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Social Science:: Nature and Development

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Social Science:
Nature and Development
“What is your chosen course in college? How can you say
that your course is somehow related with social science?”
“What is your chosen course in college? How can you say
that your course is somehow related with social science?”
What is Natural Sciences?

Natural Sciences concern the
natural world, the natural
environment where man exist.
These includes the living and non-
living things which are the very
subjects of natural sciences.
How about Social Sciences?

Social Science is a systematic way
of discovering and explaining the
patterns of behavior of people. It is
defined as the study of society. The
social sciences focuses on the
social life of people which includes
the nature, functions, and growth
of human societies.
Humanities – involved a more analytical
approach which could mean interpretations of
the social sciences. It is the understanding of
human reactions to events and meanings
human imposes on experience as a function
of culture which involves the affective domain
of knowledge.
A glimpse on the emergence of Social Sciences
• The emergence of social sciences dates back in the period of
social unrest in Europe brought about by liberal ideas. Social
uncertainties led people, particulary scholars to seek for truth.

• Enlightenment was the period of rationalism wherein

organized body of knowledge replaced religion, where the
social sciences flourished, for it became the time where
civilizations improved (Hunt, 2008).

• Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber contributed

significantly to the further development of the different fields
which continued until the 20th Century where the social
sciences became more institutionalized.
Social Science follows this scientific method:
Any scientific method of inquiry starts with observation. Since social science is about real
world, the most basic step is to observe the real world.
a. Defining the problem. Involves selecting a topic which is of importance –that which is really worth
investing time, energy and even money.
b. Reviewing the literature. Provides an individual with a vast relevant background of the research
c. Formulating hypothesis/hypotheses. Involves providing the tentative statements relevant to the topic
d. Developing the research design. Determines how the data will be obtained.
e. Gather data
f. Analyse the results
g. Generalize. Formulating conclusions drawn from the analysed data.
Obstacles To The Scientific Nature Of The Social Sciences
Harrison and Dye (2008) cited some of the obstacles to the scientific
nature of the social sciences, namely:
a. Personal bias which deals on the subjective topics and interpretations.
b. Public attitudes which include peoples’ reaction to social problems
c. Limitations and the design of the social science research which
deals on the reality that human beings as subjects of social researches
cannot be subject to laboratory controlled experimental activities.
Approaches and methods in the Social Sciences
a. Functionalist Perspective – deals on the interrelatedness
of social entities in the social world.
b. Exchange Perspective – embodies the belief that “for
every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
c. Conflict Perspective – sees tension and conflict in the
d. Symbolic interactionism – relies on meanings human
beings attach to symbols and actions.
Common Methods of Social Science
Method Definition Subject of Research Appropriate use
Sample Survey Involves the use of questionnaires and Statistically valid sample of Establishing facts
interviews and statistical data. population

Case Study Involves the indepth, detailed and Total behavior of a particular unit of Studying a particular unit
thorough study of particular social unit people
like an individual, a group, or a
Participant observation Requires the researcher to immerse Members of a specific group where Studying all or definite
himself to the community being the researcher must take part in the aspects of a group’s
studied to study the culture of people life of the subject culture
or group of people.
Experiment A scientific test in which you perform a In the laboratory, people volunteer or Establishing facts that can
series of actions and carefully observe are paid to the subjects whereas in be obtained by controlling
their effects in order to learn about the field, researcher studies an variables.
something. existing group
Source: Perry and Perrry 2012
Llenas, Milrose P., et al. (2018) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
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