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TQ FINAL & Answer Key

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Don Mariano Marcos National High School

Lupon, Davao Oriental

Grade 7 English
1st Quarter
Name: ____________________________________ Yr. & Section: _____________________

I. Reading Comprehension
Read the story and answer the following questions by choosing the letter of your choice
and write it on the space before each number.
Once upon a time in the Philippines there was an old woman with strange magical
qualities. The local villagers had noticed her house seemed brighter at night even though there
was no electricity. According to rumours, some had even seen dwarfs helping a mysterious and
beautiful girl at night. No one ever discovered the source of the mysterious night time glow. She
lived in the forest on the outskirts of a fishing village and was famous for her beautiful flowers.
The fisherman would barter their treasured catch for her flowers. A young couple came to visit
the village. They were haughty and were not from around there. A proud pair that hated
anything they thought was ugly. They would make fun of anything they thought was ugly. They
were out exploring the village one day and came upon the old woman in the forest. Since they
found her ugly, they mocked her. After making fun of her, the old woman asked them to leave
but they refused. To punish them, she said “Since you only like beautiful things I will turn you
into the most beautiful insect.” She tapped them with her cane and they became the first two
____1. Why the old woman did turned the young couple into butterflies?
a. To see the beautiful things in the world c. to teach them a moral lesson
b. To make her pets d. to play with her cat
(EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2: Scan for specific information)
___2. “Since you only like beautiful things I will turn you into the most beautiful insect.” What
sensory image was implied in this line from the story?
a. sight b. smell c. hear d. touch
(EN7LT-Ic-2.2.1: Express appreciation for sensory images used.)
___3. “Bogota was a remote city where an insomniac rain had been falling since the
beginning of 16th century.” What literary device was used by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in
stating that particular line?
a. simile b. hyperbole c. metaphor d. oxymoron

____4. Frances Hardinge once said “Wishes are thorns, they do no good but hurt us.”
What literary device was implied by Frances in his statement?

a. oxymoron b. metaphor c. allegory d. pun

(EN7LT-Ie-2.2.2: Explain the literary devices used.)

____5. What type of tone was highlighted by the old woman in her statement saying “Since
you only like beautiful things I will turn you into the most beautiful insect!”

a. happy b. sad c. angry d. frightened

(EN7LT-If-2.2.3: Determine the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author.)

____6. What does the story implies in our daily living?

a. We should treat others fairly. c. We should be clean in our surroundings
b. We should boast what we have d. We should eliminate butterflies
(EN7LT-Ii-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment,
or other factors.)

II. Choose the letter of the correct affixes to form the word that completes the sentence and
write it on the space provided before each number.

______7. No one ever ______ -covered the source of the mysterious night time glow.
a. dis- b. im- c. re- d. in-
______8. The young couple receive punish-______ from the old woman they mocked.
a. -ance b. -ment c. -ity d. –val
(EN7VC-Ib-8: Use structural analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or
expressions from the material viewed.)

III. Choose the letter of the correct meaning of idioms in each number and write it on the
space provided before each number.

_____9. He visits our place once in a blue moon. The underlined idiom means it
A. always B. very rarely C. during the day D. during the
_____10. One of the hotel staff was on hot water earlier. What does the underlined idiom
A. In trouble B. very happy C. very sick D. Cried so hard
_____11. Writing a news article for her is just a piece of cake. What does the idiom a
piece of cake mean?
A. The task is simple. C. The job is complicated.
B. The work is like a cake. D. The activity is very hard.
_____12. What does “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” mean?
A. It’s better to hold something than to let it go.
B. It’s better to catch a bird in the cage than in the field.
C. It’s better to have one bird in the cage than to have two on the grass.
D. It's better to have a lesser, but certain than having more but unsure.
(EN7V-Ie-22.2: Select an appropriate colloquial or idiomatic word or expression as a
substitute for another word or expression.)

IV. Choose the letter of the correct literary genres in pre-colonial Philippine Literature and
write it on the space provided before each number.

____13.These are traditional stories which involve supernatural elements and are
beyond logic.
a. myths b. legends c. parables d. fables
____14.The subject of this genre is usually a hero and is always associated with a
particular place and time in history.
a. riddle b. parable c. legend d. myth
____15.These are brief instructive expressions that suggest a specific action, behaviour,
or judgment.
a. fable b. riddle c. proverb d. legend
____16.This is a form of folk lyric which expresses the hopes and aspirations, the
people's lifestyles and often repetitive in form.
a. folk song b. parable c. legend d. riddle
(EN7LT-Ia-2: Describe the different literary genres during the pre-colonial period.)

V. Choose the letter of the correct media genres in Modern Period and write it on the space
provided before each number.

____17. It is a research-based reporting that deals with a specific topic and format.
a. documentary b. Movie trailer c. news flash d. Advertisement
____18. It is a short clip shown to the audience before the film.
a. variety show b. trivia c. movie trailer d. documentary
____19. The purpose of this genre is to tell the sunny and rainy days of a specific area.
a. talkshow b. weather forecast c. movie trailer d. variety show
____20. It is aired separately from other media platforms and often interrupts other
a. news flash b. documentary c. trivia d. medical show
EN7VC-Id-6: Identify the genre of a material viewed (such as movie clip, trailer, news flash,
internet-based program, documentary, video, etc.).
 Analyse the elements of creation stories, their intended purpose, and the setting during
which they were produced

VI. Identify whether the following statements in each number is slang or colloquial. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______21. “You’d be happier if you stopped hanging out with your frenemy.”
_______22. “I love her to death. She’s so fierce.”
_______23. “Y’all need to calm down, folks.”
_______24. “You wanna go the mall, girl.”
(EN7V-Ia-22: Distinguish between slang and colloquial expressions in conversations.)

VII. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject in the parenthesis and
write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_______25. Two kilometres (is, are) the distance between our houses.
_______26. The flock of birds (is, are) flying south.
_______27. Either his mother or his grandparents (gives, give) him an advice.
_______28. News (come, comes) very early today.
(EN7G-Ia-11: Observe correct subject-verb agreement.)
VIII. Match the idiomatic expression in Column A with its literal meaning in Column B and
write your answer on the space provided before each number.

____29. Don’t beat me around the bush. A. Being sad or depressed
____30. Why are you bent out of shape? B. Almost did it but not quite
____31. I was just pulling your leg. C. Very sick
____32. Close, but no cigar. D. Jokes on you
____33. He’s been down in the dumps lately. E. Being patient
____34. Just hold your horses now. F. Getting upset
G. Very happy
H. Say what you really mean

(EN7V-Ic-10.2: Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of basic interpersonal

communicative situations.)
_____35. Why does idiomatic expression became popular in oral communication?
a. Because it represents own culture
b. Because it provides information
c. Because it makes us sociable
d. Because it is fun to play with idioms
(EN7V-I-g22.3: Explain the predominance of colloquial and idiomatic expressions in oral
IX. Write True if the statement in each item is accurate about the features and kinds of
paragraph, write False if the statement is inaccurate otherwise on the space provided
before each number.
_____36. Senses are powerful tools in making a descriptive paragraph.
_____37. In a narrative paragraph, the writer should express personal opinion on certain
_____38. Information is expounded in a persuasive paragraph.
_____39. Persuasive paragraph seeks the reader to argue on certain issues.
(EN7WC-Ie-4.3: Identify basic features and kinds of paragraph.)
Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows on the space provided
before each number.
Snoring is a natural thing humans and animals do. It can be annoying to sleep
around people who snore. Often, people say it is the bane of their existence to hear their
husband, lover, or what have you snore throughout the night, ending up with insomnia.
That is why many people search on Google, “Why do people snore?” In fact, it is one of
the most asked questions on the internet. The common causes of snoring is age, weight,
basic biology of the sexes, nasal and sinus issues, taking certain substances (alcohol,
smoking, particular medications), and the position of sleep. 

____40. What is the topic sentence in the paragraph?

a. Snoring is caused by man’s ways of lifestyle
b. Snoring is a serious thing that needs prevention
c. Snoring lowers a person self-esteem
d. Snoring is not to human beings

(EN7WC-If-2.8.1: Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph)

Answer Key:

1.c 21. Slang 41. b 61. c

2.d 22. Slang 42. b 62. a
3.b 23. Colloquial 43. c 63. d
4.b 24. Colloquial 44. a 64. d
5.c 25. is 45. d 65. b
6.a 26. is 46. c 66. a
7.a 27. gives 47. a 67. d
8.b 28. comes 48. a 68. a
9.b 29. H 49. c 69. b
10.a 30. F 50. c 70. c
11.a 31. D 51. b 71. c
12.d 32. B 52. b 72. b
13.a 33. A 53. a 73. c
14.c 34. E 54. b 74. a
15.c 35. a 55. a 75. a
16.a 36. True 56. b 76. a
17.a 37. False 57. a 77. b
18.c 38. False 58. b 78. a
19.b 39. True 59. a 79. b
20.a 40. a 60. b 80. b

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