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Solid Waste Management

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 Solid waste management

 Introduction  Storage
 Collection
 Solid waste  Waste handling and
 Transport
 Types of solid waste  Method of disposal

 Effects of solid waste  Recommendation

 Waste management concept  Conclusion

 Concept of 3R  References

 Summary
It is defined as Waste (also known as rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage,
junk) is any unwanted or useless materials.
Any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted and “A
useless or profile less activity using or expanding or consuming
thoughtlessly or carefully.”
Types of waste

 Solid waste
 Chemical waste
 Liquid waste
 Commercial waste/
 Gaseous waste
 Business waste
 Animal by product(ABPs)
 Biomedical waste
 Biodegradable waste
 Bulky waste
Solid waste

• It is defined as “ non liquid, non-soluble materials ranging from municipal

garbage to industrial wastes that contain complex & sometimes hazardous
Solid waste also include :
 Garbage

 Rubbish

 Demolition products

 Sewage treatment residue

 Dead animals

 Manure and other discarded material.

-- Per capita solid waste out put 0.25-2.5 Kg/day

Types of solid waste

• Solid waste can be classified into different types depending on their

a) Household waste is generally classified as municipal waste, 
b) Industrial waste as hazardous waste, and 
c) Biomedical waste or hospital waste as infectious waste.
• Municipal solid waste consist of
• Household waste
• Construction waste
• Demolition debris
• Sanitation residue
• Waste from streets
With rising urbanization and change in life style and food habits ,the amount of
municipal solid waste has been increasing rapidly.
Characterization of municipal solid
Hazardous waste

• Industrial and hospital waste is considered hazardous as they may contain toxic

• Hazardous waste could be highly toxic to humans, animals and plants.

• They are
- corrosive
- highly inflammable or explosive
 In the industrial sector the major generators of hazardous waste are the
metal’ chemical’ paper, pesticide, dye and rubber goods industries.

 Direct exposure to chemicals in hazardous waste such as mercury and

cyanide can be fatal.
Hospital waste or biomedical waste

• Bio-medical waste means “Any waste which is generated during the diagnosis,
treatment or immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities
pertaining thereto or in the production or testing of biological” -Bio-medical
waste rules ,1998

• It may includes wastes like sharp waste, pathological waste, pharmaceutical

waste, genotoxic waste, chemical waste, and radioactive waste etc.
Solid waste = Health Hazards
• It decomposes and favours fly breeding
• It attracts rodents and vermin
• The pathogens which may be present in the solid waste may be conveyed
back to man’s food through flies and dust

• There is a possibility of water and soil pollution

• Heaps of refuse present an unsightly appearance and nuisance from bad
Waste management concept

The 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to be followed for waste management.

• Disposable goods: paper plate, paper bowl, Styrofoam cup, plastic spoon,
roll of paper towels, paper napkin; Durable goods: ceramic/plastic plate,
metal spoon, glass/plastic drinking cup, dish towel, cloth napkin)

• Recovery of one tonne paper can save 17 trees.


• Instead of buying new containers from the market, use the ones that are in the

• Don’t through away the soft drink can or bottle cover them with home made
paper or paint on them and use them as pencil stands or small vases.


• Use shopping bags made of cloth or jute which can be used over and over
The aim of the waste
hierarchy is to extract the
maximum practical
benefits from products and
to generate the minimum
amount of waste .
Solid waste management
Waste management is the

• Storage
• Collection
• Waste handling and transport
• Disposal and monitoring of waste materials.

 Galvanized steel dust bin

Paper sack
Public bins

o House-to-house collection
o Collection from the public bins
Waste handling and transport

• Waste handling and separation involves activities associated with waste

management until the waste is placed in storage containers for collection.
Handling also encompasses the movement of loaded containers to the point of

• waste is transferred from a smaller collection vehicle to larger transport

Method of disposal

• There is no single method of refuse disposal which is suitable in all circumstances.

• The choice of particular method depends on local factors such as cost and
availability of land and labour.
1. Dumping
2. Controlled Tipping or Sanitary Landfill
3. Incineration
4. Composting
5. Manure pits
6. Burial
• Low lying areas.
• Mainly for dry refuses
• Kolkata disposes by this method and reclaimed land given for cultivation.
• Unsanitary method - Exposed to flies and rodents
- Nuisance
- Dispersed by wind –
- Pollution of surface water
Controlled tipping

• 3 Methods
• 1. Trench method
• 2. Ramp method
• 3. Area method
• Long trench of 6-10 feet deep and12-36 feet wide.
• Refuse is compacted and covered with excavated earth.
• Refuse is filled up to 6 feet.
• It is estimated one acre of land per year for 10,000 population.

 RAMP METHOD: suited where the terrain is moderately slopping.


• Used for filling land depressions, disused quarries and clay pits.
• Refuse is deposited, packed and consolidated in uniform layers for 6-8 feet.
• Each layer is sealed with a mud cover at least 12 inches.
• Sealing prevents infestation by flies and rodents.
• Prevents nuisance of smell and dust.
• Disadvantage?
 Changes

- Chemical

- Bacteriological

- Physical

 The temperature rises to over 60 deg. C within 7 days and kills all
pathogens and hastens the decomposition process.

 It takes 4 to 6 months for complete decomposition.


• It is a disposal method in which solid organic wastes are subjected to combustion so

as to convert them into residue and gaseous products.

 This process reduces the volumes of solid waste to 20-30% of the original volume.

 Also described as thermal treatment

 Where land is not available

 Hospital waste

• Method of combined disposal of refuse and night soil/ sludge

• Principal by products are: CO2 , Water and heat
• End product- compost
• Methods
a. Bangalore method
b. Mechanical composting
Bangalore method/ Hot fermentation process

• IISC- Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

• Trenches are dug 3ft deep, 5-8ft broad, 15-30ft long.
• Composting procedure
1. Layer of Refuse- 15 cm

2. Layer of Night soil – 5 cm

Physical, chemical and biological changes takes place

Mechanical composting/aerobic composting

 Compost manufactured by processing raw materials.

• Screening
• Pulverization (<2 inches)
• Mixing
• Incubation
Process completed in 4-6 week
Manure pits

• Mostly used in rural areas

• Digging “manure pits” is to prevent the refuses thrown around the houses.
• The garbage, cattle dung, straw, and leaves should be dumped into the
manure pits and covered with earth.

• Two pits will be needed

• In 5-6 month’s time the refuse is converted into manure which can be
returned to the field.

• Suitable for small camp

• A trench 1.5m wide &2 m deep is excavated
• The refuse is covered with 20 -30cm of earth
• When the level in the trench is 40cm from ground level, the trench is filled with earth &

• 4-6 months
Public education

• Refuse disposal cannot be solved without public education.

• people have very little interest in cleanliness outside their homes.
• Public education via, pamphlets, newspapers, broadcasting, films etc.

 Definition
 Types of solid waste
 Waste management concept
 Method of disposal
• By this we can conclude that solid waste generated in our are is
very hazardous and causes various types of pollution and also
health disease and our earth is getting depleted day by day

• We should take some initiatives to manage the waste and

follow three R’s

• Let us join hands together and do some steps to save our

mother earth.

• K. Park. Park’s Text Book of Preventive and social Medicine.24th edition.

Jabalpur: M/s Banarasidas Bhanot; 2017.

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