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Media Dir Chair 2

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Marlow Green

Directors Chair
1.In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products?

For my alevel media project i mainly focused on studying thrillers, during the
time i spent analysing films i have acknowledged that thrillers tend to have
many conventions that may range from quick cuts , eerie music, slow music, the
use of shadow and darkly lit scenes, suspense/tension ,death and maybe a even
twist. All these sort of things seems to a regular occurance in thrillers. For
example in the film Batman the Dark Knight there is really a lot of dark scenes
used along with tension building music throughout and even at the end of the
film when The Jokers real intentions are revealed there is also a twist . In my
trailer i have used and developed conventions of a thriller in several parts. In the
beginnig part of my film with the use of slow music playing in the background
and also slow black fades i was able to build up tension and suspense in which
both are typically associated with thrillers. These convention was used and
developed in my own way in which was able to suit my film .
I was also able to add some sort of twist and again which was developed in my own
manner in my trailer aswel. By me showing two character switch of roles from bad to
good and from good to bad i was able to achieve this and hopefully viewers are able to
interpret it in the same way in which i tried to portray this in my film. As these diagrams
show there is and switch of role from good to bad and vice versa in both characters
A third convention used in my trailer
was the use of regret and depression as
seen when one of the characters once
shown to have committed a crime is
then later shown to have regret on his
face .

A final convention i would mention

me using in my film is the use of dark
scene settings . At the very end of my
film there is a scene which shown
two males in the basement of some
sort with one guy being tied up and
another standing up with a weapon
in his hand. The setting for this is
generally dull and very dimly lit .
Which is commonly used convention
for trailers.
Conventions of a film is also quite similar into that of a poster as in the mood both of them are
trying to set. In various movie poster the mood can be set depending on the picture and colours
used can give a sad or depressing feeling or an sinister , dark and isolated sort of presence. As
from what could be seen from my poster i tried to impose a sad and isolated feel to my poster
which reflects which comes from the picture and also the colours used and the fact that
everything around my character is blacked out. I use this conventions in my poster as it was that
sort of mood in which my film is trying to set. A n actual thriller poster which is also giving the
isolated sort of feel to it is the batman the dark knight. This also gives the presense that batman
is isolated and alone. The colours used for its also gives a dark feel to the film as a whole.
2 . How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I think the combination of my main product was fairly well put together i beleive that
areas of my main product was stornger in some then others as for example in my opinion i
felt i did better in the work i put in for my magazine cover then i did for my film and poster
but however i dont beleive that any of the latter two wasn't good . I think the idea i had in
the magazine cover was well thought of and was a really smart as it was a good way of
showing there is two sides to everyone. With showing half the face as good and the other
half bad it showed that both of the characters in my film could do good but then again
they had another side to them which in certain circumstances made them do bad aswel.
However where i am critical of my whole package is the music and the beging for my
trailer although i do think its good i do believe i may of been able to have an stonger
instrumental one in which shows more compassion in it . I believe the acting in cerain
parts of the film was great though some scenes in the trailer really captured the real
emotion a person would be feeling had they been in a similar sort of situation. Generally
speaking even though looking back needing only slight minor adjustments needed to be
made it with a few adjustments only to be made i think with the dark mood set of the
teaser trailer and also the dark feel towards the poster and the idea used of the magazine
cover as a whole package it blends in well together. All these elements work as in how
they are trying to make the viewer feel about the film. When hoever i do compare it to
something like the dark knight as a whole pagage i do beleive that alothough my work is
not as powerful as a whole i do believe certain bits of my work is better then that of the
dark knight for example my idea for the magazine cover i believe sends out stronger
then that of the dark knight. But when i compare my poster to that of the dark
knight i think its slightly is better .
3. What have you learn from your audience feedback?

From my audience feedback i learnt that your work or certain parts may not exactly
appeal to everyone. Upon letting people watch my film generally the comment was
positive and many people enjoyed my work and the acting. There wasn't actually people
who disliked the film but there was a comment of which someone didn't like the music i
used for my film for the beginning part and thought it would have been better if the
music used was more tension building, slower and have more emotion. However i
believe this may be due to the age of the person who made the comment who was
much older then the target audience i am trying to appeal to. With this being said the
target audience i was hoping to appeal to are the one who enjoyed it the most and are
the ones in which i got a better response from and also constructive criticism from.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and
evaluation stages?

Research and planning-

For my A level media project in order for me produce and end product which was my
teaser trailer I needed to do some planning and research. During the research stages
of the project I decided to conduct an questionnaire with the use of word to type it
out and with this I sent it to people to answer via facebook and also i went to the
streets of London to also hand it out. By handing out the questionnaires it enabled me
to have an idea of what people what to see the age group and generally what they like
and enjoy about films. i also used my mobile phone a in order to take pictures of the
areas i scouted in which i would like to film in. With the planning of my magazine
covers and film posters i needed to do research into what exactly they look and with
the use of Google images i was able to do this. All this was put up to view on the web
blogger which is an site in which you can set up for free of charge and blog about
what's on your mind and your interests but in my case was used for my media
production. One final media technology i used was YouTube. YouTube was very
essential in helping me with research into films in general and teaser trailers, with so
many trailers being a available to watch unlimited amount of times for free made it
easy for me to gain a knowledge into the conventions of teaser trailer for example
length of trailer, amount of shots length of shots ect
During the construction of my media project i used various ways of making the film
producing a film cover and also creating a magazine cover. For the construction of my
film i used a an Sony video recorder in order to capture the footage for my film which
will be later edited. Upon the filming had been finished i uploaded it to an imac and then
started editing and sorting which clips i wanting and generally making it into a film with
the use of imovie which i found quite simple to use. I also used an imac in order to
construct the magazine cover for my project. The photos taken for my magazine cover
along side my film poster was done with the use of a Panasonic 12 mp camera. I used
this camera as to oppose to using my mobile hone as I believed that the picture quality
of my magazine cover and film poster had to be much better as there were of significant
part of my course whereas the scouting pictures was of less importance. As I learnt from
my research it came across to me that in general film trailers have music of sort playing
in the background to tackle this problem I used garage band which was installed on the
imac in order to come up with the music and make it fit around the film and give the film
more emotion to it.

The evaluation part of my media project with the use of media technologies i already
mentioned which helped me with the planning. The evalution part of my work came
about from me posting my work up on facebook and getting the point of view of
weather they liked it or how or what can i do to make it better. I posted my magazine
Cover film poster and also my trailer to get constructive criticism from people. I also
put my film on YouTube to get a view point of people from around the world and
expand the range of people who watch it as people from different background and
even different countries may have a different view point. I also evaluated my music i
sued for my film over and over again with the use of the gargeband which is where i
created the theme music in the first place and just checking if it matched my film in
the right points i wanted it to.
5.How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my media production i think that i stereotypically represented black male teenager

of London. I believe this due to recently in the past couple of years knife crime and
crime in general have been on the rise along with deaths. Typically in London black
male teenagers between the ages of 14-19 have been the ones who committed these
crimes . In my film i have all teenager boys between these ages two of which are males
who of the black origin and two others who of a British white background. However in
my film the people who where committing the crime are shown to be of the black
origin . Even though not all black males are committing knife crime it seems more
believable amongst those of the British public for them to be committing the crime
rather then generally white males due to the way the media of today shows them as in
means from newspapers to television. There for my film doesn't exactly help the
negative stereotype but rather it enforces it . Now looking back i dont think it was the
best of ideas to do this. I should of rather challenge it in some way and maybe chose to
put the people who commit the crime as white people and the victims to be of the
black origin.
6. What institutions do you believe will distribute your media film

I believe that a film institution like film 4 would distribute my film as my film represents life
in the U.K which is of an realistic view point of British society so it would therefore appeal to
the British market. Films like “slumdog millionaire” and “East is East "may convince film four
to distribute my film due to the success these two films have achieved in the British market.

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