Computer - Assisted Audit Tools & Techniques (Caatt) : Dr. Selasi Ocansey
Computer - Assisted Audit Tools & Techniques (Caatt) : Dr. Selasi Ocansey
Computer - Assisted Audit Tools & Techniques (Caatt) : Dr. Selasi Ocansey
CAATs are tools for drawing inferences and gathering relevant and
reliable evidence as per requirements of the assignment.
CAATs provide direct access to electronic information and
empower auditors not only to perform their existing audits more
efficiently and effectively but also facilitate them in knowing how
to create and execute new type of IT related audit assignments.
CAATs provide a mechanism to gain access and to analyze data as
per audit objective and report the audit findings with greater
emphasis on the reliability of electronic information maintained in
the computer system.
Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs)