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Topological Sort Homework

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Interview Camp 

Technique: Topological Sort 

Level: Hard 

Diameter of a Graph: Given a directed graph, find the length of the longest path in the graph. 
For example, 

Questions to Clarify: 
Q. Can the graph have cycles? 
A. No. With cycles, the longest path is infinite in length. 
Q. Can the graph be empty? 
A. No, there will be at least one node. 

This solution uses Dynamic Programming along with Topological Sort. 
Let's say you want to find the longest path to a Node A. If you knew the longest path to its parent 
nodes, that would make things easy. You would find the parent that has the longest path, and then add 
1 to it. 

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So in short, you want to process each parent node before processing the node. This is perfect 
for topological sort - because all the parents come before the child. 


Here is the formula we come up with: 

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longest-path(A) = max(longest-path(parents)
Now, we cannot execute this formula as it is. This is because we have no way of getting a 
child's parent (we have directed graph with edges going from parent to child). So we flip 
this around and process it from parent to child. 
for each node A in topological order:
for each child node (say C)
C.longestPath = max(C.longestPath, A.longestPath + 1) 
This way, by the time we reach C, we've processed all of C's parents.  
Where do we store a node's longest path? We just assume that each Node has a ​longestPath​ field. 
An alternate way is to create a Hash Table that maps a Node to its longest path. 

(Note: Never write pseudocode in an actual interview. Unless you're writing a few
lines quickly to plan out your solution. Your actual solution should be in a real
language and use good syntax.)

diameter(Node start)
topoSort = topologicalSort(start)
diameter = 0

for node A: walk through topological order

diameter = max(diameter, A.longestPath)

for each neighbor of A:

if A.longestPath + 1 > neighbor.longestPath:
neighbor.longestPath = A.longestPath +

return diameter

Test Cases:  
Edge Cases: single node 
Base Cases: two nodes 
Regular Cases: normal graph with many nodes 

Time Complexity: O(V+E) 

Space Complexity: O(V) 


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public static int diameter(Node start) {

if (start == null)
return 0;

Stack<Node> topoSort = topoSort(start);

int diameter = 0;

while(!topoSort.isEmpty()) {
Node current = topoSort.pop();
diameter = Math.max(diameter, current.getLongestPath());

for (Node neighbor: current.getNeighbors()) {

if (current.getLongestPath() + 1 > neighbor.getLongestPath())
neighbor.setLongestPath(current.getLongestPath() + 1);
return diameter;

public static Stack<Node> topoSort(Node node) {

Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
dfsVisit(node, stack);
return stack;

public static void dfsVisit(Node node, Stack<Node> stack) {


for (Node neighbor: node.getNeighbors()) {

if (neighbor.getState() == State.UNVISITED)
dfsVisit(neighbor, stack);


* Helper Code. Ask interviewer before implementing.
public enum State {

public class Node {

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List<Node> neighbors;
int data;
State state;
int longestPath;

public Node(int data) {

super(); = data;
state = State.UNVISITED;
this.longestPath = 0;
neighbors = new ArrayList<Node>();

public int getData() {

return data;

public void setData(int data) { = data;

public void setState(State state) {

this.state = state;

public State getState() {

return state;

public int getLongestPath() {

return longestPath;

public void setLongestPath(int longestPath) {

this.longestPath = longestPath;

public void addNeighbor(Node node) {


public List<Node> getNeighbors() {

return neighbors;

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