRI).

The report-report interface (RRI)

enables you call-up programs from
other programs using parameters.
You can use it to jump from one
report to another report that
delivers more information.

BI-CPL01 36
PDO Invoice Listing Report (Jump
Description & Purpose:
This jump report is to provide the breakdown of the invoice details and paid
values associated with time period. It can be used to cross-check actual
payment been made to the vendor. Any debit or credit will be reported as
separate columns.

Key Figures:
Key Figure name
Invoice Value Value of the quantity already invoiced for this item to date.
Paid Value The total paid value to the vendor (payment cleared).
Credit Memo A reduction in the costs posted for one or more business transactions that have already been posted.
Debit Memo Further costs are debited to one or more business transactions that have already been posted.

Characteristic name Description

Clearing Month Clearing month/year of an invoice. The date will not appear if the payment is not effected

LIV Doc # Logistic invoice verification document number

Vendor Inv. no. Vendor invoice reference, can be found in R/3 under the field “Reference” under Basic Data of invoice.

BI-CPL01 37
Hands on Exercise (4)
• You Should now be able to:

– Filter and drill-down in one go

– Swap one of characteristics from report’s table with another one available

– Remove drill-down

– Sort a characteristic

– Jump from one report to another

• Practice the following:

1) Execute “PDO Contract Spend Report”
2) Type in the following; Currency: 2, Contract: 4600001560
3) Drill-Down by ‘Purchase Document’
4) Swap ‘Contract’ with ‘Purchase Document’
5) Navigate ‘Back’
6) Remove drill-down of ‘Purchase Document’
7) Navigate ‘Back’
8) Sort ‘Purchase Document’ in descending order
9) Goto ‘Invoice Listing Report (XMIT)’ for the ‘Purchase Document’ 4500353577

BI-CPL01 38
Report Navigation

Characteristic’s Attributes:
You may need to view extra details of the characteristics available in your report, for
instance; you want to see more details of characteristic Contract such as Created by,
DOC Date …etc.

To get the characteristic attributes you need to right click on the characteristic you want
to view its attributes, next select ‘Properties’. (You may need to select Enhanced Menu
in case you are not able to see Properties selection)

Another way to view attributes is clicking on the icon next to the

characteristic, this is under the navigational blocks.
This example shows characteristic Contract with
a list attributes belonging to it

This is generated list of Contract’s attributes

you can pick up for report results table.

BI-CPL01 39
Report Navigation

Important functionality of characteristic’s properties are:

Display – you can decide if your selected

characteristic will be displayed as key (i.e. Vendor
600001) or text (i.e. Shell Global Solutions).
Eventually both.
Suppress Results Rows – if selected characteristic
needs to have results line enabled to increase
report’s readability you can choose Never. In case,
you don’t need result’s line on your characteristic
pick Always
Show Following Attributes – you can bring
attributes assigned to chosen characteristic into
the report. You cannot find these attributes as drill
down characteristics.
Hit ‘Transfer’ button at the bottom

BI-CPL01 40
Report Navigation

Show Repeated Text:

If you require report’s characteristics
should be copied over every single
line in the report, you can use this
option (screenshot before copying)

Screenshot after copying

where all characteristics are
populated to every line

If you want to reverse that

functionality use Suppress
Repeated Texts
BI-CPL01 41
Report Navigation

Sometimes you might need to save a few different
reporting statutes (after drilldown, filtering and any
other navigation step) in one report. Bookmark is still
possible option but more handy seems to be Save as

Pop-up window will appear where you can enter a

distinguished description

You can retrieve your saved view from report’s section

just above report’s table

View can be deleted by selecting the view name and

then clicking on Delete button next to the view name

Note: Views are visible ONLY for their creators.

BI-CPL01 42
Hands on Exercise (5)

• Create a view that shows the accumulative spend by months.

• Go to Analyst View
• Add Purchase Document characteristic
• Drill-down by Posting Month characteristic
• Keep ONLY SE + GR Value Key Figure
• Right click on the Key Figure and select cumulated
- Save the view

BI-CPL01 43
• You Should now be able to:

– Change the display of characteristics

– Display characteristics attributes

– Show results row

– Show/Hide repeated texts in reports table

– Create/Delete views

• Practice the following:

1) Execute “PDO Contract Spend Report”
2) Type in the following; Currency: 2, Contract: 4600001560
3) Drill-down by ‘Vendor’, ‘Purchase Document’ and ‘PostngObj(WBS/CC/OR)’
4) Display only the key value of ‘Vendor’
5) Create a new view of the above result and save it as ‘Vendor View’
6) Show the report’s repeated texts and then hide the repeated texts
7) Show the attribute ‘Created By’ of the characteristic ‘Purchase Document’
8) Create a new view of the above result and save it as ‘PO View’
9) Delete the view ‘Vendor View’
10) Show the result row for ‘PostngObj(WBS/CC/OR)‘

BI-CPL01 44
Questions & Answers

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