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1 Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri

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Hardware approach originated from physical science and engineering. This approach is a
byproduct of the scientific and technological developments of the 20th century. Hardware
approach is based on the concept of service. It is concerned with utilizing audio visual aid
materials like charts, models, slides, filmstrips, audio cassettes, audio CDs etc. The hardware
approach also makes use of sophisticated gadgets and instruments for educational purpose.
The technology used includes radio, television, gramophone, films, tape recorders, projectors,
video players and machines that aid in teaching, computers and mass media. All the teaching
mechanics used in a hardware approach makes teaching more effective in order to achieve
outstanding teaching objectives. This type of educational technology adopts a product-
oriented approach. This means that hardware technology utilizes the products of software
technology for its functioning. The products of software technology can be teaching
strategies, teaching learning materials etc. Thus it utilizes software technology for the
betterment of the process of teaching-learning. With greater ease and economy, the hardware
technology has the ability to hand over the educational benefits to the mass. It is thus the
application of physical science in education and teaching in education with which the
teaching process is being mechanized gradually so that maximum pupils may be educated in
minimum time at very low cost. Human knowledge has three aspects- preservation,
transmission and development. The history of preservation of knowledge is believed to exist
since the time of printing machines. At that time, the knowledge was preserved in the form of
books. The knowledge was also preserved through tape recorder and films. Another aspect of
human knowledge is its expansion and transmission. It is now supported by machines like
radio, television, mikes etc. Education technology has brought tremendous change in this
field. The correspondence courses and open Universities are the gifts of the hardware
approach. The third and the last aspect of human knowledge is its development. Provisions
are made for research in this aspect. This includes collection and analysis of data. For this
purpose, they use the computers and other electronic devices. So, it is clear that all the
aspects of human knowledge allow the use of machines. This mechanized way of teaching
process is the hardware approach of education technology. Hardware approach in educational
technology helps for knowledge explosion thus leading to an overall efficiency in the
educational system.


Software approach is also known as behavior technology or instruction technology or

teaching technology of behavior technology. Its origin is in behavioral sciences and applied
aspect of psychology of learning. It is a process oriented approach. In software approach,
psychological principles of learning are utilized so that desirable changes may be brought
about in the behaviors of those learning. It utilizes the knowledge of the Psychology of
Learning to produce learning material, teaching, learning strategies etc. This means that it is
related to or concerned with teaching objectives in behavioral terms, principles of teaching,
methods of teaching, method of teaching and techniques, reinforcement of instructional
system, feedback devices and evaluation. This approach is characterized by task analysis,
writing objectives in behavioral terms, selection of appropriate learning strategies,
reinforcement of correct responses and constant evaluation. In software approach, the
Psychology of Learning is exploited for the production and utilization of software techniques
and materials in terms of learning materials, teaching-learning strategies, tools of evaluation
and other devices to soften and smoothen the task of teaching and learning. This method has
thus tried to develop all the three aspects of input, process and output. Here direct service to

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri, SWAYAM MOOC, ICT Skills in Education, Week 1, Lesson 1

the users is not provided. Instead, it helps in production of various software materials which
are used for developing hardware appliances (which include teaching strategies, learning
material, evaluation tools, teaching models, programmed instructions etc.). Software
technology does not require any aid from the hardware technology for its delivery. It
becomes more useful and productive when assisted by the hardware technology. It does not
have a mass appeal and is costlier to run than hardware approach or hardware technology.
During World War II, instructional technology was used effectively. With the problems of
labor shortage, this method provided a methodology for training in a systematic and efficient
manner in United States. Followed by this, came the use of highly structured manuals,
instructional films and standardized tests. Behavior technology is a growing field of study
now, which uses technology as a means to solve educational challenges, both in the
classroom and in distance learning environments. The software approach or instructional
approach creates an active environment in which students not only inquire, but also define
problems of interest to them. Such an activity would integrate the subjects of technology,
social studies, mathematics, science, and language arts with the opportunity to create student-
centered activity. Multiple representations and enhanced visualization will improve their
skills and concepts empowering them. The benefits of software approach include increased
accuracy and speed in data collection and graphing, real-time visualization, the ability to
collect and analyze large volumes of data and collaboration of data collection and
interpretation and more varied presentation of results. Technology in general also engages
students in higher-order thinking, builds strong problem-solving skills and develops deep
understanding of concepts. All types of resources are used to make the learning easy.
Traditional teacher-centered approach in the classroom has been shifted from teaching to
learning. It is called student centered or resource-based approach, the student being the
resource. Learning through hearing alone proves to be the least effective means of learning.
Technology is a sum total of teaching, instruction, education, learning and engineering which
helps to shape the personality of the learner in a meaningful context. While hardware
approach means the use of machines in teaching, the software approach means the use of
teaching and learning principles.

Objectives of software technology or instructional technology include:

· To determine the goals and formulate the objectives in the behavioral terms.
· To analyze the characteristics of learner.
· To organize the content in logical or psychological sequence.
· To media between content and resources of presentation.
· To evaluate the learners performance in term of achieving educational objectives.
· To provide the feedback among other component for the modification of learners.


Systems approach is also known as management technology. A System is a set or

arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unity or organic whole. These
component parts or elements of the system are intimately linked with one another, either
directly or indirectly and any change in one or more elements may affect the overall
performance of the system. Thus it is a regular, orderly way of doing things. So, systems
approach is a set of things working together as a mechanism or interconnecting network.
Developed after World War II, the systems approach has provided a scientific basis to the
decision-making regarding the problems associated with administration, management,
commerce, industry and army. System approach is a systematic way of designing,

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri, SWAYAM MOOC, ICT Skills in Education, Week 1, Lesson 1

implementation and evaluation of a process in terms of its desired objectives. System

approach involves accurate identification of the requirement of problem. It is the setting of
objectives after identifying their needs in performance-oriented terms. It is the application of
logic and analysis of techniques to the problems. It is the development of methods for the
solution of the problems and rigorous measurement of the product against specific
performance objectives. It helps in development of educational administration and
formulation of instructional outline. Educational administration and management can be
made effective and less costly by using in educational system. Schools are viewed globally as
social systems. Instruction and teaching are considered as sub systems of that system.
Classroom, faculty, student groups, informal groups, etc. are other subsystem within.
Education is considered a complex organization of technical, managerial and institutional
systems. The instructional system has three parts: the instructor, the learner, and the goals of
instruction. The system approach to education, thus, considers education as an Input-Output

Systems approach to education emphasizes:

· Identifying and stating the goals to be achieved.

· Identifying the processes, methods, techniques and strategies that may be most
relevant to achieving the predetermined goals.
· Building up theoretical foundation justifying the relevance of these processes to
achieving the goals.
· Determining specific interactions visualized existing among various other components
of inputs.
· Specifying the various kinds of controls needed in the total system at different points.
· Keeping the whole in mind all the time while preparing the model or the system.

The systems approach to course and curriculum design is no more than an attempt to use a
process of logical development and on-going monitoring and evaluation in order to allow
continuous evaluation of the course or curriculum to take place. In implementing the systems
approach, it is important to appreciate that, while the decisions taken at each stage are always
affected by earlier decisions, they may themselves necessitate some of these earlier decisions
being changed. It is also important to realize that the stages shown are not the only ones
possible, and that, once taken, a decision can always be reconsidered. The approach should
thus be dynamic and iterative, always allowing for second thoughts and the refinement of
ideas. For example, although you should certainly make a first attempt to define objectives
and learning outcomes very early in the planning, you will invariably need to come back to
re-define or add to them once you have worked through some of the later steps. The systems
approach can be used at any time when an episode of teaching/learning of any length is being
planned. It can be applied to long-term planning for a whole course lasting weeks, months or
years, through to daily lesson planning, or even to on-the-spot planning for a learning
experience of only a few seconds duration. It can be applied by a group of teachers designing
or adapting a complete course, as well as by an individual teacher preparing his or her
specific course input. The approach can also be used for analyzing a previous teaching or
learning experience. The systems approach does not prescribe or promote any particular
teaching methodology (for example, individualized study or group learning). Rather, it is a
vehicle that helps teachers to think more systematically and logically about the objectives
relevant to their students and the means of achieving and assessing these. On occasion,
analysis may suggest that 'chalk and talk' may be the most appropriate method for achieving
some objectives, but no one method will be appropriate for all objectives or for all students.

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri, SWAYAM MOOC, ICT Skills in Education, Week 1, Lesson 1

There are various stages in systems approach. They are the following:

· Considering target population characteristics and topic area: The range of

backgrounds, interests, knowledge, attitudes and skills of students coming to take up
the course will have a strong influence on course design. Pre-knowledge and any
common misconceptions will have to be catered for in the design of the course.
Consideration should be given to the sort of people for whom the course has been
developed. The subject area may have traditional aims and directions but there should
be a provision for future change.
· Estimation of relevant existing skills and knowledge of learners: There should be
minimum standard of entry to the course. They should possess skills and qualities
which will have an influence on course design.
· Formulation of objectives or learning outcomes: The objectives and learning
outcomes of the course or curriculum element will attempt to encapsulate the new
skills, knowledge or attitudes which it is intended that the students will acquire. They
may be formulated by the learners themselves, by employers, by teaching staff,
examining or professional body, or by some combination of these and other sources.
· Selecting appropriate instructional methods: The process of attempting to match
appropriate methods to given objectives and learning outcome is normally done on the
basis of a combination of research and experience. The strengths and weakness of
different methods should be well known.
· Operation of course or curriculum: The next element in the system is the actual
implementation of the course. This involves all the logistical arrangements associated
with running the course, including overall structuring, pacing, implementing the
chosen teaching strategies, using appropriate supportive media and materials and
ensuring that all aspects of the course run as smoothly as possible.
· Assessing and evaluating: The combined result of the preceding stages is that students
are involved in a learning experience that is planned to develop their knowledge,
skills and attitudes, taking into account the individual needs and experience of the
learners. Just how effective the pre-planning and subsequent operation has been can
be measured by studying student performance in continuing and post-course
assessments. These assessments should be closely related to the specified course
objectives and learning outcomes. Poorly-achieved objectives or learning outcomes
should lead the course designers to examine the entire system in order to identify
places where improvements might be made. This might finally lead to making a
change in objective, revising the assessment of student’s pre-knowledge and thorough
examination of the course structure and organization.


The chapter focuses on the three-tier approach of education technology. The three approaches
were first suggested by A.A. Lemsdein in the year 1964. The three categories of education
technology are- software approach, hardware approach and systems approach. Hardware
Approach is the application of physical science in education and teaching in education with
which the teaching process is being mechanized gradually so that maximum pupils may be
educated in minimum time at very low cost. Software approach use psychological principles
and learning theories in education. In software approach, the Psychology of Learning is
exploited for the production and utilization of software techniques and materials in terms of
learning materials, teaching-learning strategies, tools of evaluation and other devices to
soften the task of teaching and learning. Systems approach involves accurate identification of

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri, SWAYAM MOOC, ICT Skills in Education, Week 1, Lesson 1

the requirement of problem. System Approach is the setting of objectives after identifying
their needs in performance-oriented terms. Educational Administration and Management can
be made more effective and less costly by using in educational system. The systems approach
to the design and analysis of teaching or learning situations is the basis of the great majority
of modern educational technology-related developments.


1. What are the three approaches to education technology?

2. How is hardware approach different from software approach?
3. Who formulated the different categories of education technology?
4. Explain the different stages in systems approach?
5. Define the objectives of instructional technology?
6. What is the importance of systems approach to education?


· What are the three approaches to education technology?

The three approaches to education technology are-hardware approach, software approach and
systems approach.

· How was instructional technology used effectively during World War?

During World War II, there were problems of labor shortage in factories. Instructional
technology method provided a methodology for training these laborers in a systematic and
efficient manner in United States.

· From where did hardware and software education technologies originate?

Hardware approach originated from physical science and engineering where as software
approach of education technology originated from behavioral sciences and applied aspect of
psychology of learning.

· What is systems approach to education technology?

System approach is a systematic way of designing, implementation and evaluation of a

process in terms of its desired objectives which involves accurate identification of the
requirement of the problem. The objectives are set only after identifying the needs. The
approach helps to study the problems of educational administration and management in a
scientific and helps in developments of educational administration and formulation of
instructional out line.

· Which products of the software approach does hardware approach use?

Hardware Approach is the application of physical science in education and teaching in

education with which the teaching process is being mechanized gradually. Hardware
Technology utilizes the products of Software Technology such as teaching strategies,
teaching learning material, etc. for its functioning.

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri, SWAYAM MOOC, ICT Skills in Education, Week 1, Lesson 1

· What are the benefits of software approach?

The benefits of software approach include increased accuracy and speed in data collection
and graphing, real-time visualization, the ability to collect and analyze large volumes of data
and collaboration of data collection and interpretation and more varied presentation of results.


Physical science: Physical science is a term to refer to branches of natural science and
science that study non-living systems, in contrast to the life sciences. Physical science is
ordinarily thought of as consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and
the Earth sciences. Each of these is in turn divided into fields and subfields.

Audio visual aid: Audio visual aids are defined as any device used to aid in the
communication of an idea. This includes flash-cards, charts, diagrams, maps, brochures,
handouts, pictures, masks, film strips, motion pictures, slide presentation etc.

Behavioral Sciences: The term behavioral science encompasses all the disciplines that
explore the activities of and interactions among organisms in the natural world. It involves
the systematic analysis and investigation of human and animal behavior through controlled
and naturalistic observation. Behavioral sciences include two broad categories: neural -
decision sciences and social - communication sciences. Decision sciences involves those
disciplines primarily dealing with the decision processes and individual functioning used in
the survival of organism in a social environment. Communication sciences include those
fields which study the communication strategies used by organisms and its dynamics between
organisms in an environment.


· Y.K. Singh, T.K. Sharma, Brijesh Upadhya. Education Technology: Teaching

Learning, APH Publishing Corporation, 2008.
· Y.K Singh. Instruction Technology in Education, APH Publishing Corporation, 2008.
· Thamarasseri, I. & Parey, M.A. (2014). Instructional Technology. New Delhi: APH
Publishing Corporation
· Thamarasseri, I. (2018). Technology & Innovations in Education. New Delhi:
Wisdom Press,
· Thamarasseri, I. (2017). Multimedia in Education. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corp.

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri, SWAYAM MOOC, ICT Skills in Education, Week 1, Lesson 1

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