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Chapter 4 Computer Codes

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Learning Objectives

In this chapter you will learn about:

 Computer data
 Computer codes: representation of data in binary
 Most commonly used computer codes
 Collating sequence

Page 2 Computer Codes

Data Types

 Numeric Data consists of only numbers 0, 1, 2, …, 9

 Alphabetic Data consists of only the letters A, B, C,
…, Z, in both uppercase and lowercase, and blank
 Alphanumeric Data is a string of symbols where a
symbol may be one of the letters A, B, C, …, Z, in
either uppercase or lowercase, or one of the digits 0,
1, 2, …, 9, or a special character, such as + - * / , . (
) = etc.

Page 3 Computer Codes

Computer Codes

 Computer codes are used for internal representation of

data in computers
 As computers use binary numbers for internal
representation, computer data codesusebinary
schemes coding
 In binary coding, every symbol that appears in the data
is represented by a group of bits
 The group of bits used to represent a symbol is called a

Page 4 Computer Codes

Computer Codes

 As most modern coding schemes use 8 bits to represent

a symbol, the term byte is often used to mean a group
of 8 bits
 Commonly used computer codes are BCD, EBCDIC, and

Page 5 Chapter 4: Computer Codes


 BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal

 It is one of the early computer codes
 It uses 6 bits to represent a symbol
 It can represent 64 (26) different characters

Page 6 Computer Codes

Coding of Alphabetic and Numeric
Characters in BCD
BCD Code Octal BCD Code Octal
Char Char Zone Digit
Zone Digit

A 11 0001 61 N 10 0101 45
B 11 0010 62 O 10 0110 46
C 11 0011 63 P 10 0111 47
D 11 0100 64 Q 10 1000 50
E 11 0101 65 R 10 1001 51
F 11 0110 66 S 01 0010 22
G 11 0111 67 T 01 0011 23
H 11 1000 70 U 01 0100 24
I 11 1001 71 V 01 0101 25
J 10 0001 41 W 01 0110 26
K 10 0010 42 X 01 0111 27
L 10 0011 43 Y 01 1000 30
M 10 0100 44 Z 01 1001 31

Page 7 Computer Codes

Coding of Alphabetic and Numeric
Characters in BCD

BCD Code Octal

Character Zone Digit Equivalent

1 00 0001 01
2 00 0010 02
3 00 0011 03
4 00 0100 04
5 00 0101 05
6 00 0110 06
7 00 0111 07
8 00 1000 10
9 00 1001 11
0 00 1010 12

Page 8 Computer Codes

BCD Coding Scheme (Example 1)

Show the binary digits used to record the word BASE in BCD

B = 110010 in BCD binary notation
A = 110001 in BCD binary notation
S = 010010 in BCD binary notation
E = 110101 in BCD binary notation

So the binary digits

110010 110001 010010 110101


will record the word BASE in BCD

Page 9 Computer Codes

BCD Coding Scheme (Example 2)


Using octal notation, show BCD coding for the word DIGIT

D = 64 in BCD octal notation
I = 71 in BCD octal notation
G = 67 in BCD octal notation
I = 71 in BCD octal notation
T = 23 in BCD octal notation

Hence, BCD coding for the word DIGIT in octal notation

will be
64 71 67 71 23

Page 10 Computer Codes


 EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal

Interchange Code
 It uses 8 bits to represent a symbol
 It can represent 256 (28) different characters

Page 11 Computer Codes

Coding of Alphabetic and Numeric
Characters in EBCDIC
Hex Hex
Char Digit Zone Char
Digit Zone

A 1100 0001 C1
N 1101 0101 D5
B 1100 0010 C2
O 1101 0110 D6
C 1100 0011 C3
P 1101 0111 D7
D 1100 0100 C4
Q 1101 1000 D8
E 1100 0101 C5
R 1101 1001 D9
F 1100 0110 C6 S 1110 0010 E2
G 1100 0111 C7 T 1110 0011 E3
H 1100 1000 C8 U 1110 0100 E4
I 1100 1001 C9 V 1110 0101 E5
J 1101 0001 D1 W 1110 0110 E6
K 1101 0010 D2 X 1110 0111 E7
L 1101 0011 D3 Y 1110 1000 E8
Z 1110 1001 E9
M 1101 0100 D4

Page 12 Computer Codes

Coding of Alphabetic and Numeric
Characters in EBCDIC

EBCDIC Code Hexadecima

Character Digit Zone l Equivalent

0 1111 0000 F0
1 1111 0001 F1
2 1111 0010 F2
3 1111 0011 F3
4 1111 0100 F4
5 1111 0101 F5
6 1111 0110 F6
7 1111 0111 F7
8 1111 1000 F8
9 1111 1001 F9

Page 13 Computer Codes

Zoned Decimal Numbers

 Zoned decimal numbers are used to represent numeric

values (positive, negative, or unsigned) in EBCDIC
 A sign indicator (C for plus, D for minus, and F for
unsigned) is used in the zone position of the rightmost
 Zones for all other digits remain as F, the zone value
for numeric characters in EBCDIC
 In zoned format, there is only one digit per byte

Page 14 Computer Codes

Examples Zoned Decimal Numbers

Numeric Value EBCDIC Sign Indicator

345 F3F4F5 F for unsigned

+345 F3F4C5 C for positive

-345 F3F4D5 D for negative

Page 15 Computer Codes

Packed Decimal Numbers

 Packed decimal numbers are formed from zoned decimal

numbers in the following manner:

Step 1: The zone half and the digit half

of the rightmost byte are

Step 2: All remaining zones are dropped


 Packed decimal format requires fewer number of

bytes than zoned decimal format for representing a
 Numbers represented in packed decimal format can
be used for arithmetic operations

Page 16 Computer Codes

Examples of Conversion of Zoned
Decimal Numbers to Packed Decimal Format

Numeric Value EBCDIC Sign Indicator

345 F3F4F5 345F
+345 F3F4C5 345C
-345 F3F4D5 345D
3456 F3F4F5F6 03456F

Page 17 Computer Codes

EBCDIC Coding Scheme


Using binary notation, write EBCDIC coding for the word BIT.

How many bytes are required for this representation?

B = 1100 0010 in EBCDIC binary notation
I = 1100 1001 in EBCDIC binary notation
T = 1110 0011 in EBCDIC binary notation

Hence, EBCDIC coding for the word BIT in

binary notation
11000010 11001001
will be 11100011

3 bytes will be required for this representation because each letter

requires 1 byte (or 8 bits)

Page 18 Computer Codes


 ASCII stands for American Standard Code

Information Interchange.
 ASCII is of two types – ASCII-7 and ASCII-8

 ASCII-7 uses 7 bits to represent a and can

symbol represent 128 (27) different characters
 ASCII-8 uses 8 bits to represent a and can
symbol represent 256 (28) different characters
 First 128 characters in ASCII-7 and ASCII-8 are same

Page 19 Computer Codes

Coding of Numeric and
Alphabetic Characters in ASCII

ASCII-7 / ASCII-8 Hexadecimal

Zone Digit Equivalent

0 0011 0000 30
1 0011 0001 31
2 0011 0010 32
3 0011 0011 33
4 0011 0100 34
5 0011 0101 35
6 0011 0110 36
7 0011 0111 37
8 0011 1000 38
9 0011 1001 39

Page 20 Computer Codes

Coding of Numeric and
Alphabetic Characters in ASCII
ASCII-7 / ASCII-8 Hexadecimal
Zone Digit Equivalent

A 0100 0001 41
B 0100 0010 42
C 0100 0011 43
D 0100 0100 44
E 0100 0101 45
F 0100 0110 46
G 0100 0111 47
H 0100 1000 48
I 0100 1001 49
J 0100 1010 4A
K 0100 1011 4B
L 0100 1100 4C
M 0100 1101 4D

Page 21 Computer Codes

Coding of Numeric and
Alphabetic Characters in ASCII

ASCII-7 / ASCII-8 Hexadecimal

Zone Digit Equivalent

N 0100 1110 4E
O 0100 1111 4F
P 0101 0000 50
Q 0101 0001 51
R 0101 0010 52
S 0101 0011 53
T 0101 0100 54
U 0101 0101 55
V 0101 0110 56
W 0101 0111 57
X 0101 1000 58
Y 0101 1001 59
Z 0101 1010 5A

Page 22 Computer Codes

ASCII-7 Coding Scheme


Write binary coding for the word BOY in ASCII-7. How many bytes are required
for this representation?


B = 1000010 in ASCII-7 binary notation

O = 1001111 in ASCII-7 binary notation
Y = 1011001 in ASCII-7 binary notation

Hence, binary coding for the word BOY

in ASCII-7 will be

1000010 1001111 1011001


Since each character in ASCII-7 requires one byte for its representation and
there are 3 characters in the word BOY, 3 bytes will be required for this

Page 23 Computer Codes

ASCII-8 Coding Scheme


Write binary coding for the word SKY in ASCII-8. How many bytes are
required for this representation?


S = 01010011 in ASCII-8 binary notation

K = 01001011 in ASCII-8 binary notation
Y = 01011001 in ASCII-8 binary notation

Hence, binary coding for the word SKY in ASCII-8 will be

01010011 01001011 01011001


Since each character in ASCII-8 requires one byte for its representation and
there are 3 characters in the word SKY, 3 bytes will be required for this

Page 24 Computer Codes


 Why Unicode:
 No single encoding system supports all languages
 Different encoding systems conflict

 Unicode features:
 Provides a consistent way of encoding
multilingual plain text
 Defines codes for characters used in all
major languages of the world
 Defines codes for special characters,
mathematical symbols, technical symbols, and

Page 25 Computer Codes


 Unicode features (continued):

 Capacity to encode as many as a million characters
 Assigns each character a unique numeric value and
 Reserves a part of the code space for private use
 Affords simplicity and consistency of
ASCII, even corresponding characters have same
 Specifies an algorithm for the presentation
of text with bi-directional behavior
 Encoding Forms
 UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32

Page 26 Computer Codes

Collating Sequence

 Collating sequence defines the assigned ordering

among the characters used by a computer
 Collating sequence may vary, depending on the
type of computer code used by a particular
 In most computers, collating sequences follow the
following rules:

1. Letters are considered in alphabetic

order (A < B < C … < Z)

2. Digits are considered in numeric

order (0 < 1 < 2 … < 9)

Page 27 Computer Codes

Sorting in EBCDIC


Suppose a computer EBCDIC as its internal

uses representation of In which will this
characters.sort the strings 23, A1, order
computer 1A?


In EBCDIC, numeric characters are treated to be greater

than alphabetic characters. Hence, in the said computer,
numeric characters will be placed after alphabetic
characters and the given string will be treated as:

A1 < 1A < 23

Therefore, the sorted sequence will be: A1, 1A, 23.

Page 28 Computer Codes

Sorting in ASCII


Suppose a computer uses ASCII for its internal representation of

characters. In which order will this computer sort the strings 23, A1,
1A, a2, 2a, aA, and Aa?


In ASCII, numeric characters are treated to be less than alphabetic

characters. Hence, in the said computer, numeric characters will be
placed before alphabetic characters and the given string will be
treated as:

1A < 23 < 2a < A1 < Aa < a2 < aA

Therefore, the sorted sequence will be: 1A, 23, 2a, A1, Aa, a2, and

Page 29 Computer Codes

Key Words/Phrases

 Alphabetic data
 Alphanumeric data
 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) code
 Byte
 Collating sequence
 Computer codes
 Control characters
 Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
 Hexadecimal equivalent
 Numeric data
 Octal equivalent
 Packed decimal numbers
 Unicode
 Zoned decimal numbers

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