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Ems - Iso 14001

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What is a Management System?
A management system provides a framework
around which people can operate in order for
the organization to achieve its desired
outcomes in an effective and efficient manner
What is Environmental Management
• An Environmental Management System (EMS)
is the part of the management system that
addresses the environmental impact of a
company ‘s activities, products and services on
the environment.
Why implement an EMS?
• It makes good business sense to integrate
environmental management with our business
• To demonstrate our commitment to the environment.
• To improve our environmental performance by
managing the environmental impacts of our business
• To be in compliance with governmental through
leadership in environmental management
Benefits from EMS
• Helps to maintain compliance
• Reduce liability and risks
• Enhance company reputation
• Integrate environmental programs into mission
• Increase employee involvement
• Meet interested parties concerns
• Improve marketing potential
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Reduce operating costs
EMS Frameworks
• Organizations, use many EMS frameworks like:
ISO 14000 International Organization for
• EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
• BS 7750 British Standard Most common
framework used is ISO 14000
ISO 14000 series
• ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline
reference documents which include:
• Environmental Management
Systems : 14001, 14002, 14004
• Environmental Auditing : 14010, 14011, 14012
Evaluation of Environmental
Performance : 14031
Environmental Labelling : 14020, 14021, 14022,
14023, 14024, 14025
• Life Cycle Assessment : 14040, 14041,14042, 14043
• Definitions :
Company, corporation , firm, enterprise or
combination / part of them , that has its own
functions and administration.
Surrounding in which an organization’s
operations, including air, water, land natural
resources, flora, fauna, humans and their
• Environmental Objective:
Overall environmental goal, consistent with
the environmental policy, that an organization
sets itself to achieve. Environmental Target:
Detailed performance requirement, applicable
to the organization or parts thereof, that
arises from the environmental objectives and
that needs to be set and met in order to
achieve those objectives
• Environmental aspects:
Element of an organization’s activities or
products or services that can interact with the
environment. Environmental impacts: Any
changes to the environment, whether adverse
or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from
an organization’s environmental aspect.
• Environmental management system:
Part of an organization’s management system used to develop and
implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental
Environmental policy:
Overall intentions and directions of an organization related to its
environmental performance as formally expressed by top

• Environmental policy is the action deliberately taken [or not taken]

to manage human activities with a view to prevent, reduce, or
mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources, and
ensuring that man-made changes to the environment do not have
harmful effects on humans.
• Environmental objective:
Overall environmental goal, consistent with
environmental policy that organization sets
itself to achieve.
Environmental targets:
Detailed performance requirement, applicable
to the organization or parts there of, that
arises from the environmental objectives and
the needs to be set and met in order to
achieve those objectives
Some Environmental objectives are:

• The environment must be free from man-made or extracted compounds

and metals that represent a threat to human health or biological diversity."
• The outcome within a generation for this environmental quality objective
should include the following:
• The concentrations of substances that naturally occur in the environment
are close to the background concentrations.
• The levels of foreign substances in the environment are close to zero and
their impact on the ecosystems are negligible.
• All fish in the seas, lakes and watercourses in Sweden are fit for human
consumption with regard to the contents of foreign substances. 
• Overall exposure in the working environment, the natural environment and
the indoor environment to particularly dangerous substances is close to
zero and, as regards other chemical substances, to levels that are not
harmful to human health.
• Polluted areas have been investigated and cleaned up where necessary.
Nonconformity: Non-fulfillment of requirement

Corrective action: Action to eliminate the cause

of a detected nonconformity

Preventive action: Action to eliminate the cause

of a potential nonconformity
Continual Improvement:
Recurring process of enhancing the
environmental management system in order
to achieve improvements in overall
environmental performance in line with the
organization’s environmental policy.
Environmental performance:
Measurable results of the environmental
management system related to organization’s
control of its aspects based on its
environmental policy, objectives and targets
PDCA Cycle :

ISO 14001 Methodology :

“Plan” what you will Do
“Do” according to your Plan
“Check” to see if you did what you planned
“Act”, change or improve the part of your Plan
or Do that did not give you the results you
• PLAN: Establish the objectives and processes necessary to
deliver results in accordance with the expected output. By
making the expected output the focus, it differs from other
• DO : Implement the new processes. Often on a small scale if
• CHECK : Measure the new processes and compare the results
against the expected results to ascertain any differences.
• ACT : Analyze the differences to determine their cause. Each
will be part of either one or more of the P-D-C-A steps.
Determine where to apply changes that will include
• When u pass through these four steps does not result in the
need to improve, refine the scope to which PDCA is applied
until there is a plan that involves improvement.
PLAN-Environmental Policy ,
• Environmental Aspects ,
• Legal and Other Requirements,
• Objectives, Targets and Programs
DO- Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority Competence,
Training and Awareness
Control of Documents
Operational Control
Emergency Preparedness and Response
CHECK- Monitoring and Measurement
• Evaluation of Compliance
• Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action
• Control of Records
• Internal Audit
ACT- Management Review
ISO 14001 Requirements
1. General Requirements:
The organization shall establish, document,
implement, maintain and continually improve
an EMS in line with the standard.
2. Environmental Policy
Top Management defines an “appropriate”
environmental policy
Foundation for EMS.
It will be used in setting and reviewing
objectives and targets
Environmental Policy must commit to continual
improvement, prevention of pollution and
compliance with regulations & other
requirements Documented, implemented and
Communicated to “all persons working for or on
its behalf”
Available to Public
• General approach in EMS based on aspects /
impacts :
Identify all Environmental Aspects & Impacts
Evaluate for its Significance
Significance Criteria
Minor Aspects
Keeping Records
Significant Aspect
Operational Control (CONTROL)
Objectives & Target Setting (IMPROVE)

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