5 Dysfunctions of A Team
5 Dysfunctions of A Team
5 Dysfunctions of A Team
a Team
What do I need to do and to avoid
in order to get the most out of my
to results
Avoidance of
Lack of commitment
Fear of conflict
Absence of trust
Absence of Trust
We want to be It is impossible to
invulnerable build trust without
Therefore, we do not honesty
expose our In many cases, we
weaknesses are almost
Thus, we are not conditioned to “keep
honest our guard up”
In our society
exposing weakness is
frowned upon
What happens when there
is an absence of trust?
Low Morale
How do we go about building trust
in a team setting?
Personal histories Personality and
exercise behavioral preference
Team effectiveness profiles
exercise – Who are we?
– Single most important – Why do we do what
contribution we do?
– One area they must 360 Degree Feedback
change or eliminate Experiential team
for the good of the
Other ways to build trust on teams
• Share styles, strengths and
personality differences
• Get to know each other
outside of work
What must a leader do
in this situation?
Display vulnerability first and
make sure it is genuine.
Fear of Conflict
If trust is not present, Conflict can be good
people will not – If it is ideologically
engage one another based
– Artificial harmony – If it avoids personality-
– Important decisions focused, mean-spirited
will not be made attacks
– People become angry – Teams generally avoid
this to spare one
another’s feelings
Clearly Not
Relationship Between Level of
Conflict and Level of Performance
Five Conflict-Handling Styles
Avoiding - “Maybe the problem will go away”
Accommodating – “Let’s do it your way”
Forcing – “You have to do it my way”
Compromising – “Let’s split the difference”
Collaborating – “Let’s cooperate to reach a win-win
solution that benefits both of us”
Programmed Conflict
Devil’s advocacy Dialectic method
process of assigning process of having two
someone to play the role people or groups play
of critic to voice possible opposing roles in a
objections to a proposal debate in order to better
and thereby generate understand a proposal
critical thinking and
reality testing
How do we create good conflict?
– Extract buried
disagreements and shed
light on them
– Call out sensitive issues
and force team to work
through them
Real-time permission
– When people appear to be
uncomfortable, let them
know that what they are
doing is good
Teams that engage in healthy
• Have lively interesting meetings
• Put critical topics on the table for discussion
• Tackle issues “head on”
• Solve real problems quickly
• Minimize politics
What must a leader do
in this situation?
A leader must allow conflict to take
place. A leader should model
appropriate conflict behavior and allow
resolution to occur naturally.
Lack of Commitment
People become Failure to achieve buy
ambiguous -in from the “first
People will not buy-in team” filters down
if they do not have an The two greatest
opportunity to weigh- causes are:
in – Desire for consensus
– The need for certainty
Desire for consensus