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PMO Framework Templates

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PMO Framework

Miruna Scrima, Adrian Ionita

October 2017

[Insert your project name here]
January February March April May June
2-6 9-13 16-20 23-7 30-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 10-14 17-21 24-28 1-5 8-12 15-19 22-26 29-2 5-9 12-16 19-23
<Date>: Milestone <Date>: Milestone
<Date>: Go-Live
<Date>: Milestone
<Date Range>: Key Activity

Context & Description Benefits & Risks:

• Describe what is missing now, what is not working properly Benefits: Risks:
• What are the opportunities for improvements • What are the benefits for the company, • Identify min 2 major risks and have in mind
• Focus on issues, no solution in this step partners, employees? Insert concrete mitigation plans
• Budget if any benefits, end state ones • No risk = huge risks

Objectives: Stakeholders & Team:

• Min 2 objectives (one primary, one secondary) Governance Team members:
• Make them SMART, short and concise • Project Sponsor • ...
• Project Lead
• Project Team

Scope: Key Deliverables/Success Criteria:

In Scope: Out of Scope: Deliverables: Success Criteria:
• What are you going to address • What you are not addressing • Insert what exactly you are going to deliver: • Which results will make your project a
a new process, a new tool, a new success
engagement model, etc • How will you know you have completed the
project successfully
• Include both the measurement method and
the results
[Insert your project name here]

Month Month Month

Milestone Plan Actual Status
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Work Stream
Date: Add detail of milestone if applicable
Milestone 
Milestone 
Work Stream Date: Add details of major milestone if applicable

Milestone 
Milestone  Date Range: Add detail of timeframe activity if applicable

Work Stream
Milestone 

Work Stream
Work Stream


Governance matrix [Insert your project name here]

Role Name Role Description

Project Sponsor Decision Maker • Ex
• Manage escalations
Project Lead • Ex
• Manage Interactive Dashboard Tracker
• Ad project documentation to team SharePoint:
• Maintain project status document
• Run project team calls...
eService Lead
UX Architect Consultant
User Setup
E2E Architect
Metrics &
Detailed PM planning
RACI Charts Gate
Gate -1
-1 Gate
Gate 00

• RACI charts are used to show ultimate ownership of R

R == Responsible
Responsible for
for Implementation
Implementation –– who
who actually
actually performs
performs the
activities, as well as who actually does the activity activity
A == Accountable
Accountable decision
decision owner
owner –– often
often this
this is
is the
the project
project sponsor
• It is a good perspective on any operational processes or
or someone
someone on
on the
the project
project steering
steering –– only
only 11 AA is
is permitted
impacted by the project, and can also be used to C
C == Consulted
Consulted for
for expertise,
expertise, interest,
interest, influence
organize your project activities II == Informed
Informed of
of Progress
Progress or
or decisions

Role 1 Role 2 Role 3 Role 4

Deliverable a R A C I
Deliverable b A/R R I I
Deliverable c R A R C
Template: Communications Plan

Direct Decision
ID Comm Impact Maker
Contrib Info Only Week -4 Week -3 Week -2 Week -1 Go-Live Week +1
Template: Training Plan

Training Trainees Trainer Date Time Training Scheduled By Materials

Materials Preparation
Operational Handover Checklist

Area Sign-Off Criteria Operations Team Manager Support Team Manager Other Teams with direct
<Name> <Name> impact <Name>
Change Impact Is your team aware of the change that’s coming
Do you understand how this change will impact the work your team

Do you understand how this change will impact partners?

Do you have sufficient headcount to manage after go-live?
Are there any gaps that need to be addressed based on your
understanding of the change impact (both internal and partners)?

Communication Have you received the necessary information needed to operate in the
new environment?

Training Has your team been adequately trained on any new processes they will
need to follow?

Have you received the necessary training / reference materials?

Overall Readiness Are there any other gaps that need to be addressed before your team
can take over this process on an operational basis?

Sample Action Tracker
Action Owner Baseline Actual Status Comments

Overall Status

[Insert your project name here – no acronyms] This Week

Last Week

<Name of Project>
Project Lead Report Date Project Summary:
<Enter a short description of the project to inform stakeholders on a high level what the project is
Project Sponsor Project Start about.
Tip: use project objectives as a starting point>

Activities & Accomplishments Next Steps

• <Activity 1> • <Next Step 1>
• <Activity 2> • <Next Step 2>
• <Activity 3> • <Next Step 3>

Key Activities / Milestones Issues

Status Due Date Activity / Milestone Issue Mitigation Owner

 Not Started
 Project at risk
 Issues
 On track
 Complete
Budget Template
Estimate Actual Paid By Approved By Comments
(add copy of approval email)

IT (LoE)
Software / Hardware
FTE Incremental
Contingent Incremental
Other (specify)
Other (specify)

Resource Template
Resource Name Manager Key Activities LOE Mgr Agreement Comments
(add copy of approval mail)
Risk Management Template
Detail major risks which may impact the project. List all risks for the entire project duration.
Risk Probability Impact Mitigation Plan
Project Closeout Checklist
Gate 44

Project Closeout
Project Name: Sign off by:
Project Lead: Date:

Item Yes No Comments

Has the Project satisfied needs and expectations?

Have all deliverables been reviewed and accepted?

Has the Operational Handover been completed?

Have project documentation and other items been prepared, collected,

audited, archived, and/or disposed?
Do you agree the project should be closed?

Will there be a project retrospective? And if so, when?

Are there still adoption tracking activities in progress?

What other actions are remaining (please specify)

Lessons learned template Gate
Gate 44

Project cycle What went well Challenges & Areas of Mitigation



Executing & Monitoring


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